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Sep 24, 2009
Please read carefully. You said "when we live on a continent born of genocide". I was speaking of the beginning of genocide in the Western Hemisphere, or the North American continent if you like, beginning almost 300 years before the U.S.. It began in 1493 as a cause of Columbus' 2nd Voyage to Hispaniola where an estimated 3 million died.

"Why is that such a big number?" I don't see the subject as a game of whose got the biggest numbers. The episodes are monumental tragic disasters not pieces for blogging gamesmanship. Besides, just for historical accuracy 11 million were killed in concentration camps. Referring to the numbers of Jewish persons killed only (of whom I'm partly one) is misleading.

Estimates are 35 to 60 million died in the 6 years of WW II, 1939 to 1945. The steadiest number for Russians alone is 20 to 24 million.

You seem to have a cause you are very emotional about, the catastrophic African Slave Trade. That's good. Don't let it polarize your judgment. This is not a contest.

*** You never answered my question. You don't have to but I'll ask again. Is it the race of the victims or the crimes that matter?

1. Why play word games? The Genocide happened. Spain did not conquer or colonize much of North America; Britain and later the United States did; as that nation expanded the genocide grew exponentially in the North. Then, that not being enough, the United States instituted the racial laws. These racial laws of the United States pre-dated those of the German Reich by centuries. -Again, Hitler is 'the most' evil, why?

2. Every war has concentration camps. The British themselves invented the modern incarnation of the concentration camp! -Again, Hitler is 'the most' evil, why?

3. 'The cause' that I am very "emotional" about is when Adolf Hitler is made out to be the 'most evil' man who ever lived, that is my issue. It is all based on emotion rather than any real fact. Hitler did not do anything different than any other leader in a state at war. Every war has a scapegoat and the second world war was no different. So why treat it so?

4. So he's a criminal now too... for what? Doing exactly what the Americans, British, Japanese, Ethiopians and Indians et al have done?


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Many long-time Republicans, both politicians and commentators, have either left the party or repudiated Trump. But what's far more astonishing to the rational and reasonable American mind is that so many in the party cannot find it in themselves to reject Trump, most prominently Ryan and McConnell, but also McCain and others. They repeatedly express their dismay at Trump's ignorance, racism, and arrogance, and yet they seem to put their own political fortunes (or their greed) before the good of the nation. Far more disgraceful than Trump's antics is the shameful cowardice shown by so many in the party who obviously loathe him and yet can't do the right thing.

How can McCain, who spent years as a POW stand by when Trump insulted him personally and all other POW s for being captured.

The cliché about good men doing nothing allows evil to triumph is so appropriate. They serve themselves first, then party, then country.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Many long-time Republicans, both politicians and commentators, have either left the party or repudiated Trump. But what's far more astonishing to the rational and reasonable American mind is that so many in the party cannot find it in themselves to reject Trump, most prominently Ryan and McConnell, but also McCain and others. They repeatedly express their dismay at Trump's ignorance, racism, and arrogance, and yet they seem to put their own political fortunes (or their greed) before the good of the nation. Far more disgraceful than Trump's antics is the shameful cowardice shown by so many in the party who obviously loathe him and yet can't do the right thing.

Many long-time Republicans with common sense and a sense of decency have abandoned the party. But i believe the reasons for the likes of Paul Ryan, Mitchell McConnell and John McCain to refuse to reject him directly are political. They fear that doing so would lose them the Senate next November and quite possibly Congress in 4 years or earlier. As for McCain, he's currently in the fight of his life to be re-elected in his home state. Arizona is pro-Trump (incl. former governor Jan Brewer) and McCain must not let his disdain for Chump show to the voters of that state.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Evil is evil and you can`t be less or more evil than another monster....just like you can`t be partly pregnant.
There are no shades of evil , only shades for the amount of harm you can inflict.
Idi Amin, Hitler and Saddam Hussein were equally evil and were only limited in the harm they inflicted by circumstances.
bikone, you can argue that Hitler was not the most evil till hell freezes over and it doesn`t matter.
What matters is that he was evil. Period.

