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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
For me it was a vote against the culture of corruption of the dirty Clinton clan. It was also a vote against the big government and socialism of Obama. I want to see Illegals treated as such and not given an elevated special status just because the Democrats think that they can buy their vote down the road. Bush got us into Iraq but what Obama did - abandoning Iraq and creating a power vacuum - was reprehensible. Obama and Killary screwed-up the Middle East and they want to bring half of Syria here? No thanks. I want to see Obama care repealed and I want to see the deal with Iran dismantled (the Iran deal reminded me of Neville Chamberlain appeasing Nazi Germany) and I want to make sure that we do not get any of Killary's ideologue friends on the Supreme Court. That is why I rejected the Clinton Camp!

Thanks to Wikileaks we saw how dirty the Clinton machine really is. They made 330 Million with all their influence peddeling and the cattle futures and stock deals? They did Bernie Sanders in and Donna Brazil leaked debate questions to Killary? and then CNN asked the Clinton camp which questions should they ask her opponents? She paid for her daughters wedding with the Clinton foundation donations? Does anyone remember Mark Rich? His pardon cost 30MM$. And Oh yes, Killary blamed Bengahzi on a video made by some poor slob. A video that was never seen by anyone. Turns out that the administration, to save money, farmed out Chris Steven's security forces to a British firm for 9MM$. The group contained 4 Al-Quaeda operatives byut they weren't properly vetted.

Killary was a political hack that will say or do anything to enrich herself and hold onto power. Let Killary go back to bullying secret service agents with her foul-mouth and comments like "Come on Bill. You can't fuck her here." With Trump you don't know what you are getting with Killary you do and none if it is good.

Very well said I have to agree. And it makes us understand why we are here now.

Just one quick detail. Dont you think that if Bush had not invade Irak (which turned out to be one the the biggest fucking mistake since ww2, as they did not had ANY mass destruction weapon) the outcome to where we are now would be a bit different? Heck maybe Obama would have never been President!



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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At some point you just have to deal with the fact that she was a shitty, fucking candidate.

She was, and she behaved in an entitled manner and used cliched themes while whining and constantly portraying herself as a victim. When criticized for her lack of charm she also played the victim card saying that her experience as a female in law school and later as a lawyer forced her to develop a tough and nasty exterior (which, she suggested, prevented her from revealing the true charm trapped deep within her being). While it is true that the older generation of women in the legal profession are pretty much like that, I never met a single one who said "here is why I am a fucking bitch, it's because of you men." They just acted like bitches and did not give reason and did not seem to believe they needed to.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
It's being reported that Newt Gingrich will be offered and will accept to be Secretary of State and Rudolph Giuliani will be offered and accept the position of Attorney General.

Two of my favorite guys. Hopefully, there will be responsibilities for Chris Christie and Herman Caine. I am hoping for Ted Cruz for the Supreme Court. A perfect replacement for Scalia.

I am sick and tired of the PC left that have crept into every nook and cranny of Government and every other institution. Just think, with some of these reversals, you may be able to wear any Halloween costume that you would like. You may be able to voice your opinion without being shouted down as a racist by the real racists. I would like to see hate crimes - a crime committed by a white guy against any black guy (very rare indeed) - as double jeopardy. If someone kills someone in cold blood without cause then it is lethal injection for them. Color should not matter. When a thug, like the so-called gentle giant Michael Brown, knocks over a convenience store and and tosses an employee like a rag doll and is later shot in the head after attacking a cop and a race riot ensues I want to see the National Gaurd called out immediately to bust heads. I would like to see them fix bayonets to disperse the mob before they burn what is left of their own neighborhood to the ground. And after the riot is over, instead of a beer summit, go after the DNC and Soros and others that paid and bussed in protesters. I long for the day when the militant, white-male hating feminists, hair-clipped, no make-up, wire-glasses wearing femi-Nazis are treated like the militant fringe that they are....and I hope that Melania Trump can offer them free make overs and that they each can find a man and leave our hobby to the Carols Dangers (the PC name for Hobbyists) and the SPs. I long for a day when we will are all be taxed fairly and that we can all put money into a Roth IRA without penalty because you are deemed too successful....and people are hired and promoted based on their ability and not their plumbing. And last but not least, I hope the special prosecutor can put Killary behind bars. I want to see her wearing prison stripes and cleaning toilets.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Very well said I have to agree. And it makes us understand why we are here now.

