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New Member
May 14, 2016

Here's one guy I've always thought has been one of the biggest Horse's Asses in the world. Case in point:

He's a shock jock. By design he says outrageous shit all the time. Regarding Trump he says - your daughter, she's a "piece of ass". Does that seem like the speech of someone who is guarded about anything being said or aired? Is that the kind of person who has any qualms about what he puts out to the world? Now he says it would be a betrayal to replay any of Trump's previous interviews. WTF. THE Howard Stern doesn't want to put out some crap??? BULLSHIT! He can call a Trump's daughter a piece of ass to his face, but now he wants to protect Donald from something Donald may have said.


[h=1]Howard Stern Weighs in on Replaying All His Donald Trump Interviews: 'It Would Be a Betrayal'[/h]http://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/news/howard-stern-weighs-in-on-replaying-all-his-donald-trump-interviews-it-would-be-a-betrayal/ar-AAj3EJo?li=BBnbfcL

Howard Stern has been engaging in "locker room talk" for more than 35 years, but during his return to the air on Monday morning (Oct. 17) after a week off, the notorious shock jock claimed he's never heard anyone use the phrase uttered by frequent guest Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in a now-infamous hot mike moment with entertainment reporter Billy Bush. And he had some harsh words for reporters who are claiming to have "discovered" some damning interviews Trump did on Stern's show between 2002-2013.

"These conversations that I had with Donald Trump weren't done in private like the Billy Bush tapes, this was on the radio," said SiriusXM host Stern, lashing out at reporters who claim to have unearthed the chats. "Why don't I play all the tapes? I have to tell you why: I feel Donald Trump did the show in an effort to be entertaining and have fun with us and I feel like it would be a betrayal to any of our guests if I sat there and played them now where people are attacking him."

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Just a reminder:

Anderson Cooper will interview Melania Trump tonight on his 8pm show.

I'm hoping they put subtitles during the interview. Or else, i'll turn the channel back to baseball.

Seriously though, i really feel for this poor woman. She must be one of the unhappiest women in North America. I can't imagine anyone being married to that sick narcissist scumbag!


New Member
May 14, 2016
Hey Doc, I just heard how someone at a Trump rally had a sign saying Paul Ryan is a traitor for not backing Trump. Except the sign spelled traitor as TRADER. LOL. Ahhhhhh it explains a lot. ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Hey Doc, I just heard how a someone at a Trump rally had a sign saying Paul Ryan is a traitor for not backing Trump. Except the sign spelled traitor as TRADER. LOL. Ahhhhhh it explains a lot. ;)

I heard. By the way, it wouldn't surprise me if someone supporting Trump is responsible for firebombing that GOP campaign headquarters office in North Carolina. Hitler did the same thing back in the 1930's in order to blame his political opponents and eliminate them. When i heard about this yesterday, i told myself "If Trump blames Hillary Clinton's people for this tomorrow, then it'll be a hint his campaign is behind this." Guess what?? I wake up this morning and he's already tweeting about and blaming Hillary Clinton's people for it!!!

Guilty, guilty, guilty!!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
the president north korea Kim Jong-un is a mental case
and feared in the world,
so if trump gets in
he is a mental case
and 2 presidents will be feared
shit happen,
if it makes the usa dollar drop to 50 cents
ill go vote for him :)

There are a lot of mental cases running countries in this world. But the problem here is that Vladimir Putin is extremely calculating and knows he has Donald Trump in his back pocket and will use him as his personal puppet. He's already successfully doing it via the wikileaks hacks. He's using wikileaks as a vehicle, and Trump is its messenger. Russia has long had a history of having puppet governments throughout Europe. If Trump manages to win Russia will have one more. The more dangerous part would be how much damage it would cause to Canada and NATO. It might very well be the end of NATO. The greatest danger would be the use of nuclear weapons, and Trump is so impulsive that it could actually happen. I'd rather shoot myself in the head or gas myself inside my garage than live in a nuclear holocaust.


