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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Sorry Jalimon but the Usa is not "booming" like it used to be, not even close. Yes the 1% is but when talking about the country it is common sense I was talking about the other 99%, c'mon you are not THAT Liberal are you? ;)

But that's my point! Badly explained sorry. The 1% has taken what use to belong to the 99%. Even the most admired company in the world, Apple, has given all production work to chinese company in the name of better cost and better profit. We all acknowledge that Steve Jobs was a genius (which he was) but down the road america is ending up with just a very rich upper class, a rich class, a disapearing midlle class that used to be the driving force and the poors, which you guys calls the white trash, the blacks and the mexicans.

Trump will not solve that problem but Clinton will make it worst.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Problem is that the world has changed. Got to adapt to it, not try to make people believe you will bring it back.

That's quite true. World powers continuously change over centuries. At one time Egypt and Italy ruled the world. Greece also. Later Austria, Turkey, France. Great Britain. The Soviet Union. Japan was also very powerful at one time, including China. The United States became a world power after the First War and possibly became #1 in the world after World War II, mostly because it had the atomic bomb and the homeland had not suffered any damage as compared to what Russia, Germany & Great Britain had suffered.

The United States still rule the world, but other countries such as China & Russia have narrowed the gap. But it's to be expected that the United States won't be as dominating globally as it once was. History always repeats itself in one way or another. There's no way to avoid it.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
If you want to look at a sucessful business man, look at guy like Michael Bloomberg, not Donald Trump. Trump his a successful ugly business man who used the bankruptcy law 4 times to screw smaller business who took the losses. Business is not good at any cost.

The billionaires usually chuckle when Donald Trump boasts at his supposed success and how he got it. The real successful businessmen are the likes of Michael Bloomberg, Mark Cuban, Warren Buffet, Rupert Murdoc, Richard Branson, Sheldon Adelson, Bill Gates, the late Steve Jobs, The Koch brothers and so many others. They all regard Donald Trump as a fraud and a mega bullshitter who only found success by inheriting from his very wealthy daddy, who is the main person responsible for getting started in business. Donald Trump has also went through at least 4 bankruptcies and rumours are that he's currently in severe debt, owing a lot to Russian and Chinese banks. His casinos went bankrupt at one time. Tell me, how the hell can you go bankrupt if you own a casino??? Only an idiot would find a way to bankrupt a casino!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Sorry but this is completely false. America is still booming! That is what you american do not understand. Look at other countries, they are far from American level. You think you are not GREAT because the middle class is disapearing. But the wealth is not going away, it's only going to the pocket of the very rich 1 to 3%. That is what you need to fix. And on that maybe Trump can do something, as much as I hate him, I have to admint he could be better to fix that than Clinton.

Not all Americans believe their country is in bad shape. At least half of Americans are realistic and still know that America is still very successful as compared to most of the world. But those who live in an alternate reality (thanks to watching Fox News and all those bullshit right-wing shows) believe the total opposite is true. You can't really blame those people for giving the appearance of having been brainwashed and mislead. When you listen to bullshit and lies day after day after day, you eventually begin to believe them. I loved to watch The Apprentice. But was fully aware that most of it was scripted and knew fully well Trump was playing a role and i got to understand why so many long-time New Yorkers referred to him as the king of bullshit. But he's entertaining, no doubt. You just have to realize that he lies bullshits all the time in order to remain entertaining. He loves the spotlight and got this from his mother.

Congress has as much responsibility in regards to the country's economics, success and failures. A President can be from a certain party and want to implement all the policies he wants, but Congress also shares a lot of the blame or credit when policies are successful or not. That's what the separation of powers in the US Government is all about. A President can come in and have all kind of great ideas, but if he can't get Congress to dance, then he or she will be sorely disappointed. It takes two (and sometimes three) to tango.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Robert Gates: Donald Trump beyond repair

Washington - Robert Gates criticized both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on their preparedness to handle US foreign policy -- but the former defense secretary reserved his harshest language for the Republican nominee, who he said is "beyond repair."

"When it comes to credibility problems, though, Donald Trump is in a league of his own," Gates, a Republican who led the Defense Department under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed Friday, adding that electing Trump is "too great a risk for America."

"The world we confront is too perilous and too complex to have as president a man who believes he, and he alone, has all the answers and has no need to listen to anyone," Gates wrote. "A thin-skinned, temperamental, shoot-from-the-hip and lip, uninformed commander in chief is too great a risk for America."

Gates called Trump too "willfully ignorant about the rest of the world" to be commander in chief. He specifically criticized Trump's plan to build a wall on the US border with Mexico, his call to torture terrorists and kill their family members, and his praise of Russian President Vladmir Putin.

