Montreal Escorts

To review or not to review? Good or bad.

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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By the ways, it now looks like I have started this thread on this subject. I did not start the thread. The Mods started the thread as a breakaway discussion from a review thread in which a certain poster's success rate in his reviews was being discussed, and I gave a reason for it and others speculated about it. My own reasons for not writing reviews are very personal and I certainly do not expect anyone to agree with me. I would expect the opposite from most board members, which is why I would never have started a thread on the subject.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
A totally inappropriate analogy.
You're absolutely correct. Perhaps I should have used the little Vietnamese resto on St. Denis in Villeray, equally dependent for supporting a family as is the escort.

And so fundamentally they are doing a job that they do not like.
I don't know what you ask of the girls or what your sessions are like, but 90% of the girls that I see have as much fun as I do when we're together. (And before your get all "it's only an act" on me, no I don't think they love me or that there's emotional involvement, but the simple fact that sex is fun.)

I do sense that we see different girls and for different reasons, Beav. You're all about looks; I'm all about sexuality. You're, from what I understand, all about being served; I'm all about mutual pleasure. I'm OK with the looks of most of the girls I see, but I'm generally not wowed by them. What wows me is their active, healthy libidos. If you want a list of girls who are in this not only for the money, but because they love what they do, drop me a PM, I'll be glad to comply. Be warned, though, while they're all at least OK looking, none is a knockout.

Let me just add that if you hold looks paramount above sexuality, you're quite likely to continue to see girls who "fundamentally are doing a job they do not like." Personally, I have no interest in seeing girls who don't like what they do, no matter what they look like.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Gibby's or Starbuck's or Bell are faceless corporations, whom I have no trouble harming with online reviews, and no problem hammering if they give me shitty service....escorts are women, and women are people, just like me.

Beav, Do you really think the waitresses enjoy their menial job, and haven't had experiences with abusive parents, and need money for children whose father is absent or a deadbeat, for school, maybe for drugs or shopping or clubbing, or have any number of other personal crisis issues. Sure the escorts put themselves in a riskier position, but they also cost you a great deal more when they stink.

The corporation may seem like a faceless entity but the people who served you are real. They have all the same reality of the escorts with real lives and real issues to live with. You saw them you spoke to them and they don't have the benefit of being faceless management people with all the corporate perks. They're just working people criticized by a patron who became a "faceless" entity behind a computer. It was your right, but we all become the same as that faceless corporation on a keyboard. My point is shitty service is shitty service. Escorts do not deserve special treatment just because we're more intimate with them. You're being charged a hell of a lot more for crappy escort service than crappy waitressing and yet members give these escorts a pass allowing them to stiff others.

Personally I regret not being more critical of escorts in the beginning years. I don't feel right being harsh to escorts or waitresses, but in some cases I should have ripped a few ladies with honestly critical reviews. In the early days I guess I was overwhelmed into feeling somewhat protective of the feelings of escorts because of the normal male vulnerability to women and beauty. Simply being with women like that disguised their faults. In some cases, like some members said in the past, maybe it was part of some crazy status to say you had a great time with the most sought after of them and act like that alone was a big deal regardless of the poorer reality of their services. When I reviewed some of these ladies I never said anything dishonest, but maybe I was too fantasy drunk having been with incredible beauties to put some serious faults in the review.

In one case, I met in Boston one of the most sought after Montreal goddesses clients were totally dying to meet. She was from Montreal Girlfriends and this lady had an amazing all natural true beauty with perfect long looking sleek body with sensational large B/small C breasts, and she had the most alluring way of first. I was enraptured and all her faults disappeared because of it. But, the truth was her performance was poor. Behind all of her stunning looks and charm, trying to have sex with her was like tiptoeing through a mine field. Oh be careful, my skin is so sensitive. No touching there, or there. Watch out for this spot and that area. Oooops, I forgot to mention and there, and be careful of this...this...and that.

It's embarrassing to remember how I gave a review of her abundant positives without noting these big negatives. Then to find out later a lot of guys had exactly the same experience and still wrote almost exactly the same kinds of reviews, some far more in denial than mine. A lot of guys were probably too stupefied by her unique ability to lactate at will (yeah, you know who ;)) to be honest about what she was really like. Ladies like this wasted far more money and time for poor to bad service than any waitress ever did. Instead of the thread "Some Escorts think We're Losers" there should be one called A Lot of Escorts Know We're Suckers when we let them get away with poor service because of superficial charm and looks.

Episodes like the above have been very rare for me, and I never criticize anyone where the problem involved my being tired or something I'm responsible for. But I'll never dismiss poor service for delusional reasons or male sympathetic impulses again, and haven't for many years.

