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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Focussing on clearly defined demographic groups such as Muslims and Mexicans and blaming them for America's problems is surely hate speech.

Or maybe it's his political strategy to get to the white house?



New Member
May 14, 2016
Or maybe it's his political strategy to get to the white house?


Correctly said, a badly failing political strategy to get to the White House. This was fine against a strictly Republican field where the hardcore Tea Party folk had become a very significant segment of the party. It also brought in some who were just angry at the system and Clinton haters. But it has not worked among the general populace and his harsh methods of handling issues, often off target of where he should be attacking, and his extreme personal touchiness has taken him into illogical emotional diatribes that are losing him those who should be natural allies. When the candidate who should be a natural fit for Clinton haters is driving them toward supporting her it's all too obvious he's been a total screw up.

For instance one of those flash news article series pointed to his trouble holding onto Utah, of all places, an old hardcore Red State where Trumpty Dumpty should be an iron lock.

One thing that might be turning off voters is his grand hypocritical constant whining. He attacks everyone and everything any time he feels like it, which is always, with the ugliest terms. Then when he gets criticized...he cries about it...complains how it's all unfair and rigged like no one else is allowed to do as he does...then doubles down on his ugliness. It makes him look like a kook out of touch with his own reality.

Bush was just the amiable front man and fall guy.

I had thought so too. However, if you read this timeline from Mother Jones you'll see two things. 1. Before 911 there was a great effort to make a case for attacking Iraq by Bush personally. 2. After 911 Bush continues every effort to blame Saddam Hussein. From 3/13/02 Bush shows determination to dismiss Osama Bin Laden and push all efforts to attack Iraq despite independent evidence against Saddam having WMDs.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Hillary Clinton's lead over Donald Chump has now increased to 10 points according to a new Fox News poll.

More & more talk about him quitting today. A month ago, Carl Bernstein had predicted Chump may quit since he had never expected to win the nomination and the last thing he needed was to be President.

Trump may just need a good excuse to drop out of the race. Now he's claiming that not only is the media against him, but he's also at war with the Republican party. This may be the excuse he's been looking for.

If he does quit, who would replace him as the GOP candidate? Would it be Ted Cruz? How about Mitt Romney? If it is Romney, it wouldn't be fair for those who ran against Chump. My guess is that were this to ever happen, they may have to schedule another convention where it would be a free-for-all and may the best candidate win.


New Member
May 14, 2016
My guess is that were this to ever happen, they may have to schedule another convention where it would be a free-for-all and may the best candidate win.

Replacing a Republican Presidential candidate

Here are the details for the Republican process for replacing their presidential candidate. It would be a crime if it happens. Trump has been the most incompetent Presidential candidate, probably since we had presidents. News this morning is even Fox is reporting double digit leads for Clinton is states Dumpster must win.

Note if Trump doesn't voluntarily quit he cannot be removed. If he doesn't get out by early September the next candidate may not be able to get on the ballot in every state. If that did happen Trump would have to betray all those hardcore believers who would likely rebel and refuse to vote.

What we know about Donald Trump and his taxes so far

Is it possible Trump has not paid taxes for 30 years? David Clay Johnston says, yes. Read this and you will see why. Trump has both used his status as a real estate agent/entrepreneur to legally avoid paying taxes and also has used many questionable angles and scams to avoid paying taxes. In the last five years it's been proven no taxes were paid. Some previous years have also been proven.

For example: "Trump had reported no personal income in his 1984 federal income tax but reported a $2,365,352 capital gain from the sale (of a condominium) and total deductions of $626,264. Yet Trump had not provided documentation justifying the deductions."

Something SMELLS there.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Today we learned that President Obama's approval numbers were 54%, which are his highest approval numbers in three years and at par with Saint Ronald Reagan and William Jefferson Clinton, one of the most popular Presidents of all time. Clinto's numbers were actually slightly higher than Reagan's and Obama's.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Katrina Pierson is one of Chump's cronies who regularly appears on CNN and lies as much as he does, which is in itself incredible. The other day, she claimed that President Obama was responsible for Captain Kahn's death since he and Secretary Clinton had supposedly 'changed the rules of engagement'.

Well, the hosts pointed out to her that Kahn was killed in 2004 and that George W. Bush was the President when it happened. That there was no chance that Obama or Clinton had anything to do with his death. But she refused to backtrack at the time and looked ridiculous. The following night, she finally relented and somewhat admitted she had erred, but then began to look like a crazy lumatic when she blamed President Obama and Secretary Clinton for 10 000 soldier deaths, which was in itself ridiculous.

