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Trumped 202

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Personally i could care less what he is worth, he is much better to lead than the career crimnal and liar that is hillary ROTTEN clinton. ;)

I think I could name more Trump bankruptcies off the top of my head than you could Trump successes...

he won't release his taxes because he is worth less than the money daddy left him...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
This is getting to be a strong finish by Trump camp !!!

yeah... he might keep Hillary under 350...

follow the money... the big GOP donors are pouring money into senate and house races. They know Donnie is toast. He would have to sweep every swing state and flip at least one blue state to win... not going to happen. At this point they are trying (desperately) to keep the senate in play and shoring up what were once considered locked-in house seats. Chances are they also lose the senate (between 46-49 seats) but the gerrymandered house is most likely safe, albeit with a smaller majority. The most fun thing will be watching Paul Ryan trying to deal with the lunatics in his caucus for the next 2 years... They can't govern now... it will just get more funny... (funny as in sad funny...)

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Personally i could care less what he is worth, he is much better to lead than the career crimnal and liar that is hillary ROTTEN clinton. ;)

you are the one that brought it up... bragging about his hundreds of successful ventures...

what crime, exactly, has Hillary been convicted of (other than being a Democrat)? I forget...


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wasn't bragging just telling the truth aka facts......4 bankruptcies with hundreds of successful businesses is hardly failure, apparently you are not a businessman even tho you like to tell us over and over......and OVER how great you are doing lol....And like i said i could not care less if he has one billion or 10 billion to his name and neither do his supporters, they care who is a better leader and he is clearly better than the wicked witch from the west who buys her way out of trouble along with wild bill for over 30 years now, enough is enough and hopefully americans will see it the same way and get rid of those 2 career criminals once and for all.

Just imagine if she wins....Tim Kaine will likely become the acting president when she gets indicted within the next 6 months, now that is scary stuff :eek:

you are the one that brought it up... bragging about his hundreds of successful ventures...

what crime, exactly, has Hillary been convicted of (other than being a Democrat)? I forget...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Personally i could care less what he is worth, he is much better to lead than the career crimnal and liar that is hillary ROTTEN clinton. ;)

I kind of agree. It would be fucking hard for Trump as president to do worse than Bush!


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
what crime, exactly, has Hillary been convicted of (other than being a Democrat)? I forget...

Kind of hard to convict when people all the sudden commit suicide before a testimony or the plane fuckin blows up or certain groups refuse to look into criminal matters against you.
I dislike every politician, and hate most, yeah, pretty well. I despise a few and Clinton ( completely evil corrupt crook ) and Trump ( fuckin idiot ) are on that list ( Justine Trudeau the self proclaimed feminist gets an honorable mention )
Google Clinton crimes and have your pick, there are many.


Oct 21, 2016
I think I could name more Trump bankruptcies off the top of my head than you could Trump successes...

he won't release his taxes because he is worth less than the money daddy left him...

He wont release his tax returns because he engaged in tax minimization techniques that are clearly contrary to policy. They were also damaging to the fisk. The banks and other lenders who actually lost money got to deduct their losses. Trump, who did not repay the lenders, also claimed the same losses in scams aimed at avoiding the provisions that deny the borrower deductions for losses when the debt is not repaid or is forgiven.
Nobody should pay more taxes than legally required, but aggressive tax avoidance manoeuvres that run afoul of the clear and fair tax policy is not the sort of thing the ordinary voter would approve of. No doubt Trumps lawyers have told him that the public outcry would put the bug in the IRS's ear and encourage a reassessment that could cost him a lot of money.
Frankly I doubt that he will ever release his tax returns.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Yes, Trump is a much better leader IF you define that as someone who is empty of any form of humanity, driven by cold-blooded megalomania without decency or compassion. He's a soulless egomaniac bereft of humanity.

The banks and other lenders who actually lost money got to deduct their losses. Trump, who did not repay the lenders, also claimed the same losses in scams aimed at avoiding the provisions that deny the borrower deductions for losses when the debt is not repaid or is forgiven.

I posted about this days ago. He scammed his way through loopholes to have his massive debts excused. Some short-sighted people want to call that smart business. But let's say you lead a country into that path. For him it cause his businesses to fail. Do the same to the country and there is no loophole to escape through.

[h=1]370 Economists Pen Letter Denouncing Trump's Economic Policies[/h]http://abcnews.go.com/Business/370-economists-pen-letter-denouncing-trumps-economic-policies/story?id=43244153

Saying that Donald Trump "has misled the electorate" and is "a dangerous, destructive choice for the country," a group of 370 economists have penned an open letter denouncing the Republican nominee and encouraging voters to choose another candidate.

The signatories, Nobel prize winners among them, did not endorse Hillary Clinton in the letter, but some were also involved in a separate open letter released earlier in the week that did make their endorsement explicit.

Trump has broken with traditional Republican economic ideology during the campaign and has embraced -- among other policies that diverge from traditional Republican orthodoxy -- a platform that is skeptical of free trade.

The letter, which was first published by the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, slammed the businessman-turned-politician for promoting "magical thinking and conspiracy theories over sober assessments of feasible economic policy options."

With one week until the election, the economists included a bullet-pointed list of criticisms directed at the Republican nominee, asserting that Trump had degraded "trust in vital public institutions that collect and disseminate information about the economy" like the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which releases jobs numbers.

They also derided Trump for claiming that renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) or slapping tariffs on Chinese imports would restore manufacturing jobs -- the loss of which, they said, was more the result of technological improvement than trade.

The letter also took issue with his fiscal policies, saying that he had "lowered the seriousness of the national dialogue" by proposing cuts that would not affect the budget deficit.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Yes, Trump is a much better leader IF you define that as someone who is empty of any form of humanity, driven by cold-blooded megalomania without decency or compassion. He's a soulless egomaniac bereft of humanity.