You're, from what I understand, all about being served; I'm all about mutual pleasure.

If that is accurate, and I think it's very close, then all the more reason I don't understand why criticism has been held back in view of the service priority.



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Personally i have done reviews for all the escorts i saw minus one(wich i would come back later) . I think its important to mention if it was good or not, or in between....

For exemple its no secret my reviews of Kate have been stellar and she deserve it, her service is awesome and i really love the hour spent with her. On the other hand some other escorts i met for the first time gave me a real good service too and i was not afraid to mention i had a really awesome sessions. Of course i don't expect a first meeting to be as good as somebody i booked 4-5 time, mostly because if i booked her 4-5 time there is a reason for it, and of course its easier to connect with somebody you met many time. But some ladies manage to offer amazing first time service and for that, i am more than please to share my experience.

Then for the negative i had really few negatives in my years, but when i had , i mentioned them and what didn't work like i intended it to. Only girl i never review was because she had a good personality, she was fun to chat with, it just didn't work, we also had misadvanture with a bad lube(lol) well.. what can i say, things didn't worked like they should had, but it was hard to blame it on her. I was personaly also faulty because i talked too much and well... i tough it was better if i didn't review that particular girl.

But be sure when i have a bad encounter and feel ripped off, i will mention it... and just like that i will mention when i have awesome encounters.


Sep 19, 2005
I guess after sepending so many years on this board, writing reviews is not fun anymore. I don't feel like reviewing my experiences anymore. I only write a few sentences when I get scammed just to help others avoid the scammers. merb proved useful a few months ago and saved me 300$. I was exchanging with this girl, her messages were more than exciting and she sent me some photos of her. Though, when I searched her name here, I read horror stories about merbites meeting her at a motel, her pretending that the cops were outside, her taking the money and then disappearing forever.

I will never see an SP based on a positive review, unless I was a priori interested in the said SP. Hobbying is comparable to hunting or gambling, the thrill comes from discovering that rare gem. What is the point of living a positive experience that you already read on merb? Actually, if you live the same experience with an SP as another merbite, this only could mean that the SP did not care about either of you and was just professionnally doing her job.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I hear ya HFE and i also never see a SP based on any reviews, unless i have met the reviewer and he knows my "type" and or one of my hobby friends recommends someone and again my friends all know my "type" as do i theirs. I always go on looks or services offered and never ever wrote a negative review for one simple reason, i have never had a bad encounter, ever. I did offer a lady to leave after 5 minutes and paid her in full once, but that was my fault as it is never a good idea to see someone after partying all day and til 4am in Montreal on a saturday night. When i called to see her i was in the mood but by the time she got there, i was ready for bed and i knew it was not gonna happen nor did i care if it was gonna so i handed her the full amount and said i just was not into it afterall and wished her well and to be safe. Never made that rookie mistake ever again and wont in the future :thumb:

I will never see an SP based on a positive review.


Sep 19, 2005
... but that was my fault as it is never a good idea to see someone after partying all day and til 4am in Montreal on a saturday night. When i called to see her i was in the mood but by the time she got there, i was ready for bed and i knew it was not gonna happen nor did i care if it was gonna so i handed her the full amount and said i just was not into it afterall and wished her well and to be safe. Never made that rookie mistake ever again and wont in the future :thumb:

Oh those after hours encounters, I had a few of them. I also think that SPs have a pretty much good idea of what kind of clients they are going to meet at closing times and they just deliver accordingly. It is not clear who to blame in this case.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I can count on one hand the number of times I`ve had a bad experience with an escort in the past 12 years.
None in over 3 years.
Half my experiences are very good to amazing. Most of those experiences leave me wanting to express my feelings for the lady in a review.
Half my dates end up being good to fair. I have no desire to write a review in those instances. The girl did nothing wrong, it just that I didn`t feel the chemistry.
So far in August I`ve seen 5 women and reviewed 2.
One was incredible and I`ve repeated with her on multiple times. The other was very good, but I don`t plan to repeat. Both were nymphos and my chemistry with them was off the chart.
The other 3 I chose not to review because I couldn`t add much to their review threads.
Even though I was under-whelmed by my experience these 3 girls are very popular, with rave reviews by others. .


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Some guys just expect the world Cloudy and think just because they are "paying" then the girl should like them and deliver 100% what they want and it does not always work that way, they are human beings just like the client and have a right to not do something if they do not feel comfortable. I keep expectations low and like i said, i have never had a bad encounter with a SP in Montreal, EVER.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
i have never had a bad encounter with a SP in Montreal, EVER.

