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Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Another Trump accuser comes forward

Another woman has come forward and accused Donald Trump of unwelcome sexual advances. Cathy Heller said in comments to The Guardian that Trump grabbed her and tried to kiss her 20 years ago. When she wriggled away, he said, “Oh, come on” before holding her and kissing her on the lips despite her obvious objections. Heller says the incident took place in 1997 at a Mother’s Day brunch at Trump’s Mar-A-Lago estate. When Heller was introduced to Trump, he “took my hand, and grabbed me, and went for the lips,” she alleges. “And then he just walked away,” she said. Another person who was seated with Heller at the table that day confirmed the incident to The Guardian, and a friend said Heller had told her about the encounter by email. “I remember she was really freaked out,” the friend said. Heller’s account is eerily similar to Trump’s own admission in a 2005 that he “just starts kissing” women and doesn’t “even wait.” Heller came forward now, she said, because she believes the other accusers and wants to show that Trump’s actions are not “just talk,” as he has tried to claim.

Doc says: "I saw an interview with a NYT reporter yesterday where he claims there were nearly 20 women who had come forward with similar claims, but that some of them weren't ready to be named and others were still being vetted. Doc is guessing there could be hundreds of women that Donald Trump sexually assaulted over the years, that this is only the tip of the iceberg."

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Clinton's lead over the sex offender now up by 11 points

A new poll shows the sexual assault scandal surrounding Donald Trump has damaged his poll numbers dramatically. In a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll out Sunday, Clinton now leads Trump by 11 points, which is a major increase from her previous 6-point lead. She now holds 47 percent among likely voters, compared to Trump’s 37 percent. About a third of voters believed the Access Hollywood tape should disqualify him from running for office. The poll was conducted after the second presidential debate and release of the tape but before the sexual assault allegations against the Republican nominee, which means that the gap is likely to increase by the next poll

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
He'll be regarded as one of the greatest Prime Ministers this country ever had. I hope to have him as my Prime Minister for as long as i live. In Trudeau I Trust. ITIT.

But why could you not previously give me an answer of what good he has done for Canadians except for " 10 time more than Harper "?
After reading your posts I can see that you are easily swayed by the media.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
That's Doc!

I love him like a brother but Doc is extremely guilty of what you suggest and always has been/will be, but he would not be himself if he were to change. Sometimes I think Doc would rather be American and have told him so many times. He loves his celebrities and eats everything up the liberal media throws out there (and idiot movie stars who think they know how to solve world problems and use their status to tell us all how we should think, aka liberal brainwashed like so many)

Doc is a great guy even tho we disagree on political views, but he does know his sports and gangbangs! :) (oh yea, he does have a pretty huge heart of gold as well)
After reading your posts I can see that you are easily swayed by the media.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
But why could you not previously give me an answer of what good he has done for Canadians except for " 10 time more than Harper "?
After reading your posts I can see that you are easily swayed by the media.

The only thing he has done good is bring back the positive image Canada has over the world. Something that was lost with Harper. He will bring back Canada to have a seat at the UN. Other than that, I am afraid this guy and the liberals will make big debt for Canada for the future...


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The only thing he has done good is bring back the positive image Canada has over the world. Something that was lost with Harper. He will bring back Canada to have a seat at the UN. Other than that, I am afraid this guy and the liberals will make big debt for Canada for the future...


Having a seat at the UN, what a joke, the UN is a farce that should be shut down,,, Just my opinion, one reason is they made Saudi Arabia the human rights ambassador... Yup, they are legit.

Any country throws billions and other countries will be liked, what the fuck, it is our money and personally I do not agree with it and probably many others also.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
If its true that Trump wants to ban SNL and sue the NY Times, then that`s the scariest stuff he has said so far.
He is talking about shutting down any news agency or TV show that is critical of him .
Tampering with a free press is the greatest threat to democracy and only dictators get away with it.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
If its true that Trump wants to ban SNL

It's his own fault, if he didn't make such an ass out of himself they would not have so much to work with.

Trump is actually very insecure and all his bullying and loudmouthing is over compensating.