Just one quick detail. Dont you think that if Bush had not invade Irak (which turned out to be one the the biggest fucking mistake since ww2, as they did not had ANY mass destruction weapon) the outcome to where we are now would be a bit different? Heck maybe Obama would have never been President!


You make a good point. Yes, and Obama inherited something he didn't want. I get it. But you just can't pull everyone out. That is my point. And look what happened. The surge worked and he gave it right back to Isis.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
At some point you just have to deal with the fact that she was a shitty, fucking candidate.

She wouldn't shut up about being a woman. When she lost to Obama, she kept talking about thousands of cracks in the glass ceiling. When Trump accused her of playing the woman's card, she took out a fake card and started talking about women's issues while waiving the fake card around. Even today in her concession speech, she spoke to a hypothetical little girl and assured her there would someday next woman President. Do you know how often Obama mentioned being half black while campaigning. I think it was none. He knew he had the black vote, so he didn't make a big deal out of it. Did you hear Trump say guys vote for me, I am a man. No, because as stupid as he is, he ain't that stupid. Hillary never tried to connect to men, particularly small town men, and she lost big time with them. A good politician tries to get at least a respectable percentage of the vote from every demographic, particularly the one making up about 50 percent of the electorate. Obama played basketball and golf, and snuck some cigarette puffs, but also appeared often on The View and was on great terms with those female hosts. Like him or not, he was a damn good politician and had gender cross-over appeal. Hillary simply didn't.

Yes, and he is genuinely a good family man. I can rememeber rooting for him against Killary 8 years ago and several of us saying at least it isn't Hillary. I do think that his dramatic left turn during his second term was a grave error and motivated several republican voters.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Very well said mon ami.

I heard a rumor that if Michigan does in fact go to Trump (still counting votes) that it was YOUR VOTE that gave that great state to Trump! If that is the case, you get a lifetime admission pass to any party I have, just make sure to bring Uncle Ted! :pound:

High 5 Bro!

I am going to take you up on it LOL!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Geez, I think you should have been Trumps running mate.

F political correctness and the entitled left.

Hungry's post below is exactly the thinking as to why so many people love Trump and why he won. Out with all the entitled politicians and BS in Washington and in with a strong leader who won't take any BS!

B R A V O! :clap2:

Two of my favorite guys. Hopefully, there will be responsibilities for Chris Christie and Herman Caine. I am hoping for Ted Cruz for the Supreme Court. A perfect replacement for Scalia.

I am sick and tired of the PC left that have crept into every nook and cranny of Government and every other institution. Just think, with some of these reversals, you may be able to wear any Halloween costume that you would like. You may be able to voice your opinion without being shouted down as a racist by the real racists. I would like to see hate crimes - a crime committed by a white guy against any black guy (very rare indeed) - as double jeopardy. If someone kills someone in cold blood without cause then it is lethal injection for them. Color should not matter. When a thug, like the so-called gentle giant Michael Brown, knocks over a convenience store and and tosses an employee like a rag doll and is later shot in the head after attacking a cop and a race riot ensues I want to see the National Gaurd called out immediately to bust heads. I would like to see them fix bayonets to disperse the mob before they burn what is left of their own neighborhood to the ground. And after the riot is over, instead of a beer summit, go after the DNC and Soros and others that paid and bussed in protesters. I long for the day when the militant, white-male hating feminists, hair-clipped, no make-up, wire-glasses wearing femi-Nazis are treated like the militant fringe that they are....and I hope that Melania Trump can offer them free make overs and that they each can find a man and leave our hobby to the Carols Dangers (the PC name for Hobbyists) and the SPs. I long for a day when we will are all be taxed fairly and that we can all put money into a Roth IRA without penalty because you are deemed too successful....and people are hired and promoted based on their ability and not their plumbing. And last but not least, I hope the special prosecutor can put Killary behind bars. I want to see her wearing prison stripes and cleaning toilets.


New Member
May 14, 2016
At some point you just have to deal with the fact that she was a shitty, fucking candidate.

I said she was a poor candidate post or two ago, I just said she had a lot of baggage, and I've said much the same months ago. So they picked an unrepentent foul jackass instead. Oh yeah, that's better. :lol: Now the world is looking at the U.S. like a nation of fools.

For decades liberals used the same kind of epithets that you use...

