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Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
however if it could be proved 33 people who were going to put clinton away and mysteriously met their demise that my friend would be not only murder but conspiricy as otehrs had to help in that :)

you have tape on that?

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
As much as I hate Trump, his position on two issues did draw my attention. I am curious what you guys think of them?

1. Should US give 11 millions illegal immigrants amnesty? What would those who spent years just to get a H1B visa think if illegals could stay? As far as I know Trump is the only one clearly states that he would send them back. His running mate Pence does not agree however.

2. What would US do with refugees when there might be radicals? You know the radicals who did 911 received flying training inside USA. While Clinton specifically pointed out that "Islam is peaceful and has nothing to do with Terrorism"

statistics show that you are more likely to get killed by this dude than a Muslim in the US...

what are they doing about all the unhinged white people?

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Busted! Bill Clinton's Face When Trump Brings Up The Rape Allegations is Priceless.
trump said things which he appoligises for 11 yrs back but clinton raped 4 woman 1 at 12 yrs of age
hillory got him of and laughted at the 12 yr old girl so to all you clinton lovers look at this video and praise and long live the clintons
bill raped woman and kids and hillory threatened all fo them a pattern of abuse of power for years and nto let us forget 3 people who misteriously died
google it as well

you insist for proof whenever anyone brings anything up about Trump... Able to hold yourself to the same standard?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The DOJ said Clinton had the right to delete personal emails from her private server.

Also, you lose credibility by characterizing Hillary Clinton as "pure evil". She has far more character and integrity than Trump.

You did know that Clinton deleted them after she was subpoenaed didn't you.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Misogyny and racism have become impolite... Republicans have determined that politeness is the problem...

What do you expect? Trump's campaign has been run by Breitbart's top gun over the past year. Breitbart caters to the alt-right, which is another term for the most racist/bigot elements of our society. If you're a white racist and a bigot, Breitbart's the place you'll feel more at home. Sadly, i'm not making this up. I read not too long ago that it's the Ku Klux Klan's favorite website.

Anyone who dares to claim he follows and reads anything posted on Breitbart is definitely white and a racist and bigot. That's actually very well known and fact. And the person who heads that site also happens to advise and run Trump's campaign. Think about it.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003


The Republican Party Made Donald Trump. Now Donald Trump Is Destroying the Republican Party.

Most of the party is still standing behind this madman. But he’s willing to take them all down to punish the 15 percent who are straying.

by Michael Tomasky

After blasting away at Hispanics, Muslims, “the blacks,” women, the media, an opponent’s wife and father, a federal judge, the parents of a dead U.S. soldier, a journalist with a disability, a Miss Universe, Rosie O’Donnell, Megyn Kelly, Samuel L. Jackson (Google that one), the National Football League (“soft like our country”), a war hero senator (“I like people that weren’t captured”), the Ghostbusters remake (“with only women—what’s going on?”) Elizabeth Warren, Ruth Bader Ginsburg (“her mind is shot”), Pope Francis, Crooked Hillary, and on and on and on, Donald Trump has finally homed in on a target that richly deserves everything he can throw at it: the Republican Party.

If you have been as horrified as any normal person at most of those outbursts, this is one to sit back and enjoy. And while I doubt that Trump can ruin the GOP, because after all a political party that’s been around for 150-plus years is a pretty big thing, he can come close. And boy has the party earned the right to be ruined by him.

It’s been said many times, but it bears repeating because Republican leaders still won’t acknowledge it, at least publicly: They created Trump. They started creating him 30 years ago when Rush Limbaugh and the others began working their audiences into states of rage against feminists and black people and immigrants, and they validated Rush and the gang by going on their shows and sucking up to them.

They created him throughout the 1990s, as the rage industry became a monster.

They created him after the 9/11 attacks, when they said everyone who didn’t agree with the Bush administration hated freedom.

They created him when Obama birtherism got rolling, which Hillary did not have a hand in (it was started by an obscure Republican office-holder in Illinois), and which very few of them had the decency to disavow. And they created him by slamming the door on immigration reform, opposing “amnesty” with militant stridency, creating the mood among their voters—who responded like Pavlov’s dogs when Trump said “rapists” last June—that vaulted Trump to the top of the charts.

They could have stopped him last year, if they’d had the courage. A group of influential Republicans could have stood up and said, “No, people; we don’t want this.” Reince Priebus could have rounded up the other top-tier candidates and said, “Gentlemen, for the sake of our party, we must unite behind one of you.” This is far-fetched I admit. But it wouldn’t have been impossible.

I sure bet Priebus wishes now he’d tried. Outwardly, he’s still all-in for Trump: Monday night, after the video tape, after Trump threatened to put Clinton in jail, a clear and shocking violation of the Constitution, Priebus said the RNC and the Trump campaign have “a great relationship.” But inwardly, if Priebus has any moral bearings left in him at all at this point, he must be quaking at the thought of a Trump victory, since he would go down in history as America’s Franz von Papen. Those of you who know what I mean... know just what I mean.
So now we have the matter of Trump’s Tuesday tweet torrent:

• “Despite winning the second debate in a landslide (every poll), it is hard to do well when Paul Ryan and others give zero support!”