"At least on national security, I believe Mr. Trump is beyond repair. He is stubbornly uninformed about the world and how to lead our country and government, and temperamentally unsuited to lead our men and women in uniform," Gates wrote. "He is unqualified and unfit to be commander in chief."

Read more:

Robert Gates: Trump beyond repair

Doc says: "Very good article and i totally agree with former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Nah, no jumping ship, you libs have Hillary and Chelsea for your mother/daughter duo :eek:


Jesus Fuck what an ugly pair Iggy. What are you trying to do? I hope Doc Reads your post and tries to visualize this. He won't be able to have sex till 2018. This is what Doc has done to the Celebs you would like to have sex with thread. Hillary on her best day is on par with the ugly and disgraceful Rosie O'Donnell. Yuk.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
Washington - Robert Gates criticized both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on their preparedness to handle US foreign policy -- but the former defense secretary reserved his harshest language for the Republican nominee, who he said is "beyond repair."

"When it comes to credibility problems, though, Donald Trump is in a league of his own," Gates, a Republican who led the Defense Department under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed Friday, adding that electing Trump is "too great a risk for America."

"The world we confront is too perilous and too complex to have as president a man who believes he, and he alone, has all the answers and has no need to listen to anyone," Gates wrote. "A thin-skinned, temperamental, shoot-from-the-hip and lip, uninformed commander in chief is too great a risk for America."

Gates called Trump too "willfully ignorant about the rest of the world" to be commander in chief. He specifically criticized Trump's plan to build a wall on the US border with Mexico, his call to torture terrorists and kill their family members, and his praise of Russian President Vladmir Putin.

"At least on national security, I believe Mr. Trump is beyond repair. He is stubbornly uninformed about the world and how to lead our country and government, and temperamentally unsuited to lead our men and women in uniform," Gates wrote. "He is unqualified and unfit to be commander in chief."

Gates is 100% correct.

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
I feel sorry for the American electorate. They have the choice between a Ford Pinto and an AMC Gremlin. But at least it will be entertaining.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I feel sorry for the American electorate. They have the choice between a Ford Pinto and an AMC Gremlin. But at least it will be entertaining.

I don't like the analogy. It's more like a Ford Edsel and a Cadillac. Yes, the difference is that huge & electing the Edsel could be regarded as a global catastrophy.

On another note, we've just learned that former President George H.W. Bush will be voting for Hillary Clinton.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Meanwhile Trump has had how many successful businesses? And only 4 that were not?

Only 4 that went bankrupt. Lots of his businesses have not been "successful" but just quietly shut down.

But, I do not like Trump for President because of his business success alone, sure washington needs to be run like a business by real businessmen,

No. You don't want to run a country like a business. They are different things with different purposes. That's like saying "Washington needs to be run like a School by Schoolteachers" - it makes no sense.

but the real reason i think Trump would be a good to great president is because of his love for his country, bar none.

Still waiting to see some proof he loves his country very much. But also, lots of people who would be terrible leaders love their country. My cousin loves his country, he would be a shitty president.

That ego would be a good thing to propel him to become a good or great president and we would all benefit from that. Something to think about ;)

For me, that shallow, thin-skinned ego is why he shouldn't be president. I don't want a coward who overreacts to everything as Commander in Chief. Even if you put aside all the white nationalist support and say that is just a side effect of him focusing on a pro-america rhetoric, just going back to his fragile ego makes him unacceptable for me. He reacts, and doesn't think, and is all about ego and dominance and big man in the room. That's just far too dangerous for a Superpower. (It's dangerous enough in a small country, but at least there it can be more easily contained.)


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Doc what about Trump using over 300M taken from his charity to pay some legal fees.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You know what they say about opinions ;)

I'm sure even you would do better than killery.
Only 4 that went bankrupt. Lots of his businesses have not been "successful" but just quietly shut down.

No. You don't want to run a country like a business. They are different things with different purposes. That's like saying "Washington needs to be run like a School by Schoolteachers" - it makes no sense.

Still waiting to see some proof he loves his country very much. But also, lots of people who would be terrible leaders love their country. My cousin loves his country, he would be a shitty president.

For me, that shallow, thin-skinned ego is why he shouldn't be president. I don't want a coward who overreacts to everything as Commander in Chief. Even if you put aside all the white nationalist support and say that is just a side effect of him focusing on a pro-america rhetoric, just going back to his fragile ego makes him unacceptable for me. He reacts, and doesn't think, and is all about ego and dominance and big man in the room. That's just far too dangerous for a Superpower. (It's dangerous enough in a small country, but at least there it can be more easily contained.)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Only 4 that went bankrupt. Lots of his businesses have not been "successful" but just quietly shut down.

