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Trumped 202

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
For every political story which is painted in a negative way towards Trump there are 50 for the wicked witch from the west, OR MORE!
Pope, our friend Doc usually quotes the truth but has a bad habit of leaving out some of the truth....especially if its critical of his idol Hillary.
Giving a fair and complete assessment of a story is important if you want keep your credibility in tact.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
For every political story which is painted in a negative way towards Trump there are 50 for the wicked witch from the west, OR MORE!

But Igna, that is because Trump has only been a politician for about a year. Give him some time ;)


p.s. I have said it before, this election is the worst america as ever had. The 2 worst candidate in history. For every negative point we give on one, we can't really pull for the other...


New Member
May 14, 2016
that is because Trump has only been a politician for about a year. Give him some time ;)

It's one thing to be a koolaid addict, is another to be totally blind about Trump and swill his koolaid.

Nobody is blind about Clinton. Her haters have seen to that over 30 years. But when a person, REPUBLICAN, who has served as National Security Advisor (1987–1989), as Commander of the U.S. Army Forces Command (1989) and as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989–1993), and Secretary State (2001-2005) calls your guy an “international pariah” and a “national disgrace” you're the one who needs to wake up.

Now one of Trump Dumpsters lead promoters says Trump won't release his tax reports because he's afraid it will be used against him. Hmmm, that's just raising your hand and shouting GUILTY!!! :nod:

This so-called expert businessman also says that if elected he will cut off any connection to his businesses and put them in a "blind trust" run by his kids because dealing with those businesses would interfere with Presidential duties vital to the country. Yet dumpster says he would still have control of them. DUHHHHHHHH, well Donald mr. uber businessman...THAT'S NOT WHAT A BLIND TRUST IS. DOH!

Blind Trust -
a financial arrangement in which a person in public office gives the administration of private business interests to an independent trust in order to prevent conflict of interest. Under the trust, the owner does not know how the assets are managed.

Another lie or incapacity to know what he's talking about.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Haha true but let me rephrase that to for every LIE that Trump might have told, the wicked Witch from the West tells 50, Or More! Wth would anyone want a compulsive liar to be the leader of the free world? A woman who lies more than any other candidate in history. It is hard to find any truth to anything she says these days, she is a disgrace, even more so than her Bob Barker look-a-like cheating scumbag of a husband. (geez now i sound angry like doc holliday! bwahahahahaha)

Killery has the (almost) same exact policies as obama and the last thing this world needs is 4 more years of that crap. "If" Trump wins, he will no doubt be a better President moving forward than the status quo, he actually loves his country, something obama does not and never has. I am surprised obama even stands for the U.S. national anthem (or does he)

But Igna, that is because Trump has only been a politician for about a year. Give him some time ;)


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
Giving a fair and complete assessment of a story is important if you want keep your credibility in tact.

When it comes to the media, credibility is one thing and having a long lucrative career is something entirely different, plus credibility can get you Gary Webbed

Coverage of Hillary or the future first gentleman has always been limited hangout...

A limited hangout or partial hangout is, according to former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Victor Marchetti, "spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further."

Kind of like being called out for sexually harassing a subordinate at work when you were a serial rapist at previous jobs


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Pope, our friend Doc usually quotes the truth but has a bad habit of leaving out some of the truth....especially if its critical of his idol Hillary.
Giving a fair and complete assessment of a story is important if you want keep your credibility in tact.

Not necessarily. I was told by a good authority from this board that the articles i quote are too long and that i should keep it simple. Which is why i now quote only a few paragraphs of an article and add a link for those who are interested in reading the rest of the article. It was also suggested that i add a comment to the articles i post.

By the way, i'm no fan of HRC. I certainly do not like her. But considering her opponent is totally unqualified for the job, he's a narcissist, an asshole, a con artist, a scammer, a compulsive liar, a world class bullshitter, a racist, a bigot, a xenophobe, full of shit, non-transparent and will be the first presidential candidate in over 40 years not to disclose his taxes, a hypomanic crook, a national disgrace and an international pariah...............then i'd side with Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck for President over this lying prick! :rolleyes:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I somehow think that is true. As strange as its sound, he will be better than 4 more years with clinton. But beware, Trump loves himself first, far above his country.

