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New Member
May 14, 2016
I know she is the hero of all the socialists...

LOL!!!!!!!!!! Great morning entertainment.

...windmills that kill birds

Oooooops....that's very Tree-Hugging of you. Next you'll be saying hunters who shoot birds should be outlawed. Careful of that slippery slope to being a LIBERAL bud. ;) Yeah we should go back entirely to massive doses of carbon pollutants and poison them slowly. BTW - How's that huge truck of yours running?

Thank God for Wikileaks so we can see the dirty machine of the Clinton's.

So you're cheering on the Commie Russians. Ahhhhh, politics does make strrrrrange bedfellows.

...that the communists - or Democrats as you call them...

If only Roy Cohn were alive to share a hug with you. Still, Cohn would be aghast of you supporting Putin the COMMUNIST DICTATOR in the line just above.

You could be making some interesting arguments. The 1950s-esque Red-Baiting silliness wrecked it.

C'mon, you can do better than use that stuff.

Am I the only one to think that each time I see Trump smiles I think he looks like the cat that ate the canary?


With that bright orange face and fat cheeks it seems like he's always about to have an explosive constipation episode.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
they have to believe all the made up crap about Clinton in order to find some kind of moral absolution for supporting an obviously horrendous person such as Trump...

Hillary is probably the most investigated politician ever. Yet it is easier to believe in outlandish conspiracy theories involving thousands of people and entire government agencies than it is to believe the simple truth that it was all bullshit to start with. Repeat a lie often enough and loud enough...

Very, very well said! :thumb:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I would love to beleive that. But something tells me not a single email from that "re-oppening" was even read. The "re-oppening" was a political "coup" by the republicains. The democrats were able to close it. Pure behind the scene battle with all the america people that will never know the thruth.

p.s. you know the republicains also had private email servers under Bush, never seem to be a real problem back then..

I agree with your last statement, but in regards to the emails themselves, they were easily read by using electronic means (e.g. software). Most of them proved to be duplicates that had already been read during the initial investigation. The other ones were personal & had nothing to do with Hillary Clinton.

Comey is no dummy and knows fully well that the FBI has become a cesspool of leaks. Rudy Giuliani used to be his boss & knows many current & former FBI agents whom he still has influence on. Not only has the FBI become a cesspool of leaks, but we've since learned that quite a few 'leaks' are false and politically-motivated by anti-Clinton factions within the FBI. That's who the Fox News anchor wound up having to apologize for issuing a false news item (what's new at Fox News, right?) that he had obtained from one of those so-called 'leaks'.

Comey knew fully well one of his agents would leak what they had to the Republicans and felt he had no choice but to inform Congress that they had learned Anthony Wiener's laptop may contact information (e.g. emails) which may be pertinent to the Clinton email investigation, which had never been closed & had been ongoing.

It's more & more evident that the information had already been leaked to Rudy Giuliani & Jason Chaffetz, which will likely bring about another Senate investigation in regards to the FBI leaks and who leaked the stuff to the Trump campaign and the Congressional Republicans in the first place.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Today is the day Donald Trump and his 'basket of deplorables' get the beating of their political lifetimes! :amen:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Yesterday, Trump said that Tom Brady and Bill Bellichick had voted for him. He even showed the letter Bellichick had supposedly sent him. He posted it on Twitter. But the letter looked totally fake and reminded me of the letter his quack doctor had wrote for him once. I wondered if that quack doctor hadn't actually written the letter. What was also strange was that Brady had spent the entire morning on a radio show and we later learned he hadn't even voted yet.

Bill Bellichick then announced that he had indeed once wrote Trump a letter, but it wasn't the letter that Trump had posted on Twitter. And today, Gisele Bundchen posted on Instagram that she and her husband (Tom Brady) were definitely not voting for Donald Trump!!! Unbelievable!!!

And just a short while ago, Trump was heckled loudly by New Yorkers on his way to vote. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The Circus

This is a great documentary series on what's going on behind-the-scenes during this election campaign. I only discovered it about a month ago and let me assure you that it rightly got very high marks from its viewers!

For people in Canada, one of the movie channels will be showing every episode from this political campaign starting at 2:30pm this afternoon. There are eleven 30-minute long episodes.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Out of everybody with an opinion in this thread, you Hungry totally understand what is going on because where you live you have seen what obama and the witch have done first hand to your country and your city/state. (libbys, save me the bs he saved the auto industry crap) Not the wannabees and blowhards that havn't a clue and are only here to joke about something they no nothing about because they are not living it or where "he" and "it" (can we really call the witch a "she"?) have destroyed life as you once knew it. No, the Doc's (sorry bud, love ya but you havn't a clue about american politics) Kaseys and Merlows are so far out in left field it is :pound:

Go Vote Hungry! Would be HILLARY-ous if Trump won Michigan and you helped make it happen lol. Go Hungry101 and Go Ted F'en Nugent!

