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Trumped 202

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Steely Dan

May 22, 2004
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Not really. I think Trump won because there are two layers of dislike for Hillary, one on a personal level and another for what she represents which is the selling of influence to special interest groups. Many friends I spoke to including those like me who did not vote agreed that an outsider not beholden to special interest lobbies had to come in and shake things up. We questioned whether Trump was the right outsider guy and thought Sanders might be better equipped to stage that revolt and reject the special interests. But the one good thing that comes out of this is that the message has been sent, populism is back and the selling of influence to special interests is not what most Americans want. No choice now but to give Trump a chance. My life is not going to change that much.

And it's a lock that Hillary like Boehner will go to work for some lobbyist and sell her influence some more as if she has not whored it enough already. It's all about "show me the money" ........when is enough going to be enough? My guess is never.

Anyone who thinks that Trump will not be beholden to special interests is living in a dreamland. Once in power they, as any other administration would, will have special interests lined up looking for payback. Do you think they will say to the Koch bros "hey guys thanks for all your help but go fuck yourselves!"


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
This is a GREAT day! To see the mainstream media humbled and bitch slapped like a rag doll was/is simply priceless. To see the celebrities humbled is almost as good.

Doc, good fight my friend, i was right about oBama (even though the American people let us down 4 years ago) and was right about the wicked witch from the west, this time the American people did NOT let us down.

The only thing i wished i would have done different was take your offer to up our bet to $200. I heard about the silent majority but did not fully believe it was going to happen but sure enough the silent majority has spoken.

A12B, sure there is room for one more :)

What Trump just pulled off is exactly what the American Dream is all about, it proves through hard work and dedication that you can do anything you set out to do. He had everything against him yet found a way to W I N, that is the true definition of the American Spirit, kudos to the next and 45th president of the USA, Donald J. Trump.

B R A V O! :clap2:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
My fav post in this entire thread! :pound:
I've never been so ashamed of human beings in my life. Especially Americans. They have chosen someone who is unequivocally a piece of sociopathic TRASH. Like those who supported him he is utterly bereft of ANY decent human qualities.

Would you like some cheese with that WhINE?

B R A V O! :clap2: ........... :yo:

Charlie Smart

Active Member
Jun 12, 2015
The Godswoods
Going to chime in here...yes (we) the American voters cast our ballot and elected Trump who was deemed to be the outsider and capable of bringing change to the country, however, I fear we have elected a person who is frankly a bully, liar, glory seeker, and lacks decency...good luck to us all.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I would bet he will end up being a great leader, do you really think someone with his massive ego wants to fail? He loves his country and I always said since day one when he announced he was running, if by some miracle he gets elected, he would be a great president. Time will tell now but like all the political leaders are now saying and world leaders are supporting, give him a chance.

America loves the underdog and this is perhaps the biggest underdog story in the history of mankind. He fought off the media, the sewer that is Washington D.C., brainwashed people drinking the clinton kool aid and won. About time the American people get a winner against all odds to fight for them. Today is a glorious day indeed. Embrace it, we are all a part of history, every one of us here whether you like it or not.
Going to chime in here...yes (we) the American voters cast our ballot and elected Trump who was deemed to be the outsider and capable of bringing change to the country, however, I fear we have elected a person who is frankly a bully, liar, glory seeker, and lacks decency...good luck to us all.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
On another note, the happiest people in the world right now are last seasons Montreal Canadiens, they no longer are on record as having the biggest collapse in history!

Up to now, 2016 season, Montreal Canadians lost only one match in regular time... and after a 10-0 defeat, they won 2 games in a row... not so bad!

Go HABS Go!!!! :yo:


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
What Trump just pulled off is exactly what the American Dream is all about, it proves through hard work and dedication that you can do anything you set out to do

If you have to bulshit, lie and bully all oponents to get your goals, you might have to redefine what you think is the American Dream. You might give out the wrong example...