New Member
May 14, 2016
"My husband is kind and he's a gentleman". - Melania Trump

She spoke well, but that statement destroyed everything else she said. I've never heard or seen Trump be kind or a gentleman in any moment of this entire race. He's been everything exactly opposite. She seemed to genuinely believe what she was saying but that statement reminded me she's married to one of the most viciously vindictive public persons I've ever known about, who would take out on her any hint of failing to cover his ass.

Also, the idea Trump didn't know he was being recorded only makes him more indictable for his words. I don't know what the legal standard of evidence is about not knowing there's a hot mic, but I would see the situation as one where the speaker is being more honest, genuine, and accurate not less. And whether Trump knew there was a hot mic or not is questionable. He could have been told or signed something that said in effect...just be yourself and we will cut out anything embarrassing when it goes on air.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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yes trump is an asshole most of the time
any father that refers to a daugher as a good piece of ass needs to be shot point final
i dont watch a whole lot of news so is there somewhere donald actually refers to his daughter as a good piece of ass? yes or no

It was actually Howard Stern who said Trump's daughter was "a nice piece of ass", and Trump said "yeah". Clip here:



New Member
May 14, 2016
therre is not 1 person on this forum if they were having a private conversation that could say something equally as stupid and not mean what they were saying.

That's very true. No argument against that.

However, I don't know about how you speak to friends, but there's a difference between saying what I fantasize about, as dirty as it might be, and making clear statements about what I have done. I've said many dirty things between friends that were cheap, stupid, contained some hardcore sexual fantasy, but I've never made a claim I did something when I really didn't. Saying he grabbed women by the pussy without consent in a predatory manner is a statement of action, not fantasy...as in I'd like to. I've never said anything that way, first because I'd be ashamed of myself for my own sake, but also because I hope I have the kind of friends who would find that kind of statement disgusting.

Of course Trump seems to specially excel at being a huge dirt-bag, so who knows with him. If he makes untruthful statements like that it shows what crap he is.



Apr 27, 2016
As EB said it was Howard Stern and he agreed. only a total asshole would agree with it. I would never let anybody disrespect my children like that. If you can't stand up for your own family you are nobody, how can you love and respect your country when you can't do the same for your own child.
I don't like Hillary either but I would still take her over this egotistical scumbag.

The problem with trying to let Trump off the hook for his views on women is that the same theme comes through over & over.

It's not just Access Hollywood, it's the clips with Stern. It's not just Miss Universe, it's now many different women.

The probability it's a hoax or some media constructed portrayal loses credibility with the multiple sources. Really, there is no other logical conclusion.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
therre is not 1 person on this forum if they were having a private conversation that could say something equally as stupid and not mean what they were saying.
because when 2 guys talk sometimes bullshit and egos come into play.

I've never once said or heard the things Donald Trump ever said on that bus. Plus i'm not even running for President. And i have been a member of many different sports teams in my lifetime. I was extremely good in some sports, not that good in others. But not once have i ever heard any of my teammates utter the same words that cocksucker Trump said.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The American healthcare and economy is going to shit and people bitch about what someone said 11 years ago.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
yes trump is an asshole most of the time
any father that refers to a daugher as a good piece of ass needs to be shot point final
i dont watch a whole lot of news so is there somewhere donald actually refers to his daughter as a good piece of ass? yes or no

I totally agree with you. Most of the time he's an asshole. He's also a lying cocksucker misogynist racist bigot narcissist asshole. I'm actually being easy on him. He was on the Howard Stern Show when he told the host it was okay to refer to his daughter as a piece-of-ass. By the way, i wouldn't be surprised if we learned later that Trump fucked his own daughter in the past. More than once.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
It was actually Howard Stern who said Trump's daughter was "a nice piece of ass", and Trump said "yeah". Clip here:


Trump also found a 12-year old Paris Hilton hot as hell and even watched her porn movie with his wife. He talked about it on the Howard Stern Show. The Trumps and the Hilton family were very close friends at the time. By the way, an underaged girl is currently suing Donald Trump. Not a good picture! He's a very, very sick man!
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