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nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Trump said Obama screamed at a protester

Someone on imgur or reddit made a terrific split screen video showing the Obama speech with the heckler and Trump lying about it.

It is right there, video showing Trump lying. Making false statements, that he likely knows are false, to get a reaction from his fans. And both videos can easily be sourced for fact checking.

What amazes me is how Trump constantly lies, he makes up ridiculous stories that are easily shown to be wrong. Yet none of it sticks to him, or bothers his supporters. When shown clear video proof of him lying in the aforementioned speech, his supporters never say " yeah, he should not have said that". Their response is to attack Hillary. Apparently that cancels out any nonsense Trump says.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Not the whole world, but certainly international stock traders. Clinton supports most of the free trade deals, Trump does not. Stock trading elites like free trade - it helps corporate profits.

Performance of stocks affects almost everyone financially, employees, shareholders and retirees with pensions dependent on performance of investments.


New Member
May 14, 2016
What amazes me is how Trump constantly lies, he makes up ridiculous stories that are easily shown to be wrong. Yet none of it sticks to him, or bothers his supporters. When shown clear video proof of him lying in the aforementioned speech, his supporters never say " yeah, he should not have said that". Their response is to attack Hillary. Apparently that cancels out any nonsense Trump says.

1. Hatred of Clinton.

2. Desperation for any alternative.

3. Irrational irresponsible mindless denial.

4. Genuine belief Clinton is a crook.

5. Genuine agreement with Trump on the issues.

6. Misogyny - You can be certain if Clinton was a saint there are people here on this board and in the world who still think no woman should be in any position of authority. Being nice to escorts you want a nice fuck from is no proof otherwise either. That's called being smart enough to grease the skid. ;)

7. Scared of a flood of immigrants. Both a lot of good rational reasons, but also some racism.

You can bet for these people that #1 and #4 are as important as #5. But it's still mind-boggling how anyone can support such a lying, morally and ethically bankrupt, jackass pervert.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Also on a serious note.
Some on another board I am on suggest Trump is illiterate.
It sounds impossible but people make good points.
His inability to use a teleprompter is just one. He admitted on a morning talk show he doesn't write his own tweets, he has someone write them for him. And someone "one of the young girls in the office" (his words) reads his twitter to him. He cannot answer any questions about books he claims to have read.
There is a video of him in court making a deposition regarding a lease. He is being asked about specific passages, and he has a copy of the lease in front of him. But he gives excuses for not being able to read it: he forgot his glasses, the text is too small, the lease is too long to read, all leases are the same so why read it.
It is very strange to watch. He looks like he is very uncomfortable in the video.
Parts of it can be seen on Samantha Bee's news website.

Trump's main acheivement is reducing the election debate to simple mindless sound bites, devoid of policy or content.
He has probably done a lot of damage to the credibility of the democratic process with his constant complaints of fixed elections.
Once upon a time there were serious and thoughtful debates.
People actually thought about things before speaking instead of yelling at each other.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Wouldn't it be great if she or some other agency became the official Montreal sponsor of the US Presidential Election and gave one free hour to the poster picking the exact Electoral College tally? The one after all states have voted, not the one in December or January when they actually hold it. One entry per poster and if two or more winning entries have the same exact guess, there would need to be some kind of later tiebreaker to determine a winner (no gangbangs allowed). I predict confidently that the person winning this contest will be the only person four years from now with a pleasant memory regarding the election of the Liar or the Sociopath.

My prediction: Clinton will get at least 321 electoral college votes. Yes, AT LEAST 321 votes for President Hillary Rodham Clinton!!!!! :thumb:

And a big fuck you to Vladimir Putin!!!! :D :D :D

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
It took them 1.3 years to filter through 65 thousand of Clintons e-mails and 7 days to filter through 650,000 of Weiners e-mails. I just think someone was worried thay they may also need to commit suicide in the not too distant future.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Its obvious that the markets prefer Clinton to the Donald.
Unfortunately even with a Clinton win the markets will be crashing soon.
Things are pretty rotten in the world and they ain`t getting better any time soon.


New Member
May 14, 2016
It took them 1.3 years to filter through 65 thousand of Clintons e-mails and 7 days to filter through 650,000 of Weiners e-mails. I just think someone was worried thay they may also need to commit suicide in the not too distant future.

I'm sure having the truth out in time to use is a great comfort to you. Surely you prefer that versus gross partisan wild speculation and ignorance on the issues.