Anyone in public life has to be able to accept criticism. His fragile ego will not allow him to accept any.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Trump comes across as taking himself way too seriously and not having any sense of humor with these requests to cancel SNL.

SNL has spoofed both candidates as well as Bernie Sanders (Larry David was sensational in these skits) so I have no idea what Trump is talking about. SNL has long lampooned politicians of all parties and beliefs.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
If its true that Trump wants to ban SNL and sue the NY Times, then that`s the scariest stuff he has said so far.
He is talking about shutting down any news agency or TV show that is critical of him .
Tampering with a free press is the greatest threat to democracy and only dictators get away with it.

I so much agree. Banning SNL, Election rigged... How come the republicain canot realize that the guy is a complete and dangerous nutcase that should be remove from there immediatly.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
was your former handle Zipper by any chance

No chance no. Listen I really hate Hillary, cannot beleive she will win. But my god how come the republicain came up with such horrible candidates. That party is down a hole where it should not go.



Active Member
Oct 25, 2010
I so much agree. Banning SNL, Election rigged... How come the republicain canot realize that the guy is a complete and dangerous nutcase that should be remove from there immediatly.


They can't, unless he drops from the race. Voting has begun in some states and votes had been cast for Trump already. At this point, why bother? They had 1.5 year to kick him out of the party, to oppose him with better candidates and support them. I don't know if they didn't take him seriously or if they initially liked him, but the party is responsible for nominating this lunatic.

What's happening right now is fascinating. I've been following The_Donald subreddit and the like for a while, this is absolutely a cult now. These people refuse to believe they're losing, they refuse to believe the polls or the media (who, by the way, participated in creating Trump the politician, they were not biaised against him), and they will be convinced he's winning BIGLY until they see the results on election night. It's the triumph of the conspiracy theorists, of Alex Jones, fake-news sites and people writing in all caps. The day after the election is gonna be tough for these delusional fools.


Active Member
Aug 15, 2007
These people refuse to believe they're losing, they refuse to believe the polls or the media (who, by the way, participated in creating Trump the politician, they were not biaised against him), and they will be convinced he's winning BIGLY until they see the results on election night.

And not even then, unfortunately for our democracy.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Elvis surrounded himself with yes men.
Nobody wanted to tell him that eating fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches by the plateful was unhealthy.
Nobody wanted to tell him that having a pharmacy in the backyard was unhealthy.
If anyone had actually been a friend they would have told him the unpleasant truth.
Instead everyone was happy to freeload until he died.

Trump is the same.
He surrounds himself with people who suck up to him. He thinks real life is just like the Apprentice.
He cannot handle anyone disagreeing with him or disobeying him. Hence the frequent nonsensical and off topic rants. And the obsession that the election is being stolen from him. He probably genuinely believes that, his ego is so out of control he cannot imagine that people would vote for someone else.
If Trump loses, his reaction will be very interesting.


New Member
May 14, 2016
If its true that Trump wants to ban SNL and sue the NY Times, then that`s the scariest stuff he has said so far.
He is talking about shutting down any news agency or TV show that is critical of him
Tampering with a free press is the greatest threat to democracy and only dictators get away with it.

Cloudsurf you're a pretty good guy, but I'm mystified you don't understand how this is all "locker room talk". Scary, threatening, dictatorship. C'mon, just ask STN and his pals. "The Donald doesn't mean anything (when it drops him in the polls). He only means it when he says he means it (when his supporters get off on it). Trump is not a misogynist, racist, tax cheat, rapist, business incompetent, foul mouth, molester, xenophobe, pea-brained, sexual predator, pussy grabber, fear-monger, friend to dictators, libelist, fascist, lunatic, daughter groper, hate-monger, egomaniac, delusional, self-worshiping......................................... least he definitely does not have fantasies of 10 year-old children.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPS! Eh, maybe that last one.

From SNL. Debate Creep. GRAB EM BY THE PUSSY. Tweet About It Until COMPLETION.

STN - I've seen the light. ;)



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Actally Trump didn't say SNL should be banned. Pit Bulls can be banned, but TV shows get cancelled. That is what Trump said- that SNL should be cancelled.
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