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New Member
Apr 3, 2012
I love trump he's so much fun to watch. I Google him everyday to know the latest stupidity. Americans really deserve him.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I do not follow American politics very much but have been following these two a little. Just my opinion... Both are not fit to run any country, Clinton is perhaps the most crooked, Trump is a mouth but I think his bark is worse than his bite. Trump will be better for the US economy and Clinton will be best for the elite rich. Trump will win because there are more red necks than elite rich. Again, just my opinion.


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
I do not follow American politics very much but have been following these two a little. Just my opinion... Both are not fit to run any country, Clinton is perhaps the most crooked, Trump is a mouth but I think his bark is worse than his bite. Trump will be better for the US economy and Clinton will be best for the elite rich. Trump will win because there are more red necks than elite rich. Again, just my opinion.

Clinton is more dangerous than Trump, she might not launch a nuclear missile but she can start a war for strategic interests. She's a western version of Putin, with way more means.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I love trump he's so much fun to watch. I Google him everyday to know the latest stupidity. Americans really deserve him.

It's a bit harsh to say that. Beside, once elected he might cool off and be darn good, as crazy as he is right now, he might know what he's doing. I will never like him because I despise people who put the blame on others but themselve. Still, the US cannot go with 12 years of democrats...



New Member
May 14, 2016
once elected he might cool off and be darn good, as crazy as he is right now, he might know what he's doing.

Sorry jalimon. No offense but my instant reaction was this sounds like the classic mistake women make about bad men. Oh, he can't really be anything like he acts all the time...I think he's good inside. Then they find out, OOOPS, all the crap is as real as it looked.

Since this is the T'Dump thread: Here's a lesson in what you see is what you get.

The Chairman of the RNC warned Trump in a phone call to stay on message or the RNC would pull their backing from him to save other Republican candidates in this national election.

Trumps response was "he will either win with his frank and uncensored style of campaigning or enjoy a very, very nice long vacation."

"I'm a truth teller. All I do is tell the truth. And if at the end of 90 days, I've fallen short because I'm somewhat politically correct even though I'm supposed to be the smart one and even though I'm supposed to have a lot of good ideas, it's OK. I go back to a very good way of life."


Any idea he knows the truth is phony. The only truth he has in him is being exactly truthful about what he thinks and saying that. His latest statement that both President Obama and Secretary Clinton founded Isis/the Islamic state shows how little truth he knows or can identify except that he is truly delusional.

I think the most important thing here is he has no conscience about how what he says and does will affect him, and much worst how it would affect the country. He is a fatalist. He's going to be who he is no matter what happens and damn anyone else who tries to say otherwise.

Despite appearances I really hate to bring up that madman again, but he reminds me so much of that guy who refused to listen to any of his generals and thought he was the only person with the right answers. Result: national ruin and 10 million of his own countrymen dead.



New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case


Jul 28, 2011
New England USA
Still, the US cannot go with 12 years of democrats...

I find this to be an interesting comment. As someone who lives in the US, I must ask: why not? No, economic growth is not what it should be, interest rates are low making it difficult to save, and there remain serious problems in the country. But under Democratic administrations, we have pulled out of the recession that happened under the last GOP administration. We have almost universal healthcare, which statistics are showing to have newly insured millions of formerly uninsured people and has not (at least yet, several years in) been the "job killer" the GOP consistently predicted it would be. On the foreign policy front, we have drawn down from the Iraq mess, largely but not entirely shut down Guantanamo, and, oh, by the way, even killed Sadaam Hussein, not to mention a bunch of other al-Qaeda and other terrorist leaders. Gasoline prices are insanely low, despite the dire warnings about how much we need fracking and our continued reliance on oil and what will happen if we don't have those... Our currency is reasonably strong. Obama's popularity in this country is sky-high, which is virtually unheard of for a president who has been in office for almost 8 years, and he would probably be re-elected easily if he was allowed to run for a third term. On the social fronts, gays and lesbians now have full legal protections for marriage like any other couple, marijuana is becoming more and more accepted in the states, and even on the fed level Obama is about to lift the federal ban on marijuana research, and Christianity, amazingly, has not yet been outlawed despite years and years of the "War on Christmas".

Yes, it's a virtual hell-on-earth here in the US... Please, yes, give us Trump to set everything to rights again, like they were in the 1950s.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
I find this to be an interesting comment. As someone who lives in the US, I must ask: why not? No, economic growth is not what it should be, interest rates are low making it difficult to save, and there remain serious problems in the country. But under Democratic administrations, we have pulled out of the recession that happened under the last GOP administration. We have almost universal healthcare, which statistics are showing to have newly insured millions of formerly uninsured people and has not (at least yet, several years in) been the "job killer" the GOP consistently predicted it would be. On the foreign policy front, we have drawn down from the Iraq mess, largely but not entirely shut down Guantanamo, and, oh, by the way, even killed Sadaam Hussein, not to mention a bunch of other al-Qaeda and other terrorist leaders. Gasoline prices are insanely low, despite the dire warnings about how much we need fracking and our continued reliance on oil and what will happen if we don't have those... Our currency is reasonably strong. Obama's popularity in this country is sky-high, which is virtually unheard of for a president who has been in office for almost 8 years, and he would probably be re-elected easily if he was allowed to run for a third term. On the social fronts, gays and lesbians now have full legal protections for marriage like any other couple, marijuana is becoming more and more accepted in the states, and even on the fed level Obama is about to lift the federal ban on marijuana research, and Christianity, amazingly, has not yet been outlawed despite years and years of the "War on Christmas".