During the investigation, as reported on CNN, the FBI developed software to identify individual emails and who they belonged to at great speed. This was done before Comey's testimony in July that he found no cause to bring charges. This time they simply used what was already very effective software on the emails, improved since, to identify those belonging to Clinton.

Surely with the paramount urgency of the issue it was critical to complete the process by devoting any resources necessary, and particularly focus on anything concerning Secretary Clinton. STN, I'm sure, is happy the truth is out in a timely manner since both of us have wanted any pertinent information (guilty or innocent) out in time for voters to know either I posted 10 days ago. Now we are both happy it's done.

The FBI revealed Sunday that it had found nothing new in the emails from top Clinton aide Huma Abedin that were found on the laptop
belonging to her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner. In a letter to lawmakers on Capitol Hill, Comey said he was not changing
his recommendation from July that no charges should be brought against Clinton

During a rally Sunday, however, Trump said it’s not possible that the FBI was able to review so many emails in just nine days.

“You can’t review 650,000 new emails in eight days,” He continued. “You can’t do it, folks.”

A report from Wired, however, said that Trump is wrong and that the FBI can review that amount in
just a week, if not sooner.

“This is not rocket science,” Jonathan Zdziarski, a forensics expert who’s consulted for law enforcement, told Wired. “Eight
days is more than enough time to pull this off in a responsible way.”

The technology news outlet also interviewed an anonymous former FBI forensics experts who said the agent reviewed
larger collections of data even faster than the current case.

“You can triage a dataset like this in a much shorter amount of time,” the agent told Wired, according to the report. “We’d routinely
collect terabytes of data in a search. I’d know what was important before I left the guy’s house.”

The former agent also said that the FBI has tools that can sift out classified documents, which the agent said is similar
to software used to detect plagiarism.

Both sources told Wired that investigations can filter out emails by targeting “to” and “from” as well as filtering out duplicates.

The review of the emails found in the new batch found that most were duplicates, CBS News confirmed Sunday.

“The Department of Justice and the FBI dedicated all necessary resources to conduct this review expeditiously,” a Justice
Department spokesperson said in a statement.

The gist is there's nothing found and no reason to change Comey's decision. Getting this out now was paramount. If for no other reason that for all Americans to have the TRUTH before they vote so that people can be clear about a very specific and critical issue in this election. If you want an honest election in principle then you are pleased the information came out in time. :)

TRUMP: Sure as his nature is &@%# he has gone from attacking Comey and the FBI, to praising him and the agency after the investigation news release 10 days ago, back to blaming everyone including Director Comey and the FBI for rigging the election. It's pure Trump. No ethics just whatever you want to say. :rolleyes:

LATINOS: Reports this morning is the Latin Americans are voting in numbers significantly larger than ever. As is tradition throughout the history of elections in the last 50 years polls are being kept open to accommodate voters who made it to the polls on time but were not able to vote at the time deadline because of the long lines. Trump of course is complaining about this.

BTW STN, I'm sure you realize the advantages of the speed of this email search software in fighting terrorism or crime, etc, and are HAPPY for all of it's applications.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
This is my last post on this thread since the election is tomorrow and after that what is done is done and I do not give a fuck what happens.
Chomey stated that he did want to follow through with the investigation but when he found his suicide note in Hillarys e-mails he decided to look no further... Before people freak out it is just a joke.
As I said, done with this thread, feel sorry for the Americans and to the people I argued with on this thread, all is good, just giving our opinions. Enjoy the week....


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
During the investigation, as reported on CNN, the FBI developed software to identify individual emails and who they belonged to at great speed. This was done before Comey's testimony in July that he found no cause to bring charges. This time they simply used what was already very effective software on the emails, improved since, to identify those belonging to Clinton.

BTW STN, I'm sure you realize the advantages of the speed of this email search software in fighting terrorism or crime, etc, and are HAPPY for all of it's applications.


I would love to beleive that. But something tells me not a single email from that "re-oppening" was even read. The "re-oppening" was a political "coup" by the republicains. The democrats were able to close it. Pure behind the scene battle with all the america people that will never know the thruth.


p.s. you know the republicains also had private email servers under Bush, never seem to be a real problem back then..


Apr 27, 2016
Even Mondale could get 41 percent.

Trump gets 44 percent, Clinton 48, and the Indys take the remaining 8.

Clinton gets about 290-300, and we can put this atrocity of a campaign behind us, and watch something more civilized and intelligent. Like Reality TV Housewives. :lol:

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
1. Hatred of Clinton.