If you need to treat/bully everyone in your way, have no respect for no one, ignore


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
He plays to win, just like killary did, he is just better at the game ;)

About time Americans have someone to fight for them.
If you have to bulshit, lie and bully all oponents to get your goals, you might have to redefine what you think is the American Dream. You might give out the wrong example...


If you need to treat/bully everyone in your way, have no respect for no one, ignore


New Member
May 14, 2016




New Member
May 14, 2016
But we at least respect the process. No democrats has ever mentionned that the election were rigged.

This was the year people were going to go anti-establishment even if they had to elect a two-legged morally depraved rat to do it. And that's exactly what they elected.

As for respecting the "process", yeah, Democrats are doing that. The sociopath is doing it because the system according to him now is no longer rigged because of the result. If he lost he'd still be acting like the spoiled narcissistic megalomaniac depraved little pervert bitch he is and will continue to be, whining how it's all rigged and doing everything he can to disrespect the process.

Like the total hypocrite bitch he is he spent the whole campaign being as vile to anyone not on his side and suddenly last night he says the country will come together like never before. Huh. He could be the first to get shot before taking office. It's already attempted.

Boyzs! Anyone ever said this might help our hobby? His moral and integrity will probably change the sex industry in the US. Gambling and eventually brothel will be part of all American neighbor.

Anyone who thinks this is dreaming. The two biggest segments of Republicans are Christian Conservatives and the Tea Party. The first hates Trump only slightly less than Clinton. Pervert will go in there and change what the Conservatives want changed, the rest will be fiercely resisted. Carter went in trying to make drastic changes and became one of the most ineffective Presidents ever because of inner-party resistance. As soon as Pervert tries something the Conservatives don't want he'll lose.

Opening up the sex industry had a better chance with Democratic Liberals and they wouldn't be able to get it done IF they wanted to.

:pound:Trump has had a MASSIVE EGO and had 6 failures. An immovable ego is his own worst enemy in politics, especially when he tries to push around other big egos.

If you have to bulshit, lie and bully all oponents to get your goals, you might have to redefine what you think is the American Dream. You might give out the wrong example...

Some versions of the American dream are pretty sick. Lie, slander, be a total asshole. Well that's his kind.



A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
But again, i hope you're right in that your life will have changed for the better. Let's revisit this a couple of years from now.

Doc, you didn't read my post. My life didn't and won't change at all because Trump was elected. I didn't vote for either candidate and I was indifferent to who won. My life changed Tuesday night because I got my cable bill lowered by 10% instead of raised by 10%. :D And I owe all the thanks for that to neither Donald nor Hillary. :nod:The thanks goes to myself for my great negotiating skills and to the other internet providing company for laying fiber optic cable where I live.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
This thread is about Trump not Justine Trudeau...... I know I was not going to post again but could not pass this one up.

Just saw on Facebook. First meeting with Trudeau and Trump will be entitled: Dumb and Dumber ;)



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Doc, you didn't read my post. My life didn't and won't change at all because Trump was elected. I didn't vote for either candidate and I was indifferent to who won. My life changed Tuesday night because I got my cable bill lowered by 10% instead of raised by 10%. :D And I owe all the thanks for that to neither Donald nor Hillary. :nod:The thanks goes to myself for my great negotiating skills and to the other internet providing company for laying fiber optic cable where I live.

You might need to think about increasing your dosage captain ;) Or it's me who is too dumb to understand your point?



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
The self entitled libs got exactly what they deserved....I am the first guy to have compassion and a huge heart for people who deserve it but today "they" are getting exactly what they deserve. As a beautiful SP who texted me at 2:38 am this morning after it was announced that Trump won said, "Karma is a Bitch" and she was oh so right.

Enjoy your meal tonight and for the next 4 LONG years, libby's!


Wasn't a Trump supporter, but I still followed the election result last night.

I have to say it's very enjoyable to watch some leftists crying their eyes out. Lady gaga, miley cyrus, katy perry....

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Wow, was I ever wrong...

And with the trifecta of government, hopefully I'm also wrong about the next 4 years being a shit show of epic proportions...
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