Trump is also madly in love with Russian President Vladimir Putin. You better brush up on your Russian if he wins since he'll literally hand over Europe and possibly his own country to the former KGB agent.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
But Igna, that is because Trump has only been a politician for about a year. Give him some time ;)

You obviously haven't been following Donald J. Trump for as long as i have. You also must not be a New Yorker. Donald Trump has been a politician for the past 40 years and there's actually no better politician than him today. The fact he's fooled so many people into thinking he's not a politician has been his biggest accomplishment. As a politician.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Today would be a good day for Donald Trump to release his taxes. ;)

p.s. Which would help prove that his personal fortune isn't in the hands of foreign investors, as it has been speculated. The guy is a crook!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The Wall

If scumbag Donald J. Trump manages to become POTUS, Mexico AND Canada will be happy to build and pay entirely for their own wall....hopefully it'll be 100 feet tall at least! Keep all Americans wanting to escape Trump's tyranny out of our respective countries before they have a chance to immigrate and steal our jobs! :rolleyes:


On a more serious note, what's this i'm hearing that many Canadian sps visiting the US either to work or as tourists are being sent back immediately if they're suspected of being 'courtesans'? I've been told that several sps who had planned to visit the States have now cancelled their plans for fear of getting busted by the authorities. Is the department of Homeland Security behind this move?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
GOP top dog Paul Ryan has now said that Trump should release his taxes.

But don't bet on the lying crook to release them anytime.


New Member
May 14, 2016


New Member
May 14, 2016
I saw Trump last night on SNL in a 1 minute Fox News clip of Fallon messing his hair. It was hilarious, and I mean very enjoyable. I got a great big fun smile out of it. If he had the temperament and the kind of intellectual balance and human compassion to go along with that kind of humor he'd be a much more acceptable candidate. But he has shown everyone who he is when he is free to behave as he chooses. We also know a lot about his huge business failures and questionable/shady dealings.

In short get him a job on SNL. He's unfit to be President. As President he would be a national and international embarrassment. The real Trump is a temperamental control freak. As President that means a strongly dictatorial attitude with unstable emotionalism.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Trump was relentless in the primaries and showed what a fighter and a winner does, fight the fight tooth and nail to win and his competitive spirit is amazing and something every American should want, a president who will put them first and fight for them to better their lives. When America is strong, the world is stronger.

Now, since he has shown the real man behind the suit, the caring family man and the compassionate person he really is which he never likes to show because he is a tough businessman and rarely do good businessmen let their guard down but now that he is leading most polls and or has caught the witch, he is showing just how presidentail he is and when he needs to fight when attacked, he will in his own way and if he wins then his two new campaign managers should be set for life with the bonuses they deserve.

I admire the way he fought off 16 other people to get the nominee and as a businessman for many many years i totally get his "fighting" attitude. Those who have never owned a successful business likely do not get it but those who have and do, surely get it.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I admire the way he fought off 16 other people to get the nominee and as a businessman for many many years i totally get his "fighting" attitude. Those who have never owned a successful business likely do not get it but those who have and do, surely get it.

If you support a known bigot, racist, rapist and con man who is the least transparent and least qualified presidential candidate in history who idolizes dictators, i suppose that's your prerogative. The Constitution defends your right to do so and vote for who you want, which is what democracy is all about.

Trump is the one who was behind the birther movement who went out of his way for years to try to de-legitimize the only african-american President the country ever had. He's insulted every ethnic group you can think of, called all Mexicans rapists and referred to women as fat pigs who bleed from all over and finds it disgusting when they need to take a bathroom break. But again, anyone is free to vote for him if they feel he represents their values and their interests over any other candidate.

Will you also be pulling for David Duke in his Senate run? :rolleyes:

p.s. People who despise Hillary Clinton so much can also vote for either Gary Johnson or Jill Stein.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I saw Trump last night on SNL in a 1 minute Fox News clip of Fallon messing his hair. It was hilarious, and I mean very enjoyable. I got a great big fun smile out of it. If he had the temperament and the kind of intellectual balance and human compassion to go along with that kind of humor he'd be a much more acceptable candidate. But he has shown everyone who he is when he is free to behave as he chooses. We also know a lot about his huge business failures and questionable/shady dealings.

In short get him a job on SNL. He's unfit to be President. As President he would be a national and international embarrassment. The real Trump is a temperamental control freak. As President that means a strongly dictatorial attitude with unstable emotionalism.


It wasn't on SNL. It was on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. I agree he's unfit to be President and he's a crook and everything else, but Jimmy Fallon giving this clown air time at this crucial time in the Presidential race isn't doing the country any favors and it's nothing but win-win for Trump. Last night's appearance on Fallon might have have just sealed the deal for Trump. The world is holding its breath that it's not the case.
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