Montreal Escorts

To which extent an escort/courtesan has the right to choose her clients?

To which extent an escort/courtesan has the right to choose her clients

  • She has the right to choose and/or refuse a client, no matter what her reasons are

    Votes: 65 81.3%
  • She has the right to choose and/or refuse a client, but she needs specific reasons to do so

    Votes: 5 6.3%
  • She must remain professional at all costs, unless her safety is clearly at risk

    Votes: 8 10.0%
  • I don't care, as long as she does not refuse ME!

    Votes: 2 2.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Elizabeth said:
C'est assez rare qu'on puisse réussir cette combinaison (combien de personnes détestent leur travail!?), si j'ai cette chance, pourquoi passerais-je à côté?
Clairement. Je ne cherchais pas à m'obstiner, seulement fournir des outils d'analyse qui permettraient d'aller chercher un peu plus profondément, les raisons pour les femmes d'exercer le métier.

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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
JacknJill said:
Est-ce que alors, ce n'est pas parce que l'argent, l'échange monétaire pour le sexe, ne donne pas justement une plus-value à l'échange sexuel?
En tout cas, je peux témoigner selon ma propre expérience des escortes, que l'échange monétaire a été à l'origine de ce "kick" qui m'incitait à les rencontrer; j'en discutais justement avec un membre dernièrement.

J'ai aussi confessé dernièrement, à ce propos, une anecdote me touchant qui mettait en scène le jeu de pouvoir qui se tramait entre moi-même et une danseuse, un scénario qui aurait sans doute stimulé la verve d'un Kierkegaard.
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Nov 6, 2005
respecting the escort and pleasing the escort

Elizabeth said:
Non, tu vises dans le mille.

C'est excitant de se faire payer pour des services sexuelles et ce à plusieurs niveaux. Pour le sentiment de pouvoir que ça t'apporte, pour l'impression d'être un objet de désir absolu, ainsi que pour le mélange de perversion, marginalité et interdit associé au concept de la prostitution.

Well my dear, I have a question. While I respect the escort, I expect her to put out her all so that I really enjoy the experience. What is the likelihood of a real good escort being able to please without my bringing her to orgasm. Do I have to go that far and do escorts really want that anyway.

I imagine that , after a few customers, being enthusiastic doe not include having to climax. So I figure I have less of a conscience issue and can expect the same pleasure from the sp , without her having to climax.


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
A companion should always follow her god feelings

``Elizabeth`` said:
To which extent an escort/companion has the right to choose her clients?
To respond solely to your question, I believe that a companion should always go with her own choice. Unfortunately, some agencies seem to put some kind of pressure on some girls and you can feel it: it happened to me twice ->
the lady did not feel like going ahead with the service and still...she made it. Since I am very opened, these same girls were frank to me and told me that at first glance, they did not want to service me. The reason, both times, were related to the color of my skin. Which is fine with me, and I actually even proposed them not to see each other since the color of my skin was not at their taste, but they seemed to feel bad about such reason and refused my proposition of not seeing each other. I felt very bad for them, because I hate when ppl proceed against their god feelings.
You get such impression (of girls being obliged to service the customer at all costs) with agencies like Ferrari and Fantasme among others. One reason I`ve always been fond of XXXtase is the fact that their ladies do not feel any pressure: they feel free and you can see that in the passion, devotion and professionalism they always manifest. I`ve got the same good impression at Excentrix and Eleganza.
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New Member
Jan 10, 2005

C'est excitant de se faire payer pour des services sexuelles et ce à plusieurs niveaux. Pour le sentiment de pouvoir que ça t'apporte, pour l'impression d'être un objet de désir absolu, ainsi que pour le mélange de perversion, marginalité et interdit associé au concept de la prostitution
là tu commences à m'intéresser...