It's far from just Liberals. I have friends and relatives who are dyed-in-the-wool Republican Christian Conservatives who can fathom how that pig got the nomination of their party and are totally disgusted with him and all he is. And I don't feel my "epithets" are exaggerated in the least. He is a foul despicable ass, and people nowhere near my political views think the same.

I can grab them by the pussy, and you know they let you when you're a celebrity. What do you call 30 or 40 more quotes just like that?

Do you think he'll have a recount now for this "RIGGED ELECTION".


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Casablanca unrepentent foul jackass...that pig...totally disgusted..He is a foul despicable ass...

You sound like a Canadian feminist describing a guy who posts escort reviews on MERB. :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I just read the following article in the Blaze. It is quite entertaining and I think it hits the nail on the head. If you are surprised by the results up in Canada give this one a read. I think it explains the way many of us feel:…/matt-walsh-liberals-this-is-very…/

Matt Walsh: Liberals this is very simple — you lost because Hillary Clinton is objectively terrible

Ding dong the witch is dead.

I woke up humming that little ditty for some reason. Leftists, on the other hand, appear to have gotten no sleep at all. They’ve been wide awake since last night rending their garments and screaming that Literally Hitler was just elected. He’s not a legitimate president, they say. Racism and sexism and Islamophobia have won! The planet is doomed! This is a national day of mourning! Woe is me! It’s the new 9-11! The streets are flooding with the tears of pop stars! Quick, Stockpile birth control before he comes and steals it! The walls are closing in! It’s getting so dark! Dear God, what is happening? Why me, why me? The end is nigh! I’m so cold, so alone, so scared! Everyone panic!

I’m a Christian man so I should not find the pain and suffering of my fellow citizens so delightful, but I admit that I cannot help myself. God forgive me. Perhaps if they’d run someone halfway decent and at least partially law-abiding against Donald Trump, I’d have a bit more sympathy. But they didn’t. They nominated Hillary Clinton, the worst presidential candidate in the history of the United States. And so they lost. And, I must admit, I find it immensely satisfying. Even more satisfying when I remember that some of the most irritating celebrities in Hollywood have pledged to flee to Canada if Trump wins. Well, Amy Schumer, time to start packing. I hear Saskatchewan is lovely in the winter (don’t forget to bring a coat).

But rather than sit here and gloat over the end of the Clinton Dynasty (assuming the Democrats don’t give Chelsea a try in 2020 — and I certainly wouldn’t put it past them), I’d like to be more productive. Leftists, I’m going to try and help you sort through things and make sense of what just occurred. You feel quite sure that Trump’s election was the result of sexism, racism, ethnocentrism, and all of the other -isms, along with Islamophobia, homophobia, xenophobia, arachnophobia, and all of the other phobias, but as comfortable as that delusion might be, it will only make your situation worse if you indulge it.

Your loss, in fact, had nothing to do with -isms and phobias and everything to do with the following three factors:

1. You nominated a corrupt, deceitful, detestable crook who was the subject of at least two active FBI investigations.

This, it turns out, was not the most effective strategy. It seems that the American people are rather hesitant to elect a woman who both looks and acts like the shadowy dictator in every dystopian young adult novel ever written. When given a choice between a character from reality TV or the villain from the Hunger Games, the American people chose the former. Rather than lecture them over it, perhaps you should look deep within your hearts and figure out why you put the fate of your party in the hands of President Snow.

You should have risen up and purged the Clinton disease from your system years ago, leftists. You can say that Republican voters have really rolled the dice on one Hell of a wildcard here, but at least they’ve demonstrated, yet again, that they have very little tolerance for leaders who fail them. That’s why you always hear about the “infighting” and various “civil wars” happening within the GOP, and why you will continue to hear about them, because we on the right do not play Follow The Leader very well. We are very skeptical of our political representatives — and I will be encouraging conservatives to remain vigilant and skeptical — and, yes, that skepticism creates tension and a bit of chaos, but at least we don’t end up with an actual crime family hijacking our movement for 30 years.

Hillary Clinton is truly terrible. You couldn’t see it because your tribal mentality tells you that any criticism of your leaders must be the result of bigotry towards whatever demographic they belong to. But it had nothing to do with her demographics. Nothing to do with her chromosomes or her genitalia. Stop being ridiculous, leftists. Do you really think conservatives hate women? Half of us are women, you fools.

You don’t have to hate all women in order to despise the worst woman to ever emerge on the American political scene. And she is the worst, I’m afraid to say. Everybody can see it but you. And I think maybe you can actually see it. That’s why you didn’t turn out for her the way the pollsters thought you would. The way you thought you would. Because she’s awful and she deserved to lose. And so she did lose. It’s really as simple as that.

