Been catching wind also that he was pressured to do so because of MANY child SA* allegations. There is a notable case in Alberta (back in his days of being a “teacher”) but many more overseas with his beta buddies over there.
Not to mention how his father was given Anneke Lucas as a child S* slave back when he was a politician in the 70s.
She was trained as a spy to get intel on elites. And
she name dropped P. E. Trudeau in a recent podcast.
She was abducted at the age of 6 y.o by the “Epstein of Belgium” Marc Dutroux and his henchmen in a pedo S* ring.
She would be shipped off to different locations to frolic among elites ex:
Rothschilds, Bilderberg conferences - after parties, etc.
Here is the PBD podcast of Anneke:
Here is the history of Marc Dutroux from a YouTube channel I fucking love (Necessary Information- he’s fkn hilarious)