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Mar 18, 2005


New Member
May 14, 2016
1. Last night Republican VP candidate Mike Pence spoke of the need to keep NATO strong and support our Allies. Trump said that was questionable.

2. Last night Ted Cruz refused to endorse Trump.

Both are cases where Trumps continuous touting of his ability to negotiate and bring people together showed his failures. What does it say about Trump when his own VP choice contradicts him on a key basic foreign policy? What does it say about Trump when he can't get some critical Republican party leaders to back his candidacy. In each case Trump and his campaign handlers has plenty of time to NEGOTIATE and BRING TOGETHER viewS between him and his own VP and Cruz. HE...FAILED!

Seven ways Pence disagrees with Trump

Trump, 2016: “The Trans-Pacific Partnership is another disaster done and pushed by special interests who want to rape our country. Just a continuing rape of our country. That’s what it is, too. It’s a harsh word. It’s a rape of our country.”
Pence, 2014: “Trade means jobs, but trade also means security. The time has come for all of us to urge the swift adoption of the Trans Pacific Partnership.” (September on Twitter.)

Trump, 2016: “"Obviously the war in Iraq was a big, fat mistake. ... we spent $2 trillion, thousands of lives, we don't even have it. Iran has taken over Iraq with the second-largest oil reserves in the world.”
Pence, 2007: “Thousands and thousands of Iraqis were moving about in regular everyday life like a normal outdoor market in Indiana in the summertime.” (Statement to reporters after visiting a Baghdad market.)

Health Care
Trump, 2015: “Obamacare. We’re going to repeal it, we’re going to replace it, get something great.” (September speech in Dallas.)
Pence, 2014: “When it comes to the issue of health care, I believe that people in my party need to be solutions conservatives. We must never forget that we’re talking about real people, working people, who deserve a better way.” (Speech to the American Enterprise Institute explaining why, as Indiana governor, he accepted a modified version of Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion.)

Judicial Objectivity
Trump, 2016: “I’m building a wall. It’s an inherent conflict of interest.” (From June Wall Street Journal interview in which Trump said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding over lawsuits against Trump University, had “an absolute conflict” because Curiel is “of Mexican heritage.”)
Pence, 2016: “Every American is entitled to a fair trial and an impartial judge, but of course I think those comments were inappropriate. I don’t think it’s ever appropriate to question the partiality of the judge based on their ethnic background.”

Entitlement Reform
Trump, 2016:“They want to cut your Social Security, I’m not cutting your Social Security.” (April speech in Racine, Wis.)
Pence, 2010“…for Americans under the age of 40 we absolutely have to begin to reform Medicare and Social Security in ways that will ensure its long term fiscal solvency.” (Sept. 26 on Meet the Press)

Muslim Immigration
Trump, 2015: “Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.” (From campaign website, Dec. 7.)
Pence, 2015: “Calls to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. are offensive and unconstitutional.” (Dec. 8 on Twitter.)

LGBT Rights
Trump, 2000: “In all truth, I don't care whether or not a person is gay.”
Pence, 2000: “Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal legal status with heterosexual marriage.”

Trump has created so many deep personal wounds in winning the Republican nomination he's made it impossible to keep his pledge of unity IF he ever intended to or had the ability at all.


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
Here is a great article that explains why Hitler was ultra-right wing->

For your sake, I'll assume you didn't actually read the contents of that link, because it certainly reflects better on you if you didn't. It's full of so much logical inconsistency and dishonesty that it results in a stronger argument for the opposite of what it attempts to do.

Here's a few choice details out of many to choose from that I'm guessing you or your comrades will have zero comment on.

Eugenics over freedom of reproduction
By "freedom of reproduction" they obviously mean pro-choice, i.e., pro-abortion. Let's see, how do I put this gently... Abortion is fucking Eugenics!!!
Sensitive topic, but to do mental gymnastics to disassociate Eugenics from birth control is intellectually dishonest any way you slice it.

Power politics and militarism over pacifism
Implying pacifism is leftist?? shame shame shame, over 100 million under Mao and Stalin might disagree if they weren't already murdered.