Good point. Other billionaires chuckle when they hear people claiming Trump is a successful businessman. Okay, i'll give him this: he's a good developer of golf courses. Trump got to where he is financially mostly because of his wealthy father. And his father got to where he is because his own father made a fortune as a pimp. That's why it wouldn't surprise me to learn if Donald Trump's supposed "modelling agency" was in fact a high-priced escort agency, recruiting escorts from various european countries under false premises. He also once brutally raped his first wife....just like a pimp would do and expect to get away with it. And he did.

No. You don't want to run a country like a business. They are different things with different purposes. That's like saying "Washington needs to be run like a School by Schoolteachers" - it makes no sense.

I absolutely agree with you. It's like saying a woodworker would be good at building cars. Maybe hiring a smart and successful businessman and appoint him Secretary of the Treasury would make sense. Or Secretary of Commerce. But definitely and absolutely not as a President. This would be the absolutely worst scenario.

Still waiting to see some proof he loves his country very much. But also, lots of people who would be terrible leaders love their country. My cousin loves his country, he would be a shitty president.

He sure loves Russia, though. There is no denying this.

For me, that shallow, thin-skinned ego is why he shouldn't be president. I don't want a coward who overreacts to everything as Commander in Chief. Even if you put aside all the white nationalist support and say that is just a side effect of him focusing on a pro-america rhetoric, just going back to his fragile ego makes him unacceptable for me. He reacts, and doesn't think, and is all about ego and dominance and big man in the room. That's just far too dangerous for a Superpower. (It's dangerous enough in a small country, but at least there it can be more easily contained.)

He's also seriously mentally ill and reacts negatively to any tweet thrown at him. He's so gullible. So easy to manipulate. Compliment him and he'll love you. You say the truth about him and he despises you and hurls insults at you. He's Richie Rich. A little spoiled rich brat who never had it tough once in his life and always used to getting it his way. And he brutally raped his first wife, fucked around on her with a bimbo, and then fucked around on her also and wound up marrying a european high-end escort and whose marriage is now on the rocks. Again.

The bottom line is that i could never vote for a racist and a bigot. Sure, he refers to unnattractive women as 'fat pigs', refers to Mexicans as rapists and has insulted other ethnic groups and has insulted muslims, but the big one for me is the racism and the bigotry.

I feel sorry for the black people if Donald Trump is ever elected. God bless their soul!!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Doc what about Trump using over 300M taken from his charity to pay some legal fees.

I'm not a bit surprised. Did you hear about what the Trump Foundation really is about? They get other rich people and organizations to donate money to it, and then they turn around and use that money in giving out donations in Donald Trump's name. It's a fucking joke and i really would love to see his taxes. It's likely true that some of it would confirm he's doing business with a lot of very bad foreign people who are affiliated to their governments who may or may not be at war with the United States.

And it wouldn't surprise me if they confirmed Russian and Chinese banks had him by the balls.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
A Donald Trump supporter learns his candidate is a con man

My coffee with a Trump die-hard.

by Robert Reich, Salon

I finally found a Trump supporter — this morning when I went to buy coffee. (I noticed a Trump bumper sticker on his car.)

“Hi,” I said. “Noticed your Trump bumper sticker.”

“Yup,” he said, a bit defensively.

“I hope you don’t mind my asking, but I’m curious. Why are you supporting him?”

“I know he’s a little bit much,” said the Trump supporter. “But he’s a successful businessman. And we need a successful businessman as president.”

“How do you know he’s a successful businessman?” I asked.

“Because he’s made a fortune.”

“Has he really?” I asked.

“Of course. Forbes magazine says he’s worth four and a half billion.”

“That doesn’t mean he’s been a success,” I said.

“In my book it does,” said the Trump supporter.

“You know, in 1976, when Trump was just starting his career, he said he was worth about $200 million,” I said. “Most of that was from his father.”

“That just proves my point,” said the Trump supporter. “He turned that $200 million into four and a half billion. Brilliant man.“

“But if he had just put that $200 million into an index fund and reinvested the dividends, he’d be worth twelve billion today,” I said.

The Trump supporter went silent.

“And he got about $850 million in tax subsidies, just in New York alone,” I said.

More silence.

“He’s not a businessman,” I said. “He’s a con man. “Hope you enjoy your coffee.”