Obvious you have never met Melissa / Jordan / many other names I forget. She has been reviewed here and what a poor experience.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
No i have not but have met others that have had bad or mixed reviews but had a good time... one that comes to mind was Daphne ex GOF. Must be i passed the "interview" process lol.....


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
I decide to go see a SP both based on her look & feel and her reviews if any.
If the SP in the Ad catches my attention, I try to find her review.
If she has reviews, I read them and check also the reviewers to see if any are known to me to be of my type.

Contrary to HFE, I believe that even if a SP has already good reviews, it is important to leave comments about your session as well... Even if you just say that you met her and the session went as described previously...
It important because, the more reviewers, the more chances I find reviewers I definitely trust as being my type.
Also, it takes more good reviews to eliminate the effect of an "unjustified" bad review often made by not typical clients I mean a client that really does not represent the average john as he is more into fetish or rude or very picky.
This happened to an excellent SP, that i believe is the best SP I've seen but I will not tell here. The guy is the only one who did a bad review, but hopefully, she already had many great reviews and got others as well.
Luckily, this guy was not the first reviewer... If he would have been, I guess he would have really ruined her carreer on the moment until others (and some that have a "non doing good reviews" principle) would come out to correct the situation.

Since there are so many type of johns, it is important, according to me, to have as many reviews as possible.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Clearly some people are more discriminating than others.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

I can count on one hand the number of times I`ve had a bad experience with an escort in the past 12 years. None in over 3 years.

Since 2001 I've never had a bad encounter/confrontation with an escort. One left because I flushed a condom before she could test it for leaks, but we had already completed amazing animalistic sex, and her sudden departure by sheer chance led to a second meeting 90 minutes later with a total doll I saw 6 different times. That's a grrrreeat night.

Half my dates end up being good to fair. I have no desire to write a review in those instances. The girl did nothing wrong, it just that I didn`t feel the chemistry.

Isn't this a panacea for excusing anything that didn't go right. I'm not saying you aren't being accurate, but I could put every (7-8) unsatisfying/poorer encounter under not feeling the chemistry too.

I keep expectations low and like i said, i have never had a bad encounter with a SP in Montreal, EVER.

Your expectations must be desperately low. No one ever had a perfect record unless they were dating porn sites or being totally submissive. If a smooth real gentleman like Cloudsurf couldn't do it, no one can. My friend Lion Heart is also one of the most decent gentlemen ever to grace this board and he'd never say his record was perfect.

Clearly some people are more discriminating than others.

But did the ladies have bad encounters with them. ;)




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Who are you to question my hobby life, merlie? And i could give a flying F**K what others have to say about their hobby life for that matter in regards to perfect encounters with whomever they see, it is THEIR business and i dont judge them. I have ZERO negative encounters (you wanna come at me, then come full throttle bub because whatever your dreams about my sex life are, you are clearly pissed off about your own) and if you think otherwise w/out knowing me then it truly shows what many on MERB have always thought and suspected about how you are. For the record, and again for the slow "learner" i have NEVER had 1 bad encounter with a Montreal SP because of the ladies or their service.... 100% perfect record... that says alot... dont be mad because you cant say the same, ;)

Your expectations must be desperately low. No one ever had a perfect record unless they were dating porn sites or being totally submissive. If a smooth real gentleman like Cloudsurf couldn't do it, no one can. My friend Lion Heart is also one of the most decent gentlemen ever to grace this board and he'd never say his record was perfect.




Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I have ZERO negative encounters (you wanna come at me, then come full throttle bub because whatever your dreams about my sex life are, you are clearly pissed off about your own) and if you think otherwise w/out knowing me then it truly shows what many on MERB have always thought and suspected about how you are.


Quite the defensive freak out. The thread is about reviewing and credible reviewers. Where are your reviews beyond carbon copy comments. Your own statement that you "keep expectations low" explains so much about you. Since standards are so low it sets up very bloated results inevitably and there's nothing to trust, putting into perspective your claims of a... perfect record. It's all that's needed to know.

As a simple theoretical matter about who to trust, I have never put any credence in anyone who needs to shout about being "100% perfect." It doesn't matter if it's in this hobby or anywhere else, it says phoney, insecure, needing justification. On a review board it says...untrustworthy. It don't matter.

Contrary to HFE, I believe that even if a SP has already good reviews, it is important to leave comments about your session as well... Even if you just say that you met her and the session went as described previously...
It important because, the more reviewers, the more chances I find reviewers I definitely trust as being my type.