Gun ownership over gun control...It was not until March 18, 1938 -- five years after Hitler came to power -- that the Nazis passed the German Weapons Law, their first known change in the firearm code. And this law actually relaxed restrictions on citizen firearms.

twisted logic at its best... they supported gun ownership because they didn't change the existing strict Weimar gun-control laws, and after 5 years in power... 5 years!... they "relaxed" the strict laws... so this proves they were pro-gun ownership??

and the top prize: :first:

Religion over secularism....... Hitler thus advocated freedom of religious belief

Whaaaaat??? you can't make this shit up !!!

they take early Hitler quotes to "prove" he supported religion (when he was pandering to the Christian German majority for political support), and then when in power he sends THOUSANDS of Catholic priests to Dachau along with a few others possibly based on their religion. Is the writer of this a fucking denier???? And this nonsense is described as...
a great article

Here's some advice... please keep bashing Trump instead of looking in the mirror at yourself and that fascist sow you admire. After all, that's what he's there for, a big fat pasty diversion for millions of mental midgets.


New Member
May 14, 2016

I was getting away from this stuff. Going to check other things. I go to, my homepage. What do I see??? TAA DAA. Unbelievable. :crazy:

Jill Harth, woman who sued Trump over alleged sexual assault, breaks silence

A woman at the centre of sexual assault allegations against Donald Trump has spoken for the first time in detail about her personal experience with the billionaire tycoon who this week became the Republican nominee for president.

Jill Harth, a makeup artist, has stayed quiet for almost 20 years about the way Trump pursued her, and – according to a lawsuit she instigated – cornered her and groped her in his daughter’s bedroom.
After Trump mounted his campaign for the White House, details emerged of the 1997 complaint, in which Harth accused him of “attempted ‘rape’”.

She said she was quickly inundated with interview requests from major US television networks, but resolved not to speak about the events – until Trump publicly said in May that her claims were “meritless” and his daughter Ivanka gave an interview in which she said her father was “not a groper”.

Harth, who feels she has been publicly branded a liar and believes her business has suffered because of her association with the allegations, decided to speak out about her experience with Trump because she wants an apology.

In an hour-long interview at the Guardian’s New York office on Tuesday, Harth said she stands by her charges against Trump, which run from low-grade sexual harassment to an episode her lawyers described in the lawsuit as “attempted ‘rape.’”

She first met Trump in December 1992 at his offices in Trump Tower, where she and her then romantic partner, George Houraney, were making a business presentation. The couple wanted to recruit Trump to back their American Dream festival, in which Harth oversaw a pin-up competition known as American Dream Calendar Girls. Hart described that meeting as “the highlight of our career”.

But in other ways, it was something of a lowlight: Trump took an interest in Harth immediately and began subjecting her to a steady string of unwanted sexual advances, detailed by Harth in her complaint.
There was the initial leering in that first December meeting in Trump Tower, and the inappropriate questions after her relationship status. It continued the next night over dinner at the Plaza Hotel’s Oak Room, where at a dinner with beauty pageant contestants she alleges he groped her under the table.

Jill Harth -

An egomaniac did this? No Surprise.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
We must not be watching the same convention my friend has been a great convention so far and seems the party has been united. Trump scares washington because he is not one of them (THANK GOD!) and that is a GOOD thing.

One speaker who is not getting as many accolades as the others (popularity contest at most of these things) is Laura Ingraham, very moving speech and speaks from the heart, have a look:

Did you expect anything different Smu? This whole Republican convention is a complete clusterfuck!:crazy:

Steely Dan

May 22, 2004
Visit site
We must not be watching the same convention my friend has been a great convention so far and seems the party has been united. Trump scares washington because he is not one of them (THANK GOD!) and that is a GOOD thing.

One speaker who is not getting as many accolades as the others (popularity contest at most of these things) is Laura Ingraham, very moving speech and speaks from the heart, have a look:

You're kidding right? Just more hokey superficial GOP bullshit :puke:. The convention is just all about hate and racism not to mention mob baiting Salem style "burn the witch" crap. Don't get me wrong...I am not a fan of Hillary either but having these nutjobs even close to power is scary. I am basically a centrist who can lean either left or right if something makes sense. Rational pragmatism I guess you could call it. The problems is when the fringes start going at it be they political or religious or idealogical it is the rational people in between that are caught in the middle and ultimately suffer or as we have seen lately get killed.

This is what is going on the world right now and unfortunately I see more of it happening not less....very unfortunate.

My two cents....