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
hobby11 said:
C'est excitant de se faire payer pour des services sexuelles et ce à plusieurs niveaux.
Payer, pour certains hommes, l'est tout autant, je pense en être la preuve vivante. Analysant le phénomène, j'aboutis à des questions subtiles de jeux de pouvoir. Ayant passé une longue période de ma vie à militer suivant une sensibilité de gauche, j'en suis venu à me plonger dans l'analyse du pouvoir, sous plusieurs de ses manifestations, et en suis venu également à penser qu'il s'agit d'un trait humain que la critique gauchiste a longtemps simplifié en le présentant comme la source de toute corruption.

Mais j'ai baigné dans ces schèmes de pensées assez longtemps pour que, intérieurement, je devienne fasciné par le pouvoir. Même si je garde une position critique à l'égard de celui-ci, il n'en demeure pas moins que, quelque part, la nature humaine me rattrappe et vienne à déborder.

Alors le débordement doit trouver son exutoire et, dans mon cas, ce fut les escortes.

Advil time...
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Nov 6, 2005
Elizabeth said:
The most important thing for me is not the arrival, it's the journey. ;)

I love sensuality. So everything that has to do with touching, kissing, and much more (I have to leave a bit to the imagination don't I!), feels wonderful to me.

Also, I am unfortunately less incline to climax than you guys. I don't always have orgasms when I have sex (unless I touch myself - which I love to do), whether I'm with a client or a lover, and from what I hear/read, most women are like me.

So I don't expect a client to bring me to orgasm. If he does, I'll be very happy. ;) But if he doesn't, there are still a thousand ways for him to give me great pleasure. Or I will gladly put on a little show for him and take myself to climax...

If he doesn't mind at all about my own general sexual satisfaction, I will still give 100% of myself. After all, he is the one paying me! But the chances that I will not be free if he wants to repeat will be pretty high. :)

Well, what can I say...? Been said to you before..." I love you "...if that is the feeling of an sp... big plus with sp's ..


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eliza, personally, I would want to be with a SP who wants to be with me and enjoy being with me.

But I am not arguing a personal matter; I am arguing on principle. I don't care at all if a SP refused a black guy. That doesn't bother me (not black, in case anyone's wondering).

Maybe, imagine a really UGLY, PITIFUL guy (who's born that way). He made some money and wanted sex from a SP and guess what? He gets refused. Isn't THAT sad? I mean, no real girl would want to be with him, so he thought he would PAY for sex... yet he still suffered his ugliness all-the-same. I was merely thinking that in a world where SEX can be BOUGHT, it needs to be BOUGHT based on fairness (without discrimination).

Personnally (logical deductions aside), I agree with you and I believe it would be a better "escorting" experience to be with a SP like you (who enjoys her work).

Don't take it in a negative light. Being a "pro" escort is not a "good thing", per-se. It's better to give in LESS to your profession and MORE to your personal wants and likes. Personally, I wouldn't want to be with a "professional" escort.

You sound like you are a really lucky person. You enjoy sex and you like money. You get both while escorting. I doubt many girls are as lucky as you (who enjoys having sex with strangers).

Basicly, I was arguing (on principle) what a Professional Escort is --- rather than what "I" believe would make a good Escort.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
John_Cage said:
Maybe, imagine a really UGLY, PITIFUL guy (who's born that way). He made some money and wanted sex from a SP and guess what? He gets refused. Isn't THAT sad?
I'm not worried for the guy as there are plenty of unprincipled providers out there to gladly serve this segment of population.
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Mar 9, 2006
it is always difficult when someone is rejected. it is difficult for both people involved. it takes courage to say no to a client. it takes courage to say no to a sp. personally, it would take a lot for me to reject someone who was trying to pay for a little sex. i would think it might be crippleing to the individual? rejecting a sp might be crippleing to the individual also...i mean it IS her job. it is a facinating and disturbing subject to me.


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
Visit site
A little too much emphasis on respect, not enough on the girls safety. There are some pretty twisted individuals out there who can 'play the respect game'. You should be more wary of the guy giving you tons of praise, repeating back to you what you want to hear and the like. Sometimes someone who's such a gentleman is hiding something.