Everyone is a bit different, clients and escorts. Both have feelings obviously, and may be temporarily different with different people on different days. That's why a review track record by varying members is so important. It's weeds out aberrations of a single encounter and a single reviewers tendency to be overly positive or negative. I trust people who can be real/honest about themselves and their experiences.

I will never see an SP based on a positive review, unless I was a priori interested in the said SP.

Yeah, it's a big mistake. If you get hooked on someone that looks so great, then seek out positive reviews or reviewers who tend to be too positive all the time you create a distorted perspective and can easily set yourself up for failure, unless you've learned how to carefully red these one-sided reviews and reviewers. Even a veteran can get wishful about an image. If you don't seek out some balance in perspective you can make a very expensive disappointment or failure.

Good luck.



Sep 19, 2005
Contrary to HFE, I believe that even if a SP has already good reviews, it is important to leave comments about your session as well... Even if you just say that you met her and the session went as described previously...

I agree on the statistical aspect of this. I might as well leave a positive comment (not a whole review), just to concur with this or that review like : I totally aggree with Mr HighLibido's review about his encounter with Miss Stéphanie Lèvres Pulpeuses.

An another thing to take into account when an excessive number of positive reviews is posted about an SP is the law of diminishing returns. A popular SP will likely see much more clients on a given day and she will very likely start providing average services out of fatigue. I know that some SPs here say that they are following the "One-client-day rule", though even in this case I doubt that the girls will say no to more business.


Sep 19, 2005
Yeah, it's a big mistake. If you get hooked on someone that looks so great, then seek out positive reviews or reviewers who tend to be too positive all the time you create a distorted perspective and can easily set yourself up for failure, unless you've learned how to carefully red these one-sided reviews and reviewers. Even a veteran can get wishful about an image. If you don't seek out some balance in perspective you can make a very expensive disappointment or failure.

As this thread shows, different members have different uses of merb. Some like to stick to well-reviewed girls and agencies, others prefer to go out hunting and it is more fun (well at least for me). I do not expect all of my encounters to be a success and that is a calculated risk that I factor in the equation. Also, probably locals are more into taking risk that vistors. If a date goes bad, we just book another appointnment with another girl one or a couple of weeks later.

When I read reviews, I look for the lack of negative ones and skim through positive ones, mainly to get an idea about the provider's attitude. I guess you are into one of your arrogant/preaching phases, but that's OK. Everybody can make use of this board the way he pleases and sees more fit.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Rofl! Never shouted nor bragged about never having a bad encounter merlie, simple statement in my post and in this thread and how reviews dont make or break who i decide to see and you got jealous of my record and wanted to start one of your "you think you no crap" (but you do not) usual flame wars, well this is not the sports thread so save it for there, most on here do not wish to participate in your arrogant tirades and s**t disturbing, move on and try to find a positive encounter and leave my private time with the ladies to them and myself, i dont do threesomes with men buddy ;)

I think my post earlier says it all how i look at reviews, there are so many different opinions about looks and service among other things with a date that you have to learn to read between the lines if you are gonna go solely on reviews from strangers. Thats why i never do, and only trust guys i have met and know my "type" i have trusted a few agency owners in the past and even if the girl was not 100% my type i still managed to have a positive encounter. It is as much the client as it is the sp pertaining to having a good time, most of the times.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Lady Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

The problem is that guys like Cloudsurf and Iggy that are batting high averages with escorts are doing so because Cloudsurf brought back to Montreal some red-hot dice back that he got from a production assistant during shooting of the 2006 James Bond film, Casino Royale. I am suspecting he lent the dice to Iggy, even though he would not lend the dice to me.

This reminds me of the scene in the 1995 movie "Casino" when Casino boss Sam Rothstein (Robert DeNiro) fires the slot manager, Donald Ward, a well connected local, after 3 huge slot jackpots are paid within 20 minutes. When Rothstein learns of the payouts, he confronts Ward and demands to know how it could have happened. Ward sheepishly looks at Rothstein and says, "we are a Casino! Sometimes the customers win!!!!!!!!!!!" Rothstein looks at him and says, "do you think I am a fucking moron??????? We just paid not 1, not 2, but 3 huge jackpots in 20 minutes. Odds of it happening are 1.5 billion to 1. Either you are in on it, or you are two fucking dumb to have realized something was wrong after the 2nd jackpot was paid. Either way, I don't want you working here. You're fired!!!!"

So basically the moral of the story is that when there are repeated jackpots, something is involved to stoke the luck. In Cloudy's case, it is the Casino Royale dice, and in Iggy's case, it is Cloudy letting him use the dice. The rest of us mortals are playing with regular dice that was never touched by James Bond in Casino Royale.:D
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