Its not hard to imagine that there are thousands of extremists in the world, who given the opportunity would destroy the US along with millions of lives. Are they more evil than other butchers, tyrants and monsters in history ? No.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The thing that is most revealing about Chump, other than the fact he is a racist and a bigot, is the fact he's terribly ignorant about world facts. He'd be the most incompetent POTUS in the history of the country were he ever elected.

Dr. Drew was on CNN last night and asked to try to evaluate him. His conclusion was that he could either be suffering from bipolar disorder or hypo mania.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Dr. Drew was on CNN last night and asked to try to evaluate him. His conclusion was that he could either be suffering from bipolar disorder or hypo mania.

I saw the same interview with Dr. Drew. He was very, I think the right words are honest and very fair. He really didn't say he thought Dumpster was suffering from any full disorder. He said there were elements of certain disorders like hypo mania and being bipolar but the evidence he could see without having examined him was quite some distance from those conditions. What he did conclude was Dumpster had strong Narcissistic tendencies. In many cases these tendencies are actually good until they interfere with judgment. Obviously the wannabe king is strongly lacking in judgment.

The most Dr. Drew could say was he has some big negative tendencies but they don't cross the line into any definable disorders. So maybe Trump is only an ego maniacal jackass. That's fair too. :thumb:

The thing that is most revealing about Chump, other than the fact he is a racist and a bigot, is the fact he's terribly ignorant about world facts. He'd be the most incompetent POTUS in the history of the country were he ever elected.

You're right. He's got many disturbing qualities. Here's an example of what may be his worst.

At a recent rally Dumpster Trump heard a baby crying. Trump first claimed he liked babies, then after some more crying, from the baby I mean ;), Trump ordered the baby out of the room. He's so in love with himself and the sound of his own voice that he kicks out an innocent crying baby. He's shown many times he can't take interference or criticism or advice from anyone. It goes along with his statement "I alone can fix it". Now imagine Trump in the war room at a critical moment of decision with all his top advisers, such as someone without any experience might select, ignoring all of them and saying in keeping with just being Trump, only I can fix this. SCARY!!!!!!!!!

I thought of this scene from "The Dead Zone" 1983, where the President thinks he is the only one who should make the ultimate decision and only he knows what should be done...because it's "MY DESTINY". Watch.

The most recent poll from yesterday: For Trump there are two demographics he should be able to count on and never lose.

1. College age students who never go for Democrats.

2. Which candidate is best against terrorism largely because of the job Republicans have done blasting Clinton for years on the Benghazi incident.

The results of the latest poll.

1. Clinton now leads by 10 percentage points. Unprecedented.

2. Clinton and Trump Dumpster are TIED. Unfreakingbelievable!!!

Have a nice day.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
And the defections continue.....

Rep. Richard Hanna becomes first GOP congressman to dump ‘deeply flawed’ Trump and back Clinton

by Tom Boggioni

In a scathing commentary piece published on, a New York Republican congressman announced that he will be voting for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in November, saying GOP nominee Donald Trump is “unfit to serve our party and cannot lead this country.”

With his announcement, Rep. Richard Hanna, a three-term congressman serving New York’s 22nd District, becomes the first GOP member of Congress to turn his back on his own party’s choice and publicly state that he will vote for the opposing party’s nominee.

“Months ago I publicly said I could never support Trump. My reasons were simple and personal. I found him profoundly offensive and narcissistic but as much as anything, a world-class panderer, anything but a leader. Little more than a changing mirror of those he speaks to,” Hanna wrote. “I never expect to agree with whoever is president, but at a minimum the president needs to consistently display those qualities I have preached to my two children: kindness, honesty, dignity, compassion and respect. I do not expect perfection, but I do require more than the embodiment of at least a short list of the seven deadly sins.”

“If I compare the life stories of both candidates I find Trump deeply flawed in endless ways. A self-involved man who is worth billions yet is comfortable — almost gleefully — using bankruptcy laws to avoid the consequences of his own choices. A man of character would not defend his actions but rather display shame and or at least regret. He is unrepentant in all things. Think about those average people who paid for his choices.”

Like other conservatives before him, Hanna said Trump’s comments on the parents of a fallen war hero were the last straw.