2. White working class Americans are tired of being scolded and lectured.

In recent years you’ve fully embraced the mantra that all white people are inherently racist. It became such a mainstream leftist idea that even Hillary Clinton publicly professed it. Well, it turns out that white people don’t like being called racists every second of the day. It seems that guilt, shame, and self-loathing are not the best ways to generate electoral turnout. Evidently, “Repent, you bigots!” is not the most effective rallying cry.

On a related note, it’s not true that all white people are racist. Of course it isn’t true. Again: stop being ridiculous. You can’t take some random sin or vice and assign it to an entire group of people based solely on their skin color. In fact, do you know what it’s called when you accuse everyone in a certain racial group of possessing some negative characteristic? Racism, by definition.

In similar fashion, straight white men, specifically, are tired of being called sexist just because we’re men. And we’re tired of being called homophobic just because we’re straight. And we’re tired of being told about our supposed “privilege,” especially by metropolitan liberals and smarmy college kids. You should take note of the fact that Trump is now the president-elect because he won in places like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Michigan. If you’ve ever been to the small rural counties in those states (and you probably haven’t, which is part of the problem), you may notice a startling lack of this alleged privilege. These are blue collar folks who work for a living and have very little, if anything, leftover after all the bills are paid. And when a truck driver or construction worker from north east Pennsylvania hears some bratty, self-righteous college girl inform him of his “privilege,” he tends to roll his eyes and ignore everything else she says.

“You’re a privileged, racist neanderthal. Now here’s who you should vote for…”

He didn’t hear that second sentence. He heard the first part and tuned the rest out, justifiably so. Most of you know nothing of the lives of these “privileged” and “racist” folks in small town America, and until you get a clue, you’re destined to keep losing.

3. Your policies don’t work.

Most of your policies have proven disastrous, but let’s just focus on the big one for right now: Obamacare. It’s collapsing. We told you it would collapse. We told you it wouldn’t work. It can’t work. You didn’t listen, and now you’re suffering because of it. We’re all suffering because of it.

People across the country are in a true state of panic because their premiums are skyrocketing. Health care has never been cheap, but for a lot of people it’s worse now than it’s ever been. It’s no use trying to tell them why it’s actually good that they can no longer afford health insurance for themselves and their families. You can write all the Vox explainers you want, but the average American only has to make one calculation: “I could afford health insurance before Obamacare. Now I can’t.” All the blog posts in the world won’t make that fact more palatable. Failure can’t be made to look like success when the failure is being felt by real people.

“I know I just shot you in the leg, but please read this article on the Huffington Post which explains why the gaping, bloody wound in your shin doesn’t actually hurt.” That’s a tough case to make, leftists. Maybe, if you’re clever enough and you’re talking to someone who is gullible enough, you can convince him that a gunshot wound won’t hurt. But once you’ve pulled the trigger the jig is up. The secret’s out. Your explanations and rationalizations are now officially worthless.

I think part of your problem is that the liberal coalition consists largely — not entirely, but largely — of people who don’t really understand what it means to work for a living and pay their own way and feel the pain of the average, middle class American. You’ve got the elite metropolitan liberals who have enough money that they don’t have to worry much about these things. You’ve got the college liberals and millennial liberals who have spent all or most of their adult life in school, often depending on the charity of their parents. And you’ve got a lot of Democrat voters in the cities who live relatively close to the elite metropolitan liberals, but under much harsher conditions, and often depend completely or mostly on government programs.

Where is your coalition of people who work 9-5, are not wealthy, but do not depend on government handouts? You need those voices in your ranks to talk some sense into you. But all you’ve done is push them away and scream invective at them. And now they’re gone.

And that’s why you lost, leftists.

It’s your fault. It’s on you. Own it now, or continue your march into irrelevancy. The choice is yours.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
You sound like a Canadian feminist describing a guy who posts escort reviews on MERB. :D

Capt, your going to make me piss my pants I'm laughing so hard.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Why did Trump win? It'a actually pretty simple to explain:

My liberal critics rolled their eyes when I complained about political correctness. I hope they see things a little more clearly now. The left sorted everyone into identity groups and then told the people in the poorly-educated-white-male identity group that that's the only bad one. It mocked the members of this group mercilessly. It punished them for not being woke enough. It called them racists. It said their video games were sexist. It deployed Lena Dunham to tell them how horrible they were. Lena Dunham!