2. Desperation for any alternative.

3. Irrational irresponsible mindless denial.

4. Genuine belief Clinton is a crook.

5. Genuine agreement with Trump on the issues.

6. Misogyny - You can be certain if Clinton was a saint there are people here on this board and in the world who still think no woman should be in any position of authority. Being nice to escorts you want a nice fuck from is no proof otherwise either. That's called being smart enough to grease the skid. ;)

7. Scared of a flood of immigrants. Both a lot of good rational reasons, but also some racism.

You can bet for these people that #1 and #4 are as important as #5. But it's still mind-boggling how anyone can support such a lying, morally and ethically bankrupt, jackass pervert.

they have to believe all the made up crap about Clinton in order to find some kind of moral absolution for supporting an obviously horrendous person such as Trump...

Hillary is probably the most investigated politician ever. Yet it is easier to believe in outlandish conspiracy theories involving thousands of people and entire government agencies than it is to believe the simple truth that it was all bullshit to start with. Repeat a lie often enough and loud enough...


New Member
May 14, 2016
I would love to beleive that. But something tells me not a single email from that "re-oppening" was even read.

As I posted 10 days ago when this started up again one of the first things said about these emails was none were sent by Clinton. As I read and posted part of the new software development is the ability to detect duplicate emails to save time from examining emails already read. I haven't heard all the newly discovered emails were duplicates but I did hear a high percentage were, thus saving a lot of work and time. Still, I'd love to see where you got the info that no new emails were read, though it makes sense they were duplicates since none were sent by Clinton as first reported.

Regardless of all of that the my first point was 10 days ago this should not have been brought up at all unless new info was recovered. It now seems especially relevant since nothing was found. The whole second episode was a bunch of contrived garbage with absolutely no place in affecting the election.

Hillary is probably the most investigated politician ever. Yet it is easier to believe in outlandish conspiracy theories involving thousands of people and entire government agencies than it is to believe the simple truth that it was all bullshit to start with.

Her crime was what using a private server just as Colin Powell did and was it Bush too. The whole thing reminds me of how they tried to destroy Bill over lying about having consensual oral sex. Totally overblown and insane.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Am I the only one to think that each time I see Trump smiles I think he looks like the cat that ate the canary?



A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
When is the election?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
As I posted 10 days ago when this started up again one of the first things said about these emails was none were sent by Clinton. As I read and posted part of the new software development is the ability to detect duplicate emails to save time from examining emails already read. I haven't heard all the newly discovered emails were duplicates but I did hear a high percentage were, thus saving a lot of work and time. Still, I'd love to see where you got the info that no new emails were read, though it makes sense they were duplicates since none were sent by Clinton as first reported.

Regardless of all of that the my first point was 10 days ago this should not have been brought up at all unless new info was recovered. It now seems especially relevant since nothing was found. The whole second episode was a bunch of contrived garbage with absolutely no place in affecting the election.

Her crime was what using a private server just as Colin Powell did and was it Bush too. The whole thing reminds me of how they tried to destroy Bill over lying about having consensual oral sex. Totally overblown and insane.


Ahhh Bull Shit. There is such a culture of corruption in the Killary camp. She set that server up to sidestep congressional oversight. I know she is the hero of all the socialists and I really believe she will drive the economy to new depths with all the government intervention and higher taxes. Try to run a business and pay 35% on everything. Yes, maybe some the big businesses that are sucking up to Obama are getting tax breaks by building useless windmills that kill birds and will never pay for themselves and will have to be subsidized forever...but how about the small businesses that are the flywheel of the economy? try paying the crippling 35% and then you pay yourself a salary and pay another 35%?

Thank God for Wikileaks so we can see the dirty machine of the Clinton's. Is it right that the Clinton News Network (CNN) leaks debate questions to Hitler...err....I mean Killary and asks the Killary machine what questions should we ask the other candidates? How about all the cheating in the primaries when the bitch was running against Sanders? I would hate to get in the way of the coronation of this hated bitch. TRhank God the bitch ignored the State department and used her Blackberry that they told her not to use so they could hack into it.

One good thing about Killary is that she will take us further down the path to socialism which will continue to cripple the economy and there will a lot more girls and younger girls that will be forced to turning tricks to supplement their incomes. I saw this in the strip clubs on 8-mile in the town I grew up in. That is the one good thing that has happened due to all the crippling that the communists - or Democrats as you call them - have done for the City of Detroit.
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