Yep, the Bills
Nice to have a "friend" go so LOW over politics and keep doing it.
Walking? I am runningI just realized I posted in the wrong thread!
Okay Jalimon. I knew you were just being a loyal Habs fan.
Donald Trump and the Politics of Being an Asshole
Trump operates in a fact-free zone. There is no need to address any specifics—or be bound by actual evidence. He crafted this technique with his birther crusade. During that sideshow, he simply said stuff. It didn't have to be true. But his unfounded claims and comments resonated with conservatives who were predisposed to see Obama as a secret socialist, undercover Muslim who had somehow usurped the presidency and was bent on covertly destroying the United States. Trump engages in combat by catchphrase and slur to avoid serious discussion—and to connect with voters who want to see their resentments and biases fiercely reflected by a figure of importance. He's a television star! He's a tycoon! He has his own plane!
Trump's goal is to be offensive. He and his small circle of political advisers early on concluded that abuse was an asset—that these sorts of displays would signal to pissed-off voters that Trump was as upset as they were and willing to break the rules to change whatever the hell is going wrong in the nation.