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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You're seriously blaming her for the dirt? His sick tweets alone make about 70% of the trash, then his campaign speeches and debate sleaziness make up most of the rest. On her part all she has to do is mention the subject and he's worth another 100 to 200 tweets and verbal rants in the next 48 hours. Her campaign ads are slowing because there's no need for them. His own pathological sickness is doing the work for her. Why spend money on attacking him when he's so politically suicidal.

You cannot blame Trump for his constant rant, he as nothing to say. You all saw it in the debates he avoid any serious subject because it will make him look like a fool. This is typical of bully people, they attack attack and attack because they are too dumb to defend any subject.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Repeating myself but so is everyone else.
WTF..... Why is there no dirt printed about Clinton, there certainly is plenty. The media has made up its mind and they want Clinton to win and the voters will vote for Clinton no matter how much of an evil, corrupt crook she is.
Same thing happened in Canada during the last federal election.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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New York Times To Trump: Go Ahead And Sue Us

You have to love the counsel for the New York Times who has dared Trump's counsel to sue his client in a scathing and taunting letter that begs Trumo to bring it the fuck on:

Before you guys get carried away with impressions that David McCaw has a giant pair of testicles between his legs, be advised that anyone can have a big pair of balls when the law is on their side. The New York Times is the very company that brought us the very important New York Times v. Sullivan case- a critical development in American jurisprudence which established the "actual malice" standard for public officials in defamation cases - but more importantly the Falwell v. Hustler case, which is a huge impediment to any Trump lawsuit. I would not be surprised if Trump sues a week before the election and then withdraws the complaint the day after the election because he is not keeping the case in court.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Corruption at it's finest. The liberal media and special interest groups are bought and paid by the crooks from Arkansas. Truly sickening and for all the bozos rooting for the wicked witch from the west, they will all disappear once they realise she is worse than obama was.
Repeating myself but so is everyone else.
WTF..... Why is there no dirt printed about Clinton, there certainly is plenty. The media has made up its mind and they want Clinton to win and the voters will vote for Clinton no matter how much of an evil, corrupt crook she is.
Same thing happened in Canada during the last federal election.


New Member
May 14, 2016
WTF..... Why is there no dirt printed about Clinton, there certainly is plenty. The media has made up its mind and they want Clinton to win and the voters will vote for Clinton no matter how much of an evil, corrupt crook she is.

You are regurgitating Trump almost verbatim. All your candidate can do lately is spew dirt and cry conspiracy constantly. There's not a doubt in the world he's the crier of the decade. And it's all hypocrisy because he's obsessed with twitter, which is just another form of media. Besides that, Fox news plays a lot of the same video any other media does, and the only real problem is when Trump is shown speaking he's his own worst enemy. He happily uses the media whenever he likes. His problem is he comes off badly to 65% or more of the population...and I'd bet even most of those who want to vote for him look at the guy as a no-other-choice-sleazebag

For example. the New York Times points out the problem precisely:

In a letter to Trump attorney Marc E. Kasowitz sent Thursday, New York Times general counsel David McCraw wrote, of the request that the Times retract the story, "We decline to do so."

McCraw then laid into Kasowitz and his client, writing, "The essence of a libel claim, of course, is the protection of one's reputation. Mr. Trump has bragged about his non-consensual sexual touching of women. He has bragged about intruding on beauty pageant contestants in their dressing rooms. He acquiesced to a radio host's request to discuss Mr. Trump's own daughter as a 'piece of ass.' Multiple women not mentioned in our article have publicly come forward to report on Mr. Trump's unwanted advances. Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself."

Even if there weren't case ruling standards in the books making a suit difficult Trump still has made his own ugly reputation so what is there he can sue for.

Trump saying he'd Sleep with Daughter


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
What`s that saying about people living in glass houses?
I`ve known JSB for over 10 years and several different handles.
The guy is quite intelligent.
He is also rather colorful.
Your cheap shots at him are not going to get you many admirers on Merb.

I agree. Still John S. could use a few punctuation and line break here and there, he is interesting indeed so it would help reading him. ;)



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Jay Leno on the current political campaign:
"Hillary Clinton. It's still within the level of acceptable corruption," he joked. "But Trump goes beyond it."