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I am Absolutely NOT kidding, are you? C'mon you are a smart man, do you really trust that witch running for the highest postition in the world is a better choice? I am more a centrist myself but no way is Killery a better choice than a man who actually loves his country, hillary loves one thing, DIRTY MONEY that she gets from our enemies.

Anyways we shall agree to disagree, we both had our say and i respect your opinons.

You're kidding right? Just more hokey superficial GOP bullshit :puke:. The convention is just all about hate and racism not to mention mob baiting Salem style "burn the witch" crap. Don't get me wrong...I am not a fan of Hillary either but having these nutjobs even close to power is scary. I am basically a centrist who can lean either left or right if something makes sense. Rational pragmatism I guess you could call it. The problems is when the fringes start going at it be they political or religious or idealogical it is the rational people in between that are caught in the middle and ultimately suffer or as we have seen lately get killed.

This is what is going on the world right now and unfortunately I see more of it happening not less....very unfortunate.

My two cents....


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
For your sake, I'll assume you didn't actually read the contents of that link, because it certainly reflects better on you if you didn't. It's full of so much logical inconsistency and dishonesty that it results in a stronger argument for the opposite of what it attempts to do.

Here's a few choice details out of many to choose from that I'm guessing you or your comrades will have zero comment on.

By "freedom of reproduction" they obviously mean pro-choice, i.e., pro-abortion. Let's see, how do I put this gently... Abortion is fucking Eugenics!!!
Sensitive topic, but to do mental gymnastics to disassociate Eugenics from birth control is intellectually dishonest any way you slice it.

I take it from this statement that you are a hardcore rightist conservative. Seriously? Who are you kidding? I suppose using condoms and birth control is also eugenics? In fact go back to the middle ages and drink unpasteurized milk right? Abortion is a form of birth control.

Implying pacifism is leftist?? shame shame shame, over 100 million under Mao and Stalin might disagree if they weren't already murdered.

Oh yess Switzerland, Finland, and the Netherlands are all war countries right?

twisted logic at its best... they supported gun ownership because they didn't change the existing strict Weimar gun-control laws, and after 5 years in power... 5 years!... they "relaxed" the strict laws... so this proves they were pro-gun ownership??

You are twisting reality to remove on how bad right-wing politics are. Hitler had his sense of politics and the gun control laws were already very strict when Hitler took power this was a way to oppress the victims of the holocaust. But this is not enough for me to be convinced this made him leftist far from it. Truth is and I always said that fascism was ultra-right wing but it did have certain elements of left-wing politics and I mean a few. But here is a great article on Hitler's political views->

Pay Close Attention to this

In Hitler's mind, communism was the primary enemy of Germany, an enemy he often mentions in Mein Kampf. During the trial for his involvement in the Beer-Hall Putsch, Hitler claimed that his singular goal was to assist the German government in "fighting Marxism".[99] Marxism, Bolshevism, and Communism were interchangeable terms for Hitler as evidenced by their use in Mein Kampf:

"In the years 1913 and 1914 I expressed my opinion for the first time in various circles, some of which are now members of the National Socialist Movement, that the problem of how the future of the German nation can be secured is the problem of how Marxism can be exterminated."

Later in his seminal tome, Hitler advocated for "the destruction of Marxism in all its shapes and forms."

It is funny you mention anti-religion although it is on the surface but not so when you examine it deeper.

The Catholic Church considered the Jews pestilent for fifteen hundred years, put them in ghettos, etc, because it recognised the Jews for what they were

According to historian Lucy Dawidowicz, anti-Semitism has a long history within Christianity, and that the line of "anti-Semitic descent" from Luther to Hitler is "easy to draw."

Makes you wonder where he got his anti-semitism for. Still think he is leftist. Here is more for you

In Hitler's view, Jesus' true Christian teachings had been corrupted by the apostle Paul, who had transformed them into a kind of Jewish Bolshevism, which Hitler believed preached "the equality of all men amongst themselves, and their obedience to an only god. This is what caused the death of the Roman Empire."[66][67] In Mein Kampf Hitler had written that Jesus "made no secret of his attitude toward the Jewish people, and when necessary he even took the whip to drive from the temple of the Lord this adversary of all humanity, who then as always saw in religion nothing but an instrument for his business existence. In return, Christ was nailed to the cross."

