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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
More GOP defections who'll vote for Secretary Clinton.....

Megan McCain
Meg Whitman

More will follow......many more.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
If Trump becomes more outrageous or unpopular there may be a political cost to being associated with him.

These Republicans may not be doing it on principle. They are likely doing it to save themselves.


Sep 24, 2009
Remember in America reality is what they say it is on TV.

That is very true. Democracy itself is a joke. The only reason it came about was to stop 'the masses' from rebelling every few years. In reality most of the actual governing is done by international organizations such as the UN which are not democratic at all.

When I see people arguing over politics as is now going on in the United States I am reminded of what Ammianus wrote in his book. He recorded that the common plebs were still betting, talking and debating about "The Republic" ... in the late 4th century!!! The Republic had been dead for a few hundred years by then! They still got 'a vote' though.

It's amazing what you can make people believe by giving them a vote which means nothing and never did! :lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
If Trump becomes more outrageous or unpopular there may be a political cost to being associated with him.

These Republicans may not be doing it on principle. They are likely doing it to save themselves.

The ones who drop him and will vote for Clinton (or won't bote at all) are doing it out of principle. They find him repulsive, which he is. The ones such as Kelly Ayotte, Paul Ryan and John McCain who despise him yet are still refusing to say why they are stll standing by him....are doing so for their own political lives and Chump knows it.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Now i'm hearing that Trump may quit altogether and that the GOP is scrambling to find a replacement candidate if it does indeed happen. It's no big secret that he's also at war with the GOP and may use this as an excuse to quit.

I hope it doesn't happen. I don't recall having had so much fun in any election year! :D


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
This is a cut and paste from a PERB thread. The original poster asked for an intelligent Trump supporter to make an argument for Trump. Note the anger, defensiveness and tunnel vision in the Trump supporter's reply:

""The real bigotry that I find in this election cycle, is fed by the preponderance of left-wing owned media ABC, NBC,MSNBC, and CNN (Clinton News Network) completely distorting Trumps words into out of context sound bytes, and the ease at which the Liberals take leave of their senses denouncing Trump supporters as low intelligence...a completely bigoted, mightier than thou attitude.

The back-handed compliment..... looking for intelligent Trump supporters in the initial post..,is actually disguising dripping condescension toward anyone who supports Trumps ideas.

This open letter to Mr Kahn from a US serviceman makes some very logical points that to me seem nothing but common sense. ""

Instead of making a reasoned argument the Trumpist accuses media and "liberal" elites of a vast conspiracy.
This is Trump's base. People who don't have a handle on the world around them, who get their world view from crazy bloggers, and blame everyone but themselves for their troubles.
These are the Timothy McVeighs, the Sandy Hook school murderers, the obnoxious morons with road rage. America has an anger management problem and Trump is exploiting it.​



New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
This is a cut and paste from a PERB thread. The original poster asked for an intelligent Trump supporter to make an argument for Trump. Note the anger, defensiveness and tunnel vision in the Trump supporter's reply:

""The real bigotry that I find in this election cycle, is fed by the preponderance of left-wing owned media ABC, NBC,MSNBC, and CNN (Clinton News Network) completely distorting Trumps words into out of context sound bytes, and the ease at which the Liberals take leave of their senses denouncing Trump supporters as low intelligence...a completely bigoted, mightier than thou attitude.

This is Trump's base. People who don't have a handle on the world around them, who get their world view from crazy bloggers....

:yo: Point well proved

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
This is Trump's base. People who don't have a handle on the world around them, who get their world view from crazy bloggers, and blame everyone but themselves for their troubles. These are the Timothy Mc Veighs, the Sandy Hook school murderers, the obnoxious morons with road rage. America has an anger management problem and Trump isd exploiting it.

I'm reading this and wondering: "Are they that much different than those unfortunate people who fall prey and wind up getting radicalized by Isis propaganda?"


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Very similar.
ISIS convinces them that their problems are the fault of degenerate Western liberals.
Trump supporters want to strike back at the same liberals using him as their proxy.


Jun 28, 2015
Trump supporters want to strike back at the same liberals using him as their proxy.