How can the US end up there....!


K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Nate Silver's site has some great statistical info about the election and good political chat.

The Republican party as a national entity is in rough shape and may continue to be so for some time. But on a local and state-wide level they are actually still very strong. Gerrymandering efforts have left them with a majority of governerships and control of local legislature in many individual states.

Yeah that's the reason. Man do you swallow the Kool Aid by bucketfuls ;)

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Corruption at it's finest. The liberal media and special interest groups are bought and paid by the crooks from Arkansas. Truly sickening and for all the bozos rooting for the wicked witch from the west, they will all disappear once they realise she is worse than obama was.

As much as I hate Hillary, she won't be nearly as bad as Obama was. Worst POTUS of my lifetime hands down. And there have been some bad ones - Carter and GWB most notably.


New Member
May 14, 2016

Texas going pink, not solidly Trump, and South Carolina too. With Trump's mouth and tweets killing him and women piling on claims of his lechery does Clinton need to spend on any more advertisements. Don't worry. If he loses he'll still have a "piece of ass" as he claims. His daughter.

I can see a lot of Christian-oriented Republicans staying home or making a protest vote against him.

One other thing. Trump's sleaziness and gross attack style has increased enthusiasm for Clinton that had not been there much before.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I would not be surprised if Trump sues a week before the election and then withdraws the complaint the day after the election because he is not keeping the case in court.
It's possible, but i doubt it. Trump is the accusers' best witness since he's been caught boasting about sexually assaulting women several times over the years and it was all caught on tape and on video. Now he claims the accusations are bogus when he himself bragged about sexually women & described his assaults exactly like the claims the many women made.

It's like some guy who brags about robbing banks over and over, and when other banks then come out and confirm they've also been robbed by the same bank robber, the bank robber denies ever robbing a bank and threatens to sue them for claiming they've been robbed by him.

By the way, another female accuser has come out today. She claims she was also sexually assaulted by Donald Trump in the 70's. Once this thing is over, people may just have forgot who Bill Cosby was! Could Donald Trump be a worst serial sex offender than even The Cos??? Donald Trump=The Groper.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
As much as I hate Hillary, she won't be nearly as bad as Obama was. Worst POTUS of my lifetime hands down. And there have been some bad ones - Carter and GWB most notably.

I disagree, but it's ok. In my eyes, Obama has been a great President. He's brought a lot of positive change in the country and he got his man, Bin Laden. President Obama would have been even greater had he not had to deal with a constantly obstructing Republican Congress, who went out of their way over and over to contradict and obstruct the President in everything he did and tried to do. Obama's biggest achievement in my opinion is the Health Care Reform Act.

President Jimmy Carter also wasn't as bad as people today are led to believe. Not a single soldier died under his watch and the Camp David Accord was a historical achievement, getting two global giants and sworn ennemies to get together and make peace for the sake of their countries, and the world. Jimmy Carter's downfall was the Iranian Hostage Crisis. Had Gerald Ford won the election in 1976, the same thing would have happened and the hostage crisis would have likely brought his presidency down and the country would have wound up with a Democrat President in 1980. It could have been Carter, Mondale, Kennedy, who knows.

I agree that GWB was a very bad president. Maybe the worse, maybe not. Opinions vary, but i still believe 9/11 would not have occurred had Albert Gore been President. Not only did 9/11 happen under GWB's watch, but he and his administration ignored warnings that a Bin Laden attack using planes would occur in the very near future. They were warned over and over by the CIA and did nothing other than going on vacation at his Texas ranch (he still holds the record for a president taking the most vacation days). And had 9/11 not happened, the War in Iraq wouldn't have happened. The War in Afghanistan also would not have happened. And the world would be different today.

Richard Nixon was an awful President. He tried to turn the Presidency into a dictatorship and was forced to resign or else he would have been impeached. He shamed the Presidency and the country.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

Texas going pink, not solidly Trump, and South Carolina too. With Trump's mouth and tweets killing him and women piling on claims of his lechery does Clinton need to spend on any more advertisements. Don't worry. If he loses he'll still have a "piece of ass" as he claims. His daughter.

I can see a lot of Christian-oriented Republicans staying home or making a protest vote against him.