Hitler became against Atheism

During his career, and for a variety of reasons, Hitler made various comments against "atheistic" movements. He associated atheism with Bolshevism, Communism, and Jewish materialism.[81] In 1933, the regime banned most atheistic and freethinking groups in Germany—other than those that supported the Nazis.[82][83]

In early 1933, Hitler publicly defended National Socialism against charges that it was anti-Christian. Responding to accusations by Eugen Bolz, the Catholic Centre Party Staatspräsident of Württemberg, that the National Socialist movement threatened the Christian faith, he said:

And now Staatspräsident Bolz says that Christianity and the Catholic faith are threatened by us. And to that charge I can answer: In the first place it is Christians and not international atheists who now stand at the head of Germany. I do not merely talk of Christianity, no, I also profess that I will never ally myself with the parties which destroy Christianity. If many wish today to take threatened Christianity under their protection, where, I would ask, was Christianity for them in these fourteen years when they went arm in arm with atheism? No, never and at no time was greater internal damage done to Christianity than in these fourteen years when a party, theoretically Christian, sat with those who denied God in one and the same Government.
— Adolf Hitler,Speech delivered at Stuttgart 15 February 1933" [84]

Hitler was not so anti-religious... The reality was he formed his own type of religion.

Hitler was also a strong believer in social Darwimism which is rightist

Laurence Rees noted that "emphasis on Christianity" was absent from the vision expressed by Hitler in Mein Kampf,in which the universe is ordered around principles of struggle between weak and strong, rather than on conventional Christian notions.[252] Rees argues that Hitler's "bleak and violent vision" and visceral hatred of the Jews had been influenced by quite different sources: the notion of life as struggle he drew from Social Darwinism, the notion of the superiority of the "Aryan race" he drew from Arthur de Gobineau's The Inequality of the Human Races; from events following Russia's surrender in World War One when Germany seized agricultural lands in the East he formed the idea of colonising the Soviet Union; and from Alfred Rosenberg he took the idea of a link between Judaism and Bolshevism.[253]

There is a lot of data in this. Try this on someone who is ignorant. Nice try though. Hitler is right-wing like it or not. All official sources classify him into far-right wing politics.

Here's some advice... please keep bashing Trump instead of looking in the mirror at yourself and that fascist sow you admire. After all, that's what he's there for, a big fat pasty diversion for millions of mental midgets.

You are in no position to give advice based on this post you made. You got no idea what I believe in so I will clue you in. I am a mix of libertarian and socialism. I am strongly against corporatism (control and regulation by the corporations for their own self interest to make profits) and against backwards social conservative values and also anti-religion of any kind. The church has no place with the state. My model countries are places like Iceland, Ireland, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Finland. I believe everyone has the right to not be oppressed by mass corporations and big governments and also free to live their life not dictated by social norms and what is outlined in the bible. As for Trump I do not care much about him. Does not affect me one bit. He though does bear many similarities to Hitler.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Not sure but have you ever seen such a beautiful family as the Trump's? My oh my what a good looking family and so down to earth. Your kids are a reflection of yourself and that is showing the world what a good person Donald really is. Tough as nails in business as should be expected and a wonderful dad. This alone is helping to sway voters and just wait until Eric speaks tonight and Ivanka tomorrow night. The libbys are shaking in their boots lol.

So far a wonderful convention and would not be surprised if it is breaking records for viewers. Nice to see UFC Pres Dana White speak up, short but sweet and "hit and punched" his message home about what a smart man Donald is.

Enjoy the next two evenings folks because the real Shit Show begins next monday in Philly :pound:

We seem to be living in two different worlds, my friend. The Trump family down to earth??? Give me a break!!!! You're joking, right??? :lol::lol::lol:

While i'll agree that the children seem to have been properly raised, I doubt Donald had much to do with it. His first wife Ivana had a lot to do with their upbringing and i read once an article about Don Jr where it stated he was literally raised by his grandparents on his mother's side when he was growing up. He was very close to his Austrian grandfather and speaks the language. Erik was also very close to his mother, and still is. Ivanka was pretty much daddy's girl in that bunch, and she's quite a fascinating young woman in her own right. She inherited her mother's class. As for Tiffany, the Donald was pretty much an absentee father for most of her life. Her mother Marla Maples used to say that she was pretty much a single mom when Tiffany was a child.