• “Our very weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, had a bad conference call where his members went wild at his disloyalty.”

• “It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to.”

• “Disloyal R’s are far more difficult than Crooked Hillary. They come at you from all sides. They don’t know how to win—I will teach them!”

• “The very foul-mouthed Sen. John McCain begged for my support during his primary (I gave, he won), then dropped me over locker room remarks!”

Monday, McCain joined what in panting media shorthand is usually called something like the “long and fast-growing list” of Republicans who’ve withdrawn their support from Trump.

Looked at one way, the list is indeed long. It includes about 15 GOP senators. But another way of saying it is that the list does not include nearly 40 of them. It includes around 25 GOP House members, which means it does not include about 215. It includes a half-dozen governors, but does not include more than 25. Adding it all up, among senators, House members, and governors, a hefty 85 percent still officially back this man who is obviously unqualified and hasn’t a small-d democratic cell in his body.

They know they’re stuck with him. Some who are candidates this year and have comfortable enough leads in the polls over their Democratic opponents—McCain is one of these—can afford to distance themselves. But most of them need his voters. This is why New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte preposterously called Trump a “role model” at her debate with Maggie Hassan. It was a moment of complete moral self-cancellation—you could see the gears desperately churning, “How do I say he’s not a role model without offending his voters, whom I need?”

It’s why North Carolina’s Richard Burr Monday night expressed continued support for Trump. Being a Southerner, Burr went with the sure-fire Southern recipe for wading through such muck and defended his stance on the grounds of his own Christian charity: “As a son of a Presbyterian minister, my dad always taught me that when people ask for forgiveness, you should give it to them. He did that, and I’ve certainly forgiven him.”

So Trump still has most of them. But 85 percent isn’t enough for Trump. Nothing short of 100 percent is ever enough for him. Dictators have wiped out whole populations over that last 15 percent. Trump doesn’t have that power, but he does have the power to turn his furious base on the weak-kneed quislings and Girondins who are undermining the revolution. He’s exactly the kind who’ll burn down the village even if it means his flesh smolders with everyone else’s. Bring the gasoline.

The GOP created Donald Trump; now he's destroying the Republican party

Doc says: "Absolutely great article and i totally agree with it!"


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Americans aren't very good with facts. They don't lead in anything anymore and that's been going on for decades. Way too much money is being thrown away at the military instead of other areas such as education, the poor and health care. A lot of that money could be used to rebuild the inner cities and other areas needing the money. Although they trail nearly every other western country in almost every category, Americans still believe it's the best place to live in the world and that no other country comes close. I beg to differ.

Leave it to the right-wing conservatives this is the result of their beliefs. Having said that I agree they expend so much time and money enforcing social behaviors and the Bible like busting on prostitution. If a politician sends troops to a country and it was a mistake and many innocent civilians gets killed that is not a big deal. However if the same politician books an escort or has an affair ohh God forbid he committed a sin and will be forced to resign his position. This is Americans for you yet we got people here on this board who love our escorts and are so impressed with the beauty and service they offer here. Well stop voting for right-wing conservatives. Conservatism is a disease.

But it's far from being the best country out there, and that's been going on for a very long time although most Americans are totally unaware of this.

This is what I always say and the stats prove this but we got rightist conservatives who are in denial.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.


New Member
May 14, 2016
donald has shot himself in teh foot
its a few of you who think the sun shines out o crooked hillarys ass which i cant understand

LOL. You posted at 6:48am. At least I let the sun come up.

I haven't seen a person on this board ignore the point that Clinton has significant flaws. So your statement is false.

Many reacted in the last debate to which candidate got in the bigger shots in. That goes a long way with a certain type of voter on both sides. It satisfied them emotionally because their reaction process is based more on hyperbole than rationality. They will surely believe Trump won that debate hands down because of the big digs he got in. But how many candidates like Trump win? As someone who knows at least a little about all the Presidents only one, Andrew Jackson, come close and he was never as completely outrageous as Trump. Teddy Roosevelt seemed outrageous but it was his style that gave this impression not his overall stability or lack of.

Most people gravitate toward stability and who appears more stable. Independents even more so. Personal stability, I believe, did more to get Obama elected and re-elected, more than his policies which maybe the majority of people nation wide were not as comfortable with as they might have seemed by voting for him. As I said, Clinton comes with a lot of personal baggage. She's a very imperfect candidate most Americans have questions about, some times serious questions about even if they support her. But Trump comes off as a highly bombastic, extremely impulsive individual who says and seems to believe he can do no wrong despite extreme business failures, consistent gross personal behavior, a significant martyrdom view of himself against everyone, and a strong denial he has any flaws in the face of frequently repulsive behavior.

Trump comes off to those who favor rationality, realistic self-awareness as highly unstable, even a bit over the line as being dangerous. He does everything to make himself look irrational and unstable, making Clinton seem the much safer choice despite whatever discomfort and how much of it people have with her.

You're right JSB. He shot himself in the foot, and he does it every day, sometimes more than once a day. He's quite unstable.