Now one of his campaign's top people hinted that she got severely reprimanded for her mistakes and others are even hinting that she may have got fired. Personally, since we now know from his former biographer that in reality Chump rarely fires anyone, i doubt she got fired.


Sep 24, 2009
Focussing on clearly defined demographic groups such as Muslims and Mexicans and blaming them for America's problems is surely hate speech.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

I see nothing about 'hate speech' in any of those lines of text. This facetious nonsense called 'hate speech' clearly abridges the original intent and wording of this clause.

Did the Muslims, Whites, Blacks, Jews, Gays, Mexicans, Women and cats get their feelings hurt today? Awww.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Mostly security officials sign letter saying Trump would be too DANGEROUS as President.

50 GOP officials: Trump would be 'most reckless President in American history'

Dozens of Republican security officials signed a letter on Monday calling a potential Donald Trump presidency dangerous and saying he would be "the would be the most reckless President in American history."
The list of 50 former national security officials who served in Republican administrations “from Richard Nixon to George W. Bush” announced that they would not vote for the Republican nominee in a letter first reported by The New York Times.
From a foreign policy perspective, Donald Trump is not qualified to be President and Commander-in-Chief. Indeed, we are convinced that he would be a dangerous President and would put at risk our country’s national security and well-being.

Most fundamentally, Mr. Trump lacks the character, values, and experience to be President. He weakens U.S. moral authority as the leader of the free world. He appears to lack basic knowledge about and belief in the U.S. Constitution, U.S. laws, and U.S. institutions, including religious tolerance, freedom of the press, and an independent judiciary.

In addition, Mr. Trump has demonstrated repeatedly that he has little understanding of America’s vital national interests, its complex diplomatic challenges, its indispensable alliances, and the democratic values on which U.S. foreign policy must be based. At the same time, he persistently compliments our adversaries and threatens our allies and friends. Unlike previous Presidents who had limited experience in foreign affairs, Mr. Trump has shown no interest in educating himself. He continues to display an alarming ignorance of basic facts of contemporary international politics. Despite his lack of knowledge, Mr. Trump claims that he understands foreign affairs and ‘knows more about ISIS than the generals do.’”

The letter says that none of the 50 officials will vote for Trump. However the writers also did not endorse Hillary Clinton and said they had doubts about her.
“We understand that many Americans are profoundly frustrated with the federal government and its inability to solve pressing domestic and international problems. We also know that many have doubts about Hillary Clinton, as do many of us. But Donald Trump is not the answer to America’s daunting challenges and to this crucial election. We are convinced that in the Oval Office, he would be the most reckless President in American history.”

The full letter is here.

The letter follows a series of high-profile Republicans and aides who have announced they will not support Trump — some have even said they’ll vote for Clinton. On Monday alone, former Michigan Gov. William Milliken and Lezlee Westine, a former deputy assistant to President George W. Bush, announced they would be backing the Democratic nominee.


New Member
May 14, 2016
A year ago no one thought Trump would get this far,...

What happened in the primaries was T'Dump got the backing of the Tea Party who made up somewhere around 30% to 40% of Republicans, leaving several candidates to divide up the rest of the party into segments far too small to win. Nationally he can only add those who don't trust Clinton and that is dying off fast because he's made himself look incompetent and dangerous. He doesn't have anyone else to draw from, especially with his suicidal trash mouth and his utter lack of knowledge and skill in so many areas. There's also the Racketeering charges against him. Combined with the steady abandonment of high ranking Republicans and the loss of many big campaign donors he's on life support right now.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
A year ago no one thought Trump would get this far, a year from now we may be saying that again.

I did. But i was specific in saying that winning the GOP nomination didn't mean he'd become the next POTUS. The reason i wasn't surprised is that this is what today's Republican party has become: a party where the more radical and crazy you are, the better chance you have of winning the GOP nomination over more traditional candidates like Jeb Bush, John Kasich and big Chris Christy.

I told this to one of my relatives who was convinced Bush would get the nomination. Then when Bush quit the race, he told me Rubio would get it. I reminded him that it would either be Trump or Cruz, since they are the extreme types that the Republican 'base' likes. I added that in today's Republican party, the likes of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush and Bob Dole wouldn't stand a chance at winning the primaries. He laughed at me. Now he tells me that i was likely correct and he's very disappointed at what has become of his Republican party.

I'll admit it: I was pulling for Trump during the GOP primaries. As i told many people, the only reason i was pulling for him was because he was tearing apart the Republican party.....a party i absolutely despise. I told a few: "Trump will destroy the Republican party all by himself! Just watch!"

