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nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Trump's exact tweet:

"Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me. Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election."

Get the last part? Blaming the media again. Does he also criticise the media when they parody Hillary?
The Alec Baldwin portrayal was right on in my opinion.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Trump's exact tweet:

"Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me. Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election."

Get the last part? Blaming the media again. Does he also criticise the media when they parody Hillary?
The Alec Baldwin portrayal was right on in my opinion.

You know, if you look at his campaign and the things he cares about and goes after a Trump Presidency would only be about who has offended him and who sucks his ass, while lining up any female he gets a hard one for from age 10 and up.

Can you believe such things are possible for anyone who could be President of the United States. It sounds like a demented Roman Emperor like Nero or Caligula.


Sep 24, 2009
Anyone that votes is retarded imo.

Just say no to voting and finally, see your real masters.

LOL @ Democracy... 'bullshit's' incarnate.


Sep 24, 2009
Seriously... I cannot stop the giggle I have.

Why would you vote? Voting for the 'lesser of two evils' has brought us to this point... So, why in the fuck would you vote? Do you enjoy being toyed with? Kicked in the teeth? Are you masochists?

We're peasants you know? We've always been... peasants.

Stop pretending like you have a say in anything, you do not... and never did.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
elections can be won by 1 vote.
if all those who hate donald trump
and cant stand clinton
dont vote
then those who love 1
or the other will
and 1 of them will win
it wont be a tie.

Correct. But what a message it could send! Remove these 2 clowns and start over. Gore or Kerry for the democrats, bloomberg with the republicain. Or maybe Peter Thiel (who just donated 1.25 million to Trump, I dont get that one at all...)



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Bikone I can`t believe how foolish your illogic sounds.
You vote because you have the right to vote in a democratic society.
If you don`t vote you may end up living in a dictatorship where your right to vote and free speech have been taken away.....and your kids and grand kids will have to fight to get them back,

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
There are thousands of people around the world and throughout history who have fought and died for the simple right to vote. China, North Korea, anyone? They are waiting for you.
If you don't vote that is when you are a retard and have nobody else to blame but yourself if you are left with a government that screws you.

Very well said. One of my grandfathers & three uncles died in WWII for our right to be able to vote.

Today, i vote because i consider it a privilege, and i also vote in order to justify my right to complain about my various governments whether i elected them or not.

In other words, if i hear someone here complain about Obama or Trudeau or whomever, i could ask them if they voted. If the reply i get is "i didn't vote", than i could tell them to shut the fuck up.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
More and more employees of newspapers who've endorsed Hillary Clinton have received death threats.

That's the typical Trump voter for you. Calling for assassinations & terrorist acts if Trump doesn't win the election. Even a country sheriff supporting Trump said something to that effect yesterday. Unbelievable!

With crazy fascist Donald Trump continuously attacking the media at his rallies full of human pitbulls, it's only a matter of time until one of those ignorant rednecks fatally attacks a member of the media.

Trump should be charged and locked up for inciting violence.

p.s. On another note, we've since learned from party insiders that Mike Pence seriously considered quitting the ticket last weekend.


New Member
Oct 9, 2016
Trump should be charged and locked up for inciting violence.

Part of me wants to see Trump win just to see where it all goes. I am sure he will be impeached or worse. Maybe even go to jail for abuse of power. Could be fun to watch. Truth is, the republic will be wounded, but it would survive. Only a small part of me though.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Part of me wants to see Trump win just to see where it all goes. I am sure he will be impeached or worse. Maybe even go to jail for abuse of power. Could be fun to watch.

Same here. But circumstances have been different over the past 16 years. There is way too much danger throughout the world and humanity itself could be wiped out in seconds by a couple of nuts who have control over nuclear weapons. A Trump presidency would be a global calamity. Just imagine what it would do the the stock market and the global economy. It would be disastrous!

The bigger problem is that were it some other idiot (like Gary Johnson, for example), i could say that at least they'll appoint quality and competent people in key cabinet positions. They could be counted on relying on the advice of competent experienced advisors. But with Trump, that rationale is thrown out the window since he doesn't listen to anyone but himself. And he's got tremendous bad judgement. He's likely to name Omarosa as his Chief of Staff, Sarah Palin as the Secretary of State, Chris Christy as the Attorney General, that crazy General Flynn as the Secretary of Defence, Crazy Rudy Giuliani as the Secretary of Homeland Security and Sean Hannity as the Press Secretary. It would be a total disaster!!!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Tonight Donald Trump's mail-order bride will be interviewed by Anderson Cooper. I hope her answers are not plagiarized.