One other thing. Trump's sleaziness and gross attack style has increased enthusiasm for Clinton that had not been there much before.

I'd be extremely surprised if Texas went blue. In my opinion, Texas would still go red even if Adolf Hitler ran for the GOP. I do expect South Carolina to possibly go blue, but by a slight margin.

I do agree that Trump's sleazy attacks against the Clintons has only brought up her numbers. Thirty years ago when the same thing happened, her favorable numbers went up since she was looked upon as a victim and people felt for her. Even Donald Trump at the time felt this way. Lets' face it: Bill Clinton isn't the one running for President, and all the stuff about him was covered over and over 30 years ago. People have put that stuff behind them and the majority of people didn't want it brought back.

But many of Trump's current and former advisors warned Trump not to go there and that it would likely turn off the voting bases they need instead of getting them on board. But Trump went against their wishes and gave his 'base' of crazies what they wanted: red meat. Trump doesn't seem to grasp that to win the Presidency, you need more than his base of bigots and lunatic supporters who've been with him since the primaries. Which is why today his poll numbers are in the 30's.

Trump is also being manipulated by a few advisors with personal agendas, such as Steve Bannon of Breitbart. Bannon likely doesn't give a damn whether or not Trump wins. He's using Trump to attack the Clintons and rile up his own base of deplorable racists and bigots. Currently, the election has turned into Breitbart vs. Clintons and the GOP.

Let me make a bold prediction: Trump will be one of the biggest losers in US presidential history come election day. The forces of good over evil will prevail.

And let me point out that one of my earlier predictions is coming true: that Donald Trump's nomination would destroy the GOP. But the irony is that in the long run, this is the best thing that could happen to the Republican party. It will force them to take a real good look in the mirror and realize that the radical element within their party cannot co-exist with other conservatives and moderates within their party. The party has already lost many long-time conservatives and moderates to the Democrats and other smaller parties. Can they get them back? Maybe. But one thing is certain: the party's survival is seriously in question right now and it's survival will depend if they can chase way those radical elements, which they were responsible to create in the first place. The party created a Frankenstein monster which took over the party. Will they be able to kill that monster? Time will tell.


New Member
May 14, 2016
But many of Trump's current and former advisors warned Trump not to go there and that it would likely turn off the voting bases they need instead of getting them on board. But Trump went against their wishes and gave his 'base' of crazies what they wanted: red meat. Trump doesn't seem to grasp that to win the Presidency, you need more than his base of bigots and lunatic supporters who've been with him since the primaries.

This is the scariest part of Trump. All his greedy, sleazy, punkish, loudmouth garbage is one thing. But imagine there's a world crisis going on and the President is someone with all of that plus he thinks he's all-knowing, wiser than anyone else despite being one of the most irrational people ever and won't take any advice as he has already proven. Again I refer to that scene in the movie "DEAD ZONE where the POTUS acts like a single-minded suicidal psychotic. DEAD ZONE...Trumps head.

BTW - Another woman, Kristin Anderson, hot for a woman in her 50s, claims she was at a function and without any introduction when Trump just put his hand up her skirt. How many more of these groped women are out there.

At the moment - Trump is again quoting Wikileaks, which seems to have been infiltrated by Trumps' pals the Russians to influence the election.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Another Trump accuser comes forward:

Former Model: Trump Reached Up My Skirt

Kristin Anderson, a former aspiring model, came forward on Friday with a new accusation of sexual assault by Donald Trump. Anderson told The Washington Post that the incident occurred at a Manhattan nightclub in the 1990s. Trump’s “fingers slid under her miniskirt, moved up her inner thigh, and touched her vagina through her underwear,” according to the report.

Anderson said she and her friends easily moved past the incident, thinking: “Okay, Donald is gross. We all know he’s gross. Let’s just move on.” Anderson’s friend, Kelly Stedman, and others corroborated the account, saying Anderson, now 46 years old, told her about it a few days after it happened. Trump, through his spokeswoman, denied the “totally ridiculous” allegation.

Read more:

Former model claims Trump groped her

Doc says: "Absolutely shameful!! But why are we not surprised?? We've learned that over the past week that Donald Trump is possibly a worst sex offender than Bill Cosby!!!"
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