Yes, it's a virtual hell-on-earth here in the US... Please, yes, give us Trump to set everything to rights again, like they were in the 1950s.

Perfect & accurate response.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I find this to be an interesting comment. As someone who lives in the US, I must ask: why not? No, economic growth is not what it should be, interest rates are low making it difficult to save, and there remain serious problems in the country. But under Democratic administrations, we have pulled out of the recession that happened under the last GOP administration. We have almost universal healthcare, which statistics are showing to have newly insured millions of formerly uninsured people and has not (at least yet, several years in) been the "job killer" the GOP consistently predicted it would be. On the foreign policy front, we have drawn down from the Iraq mess, largely but not entirely shut down Guantanamo, and, oh, by the way, even killed Sadaam Hussein, not to mention a bunch of other al-Qaeda and other terrorist leaders. Gasoline prices are insanely low, despite the dire warnings about how much we need fracking and our continued reliance on oil and what will happen if we don't have those... Our currency is reasonably strong. Obama's popularity in this country is sky-high, which is virtually unheard of for a president who has been in office for almost 8 years, and he would probably be re-elected easily if he was allowed to run for a third term. On the social fronts, gays and lesbians now have full legal protections for marriage like any other couple, marijuana is becoming more and more accepted in the states, and even on the fed level Obama is about to lift the federal ban on marijuana research, and Christianity, amazingly, has not yet been outlawed despite years and years of the "War on Christmas".

Yes, it's a virtual hell-on-earth here in the US... Please, yes, give us Trump to set everything to rights again, like they were in the 1950s.

Great post indeed. Maybe I should have said, "ok lets give 4 more years so we can then have some half human candidate" ;)

But of course many will disagree with you, many of those will disagree because they cannot get on with themselve that a black was elected to the white house (I do business with some people in alabama, texas... I can surely tell you that is the thruth). I agree with you that Obama would win another term if he could. As much as I would like a women to become president (about fucking time!) I know for sure Clinton is wrong wrong and wrong...

I am a canadian. One of the few who voted Harper for many years because I trusted him and his party to run our country, more then the liberals (beside gun law on which they suck*). I would do the same in the US right now, vote for the republicain. But never ever for Trump (neither if Cruz had won). Will the republicain will ever come back to have some decent candidates?



New Member
May 14, 2016
Will the republicain will ever come back to have some decent candidates?


They had some good candidates. The Vice-Presidential nominee for instance would be another who's pretty decent. The problem this time was a large block, mostly Tea Partiers, went for one candidate because their temperament and selection process tends to be visceral thus matching up well with Trump. When there are 16 other candidates to divide up the rest of the voters (maybe up to 2/3 of all voters) it almost can't work out well enough to make any of them competitive.

You can bet your life the Republicans are busy considering changing the party primary rules of eligibility for candidates to lead their party. I know voters, especially Republicans have been attracted to political outsiders in this run, but looking at the awful mess they got they must be looking at the consequences of that very seriously. If the party came up with any eligibility rules changes I would not be surprised it was about experience in government.

Having an outsider when you don't trust "the government" sounds attractive and logical but you are putting a novice into maybe the most complicated job on the planet. Sending in such a rookie is really a terrible idea unless he's had very like experience. Eisenhower for instance dealt with nearly everything a politician does and he was fine at the job. People may think being a business leader is similar. Possibly. Looking at the tête de la merde at the top of the Republican ticket says precisely the opposite. And how about one who didn't have 4 bankruptcies on his resume, in which as Bloomberg said, he screwed over other investors.

As for the choice, I would never pick an arrogant egomaniac with delusions of god-hood who disgusted me long before I knew which party he belonged to.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
What I find amusing is the amount of hate Clinton gets.

She has been called everything from crooked to criminal. What those same people forget is that she is nothing more than a politician who has made deals and maneuvers to get to where she is right now. Pretty much whatever EVERY other politician had done before her.

Is she perfect, hell no but shes a HELL of a better option than Trump. That man could literally destroy the entire world. He is the most thin-skinned person I have ever seen. Clinton said at the DNC convention that Trump can be easily baited with a simple tweet. She is 10000% correct. Can you imagine a North Korea, Putin, Iran, pretty much any other head of state saying something that Trump views as a slight and his reaction? Whenever anyone makes a negative comment in his direction his immediate reply is " I was viciously attacked", really?

As a Canadian I say to my fellow American god help you, god help us all if he somehow gets elected.


New Member
May 14, 2016
who has made deals and maneuvers to get to where she is right now.

Change she to he and you have the basic reason why supporters say Trump would be a great President. Hillary is condemned for the same thing they praise in T'Dump.