Wouldn't it be great if she announced that she's filed for divorce from the sexual predator? :smile:


New Member
May 14, 2016
To the person who said we should not vote. What a ridiculously absurd idea.


There might be some small logic in his calling the election "rigged" as one Republican pointed out. It will motivate some voters. But when you look at who is saying it and put it into context against everything else he's saying I have no doubt it's all about Trump being completely irresponsible, as he has been so often. Out for himself regardless of consequences, and the consequences could be very large. At the very least it starts to destabilize the governments ability to function in a dangerous way, and that before considering the effect of calling for a coup or failing to stand against calls for assassination. Put all of this together with his personal history and his way of pronouncing himself above everything including the truth and you have a guy who is a dangerous egomaniac out only for himself.

He won't get what he wants nationally. But Republicans are in fear Trump intends to split the party to serve himself over party interests. Republicans have been playing a very risky game for a long time by courting the Tea Party, which has some similar basic interest as the "Christian Right", but not the same core idealistic beliefs. Republicans have been stoking the edge extremism since the 1980s through personalities like Jerry Falwell and Rush Limbaugh, right through all the Fox News hyper-Right venting and the result is Republicans are responsible for providing Trump the opportunity to take over or break them apart. Trump biting them in the ass implying he might walk away from the Party with all of his supporters and that's possible because Republicans set it up for someone like Trump to do it.

Republicans deserve their sad fate

A man comes out of a church after a fire-and-brimstone sermon on the Ten Commandments, pauses a moment, and then tells his wife, “At least I haven’t made any graven images!”

This is the type of praise Republicans could muster for Donald Trump’s second debate performance. He did not have a mental breakdown on stage or try to kiss anyone against their will — some of the lowest bars ever set in the presidential debate expectations game.

What Trump actually did was ensure that hard-core conservatives stay with him until the end of his political journey, when Republicans begin the search for survivors and examine the charred black box. Trump’s performance was perfectly tuned to make a loyal Rush Limbaugh listener burst out in “Hell, yeah!” Put Juanita Broaddrick in the audience? Threaten to jail your opponent? Throw WikiLeaks in her face? Blame her for the death of Capt. Humayun Khan in Iraq? Dismiss all the fuss about sexual predation as locker-room talk? Hell, yeah!

This kind of thing has been normalized in far-right discourse for decades. To the most partisan and polarized portion of the right, these excuses and accusations were familiar and appropriate.

To many people outside the talk-radio hothouse, I can attest, Trump’s debate performance was appalling, contemptible, shameful, squalid, vile. Do we really want a president who views the rule of law as a means to imprison his opposition? A president who dismisses talk of sexual assault on the theory that boys will be boys? A president who urges a foreign power to hack his opponent, then excuses that power when it is caught? A president who accuses his opponent of killing American soldiers based on a position he actually took himself?

Trump and his advisers must know that the conservative talk-radio audience, and the Republican primary electorate, is different from a national electorate, which actually includes minorities, young people and women who don’t like disgusting boors. Perhaps Trump’s strategy was a recognition that even his strongest supporters were on the verge of bolting and needed to be appeased. Perhaps Trump’s knowledge of policy is so thin that it fills three or four minutes of a 90-minute debate and all he has left is trash-talk. Or perhaps he is captive to his impulses, incapable of shame and nasty to the core.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
With crazy fascist Donald Trump continuously attacking the media at his rallies full of human pitbulls, it's only a matter of time until one of those ignorant rednecks fatally attacks a member of the media.

Quite funny to think that without the media, trump would never ever be there. The media put him there, nothing else, because there is nothing else. The few time he explained and talked about his idea he made a fool of himself.

Imagine a president that would cancel a television show because he does not like how they protrait him. It's too tough for his ego. This guy should read the constitution carefully.



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
To the person who said we should not vote. What a ridiculously absurd idea.


The guy is bikone and based on his posting history he is no fan of democracies.
He is though a big fan of hitler and fascist ideology.
So unfortunately in his small mind its not absurd.


Jan 14, 2016
Quite funny to think that without the media, trump would never ever be there. The media put him there, nothing else, because there is nothing else. The few time he explained and talked about his idea he made a fool of himself.

Imagine a president that would cancel a television show because he does not like how they protrait him. It's too tough for his ego. This guy should read the constitution carefully.


And yet that same media is crushing him right now, left, right and center !!


New Member
May 14, 2016
And yet that same media is crushing him right now, left, right and center !!

What does that tell us about who Trump really is. It takes a very narrowly interested type to side with a candidate whose every move is so truly odious and despicable.
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