Oh, and

B R A V O :clap2: ............ ;)
Ahhh Bull Shit. There is such a culture of corruption in the Killary camp. She set that server up to sidestep congressional oversight. I know she is the hero of all the socialists and I really believe she will drive the economy to new depths with all the government intervention and higher taxes. Try to run a business and pay 35% on everything. Yes, maybe some the big businesses that are sucking up to Obama are getting tax breaks by building useless windmills that kill birds and will never pay for themselves and will have to be subsidized forever...but how about the small businesses that are the flywheel of the economy? try paying the crippling 35% and then you pay yourself a salary and pay another 35%?

Thank God for Wikileaks so we can see the dirty machine of the Clinton's. Is it right that the Clinton News Network (CNN) leaks debate questions to Hitler...err....I mean Killary and asks the Killary machine what questions should we ask the other candidates? How about all the cheating in the primaries when the bitch was running against Sanders? I would hate to get in the way of the coronation of this hated bitch. TRhank God the bitch ignored the State department and used her Blackberry that they told her not to use so they could hack into it.

One good thing about Killary is that she will take us further down the path to socialism which will continue to cripple the economy and there will a lot more girls and younger girls that will be forced to turning tricks to supplement their incomes. I saw this in the strip clubs on 8-mile in the town I grew up in. That is the one good thing that has happened due to all the crippling that the communists - or Democrats as you call them - have done for the City of Detroit.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
No, the Doc's (sorry bud, love ya but you havn't a clue about american politics) Kaseys and Merlows are so far out in left field it is :pound:
Neither do you, buddy. You keep voting over and over for the losing team. And it won't be any different this time around. Trump is Chump! Hillary's win will be HUGE!!! ;)

p.s. That offer to increase our $200 bet is still on, by the way. ;)


New Member
May 14, 2016
Neither do you, buddy.

"I love the uneducated" - Donald Trump.
Why would Trump say such things. Gotta love people who support a candidate with such a low opinion of them. It's :crazy:

Yesterday, Trump said that Tom Brady and Bill Bellichick had voted for him. He even showed the letter Bellichick had supposedly sent him. He posted it on Twitter. But the letter looked totally fake and reminded me of the letter his quack doctor had wrote for him once. I wondered if that quack doctor hadn't actually written the letter. What was also strange was that Brady had spent the entire morning on a radio show and we later learned he hadn't even voted yet.

Bill Bellichick then announced that he had indeed once wrote Trump a letter, but it wasn't the letter that Trump had posted on Twitter. And today, Gisele Bundchen posted on Instagram that she and her husband (Tom Brady) were definitely not voting for Donald Trump!!! Unbelievable!!!


"Congratulations on a tremendous campaign," the letter began, according to Trump. "You have dealt with an unbelievable slanted and negative media and have come out beautifully -- beautifully. You have proven to be the ultimate competitor and fighter. Your leadership is amazing. I have always had tremendous respect for you, but the toughness and perseverance you have displayed over the past year is remarkable. Hopefully tomorrow's election results will give the opportunity to make America great again.

It's hilarious. Anyone who has been listening to Belichick for the last 16 years knows he would be very short with maybe...good luck and congratulations at most. The rest Bill would never let out in a billion years. He never has exposed his feelings more than thank you and have a nice day.

Besides, why would this be good for Trump? Doesn't everyone outside New England (which heavily favors Clinton) hate the Patriots anyway.

Big game tonight, I predict: Habs 10 - Bruins 0 :)


I'll bet you $500 against that score. Are you taking or walking???


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I've just had a premonition.....

Tonight, i'll be relaxing in my lazy-boy chair, drinking beer while watching the Leafs beat the Kings, and then after the game will be switching channels to CNN, MSNBC, FAUX News, NBC, ABC, etc.....while drinking some champagne to celebrate President Clinton's huge win while our friends Iggy, Hungry101, John Black, Salty and others will be drowning their sorrows while drinking some Smirnoff with their fellow commie buddies, thinking of 'what might have been' and blaming libbies, the media, the janitor, the milkman and everyone else they can think of for the defeat of their racist, bigot, misogyinst wannabe dictator Trump who insulted every minority group on the planet and boasted about sexually assaulting women and has been accused by dozens of women of sexually assaulting them, including a 13-year old girl. And of course, he's also mocked disabled people. Gee, i wonder why America didn't want him as President? LOL!!!!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
So are the Bills :pound: remember the bills and cowboys superbowls :eek: .......opps! yes i just went there mon ami ;)

Yep, the Bills are a losing sports team also, although they are the only team to go to the Superbowl 4 consecutive times. But they didn't win the big game. Losers!

But the Doc always picks a winner when it comes to politics! The Doc always wins!!!! :D

p.s. And tonight, someone will owe him $200.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
"Make America white again! Get the WHITE inside the WHITE HOUSE again! We want a WHITE man as President and not a crooked bitch!"--------Typical Trump Supporter


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Bills are boring team now compared to the bills good ole days. How is Jim Kelly doing?
Yep, the Bills are a losing sports team also, although they are the only team to go to the Superbowl 4 consecutive times. But they didn't win the big game. Losers!

But the Doc always picks a winner when it comes to politics! The Doc always wins!!!! :D

p.s. And tonight, someone will owe him $200.
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