‘In his latest foray of insults, Mr. Trump has attacked the parents of a slain U.S. soldier. Where do we draw the line? I thought it would have been when he alleged that U.S. Sen. John McCain was not a war hero because he was caught. Or the countless other insults he’s proudly lobbed from behind the Republican presidential podium,” he wrote. “For me, it is not enough to simply denounce his comments: He is unfit to serve our party and cannot lead this country.”

Hanna then stated he will be casting his vote for Clinton, saying he’s doing it based upon his belief that, “being a good American who loves his country is far more important than parties or winning and losing.”

“I trust she can lead. All Republicans may not like the direction, but they can live to win or lose another day with a real candidate. Our response to the public’s anger and the need to rebuild requires complex solutions, experience, knowledge and balance. Not bumper sticker slogans that pander to our disappointment, fear and hate.”

NY Congressman Richard Hanna becomes first GOP Comgressman to dump deeply flawed Trump and back Clinton


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
So maybe Trump is only an ego maniacal jackass. That's fair too. :thumb:

Yes that is fair too I think. Maybe it's time for america to be lead by such a guy.

Maybe it's time for a good shake up in the USA. Maybe it's time for american to learn that things are changing in the world. The second amendment was written when you had to recharge your gun after the first shot, not when you can shoot 1500 riffles per minute. But they still stand by it! Killing them 99.99% more often then it save them.

Maybe it's time for america to learn that they were the main global leader that brought so many jobs out of the country, bringing so much wealth back in the country to just a few people, eclipsing the american middle class. How do you turn that back but still make sure the rest of the world still buy your product? Maybe Trump has the solution?



nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Americans like to worship celebrities. Look how they grovel before the altar of the talentless Kardassian.
Trump is worshipped too, and hearing crowds applauding you daily must affect your ego.
Plus, the more outrageous he becomes, the more his fans love him. To them he isn't being offensive, he is telling it like it is. He's like a talk radio conspiracy theorist, telling people what they want to hear, and they love him for it.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
the more outrageous he becomes, the more his fans love him. To them he isn't being offensive, he is telling it like it is. He's like a talk radio conspiracy theorist.

His 'fans'. Is it fair to question their sanity?

I mean, how can anyone still be a fan of this crazy ignorant lying mysoginist bigot xenophobe racist bullshitter?


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
I was in your fair city last week on my way back from a week in Washington DC. (Just for context)

I saw only three "Trump" t shirts the whole week, and all were on kids from the midwest in tour groups. Every single person I spoke to was anti Trump, ranging from not voting for him to hating him. My host's neighbour even asked if Canada was building a wall if he won.

Met several military, who were kind of bound by rules to be impartial, but off the record were all very anti Trump. As a rule, most military don't like people who they see as shirking their duty, and they don't like him badmouthing their Generals. A lot of mid level officers are very well educated (Bachelor/Masters in engineering or MBA's are common). They are annoyed that Trump thinks he can do a better job of running the DoD than officers with decades of experience, years of overseas deployments, and a lot of advanced education.

Now, re Trump's fans, that's a good question.
I see the US quickly becoming a two class, almost feudal state. Gated communities are everywhere, my aunt and uncle live in one. Upward mobility is much reduced. Higher education is far far more expensive, almost impossible without scholarships. Without a university degree there is little hope of making a decent living. Sure, you will survive, but not the way we are accustomed to.
So there is a tangible resentment by these people who have no hope, against the one percenters. Trump's fans have no hope of improving their lot. They don't believe the myth of anyone can be President or a millionaire. They are stuck in crap jobs forever with no pension or savings. For them, nothing will get better unless there is a huge shakeup at the top. Trump promises exactly that.
His fans have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Bob Dylan said, "When you ain't got nothin', you got nothin'to lose"


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Here is my conspiracy theory.
Trump is on a mission for the likes of Russia and Iran.
His mission is to destroy the Republican party and if possible the Nato alliance as well.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Maybe it's time for america to be lead by such a guy.

Been There, DONE THAT!

See G.W. Bush. The one lead by de facto President Cheney. Both of whom got the U.S. into the rotten war mess.