But now that he's unfortunately won the nomination, i'm not so certain anymore that wishing he won the GOP nomination was that good of a thing since there is now an actual chance that he just may win the November election. This would be catastrophic to the United States (still the greatest country on the planet, in my opinion), but to Canada and the rest of the world also. It would take decades for a country run to the ground by King Donald I to ever recover from the damage he'd have done.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You can't make this up.....

At a rally today, Donald Trump just suggested that Hillary Clinton should be assassinated.

Trump's people are currently scrambling behind scenes to figure out how to spin this.

In other news, another top GOP Senator announced today she will not back Trump, saying he's too dangerous. Senator Susan Collins said she'd likely vote Libertarian than vote for Chump.

Look, the guy is absolutely crazy and i'm surprised it took so long for Republicans with average intelligence to notice.


New Member
May 14, 2016
today, Donald Trump just suggested that Hillary Clinton should be assassinated.

“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” he said, adding: “Although the second amendment peoplemaybe there is, I don’t know.”

“I guess there’s a scenario in which this president could pick five supreme court justices, and if you pick two that are left, left, left, it’s going to be a disaster for our country.”

He also told the rally that Clinton is “dangerous” and could destroy the country from within because of her immigration policies.


Oh c'mon Doc. How could any of that be a suggestion to assassinate Clinton? He's not totally NUTS is he. Okay, you're right.

Even if he miraculously didn't mean what his words look like it's an exposure of how utterly careless he is in choosing how to communicate. Now imagine him trying to deal with and international crisis. It should be terrifying as to how much damage and trouble he could cause in a real crisis situation. It speaks to flat out incompetence.

You know, a couple of weeks ago I thought he would get to this eventually. And this is what comes out of his mouth when he's not being goaded by anyone. Imagine what's going to happen during the debates when Hillary can push his buttons at will as his super-sensitive misogynist ego gets deeply bruised and he can't call on his boys to have her removed like he did to that innocent crying baby.

The news channels are citing T'Dumps most outrageous statement yet, and his campaign is already blaming media spin.

I'd like to see more Republican men drop Trump. The chauvinists will suggest female politicians are only supporting a woman.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Imagine what's going to happen during the debates when Hillary can push his buttons at will as his super-sensitive misogynist ego gets deeply bruised and he can't call on his boys to have her removed like he did to that innocent crying baby.

Trump is indeed a 'whiny little bitch', as Bill Maher often refers to him. All he does on twitter is whine, whine, whine. Always negative, always mocking others, always whining....same comedy routine over and over by a bad clown.

Trump doesn't want to debate Clinton. He knows he'll look even more ridiculous on the debating stage. He's doing everything he can to avoid the debates. He's trying his best to get out of them without making it look like he's the one avoiding them. The NFL bit was hillarious. But just wait (and feel free to quote my words), there will be more ridiculous excuses to come.

Not only is he a fucking stupid narcissist racist piece of garbage, he's a mean-spirited world-class asshole! He's simply a very bad person. He can go and fuck his man-crush Vladimir Putin, as far as i'm concerned. He also loved Saddam Hussein, but he's dead now. I also think he had a thing for Ghadafi, who wound up dying as he was getting fucked up the ass by a knife. When half the people in his own party won't vote for this orangutang-faced prick, there's no way he'll even come close to winning the election! I'm really starting to doubt he'll end up making it to the election if his poll numbers continue to sink.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You can't make this up.....

At a rally today, Donald Trump just suggested that Hillary Clinton should be assassinated.

Trump's people are currently scrambling behind scenes to figure out how to spin this.

In other news, another top GOP Senator announced today she will not back Trump, saying he's too dangerous. Senator Susan Collins said she'd likely vote Libertarian than vote for Chump.

Look, the guy is absolutely crazy and i'm surprised it took so long for Republicans with average intelligence to notice.
As much as I think like you that Trump is a pure asshole and a very mean person lets not change the meaning of his tweet. He did not say Clinton should be assassinated.

I do like the fact that he is bringing up the second amendment. It shows he is in deep shit and can only rely on people in favor of the second amendment to come and save him from his current situation, who else would? This will extend the division there is in america right now even more.

Forget about politics, if the americans cannot understand that this amendment should be change how can you hope the american will reunite? How can you hope for the better? You need to study why the second amendment was written and then realise that it makes no sense anymore. You need to realise that when it was written, you had to recharge your pistol, you were not able to buy a machine gun in 7 minutes that can shoot 1500 bullets a minute...

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