A Donald Trump supporter learns his candidate is a con man

Doc Holliday: Although it could very well be, that Trump supporter is very likely NOT my good buddy Iggy. ;)

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
I don't like the analogy. It's more like a Ford Edsel and a Cadillac. Yes, the difference is that huge & electing the Edsel could be regarded as a global catastrophy.

On another note, we've just learned that former President George H.W. Bush will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

I figured you wouldn't. But that doesn't mean it's inaccurate. Hillary certainly is not close to resembling a Cadillac. She's been a disaster as SOS and she'll be a disaster as POTUS.

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
A Donald Trump supporter learns his candidate is a con man

My coffee with a Trump die-hard.

by Robert Reich, Salon

I finally found a Trump supporter — this morning when I went to buy coffee. (I noticed a Trump bumper sticker on his car.)

“Hi,” I said. “Noticed your Trump bumper sticker.”

“Yup,” he said, a bit defensively.

“I hope you don’t mind my asking, but I’m curious. Why are you supporting him?”

“I know he’s a little bit much,” said the Trump supporter. “But he’s a successful businessman. And we need a successful businessman as president.”

“How do you know he’s a successful businessman?” I asked.

“Because he’s made a fortune.”

“Has he really?” I asked.

“Of course. Forbes magazine says he’s worth four and a half billion.”

“That doesn’t mean he’s been a success,” I said.

“In my book it does,” said the Trump supporter.

“You know, in 1976, when Trump was just starting his career, he said he was worth about $200 million,” I said. “Most of that was from his father.”

“That just proves my point,” said the Trump supporter. “He turned that $200 million into four and a half billion. Brilliant man.“

“But if he had just put that $200 million into an index fund and reinvested the dividends, he’d be worth twelve billion today,” I said.

The Trump supporter went silent.

“And he got about $850 million in tax subsidies, just in New York alone,” I said.

More silence.

“He’s not a businessman,” I said. “He’s a con man. “Hope you enjoy your coffee.”

A Donald Trump supporter learns his candidate is a con man

Doc Holliday: Although it could very well be, that Trump supporter is very likely NOT my good buddy Iggy. ;) roflmaoroflmaoroflmao.........

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
She's been a disaster as SOS and she'll be a disaster as POTUS.

That's if you believe the Right's bullshit. I remember fully well when she was Secretary of State and from all accounts she was doing a very good job. Donald Trump himself said in several interviews at the time that Hillary Clinton had done a great job as Secretary of State.

At least she's qualified to be POTUS. They other guy is an absolute total idiot! And he belongs in a mental hospital!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump responds to Cuban: I'll put Gennifer Flowers in front row at debate

by Rebecca Morin, Politico

When billionaire businessman and frequent Donald Trump critic Mark Cuban said he'd sit front-row at Monday's presidential debate, it didn't take long for the debate commission to respond -- nor the Republican nominee.

"If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to sit in the front row, perhaps I will put Gennifer Flowers right alongside of him!" Trump tweeted Saturday, citing the actress whose claims of a 12-year affair with Bill Clinton roiled the Arkansas governor's presidential bid in 1992. (Initially, Trump misspelled Flowers' first name as Jennifer.)

On Saturday morning, the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates also said it would "frown upon" the decision to have Cuban sitting in a front-row seat.

"We're going to frown upon that, we'll tell you this right now, whether a Republican or Democrat or anyone else attempts by use of the tickets in placing people in the front row or not to try to impact the debate," Frank Fahrenkopf said on CNN with Michael Smerconish. "It's wrong, we would frown upon Mr. Cuban being in the front row."

Fahrenkopf said the candidates determine who sits where in the block of tickets they are given.

Cuban has attacked GOP nominee Donald Trump frequently throughout the election, calling him a "jagoff" and questioning Trump's net worth, alongside tweeting Friday night his intent to sit in the front row at the Hofstra University debate.

"If his purpose is to somehow disrupt the debates, likewise if Mr. Trump was going to put someone in the front row to try to impact things," Fahrenkopf said.

However, Fahrenkopf said that the commission has been working with the campaigns to resolve the matter.

"They're approaching this in a very dignified matter," he said. "The way I think it should be approached."

Serial adulterer Trump would put Gennifer Flowers in front row at debate

What Doc says: "Trump, who fucked around on all his wives, cannot cope with the fact Mark Cuban would sit in the front row at the debate and threatened to put Gennifer Flowers in the front row. Does that idiot Trump not realize that the Gennifer Flowers affair ended over 25 years ago?? The man is not only delusional, but he suffers from dementia just like his father did! Plus Ivanka's mom once accused him of brutally raping her! No wonder he wants to fuck his daughter Ivanka.....she reminds him so much of her mother! Donald Trump belongs in a mental hospital!"
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