Americans like to worship celebrities. Look how they grovel before the altar of the talentless Kardassian.
Two things will always draw unending gawkers. 1. Car Crash. 2. A Huge Ass. Trump fits BOTH. :pound:

Trump is worshipped too, and hearing crowds applauding you daily must affect your ego.

Plus, the more outrageous he becomes, the more his fans love him. To them he isn't being offensive, he is telling it like it is. He's like a talk radio conspiracy theorist, telling people what they want to hear, and they love him for it.

But who are his fans honestly? His biggest dominance among the few remaining demographics on his side are the more often less or uneducated angry white middle-aged male.

Let's pay attention to what this "He Tells It Like It Is" stuff is doing for him. Yes, bonding more deeply with the aforementioned demographic. Awesome. Losing women, Blacks, Hispanics, educated people, young college people, conservative Republicans, abandonment by many fellow current serving Republicans, all those I previous listed of deeply loyal past Republican top echelon key advisors and politicians. Hell he lost Donald Rumsfeld. Damn! Donald Rumsfeld!!! Not to mention Conservative idol Ted Cruz and major swing state Governor John Kasich...and more.

Benny Hinn the televangelist has utterly loyal followers too. That has nothing to do with whether he's fit to be President or whether his followers are good judges of his fitness for anything.

Trump has inspired die hard anti-Clinton Republican politicians with everything to lose to support her. WOOOW!

Also I saw on the news Hillary Clinton is campaigning in Red States not Swing States recently. That should tell you something about how it's going.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
In a presidential election, Donald Rumsfeld gets one vote and so does the guys stocking shelves at Walmart.

If anything these bigshots are playing right into Trump's script. Of course they don't like him. Trumps fans will see it as a purge of the elitists who are afraid Trump will fire them.

Trump doesn't care if he alienates the elite of the party. He doesn't even care if he wins. He is enjoying the attention and adulation. Celebrity is everything to him. He could go down in flames in November and he will market himself a martyr for the common man. His fans will admire him for his sacrifice and their trailer park bimbos will buy up Ivana Trump junk.

Remember in America reality is what they say it is on TV.


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
Here is my conspiracy theory.
Trump is on a mission for the likes of Russia and Iran.
His mission is to destroy the Republican party and if possible the Nato alliance as well.

Here's mine.
The ruling class has no use for the GOP anymore. The military & financial networks run much smoother with their Democrats in key positions. Influential 4th estate critics become allies with no change in critical policy. Brilliant.

I see no logical reason to believe Trump is an outsider. If anything, he owes them everything.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Trump doesn't care if he alienates the elite of the party. He doesn't even care if he wins. He is enjoying the attention and adulation. Celebrity is everything to him. He could go down in flames in November and he will market himself a martyr for the common man. His fans will admire him for his sacrifice and their trailer park bimbos will buy up Ivana Trump junk.

Nice summary of why so many in both parties say he's UNFIT to be President. He can climb on his own money and kiss himself in the mirror all he likes and surely does as we've seen.

Let me add something about your statement. Anyone who runs for President and wins his party's nomination but doesn't care and is only interested in marketing himself has Betrayed everyone...his supporters and his country.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Today Chump refused to back Paul Ryan and John McCain. He called GOP Senator Kelly Ayotte weak. He looked ridiculous in that purple heart presentation. The guy is not only a mental case but he's totally out of control. Now reliable inside sources are saying that several campagn sources are getting exasperated with him and this includes his campaign manager Paul Manafort, the same guy with ties to Putin. They're starting to wonder if they should even bother.

This mentally incompetent arrogant racist asshole is single-handedly destroying the Republican party! The Military has turned on him, women absolutely hate him (with reason!), the african-american support is 0% (never heard of in US political history) and the majority of hispanics despise him. Every single day, top GOP officials are either abandoning the Republican party or state they'd rather vote for Clinton. Oh yeah, he does have the majority of white supramacist groups fully supporting him, which is now pretty much all he has going for him. And the wingnuts and 'never Clinton' people who'd rather vote for an out-of-control crazy narcisist racist who has no clue about the rest of the world. Today he even kicked a crying baby out of his rally! He's a fucking disaster!
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