The Donald wasn't that great of a father. All his marriages ended in failure because he constantly fucked around on his wives. His first marriage ended soon after his first wife (Ivana) filed charges against him of 'brutally raping her'. That must have been very difficult on the kids, but to their credit they seem to have become decent and productive people.

As for the convention, it's been pretty much a disaster so far and i must admit that i don't remember finding a convention as exciting....for the wrong reasons. It's currently the best soap opera playing on tv and there's still one night to go! I can't wait!!!

Monday night was okay. You nearly had a battle royale to start the proceedings and then after things calmed down, the likes of cross-dressing former NY mayor Rudy Guliani got on stage and began screaming at the camera and scaring the hell out of everybody!! Then more screaming and false accusations.....Cha-Chi and a male underwear model also had their turns on the stage....then Melania showed up after Rudy's screaming episode, showed class and read the teleprompters well.....and within an hour after she was done, the evening turned into a disaster when Melania got caught reading a plagiarized speech. Michele Obama's 2008 speech, of all people! And the room emptied out after Melania's speech and then Joni Ernst and others were stuck giving speeches to an empty audience. It was embarassing!

Tuesday night was so-so. More scary stuff and scaring the hell out of tv viewers where the speakers informed them that the country was shit and going straight to hell!! Again!!! And all kinds of made-up lies about Secretary Clinton. Again!!!The room was nearly empty by 10pm.

But so far the best night of all was Wednesday night. On a night where Mike Pence was supposed to be the star, good ol' Grandpa Munster himself Lyin' Ted Cruz stole the show and the spotlight!!!! He refused to endorse Trump and literally told people to go ahead and vote their other words, ANYONE BUT TRUMP!!!!!

It was great!!!!! No plagiarized speeches by anyone this time, though. But there's still one night to go!!! ;)

But your wrong, my friend. "Libbies" and Trump haters haven't been shaking in their boots. Nor will they tonight. They've been laughing their asses off since Monday night!!! What a hillarious comedy of errors this convention has become!!!! lol

The GOP should be forced to hold a convention at least once a month!!!! It would be great for morale!!!!! :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Here is a great article that explains why Hitler was ultra-right wing->

And as per Wikipedia Nazism falls under far right politics-> and

Thank you for playing.

I intensively studied the history of Nazi Germany many years ago and although they used stuff from both the right and the left in their policies, the Nazis are regarded as being right-wing because of their extreme hatred of the left (incl. Communists) and doing everything in their power to eliminate the left early in their rule. Anyone can look this up on the net if they want.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Did you expect anything different Smu? This whole Republican convention is a complete clusterfuck!:crazy:

Amen, brother! But don't tell this to the wingnuts living in an alternate reality. If you'd live in their bubble, you'd think an African muslim stole the presidency, the country is going down the crapper, unemployment is over 50%, radical islam has invaded the country and killing thousands of Americans on a daily basis, and that Hillary Clinton (a woman!!!! OMG!!!!) is a convicted criminal who should belongs in prison, personally killed Americans and was totally useless as Secretary of State (actually, even Trump once said that she was one of the best they ever had). One of Trump's cronies even said the other day that she should be executed for treason. Something right-wingers said back in 1960 about JFK. Little did they know that their words were tragically prophetic. Oh yeah. They also believe their African muslim president and secretary Clinton are all responsible for every tragedy that happens in the rest of the world, whether in France, Germany, Libya, Syria, Turkey, Africa, etc. These people live on another planet!!! It's unreal!!!! :lol:

p.s. Yet, they forget to mention that Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the Republicans are directly responsible for the creation and expansion of Al-Quaeda and ISIS. And of course, the fact W, Condi Rice and the rest were asleep at the wheel and refused to budge when warned over & over by the CIA that Al-Quaeda was about to attack the United States using aircrafts.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I intensively studied the history of Nazi Germany many years ago and although they used stuff from both the right and the left in their policies, the Nazis are regarded as being right-wing because of their extreme hatred of the left (incl. Communists) and doing everything in their power to eliminate the left early in their rule. Anyone can look this up on the net if they want.