I feel it is kinda lazy to just paint them as a bunch xenophobic hicks and rednecks out to get back at the liberals(as MSM is trying to do). I feel Trump's base rides on the economic frustration of the blue collar working class of America. A few decades back, most of these people would have had stable employment opportunities, but thanks to outsourcing of the manufacturing industry to cheaper destinations, they have to endure a bleak economic future. They are taking out this frustration on the political establishment - both on the democrats and republicans, who are in a way responsible for this. (This is why I feel Bernie Sanders would have been a much superior candidate vs an establishment candidate like Hillary when going up against Trump).

Something very similar happened in Brexit. People were frustrated with the politucal establishment, not the liberals. The MSM like BBC and the Guardian were just brushing off the Brexiters and UKIP supporters as a bunch of old white racists in an incredibly obnoxious and patronizing manner leading upto the poll, and look what happened. If you study the polling numbers, you can see that in large cosmopolitan areas like London, where the middle class and upper middle class people employed in Britain's service industry live, overwhelming voted for stay, while the rural areas and townships which used to have the manufacturing sector voted for exit.


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
Steve jobs really wanted to make something to save the paper media from vanishing as he saw very early on that the blogs cannot be trusted.


...anyone on the outside brave enough to fight back their inner fear of leaving the Matrix and taking a peek inside the alternative reality world is quickly spooked back to dry land by the absolute insanity and brutality of the alternative blogosphere. This is as much by design as by happenstance...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

Instead of making a reasoned argument the Trumpist accuses media and "liberal" elites of a vast conspiracy.
This is Trump's base. People who don't have a handle on the world around them, who get their world view from crazy bloggers, and blame everyone but themselves for their troubles.
These are the Timothy McVeighs, the Sandy Hook school murderers, the obnoxious morons with road rage. America has an anger management problem and Trump is exploiting it.​

Really? You compare Trump supporters with McVeigh and the Sandy Hook murderer? Wasn't he severely Autistic? He had some kind of retardation.

Well here is the typical liberal:


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Really? You compare Trump supporters with McVeigh and the Sandy Hook murderer? Wasn't he severely Autistic? He had some kind of retardation.

Well here is the typical liberal:

He did not compare Trump to McVeigh and the Sandy Hook murderer, but his followers.

It's not at all a fair comparison if you ask me. Neither is your video of that crazy chick a fair comparison to a liberal girl ;) (let's be honest here)

As crazy as it is, maybe it's really the time to have a guy like Trump at presidency. I am really starting to think he wont be that bad.

Anyhow it will surely make america understand that they are themselve responsible for the collapse of the middle class. A good wake up call. Even the stuff Trump is selling from his facebook page are made in China and Bendgladesh ;)

While the top 2% got extremely rich the rest of america suffer. And now they blame anyone but themselve?



nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
There are a lot of angry and frustrated people. Stable lifelong jobs at factories are gone offshore. The demographic has changed. My aunt and uncle's neighbourhood is no longer lily white and they don't like it.
Some want things the way changed back to the way they used to be, even though it is impossible. Trump panders to these disenfranchised by promising to make America great again. He has never explained exactly how, but people vote as much on emotion as on logic.
Of course Mcveigh is not typical but I think he is one end of that spectrum. Extremely angry sick person lashing out with a horrible result. A bad analogy though and I was stupid to say it. That happens when I am pretending to be working....

As jalimon said maybe Trump should have a go. The President is only one part of a vast machine. Obama had big dreams and they got cut down to size pretty quick.
How much influence and power does the President actually have? The other two branches could block anything outlandish. The beaurocracy could stall or block actions for years.
Bush junior, I think Cheney and Rumsfeld ran that whole show. Bush was just the amiable front man and fall guy. Cheney must have made billions but nobody ever talks about him, while Bush is constantly blamed for the disaster.
Trump would be the same. A bunch of staffers would run the presidency for him. God knows he would not have the patience or knowledge.
I wonder if there is any financial damage to the Trump brand yet.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
He was a mass murderer! And the other guy is a retard that shot 20 something kids!!!!

Your comparison is fucking nuts.

Now I hope you enjoy your hate-speech rally with


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Focussing on clearly defined demographic groups such as Muslims and Mexicans and blaming them for America's problems is surely hate speech.
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