New Member
May 14, 2016
If anything, the leaked audio recording would only strengthen the support by Trump’s base.

“I think you’re forgetting why we, the voters, chose Trump as our nominee over all of you,” she continued. “We are sick of this holier-than-thou you all parade around in public. We are sick of the fact that most of you were in office from 2002 to 2006, when we had the White House and both houses of Congress — yet did nothing. You just squawked, that’s it.”

It's interesting to know Tomi Lahren has nothing against men grabbing a woman's pussy uninvited even if she doesn't want that, and Lahren seems to imply it's a bad attitude of the "bleeding heart" voter to be repulsed by that. For looks I wouldn't mind being alone with Tomi and seeing how far she wants to go with that attitude sexually. But only if she wants that. I guess we aren't compatible, even if I did look like Brad Pit, because I don't feel the same dismissive way she does about sexual assault and rape. If it ever happens to her will she stand by her view and say...that's okay rapist, I'm not a bleeding heart.

She sounds like a fool.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
hey doc,are we still good,long time no talk,you do know i was only pulling your chain...right.

Of course. It's all good, buddy. I don't take anything that is said in this thread personally. That's why my elders always told me it's never good to discuss religion & politics, or else all hell breaks loose! When's the last time we met up? Ten years ago maybe? It's been a long time, but always good times! :D

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Trump has been accused for years of mistreating women

Read on:

Trump & his companies have been accused of mistreating women in at least 20 lawsuits

Doc says: "This isn't shocking. And it's only the beginning. A producer from 'The Apprentice' for the first two seasons of the reality show said recently that there are much worst stuff that is out there in tapes (which were edited out) than the Access Hollywood tape. But rumours are that Mark Burnett isn't allowed to release the tapes due to legalities. But don't be surprised if a disgruntled employee may not just leak some of the tapes to the press within the next couple of weeks or so.

A lot also has to be said about how his two ex-wives have appeared terrified to say anything about Trump during interviews, according to people who interviewed them. They are still extremely afraid of this beast. But it's not surprising considering Ivana Trump once accused Donald Trump of brutally raping her. In her complaint, she gave an account of the incident in details. The charges were later dropped after being pressured by Trump's cronies.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Donald Trump, sexual predator

Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing

“Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.”----Donald Trump to teenage contestants

Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing

Doc says: "Absolutely revolting!! But am i surprised? No i'm not. It wouldn't surprise me to learn one day that he may have also sexually abused Ivanka. I saw a clip last night of him greeting her on the stage at the RNC after she introduced him. The camera angle was from the back of her and when he walked up to her, he put his hands around her waist, and then momentarily slid both hands lower and i kid you not, it almost looked like he was about to grab her ass until he realized immediately what was going on and he immediately took his hands off of her! What a sick & troubled man!

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Major GOP donors have asked Trump for a refund

At least two major GOP donors who helped raise or personally gave tens of thousands of dollars to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign have asked for their money back. NBC News obtained emails and interviewed at least one of the donors, who said they are upset about the video released Friday afternoon that showed the Republican candidate making lewd comments about women.

“I cannot express my disappointment enough regarding the recent events surrounding Mr. Trump,” one donor wrote to a Trump fundraiser. “I regret coming to the Trump support event, and in particular allowing my son to be a part of it. I respectfully request that my money be refunded.” Jason Miller, a spokesman for Trump, told reporters he wasn’t aware of any requests of the kind. A second donor, who helped raise nearly $1 million for the real-estate mogul, told NBC News that he was “mortified” over the video.

“I give up. I’m totally walking out and disappointed, and the last 72 hours I have lost sleep over it.” In an email, he wrote, “I have three young children and will not support a crude, sexist man. I expect a refund of my donation. Please process immediately and I thank you for your help.”

Doc says: "I doubt they'll ever get their money back. When you let a con artist take care of your money, you put it at great risk and good luck getting any of it back."

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Tom Brady refuses to denounce Donald Trump's "locker-room" talk and walks out of press conference

Over the past several days, dozens of high-profile professional athletes have spoken out against the boasts of sexual assault that Donald Trump repeatedly defended as "locker room talk" during the second presidential debate. But not Trump's longtime friend and supporter, recently reinstated New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. During his weekly press conference from Gillette Stadium on Wednesday, Brady received this question from New England Cable News reporter Jonathan Choe: "Tom, you have kids of your own. How would you respond if your kids heard Donald Trump’s version of 'locker room talk?'"

A slow smile spread across Brady's face, but instead of answering the question by either defending or denouncing Trump's words and behavior, he simply replied, "Thank you, guys," and walked out of the room. Asked a similar question by a reporter on Wednesday, NBA star LeBron James said there is no "disrepect of women" in his locker room, adding, "That's trash talk."

Doc says: "It's no secret that Tom Brady and Donald Trump are golfing buddies. While i do admit that Tom Brady appears to be a decent guy with good values, i question his mindset for not denouncing Trump and for sticking with him. It's ok to socialize with someone once in a while, but it also makes you look like a fucking racist, misogynist and bigot when you stick with him. Just saying.
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