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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Exactly what i think of when i see cLinton supporters write or speak like the kool aid drinkers they are. So far out in left field it is unbelievable, aka brainwashed. If she wins they will disappear within one year after she gets in office, likely sooner........scary thought "if she gets into office" :eek:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The national news front is quiet, they will NOT report much on Hillary and Trump is laying low ( sort of ). I see that Clinton's main fan here is going full force, comparing ISIS to a lightening strike, Wow.
When Trump wins I hope Justine Trudeau keeps his word and moves to Iceland, hope Trump opens up the Keystone pipeline and after that tanks the notion of being environmentally friendly to a point of bankruptcy.
All for trying to be green but look at the shitstorm Ontario is in, green is not near ready yet due to the costs. Obama did it right, spout environmental concerns, get our handicapped leader to toss his salad about it and continue to do nothing about the huge amount of exploration and pipeline construction in the US, frack nation down there. Just bring in the resource money.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
That's funny but i did not know Trump was running against GWB or anyone else, why on earth would he bring them up? Kids locked in cars? Drunk drving deaths? Really? Well those sad deaths have always been around unfortunately but isis, not so much. Sort of blows your theory out the door, eh?

What theory are you referring to? I didn’t propose any theory.

I provided a sample of the individuals Trump didn’t mention during the debate when he made the comment on her effectiveness. He didn’t mention them. It’s not theory.

I asked how many Americans were killed by ISIS in the US vs number of Americans killed by drunk driving or left in a hot vehicle during the summer. Also not theory.

That line of reasoning you propose is saying that since Clinton is the one running for the office of POTUS, her effectiveness for getting things done should be evaluated as if she was in COMPLETE control of the all three branches of the Federal government during that time AND not on the reality that she is a single senator out of 100 and that the other 99 senators, 435 Representatives, Bush Jr, and various SCOTUS judges might have had a different opinion than her. To subscribe to Trump’s line of reasoning on this topic is effectively stating that Clinton wasn’t effective in her prior offices because she didn’t have the ability to mind control.

Again, Trump is not running against senators per se (even though i am sure he has mentioned many of them but his main target is a witch) so why would he name them? Decrease in unemployment is such a joke, the real figures do not include those who have given up looking and likely does not include those on welfare, give me a break.

I'm keeping an open mind. Which figures should I be looking at?

As stated previously in this thread, I don't prefer Clinton but between Clinton and Trump, the later, IMO, would be even worse. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Oh no? You might want to re read your post about Kids dying in locked cars and ppl killed by drunk drivers versus the # of isis deaths again. That is what is called a "Theory" ;)

What theory are you referring to? I didn’t propose any theory.



1.a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained:


New Member
May 14, 2016
Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

Trump will help the middle class? :lol: When did he ever do that? He barged into a charity for kids to have a photo OP and then refused to donate anything of his $billions$ to the kids. He's cheated his own workers out of money they earned. Cheated businesses that sent supplies he ordered, he shafted investors by moving the burden of debt to them on his failing businesses.

Trump is only interested in being rich.

Everything about Trump shows a total lack of concern for or respect for anyone who not kissing his ass. So if you want anything from him you better be someone who can enrich him...OR ELSE.



May 3, 2010
When this election is over whosoever wins there will be 3 parties, the democrats, the republicans and the trumps. no doubt about that

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump will help the middle class? :lol: When did he ever do that? He barged into a charity for kids to have a photo OP and then refused to donate anything of his $billions$ to the kids. He's cheated his own workers out of money they earned. Cheated businesses that sent supplies he ordered, he shafted investors by moving the burden of debt to them on his failing businesses.

Trump is only interested in being rich.

Everything about Trump shows a total lack of concern for or respect for anyone who not kissing his ass. So if you want anything from him you better be someone who can enrich him...OR ELSE.

Well said. Trump has actually assisted in destroying the middle class more than anyone else. Trump has and still only cares about himself. He's always had total disregard and contempt for minorities, women and lower classes. He's a scumbag and always has been.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
When this election is over whosoever wins there will be 3 parties, the democrats, the republicans and the trumps. no doubt about that

You mean the Democrats, the Republicans and the Chumps. ;)

I doubt it. The Republicans can't afford to lost half of their 'base'. The misinformed, the bigots, the racists, the non-educated, etc. All mostly white people.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Exactly what i think of when i see cLinton supporters write or speak like the kool aid drinkers they are. So far out in left field it is unbelievable, aka brainwashed. If she wins they will disappear within one year after she gets in office, likely sooner........scary thought "if she gets into office" :eek:

John Cleese just said this: "I think it's healthy for democracy that the less intelligent and informed have someone to represent them,but I do worry they are so numerous."

I must say he had a good point. :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Melania Trump to speak publicly today

Donald Trump's mail-order bride, illegal immigrant and former high-end NY escort will be speaking at one of his rallies today. I'm not watching unless they have subtitles. I can barely understand a word she says.

She's been living in the US for something like 20 years. She still greatly struggles with the english language, which may indicate that they speak Russian within the household. Maybe it's time she attends a few english-speaking classes. But he's probably too cheap to pay for them.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
More excuses by the good Dr. I can just see it now when Trump wins, you will be an excuse machine! :pound:

Btw that FBI Director you speak of, hmmmmmmmmm would this be the same FBI Director who failed to do his job a few weeks ago but is now honoring his oath he swore to uphold when he became part of the FBI? Thought so ;)

Of course. With an assist from the FBI director.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
So this is why you continue to support the wicked witch from the west , got it ;)

I don't support Secretary Clinton or anyone else. I would never allow myself to support a billionaire scumbag bigot racist misogynist con-artist serial sex offender prick who makes fun of people with disabilities and lies 3/4 of the time. That's all. :D
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