It's the same irony with "attacks". He gets admiration for telling it like it is, but he has zero tolerance when he gets the same coming back at him.


Jul 28, 2011
New England USA
Great post indeed. Maybe I should have said, "ok lets give 4 more years so we can then have some half human candidate" ;)

But of course many will disagree with you, many of those will disagree because they cannot get on with themselve that a black was elected to the white house (I do business with some people in alabama, texas... I can surely tell you that is the thruth). I agree with you that Obama would win another term if he could. As much as I would like a women to become president (about fucking time!) I know for sure Clinton is wrong wrong and wrong...

I am no Clinton fan. I believe she is too closely tied to the financial sector, and too quick to resort to force to solve diplomatic problems. That said, you have to remember that she, and her husband, have withstood 25 years of venomous, and frequently completely false, attacks by the GOP. These attacks, despite the lack of proof of most of the claims, despite the wild conspiracy theories, despite the over the top mudslinging ("look at the way she waves her hands, she is mentally ill!") are going to color people's perceptions of her, whether there is merit to them or not. Clinton will be a perfectly ok, center-left (but more left now than she would've been had not Bernie Sanders been in the race and had not the Republicans gone so over the top wth their racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, white nationalist fascism) president. She has the experience, the knowledge, and the foreign policy chops in general to be effective, or as effective as anyone can be in a situation where one party in a two-party system has given up on any pretense of actually wanting to govern.

Absolutely, some people hate Obama because he is black. Some will hate Clinton because she is a woman (who the fuck cares about pantsuits?). Those people, however, are a dying breed. The demographics in the US are changing irrevocably, and unless the GOP decides to accept the fact that uneducated white males will soon no longer be the dominant voting bloc in the country, they will find themselves increasingly marginalized as a political force. And they will, I fear, resort to other means, such as "2nd amendment options," which is merely code for domestic terrorism and assassination.


Jul 28, 2011
New England USA
What I find amusing is the amount of hate Clinton gets.

She has been called everything from crooked to criminal. What those same people forget is that she is nothing more than a politician who has made deals and maneuvers to get to where she is right now. Pretty much whatever EVERY other politician had done before her. ... Is she perfect, hell no but shes a HELL of a better option than Trump.

As a Canadian I say to my fellow American god help you, god help us all if he somehow gets elected.

Re: Clinton, yes, exactly. But don't worry about Trump. He will not be elected.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
They had some good candidates. The Vice-Presidential nominee for instance would be another who's pretty decent. The problem this time was a large block, mostly Tea Partiers, went for one candidate because their temperament and selection process tends to be visceral thus matching up well with Trump. When there are 16 other candidates to divide up the rest of the voters (maybe up to 2/3 of all voters) it almost can't work out well enough to make any of them competitive.

You can bet your life the Republicans are busy considering changing the party primary rules of eligibility for candidates to lead their party. I know voters, especially Republicans have been attracted to political outsiders in this run, but looking at the awful mess they got they must be looking at the consequences of that very seriously. If the party came up with any eligibility rules changes I would not be surprised it was about experience in government.

Having an outsider when you don't trust "the government" sounds attractive and logical but you are putting a novice into maybe the most complicated job on the planet. Sending in such a rookie is really a terrible idea unless he's had very like experience. Eisenhower for instance dealt with nearly everything a politician does and he was fine at the job. People may think being a business leader is similar. Possibly. Looking at the tête de la merde at the top of the Republican ticket says precisely the opposite. And how about one who didn't have 4 bankruptcies on his resume, in which as Bloomberg said, he screwed over other investors.

As for the choice, I would never pick an arrogant egomaniac with delusions of god-hood who disgusted me long before I knew which party he belonged to.

6 Bankruptcies, not 4.

Trump could really set the Republican party back 20 years. He could potentially put the House & Senate into Democratic hands with all this BS nonsense he spews...daily, and i mean daily!!

As for potential Republican candidates of the future I really like House Speaker Ryan, smart, well spoken, young and good looking. I see him as the only near term hope Republicans have. This last race killed any future Cruz and (the anointed one) Rubio had.

As for Hillary all she really needs to do from now until November is keep her mouth shut, stay off the airwaves and let Trump put her in the White House, but alas that wont really work because they will have to debate and for some strange reason I think Trump is going to crush her in those. I don't know why but I really feel like he will.


New Member
May 14, 2016
I think Trump is going to crush her in those. I don't know why but I really feel like he will.

Doubt it by a lot.

1st - His temperament. He'll be off the cuff for the whole time and that's when he digs his own grave.

2nd - Political knowledge. where is his? He didn't even know Ukraine had been attacked by Russia, something frequently in the news.

3rd - Clinton will tweak him and he'll lose it with his temper. Only insults and irrational claims will follow.

4th - Clinton's a woman. The very idea a woman is allowed to stand there as an equal will irk him.

5th - He can't help being the same self-eviscerating Trump.

*** She knows her stuff and she's a fighter.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
I agree with everything you just said, but the one thing you forget is Hillary sounds like a damn robot. Will turn everyone off.

$100 says Trump walks across the stage and punches her before the end of the first debate!!

Wins by knockout!
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