Yep I know and I even wrote in my posts that Nazism had some elements from the left however the amount of stuff from the right vs the left are far outnumbered. Take away democracy from socialism and you get communism take away democracy from capitalism and you get fascism. Both are about dictatorship and oppression of the people however there is one major distinctive difference between the two the far-left are about Egalitarian while the far-right are about Darwinian.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
This Convention is better than any soap opera.
Beautiful family(except for Trump).
Can't figure out how he claims to be the best negotiator on the planet when he can't even unite his own party.
Does have excellent taste in women though, good thing he can afford them.

Hillary is not much of an option either.
Feel sorry for the US such a great and wonderful country faced with such a poor choice for President.

I agree with you on this: beautiful family except for Trump. Notice that nearly no one has anything good to say about him? Even Melania didn't say much about him. Good thing they have the Trump Show going on and all his children will speak and inform the world WHAT A GREAT FATHER HE IS. What a fucking joke!!!

Yes, he does have good taste in women and being a billionaire helps.

But where i disagree is where you state that Secretary Clinton isn't much of an option either. Don't believe all the crap the right have been feeding the world about her. She's brilliant, highly educated, knows how the government works and has experience. She was also a very good Secretary of State. Even Trump once said so, calling her brilliant and one of the best ever at one time (before he chose to run for office). But because terrorists attacked an embassy in Africa where 4 people unfortunately died, which couldn't have been prevented anyway even had they had 20/20 hindsight and have been able to beef up security at the compound (it was not an embassy, by the way), the right jumped all over this and totally blew the entire affair way out of proportion!! Nine Congressional investigations later, none of them put the blame scarely on Secretary Clinton. They were unfortunate events which were unforeseen. If you wanted to blame someone, blame the Republican Congress for cutting funding to the State Department and refusing to increase funding to boost up security at the various embassies all over the world.

Obama was a very good President and still is. He will be highly regarded in the history books. Had congress done what they were elected (and paid) for and cooperated with him in making the country better and greater, Obama would have been looked upon as a great President, in the same league as Lincoln, Rosevelt, Clinton and others. Should future President HR Clinton decide to continue President Obama's policies, the country will continue to prosper and be on the right path. Of course, the Right doesn't want people to know this and doesn't want this to happen. They'll once again do everything to obstruct lawmakers and government and once again claim the country is in terrible shape and going down the crapper and that President HR Clinton is doing a terrible job!!!

It was like this when FDR was President, it was like this when WJ Clinton was President, it's been like this since BH Obama was President, and it'll continue be like this unless another incompetent Republican manages to win the Presidency. Win i said??? Steal!!! Just like they did back in 2000 and possibly in 2004!!!! That's the only way Republicans win Presidential elections: by stealing them!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Can't figure out how he claims to be the best negotiator on the planet when he can't even unite his own party.

It's all bogus. He can't even negotiate with Ted Cruz and John Kasich, of all people!!!!!

Now he's suing the ghost writer who wrote his book "The Art of the Deal", which is another pile of crap if you ask me! ;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Well said Doc Holliday and I completely agree with that. And when and if a republican does win... America best be prepared for another major economic recession while the rich CEOs and their shareholders will prosper and get richer... The so called trickle downers. Lol Someone here that truly understand economics and politics.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
It's official: Roger Ailes leaves Fox News

Fox News chief Roger Ailes has resigned from the network following sexual harassment allegations, 21st Century Fox confirmed Thursday.

Ailes' departure is effective immediately and Rupert Murdoch himself is now the cable news channel's chairman and acting CEO.

Ailes said in a letter to Murdoch, "I am proud of our accomplishments and look forward to continuing to work with you as a consultant in building 21st Century Fox."

However, a corporate source said that "consultant" is not an accurate word for what Ailes will be doing. Ailes will simply "be available to advise Rupert during the transition," the source said.

Ailes' sudden exit is an ignoble end to a legendary, controversial twenty-year career atop Fox News, which he built essentially from scratch in 1996.

Ailes, 76, reshaped American television news and Republican politics simultaneously. By hiring hosts like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity and enforcing a conservative editorial point of view, Ailes developed a virtual public square for the American right and filled a void on television. It has dominated all other cable news channels for 14 years.

Ailes once seemed untouchable due to the incredible success of Fox News, which also spawned a business news spin-off, Fox Business, and multiple radio networks.

But accusations of sexual harassment changed all that.