I posted about this days ago. He scammed his way through loopholes to have his massive debts excused. Some short-sighted people want to call that smart business. But let's say you lead a country into that path. For him it cause his businesses to fail. Do the same to the country and there is no loophole to escape through.

370 Economists Pen Letter Denouncing Trump's Economic Policies


Saying that Donald Trump "has misled the electorate" and is "a dangerous, destructive choice for the country," a group of 370 economists have penned an open letter denouncing the Republican nominee and encouraging voters to choose another candidate.

The signatories, Nobel prize winners among them, did not endorse Hillary Clinton in the letter, but some were also involved in a separate open letter released earlier in the week that did make their endorsement explicit.

Trump has broken with traditional Republican economic ideology during the campaign and has embraced -- among other policies that diverge from traditional Republican orthodoxy -- a platform that is skeptical of free trade.

The letter, which was first published by the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, slammed the businessman-turned-politician for promoting "magical thinking and conspiracy theories over sober assessments of feasible economic policy options."

With one week until the election, the economists included a bullet-pointed list of criticisms directed at the Republican nominee, asserting that Trump had degraded "trust in vital public institutions that collect and disseminate information about the economy" like the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which releases jobs numbers.

They also derided Trump for claiming that renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) or slapping tariffs on Chinese imports would restore manufacturing jobs -- the loss of which, they said, was more the result of technological improvement than trade.

The letter also took issue with his fiscal policies, saying that he had "lowered the seriousness of the national dialogue" by proposing cuts that would not affect the budget deficit.

Look at my post a few days ago, Trump made 27 false comments in one day. America think that they are in such a bad shape that they are about to elect the men who will bring them down for good.



New Member
May 14, 2016
Look at my post a few days ago, Trump made 27 false comments in one day. America think that they are in such a bad shape that they are about to elect the men who will bring them down for good.


The Trump economic ideal he has used is Slash and Grab for the individual. It's a view extremely restricted to the elite. It's an Adrenalin high for the few. What it lacks is building is a foundation that lasts and grows for the many with stability. Run a country the way he runs his companies and the shakiness of his methods alone will infuse volatility throughout.

Trump: 'I'm the king of debt'

By Louis Nelson
06/22/16 08:09 AM EDT

Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president and self-described “king of debt,” offered a glimpse into his deal-making playbook Wednesday morning as he defended himself from Hillary Clinton's attacks.

“I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me,” Trump told Norah O’Donnell in an interview that aired on “CBS This Morning.” “I’ve made a fortune by using debt, and if things don’t work out I renegotiate the debt. I mean, that’s a smart thing, not a stupid thing.”

“How do you renegotiate the debt?” O’Donnell followed up.

“You go back and you say, hey guess what, the economy crashed,” Trump replied. “I’m going to give you back half.”

Is that what he tells the world if the economy crashes. Sorry, live with it. You are not getting your money back? He claims the country's debt is a tragedy while claiming debt is a great tool to use.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Keep drinking that kool-aid brother lol

Hey it is ok, i assume you have had a few HARD Kool Aid's toinght after watching Le Canadien in Columbus ;)

Look at my post a few days ago, Trump made 27 false comments in one day. America think that they are in such a bad shape that they are about to elect the men who will bring them down for good.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Keep drinking that kool-aid brother lol

Hey it is ok, i assume you have had a few HARD Kool Aid's toinght after watching Le Canadien in Columbus ;)

Grrrrrrr I hate you as you are dead on.....

Even if I drank only a few Bud light, I still think Trump I fucking wrong. But still fucking mad as from my 46 years on this planet I have never seen a 10 nothing game against the habs!


p.s. Tomorrow will be a better day, but don't get me wrong, Trump is still a wrong choice ;)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I can't beleive Therrien left Al Montoya in for all 10 goals, what a dick move by the coach.

Ps....since this thread is about politics and not about hockey let me finish with this

Hillary Sucks!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I can't beleive Therrien left Al Montoya in for all 10 goals, what a dick move by the coach.

Ps....since this thread is about politics and not about hockey let me finish with this

Hillary Sucks!

It was Therrien's birthday today! That asshole lives about 300 meter from me!

You are correct, Hillary sucks big time, problem is, Trump sucks more!



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Haha good one! I know a lot of habs fans would agree with you. Can we put youppi! on the plane as well :eek:

even better that scary looking Le Bonhomme from Quebec City.......that mascot is just plain creepy! I dare say he is scarier than Hillary!

I would agree to purchase a ticket for Therrien to be on that plane also mentioned by STN with the witch and the Groper.


New Member
May 14, 2016

Look at this simple fact. If you do not undertand them, you lack education, which is ok, you can overcome that with some effort. If you refuse to undertstand, there is nothing we can do for you, you are doom to be dumb.


It's a good teaching video. I see a Trump supporter saying, you give support, be fair, listen to those who deserve it. Another words, those who deserve it are the ones on your side. It's a matter of friends and enemies whether you get your rights or not. That's not democracy, that's not Constitutional, that's not American in any of our principles. As Obama points out, differing opinions are a right. You don't take away rights, you don't remove fairness or justice, you oppose opinions. But in the end you all keep all the same rights. That's democracy. The other is not.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Yeah Youppi can go too, ...wait a minute Youppi, great big orange bafoon isn't he already on the plane as Trump. I have trouble distinguishing between these two. Now I remember one gropes the other doesn't

Good one ;) But wait, Trump could need another job after this week ;) Plus, Youpi will go back to the Expo once the team is back, releive #2 ;)

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