Gibby's or Starbuck's or Bell are faceless corporations, whom I have no trouble harming with online reviews, and no problem hammering if they give me shitty service....escorts are women, and women are people, just like me.
Beav, Do you really think the waitresses enjoy their menial job, and haven't had experiences with abusive parents, and need money for children whose father is absent or a deadbeat, for school, maybe for drugs or shopping or clubbing, or have any number of other personal crisis issues. Sure the escorts put themselves in a riskier position, but they also cost you a great deal more when they stink.
The corporation may seem like a faceless entity but the people who served you are real. They have all the same reality of the escorts with real lives and real issues to live with. You saw them you spoke to them and they don't have the benefit of being faceless management people with all the corporate perks. They're just working people criticized by a patron who became a "faceless" entity behind a computer. It was your right, but we all become the same as that faceless corporation on a keyboard. My point is shitty service is shitty service. Escorts do not deserve special treatment just because we're more intimate with them. You're being charged a hell of a lot more for crappy escort service than crappy waitressing and yet members give these escorts a pass allowing them to stiff others.
Personally I regret not being more critical of escorts in the beginning years. I don't feel right being harsh to escorts or waitresses, but in some cases I should have ripped a few ladies with honestly critical reviews. In the early days I guess I was overwhelmed into feeling somewhat protective of the feelings of escorts because of the normal male vulnerability to women and beauty. Simply being with women like that disguised their faults. In some cases, like some members said in the past, maybe it was part of some crazy status to say you had a great time with the most sought after of them and act like that alone was a big deal regardless of the poorer reality of their services. When I reviewed some of these ladies I never said anything dishonest, but maybe I was too fantasy drunk having been with incredible beauties to put some serious faults in the review.
In one case, I met in Boston one of the most sought after Montreal goddesses clients were totally dying to meet. She was from Montreal Girlfriends and this lady had an amazing all natural true beauty with perfect long looking sleek body with sensational large B/small C breasts, and she had the most alluring way of first. I was enraptured and all her faults disappeared because of it. But, the truth was her performance was poor. Behind all of her stunning looks and charm, trying to have sex with her was like tiptoeing through a mine field.
Oh be careful, my skin is so sensitive. No touching there, or there. Watch out for this spot and that area. Oooops, I forgot to mention and there, and be careful of this...this...and that.
It's embarrassing to remember how I gave a review of her abundant positives without noting these big negatives. Then to find out later a lot of guys had exactly the same experience and still wrote almost exactly the same kinds of reviews, some far more in denial than mine. A lot of guys were probably too stupefied by her unique ability to lactate at will (yeah, you know who

) to be honest about what she was really like. Ladies like this wasted far more money and time for poor to bad service than any waitress ever did. Instead of the thread
"Some Escorts think We're Losers" there should be one called
A Lot of Escorts Know We're Suckers when we let them get away with poor service because of superficial charm and looks.
Episodes like the above have been very rare for me, and I never criticize anyone where the problem involved my being tired or something I'm responsible for. But I'll never dismiss poor service for delusional reasons or male sympathetic impulses again, and haven't for many years.
You're, from what I understand, all about being served; I'm all about mutual pleasure.
If that is accurate, and I think it's very close, then all the more reason I don't understand why criticism has been held back in view of the service priority.