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Time to reboot my brain


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Started in around 2015/2016 doing the nofap deleted my porn stash thing. Took me about a year and a half to rewire my brain. The first few months were a mess as I lost interest in sex, my morning wood was gone and I had a long period of flatlining.

Yet when I came out of it it was awesome but during its own out of shell phase I took Viagara/Cials just to get me into horn dog mode.

Well this is my journey and I am sure your own journey if you choose to do this will be different. What kept me going was being dedicated in heading to the gym five days week, not eating crap, and I was focusing on building a freelance business as I learned Python and leaving the rat race.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Nope it does not. Just need to have that unstoppable hard on feeling to get me going again.

LOL. During my year and a half long nofap/flatline experience there were a few moments I would watch a porn clip just so to see my reaction (yeah it was stupid) I didn't feel a damn thing and even got repulsed. So I knew what ever is happening is working and so I just let it worked its way until whatever. For one I did get my imagination back to start. Then after that year and a half I started having X-rated dreams. Then the morning wood came back. But desire was pretty much muted still. Dating was interesting of course. Spent most of the time eating the girls out and whatnot then they think I was some very attentive guy lol. Yeah I just want to get them off and go home ha ha.

In retrospect if anyone wants to and willing to go through it you will feel a huge difference. I mean the major issue for me was when banging some chic I need to play porn scenes in my head to get hard and get off. I would be flipping the "correct" scenes in my head. I remember when I went to see Marilyn of MtlGirlfriend I was able to knock out three SOGs not because I found her hot. Okay she was hot but three days prior I found a porn scene that really got me going and I was playing that in my head constantly when seeing Marilyn. Also during my hobby days I needed porn clips in my head. Afterwards I had enough and needed to solve this issue.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
Yesterday, after 3 weeks of porn abstinence, and 5 days no 'self pleasuring'
Yea. Occasionally I do trips out of Montreal for a week with no opportunity for porn or clubs or escorts. When I get back to Montreal I am practically hyperventilating with excitement to walk in Cleo. I'll follow my chosen girl to the cabin with a boner hehe. BUT this kind of arousal only lasts for a day. Once back in the usual Montreal sex routine these "Walking to the private cabin" boners do not happen. It's only after a week or more total abstinence. It sucks to get older and yea most of the above^^^^ stories apply to myself. Past few years stopped watching recorded porn videos completely just so I can properly enjoy the Montreal ladies.
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Active Member
Apr 13, 2022
There's a few things to consider here:

- Regularly masturbating to porn results in you rewiring what can get you off. If you keep seeking more and more exciting porn, your baseline dopamine will drop over time and there's a neuroplastic component with respect to what your brain gets off to. This is very different than interpersonal interactions/physical sex

- There's a cost benefit component with respect to abstinence. If you go a really long period without masturbating, keep in mind that you can build up carcinogens (cancer causing agents) in the prostate so masturbation is fine as long you're not doing it multiple times a day to material that goes farther and farther from actual sex

- Age is also a factor. Roughly after the age of 30, most men see a drop of 3-4% of free testosterone a year (medical journals will say 1-2% but your body also produces more moleculesthat binds to androgens as you age) and this may also impact libido, but this doesn't relate to this topic as much since most of you guys seem to have a healthy libido, you just can't get off.

- Jacking off is fine if you do it in moderation, just try to get it as close to a real encounter as possible
- The internet has a ton of pseudoscience, feel free to confirm anything I've written with a physician
This is fascinating.

Any idea what's recommended as far as ejaculations go for good prostate health? One a week minimum? Once a month? Very curious about this.


Jan 18, 2014
This is fascinating.

Any idea what's recommended as far as ejaculations go for good prostate health? One a week minimum? Once a month? Very curious about this.

Short but decent article:

I wish they would separate the ejaculation categories further to see if there's exponentially higher risk in the 0-1 ejaculations a week range.

I'd also argue as a laymen that your diet and environmental factors play a much larger role.
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