Thursday's announcement came two weeks after former Fox host Gretchen Carlson sued Ailes, alleging sexual harassment and triggering an internal investigation of Ailes' behavior.

The New York Times reported on Wednesday that at least six other women told the lawyers conducting the internal review that he had behaved inappropriately toward them.

And on Thursday, Carlson's lawyers released a statement saying that they had received accusations of sexual harassment against Ailes from "more than 20 women." The claims could not be independently verified.

In recent days, after being briefed on the initial findings from the investigation, 21st Century Fox owners Rupert Murdoch and his sons James and Lachlan decided that Ailes must leave. Exit talks then began.

Rupert Murdoch, the company's patriarch, was on vacation, but flew back to New York early to participate in the talks.

Insiders have speculated that Ailes could jump to a rival channel or join a political campaign. He has had a friendly relationship with the GOP nominee Donald Trump for decades.

Trump, through a spokeswoman, declined to comment on Ailes on Thursday.

Ailes has had health problems in recent years, which may affect his decisions about what to do next.

The alliance Rupert Murdoch and Ailes that officially broke apart on Thursday had resulted in one of the most successful channels in television history.

Murdoch tapped Ailes to create and run Fox News in 1996, ushering in a controversial new era in cable news.

The channel claimed to be "fair and balanced," but in reality its programming was tilted in favor of conservative opinions and Republican politics, reflecting the views of Ailes himself.

Fox mixed daily news reporting and nightly conservative opinion in ways that many critics found to be damaging to American discourse. But Fox's many fans said it was a necessary counterweight to liberal media bias.

Within six years, Fox came to dominate cable news ratings, dethroning CNN, and it has been a wildly successful business, with annual profits believed to exceed $1 billion.

Last year Fox News was the number two channel on cable, behind only ESPN.

There are a wide variety of emotions, inside and outside Fox, about Ailes' impending departure.

Inside Fox News, starting on Tuesday, when Ailes' departure suddenly began to seem inevitable, A-list hosts and rank and file producers alike were in the dark and worried about what would come next.

Employees described a mixture of shock and sadness at the sight of Fox News's creator brought low by a sexual harassment investigation.

"Roger is revered here," one insider said. "I can't even begin to explain how people feel."

At the same time, some of the women who believe Ailes acted inappropriately around them were relieved that their accounts were being taken seriously.

"I can't believe this is really happening," said a former Fox employee who had previously told CNNMoney about harassment by Ailes.

Ailes and his attorneys have repeatedly denied the charges against him.

The drama at the network has unfolded even as Fox is having its highest-rated year ever and is three months away from the 20th anniversary of the channel's launch.
Maybe that's a convenient time for a change in leadership -- or maybe not. The succession plan is unclear.

In Ailes' absence, day-to-day operations have been run by Bill Shine, the head of primetime and opinion programming, and Jay Wallace, who oversees daytime and news programming, several sources said.

Both men are in the running to replace Ailes when he leaves, the sources said, and have guided the network when Ailes has been absent in the past.

Meanwhile, most of Fox News' top talent is in Cleveland for the Republican National Convention, struggling to charge ahead while their network is embroiled in chaos. Numerous hosts, correspondents and producers said they had not heard from Ailes in several days -- unusual for him, especially with such a big political story going on.

While he participated in editorial conference calls and meetings earlier this week, he was M.I.A. on Wednesday and Thursday, the sources said.

"It's a rudderless ship right now," one longtime staffer said before Thursday afternoon's announcement. "Everybody is just waiting. Everybody. All levels. Just waiting."

There are conflicting reports about whether a talent "walkout" is possible in the wake of Ailes' departure. Fox's biggest stars, like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, have something called a "key man clause" in their contracts, allowing them to leave the network if a key executive, in this case Ailes, leaves.

One of the allegedly rebellious hosts told CNNMoney on Wednesday that, contrary to a report on Breitbart News, there is no organized exodus in the works.

But another one of the hosts left the door open.

A talent agent said the hosts have to consider a number of factors: "Who takes over at Fox? What's the atmosphere like? What are the alternatives?"

The Fox News media relations office, notorious among journalists for its aggressive PR strategy, has gone completely silent and will not answer emails or phone calls. Network sources believe top spokesperson Irena Briganti is likely to exit the network with Ailes.