New Member
Aug 1, 2006
Elizabeth said:
I always said that if I had to work for an agency, it would for for Jessy. :)
Me too ! :D


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
Elizabeth said:
Daringly, I thought more about something you said...

Earlier in the discussion, you said that most ladies writing on the boards pretend to love what they do and that it sounded suspicious to you. Well, don't you think it could be because if they didn't, they wouldn't waste their time on the boards? :)

Maybe cause we are interesting? Hoping... :D


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Elizabeth said:
How could someone who does not like their job find discussions related to it interesting? :p
I wouldn't take the job of the president of the U.S.A. but discussions over the nature of (presidential) power interest me.

I wouldn't be a pimp but understanding the logic of pimpage is fascinating, etc...

I don't see a contradiction.
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New Member
Jan 10, 2005

hey guys sping is much much more than sex and gfe...
sex is only a very small part of sping...
thats a reality
trust me on this one i dated more sps in real life than you could imagine...
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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
JacknJill said:
chère maria, tu dos être une femme biendouce pour croire que tu a été «sec» dans ton message...;)

Précautions oratoires, le propre du débat écrit en temps réel étant qu'il suscite autant de malentendus que d'interprétations correctes. Les susceptibilités des uns et des autres, par ailleurs, demandant à être ménagées, certains participants ont la bonne idée de publier un démenti sur tout commentaire faussement interprété comme malveillant.

Ziggy: Avocat, tu me concoctes un disclaimer pour merb, compris?
Avocat: pour quoi?
Ziggy: merb, voyons, oussé que tu vas prendre ton info sinon?
Avocat: Ah ok. Non, moi vois-tu, j'ai un fétiche pour le chocolat et les tantouzes frustrées, alors je lis l'autre board. :rolleyes:


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Moi il y a longtemps que j'ai renoncé au miel, quelqu'un l'aurait-il remarqué par hasard? :p


New Member
Feb 28, 2007

Comme les schtroumpfs et un certain géant sur les boîtes de mais (désolé, trouve pas le tréma sur mon clavier), il est (fut) un Ziggy bleu et il est un Ziggy vert.(*) :p

(*) donnant parfois sur le bleu-vert... ;)


New Member
Jan 10, 2005
Elizabeth said:
Si je vois ça comme ça? Oui et non...

Oui dans le sens où, comme tu dis, la chose la plus importante est l'attitude du client. S'il agit de façon respectueuse et qu'il est gentil, c'est l'essentiel.

De toute façon, comment savoir s'il est sincère ou pas? S'il me respecte vraiment ou pas? Impossible. Comme le disait breadman un peu plus tôt dans la discussion, ce n'est pas parce qu'un homme agit en gentleman qu'il en est un.

Mais si, disons, un membre de merb voulait me rencontrer et que, de part ses écrits, je savais à l'avance que bien que gentil, c'est une personne qui ne respecte pas vraiment les femmes et/ou les escortes, je refuserais de le rencontrer.

Pourquoi? Parce que vu que je fais (faisais!) ce métier avec sincérité et avec coeur, je n'ai aucune envie de m'offrir, même pour de l'argent, à quelqu'un qui ne sait pas m'apprécier à ma juste valeur.

Même si je suis payée, je fais tout de même cadeau de mon intimité dans sa quasi totalité (contrairement à bien d'autres escortes qui donnent le minimum d'elles-mêmes). Et je ne souhaite pas partager ça avec n'importe qui, surtout pas avec quelqu'un qui ne me respecte pas. Malheureusement, le métier étant ce qu'il est, c'est parfois inévitable. Mais si je peux empêcher que ça arrive, je vais le faire.

Tu m'as l'air sincère mais tu sais que la pluspart des sp ne nous donnent accès à aucune intimité émotionelle ou peut être à la première couche d'intimité...C'est assez difficile dans ce métier quand tu es sincère c'est l'autre qui est faux et vice versa...
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