Ailes leaves Fox News

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Well said Doc Holliday and I completely agree with that. And when and if a republican does win... America best be prepared for another major economic recession while the rich CEOs and their shareholders will prosper and get richer... The so called trickle downers. Lol Someone here that truly understand economics and politics.

The big problem with the United States and why it's very difficult to implement the changes needed are that politicans are owned by billionaires and elections can potentially be bought. The Citizens United ruling by the Supreme Court a few years ago was devastating to the country in that there are no longer any limits in how much can be spent on elections by millionaires and billionaires.

Technically, a wealthy rogue country could finance it's own candidate and get them into congress or the senate.....and......possibly the Presidency. Yikes!!!!

Trump and Sanders have both spoken a lot about this in their campaigns and now Clinton promises to try to do everything in her power to reverse that dreadful Supreme Court decision.

Today's politicans as a whole no longer represent the interests of the people who elect them. They represent the interests of the financial backers, their donors and various special interest groups (such as the NRA). If they don't do what they are told, they fully are aware that come next election, they'll get the rug pulled right from under them and someone else will be getting the money to run against them.

It's sick!!!!!!!!

p.s. And what is even more astonishing is the fact that the majority of Republican voters always vote against their own interests, which has been the GOP's biggest success for the past few decades: to get people to vote against their own interests and foolishly side with the billionaires and special interest groups who regular fuck the poor and the middle class. The poor remains poor, the middle class gets poorer and disappears, and the rich gets richer.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The big problem with the United States and why it's very difficult to implement the changes needed are that politicans are owned by billionaires and elections can potentially be bought. The Citizens United ruling by the Supreme Court a few years ago was devastating to the country in that there are no longer any limits in how much can be spent on elections by millionaires and billionaires.

Technically, a wealthy rogue country could finance it's own candidate and get them into congress or the senate.....and......possibly the Presidency. Yikes!!!!

Trump and Sanders have both spoken a lot about this in their campaigns and now Clinton promises to try to do everything in her power to reverse that dreadful Supreme Court decision.

Today's politicans as a whole no longer represent the interests of the people who elect them. They represent the interests of the financial backers, their donors and various special interest groups (such as the NRA). If they don't do what they are told, they fully are aware that come next election, they'll get the rug pulled right from under them and someone else will be getting the money to run against them.

It's sick!!!!!!!!

Exactly and then fools like Daydreamer41 talk about freedom. Loool This is oppression by the rich corporations and bankers. I always said that the corporations are the government. Have you ever seen a leader that reveals himself? I mean at any company you worked at? There is always a spokes person (immediate supervisor) carrying out the orders of the leader. In this case the corporations own the government they buy and lobby the politicians. I mean everyone knows that. This is why right-wing conservative politicians always want to deregulate corporations and give them the tools to get richer and richer at the expense of the working class. This is an oligarchy. And these corporations are very smart they got psychologists who study the people and the market and design clever marketing and commercials to brainwash people. I amazed at how many people believe in trickle down economics. Smh.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Amen to that. It's also no big secret that the billionaire Koch brothers throw out a lot of money to the Republicans' campaigns. They own a lot of politicians. So does Las Vegas billionaire Sheldon Aldelson. It's also no big secret that the Koch brothers financed the Tea Party since it's inception. It's been nothing but a tool for them to control elections and politicians. Yet the people who consider themselves loyal to the tea party do not seem to realize it, or care. They have been nothing but pawns for those billionaires and other special interest groups.

There's also no reason for a presidential election campaign to last over 2 years. In Canada and in most other civilized countries, it's a few months at the most. Another big problem with the United States' political system is the fact it has only two major parties. And with their current check n' balances system being at a standstill over the past 7 years and no end in sight, progress will once again be slowed down by those Republican politicians and lobbyists who are all owned by the billionaires and special interest groups.

There are also way too many guns in American society today. No wonder the cops have all become trigger-happy! Every person they pull over potentially has a weapon on him!!! Many cops are paranoid and stressed out and that's why many make mistakes. Of course, you have bad cops also, but i firmly believe the fact there is nearly zero gun control and the whole gun issue has gone out of control has a lot to do with what is going on today with all the shootings. America, while still a very beautiful and great country, is also a very sick country. And there is unfortunately no end in sight since the nuts have taken over the asylum!
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