Trump Won Because Leftist Political Correctness Inspired a Terrifying Backlash
What every liberal who didn't see this coming needs to understand

Robby Soave|Nov. 9, 2016 8:01 am

Many will say Trump won because he successfully capitalized on blue collar workers' anxieties about immigration and globalization. Others will say he won because America rejected a deeply unpopular alternative. Still others will say the country is simply racist to its core. But there's another major piece of the puzzle, and it would be a profound mistake to overlook it. Overlooking it was largely the problem, in the first place.

Trump won because of a cultural issue that flies under the radar and remains stubbornly difficult to define, but is nevertheless hugely important to a great number of Americans: political correctness.

More specifically, Trump won because he convinced a great number of Americans that he would destroy political correctness.

I have tried to call attention to this issue for years. I have warned that political correctness actually is a problem on college campuses, where the far-left has gained institutional power and used it to punish people for saying or thinking the wrong thing. And ever since Donald Trump became a serious threat to win the GOP presidential primaries, I have warned that a lot of people, both on campus and off it, were furious about political-correctness-run-amok—so furious that they would give power to any man who stood in opposition to it.

I have watched this play out on campus after campus. I have watched dissident student groups invite Milo Yiannopoulos to speak—not because they particularly agree with his views, but because he denounces censorship and undermines political correctness. I have watched students cheer his theatrics, his insulting behavior, and his narcissism solely because the enforcers of campus goodthink are outraged by it. It's not about his ideas, or policies. It's not even about him. It's about vengeance for social oppression.

Trump has done to America what Yiannopoulos did to campus. This is a view Yiannopoulos shares. When I spoke with him about Trump's success months ago, he told me, "Nobody votes for Trump or likes Trump on the basis of policy positions. That's a misunderstanding of what the Trump phenomenon is."

He described Trump as "an icon of irreverent resistance to political correctness." Correctly, I might add.

What is political correctness? It's notoriously hard to define. I recently appeared on a panel with CNN's Sally Kohn, who described political correctness as being polite and having good manners. That's fine—it can mean different things to different people. I like manners. I like being polite. That's not what I'm talking about.

The segment of the electorate who flocked to Trump because he positioned himself as "an icon of irreverent resistance to political correctness" think it means this: smug, entitled, elitist, privileged leftists jumping down the throats of ordinary folks who aren't up-to-date on the latest requirements of progressive society.

Example: A lot of people think there are only two genders—boy and girl. Maybe they're wrong. Maybe they should change that view. Maybe it's insensitive to the trans community. Maybe it even flies in the face of modern social psychology. But people think it. Political correctness is the social force that holds them in contempt for that, or punishes them outright.

If you're a leftist reading this, you probably think that's stupid. You probably can't understand why someone would get so bent out of shape about being told their words are hurtful. You probably think it's not a big deal and these people need to get over themselves. Who's the delicate snowflake now, huh? you're probably thinking. I'm telling you: your failure to acknowledge this miscalculation and adjust your approach has delivered the country to Trump.

There's a related problem: the boy-who-cried-wolf situation. I was happy to see a few liberals, like Bill Maher, owning up to it. Maher admitted during a recent show that he was wrong to treat George Bush, Mitt Romney, and John McCain like they were apocalyptic threats to the nation: it robbed him of the ability to treat Trump more seriously. The left said McCain was a racist supported by racists, it said Romney was a racist supported by racists, but when an actually racist Republican came along—and racists cheered him—it had lost its ability to credibly make that accusation.

This is akin to the political-correctness-run-amok problem: both are examples of the left's horrible over-reach during the Obama years. The leftist drive to enforce a progressive social vision was relentless, and it happened too fast. I don't say this because I'm opposed to that vision—like most members of the under-30 crowd, I have no problem with gender neutral pronouns—I say this because it inspired a backlash that gave us Trump.

My liberal critics rolled their eyes when I complained about political correctness. I hope they see things a little more clearly now. The left sorted everyone into identity groups and then told the people in the poorly-educated-white-male identity group that that's the only bad one. It mocked the members of this group mercilessly. It punished them for not being woke enough. It called them racists. It said their video games were sexist. It deployed Lena Dunham to tell them how horrible they were. Lena Dunham!

I warned that political-correctness-run-amok and liberal overreach would lead to a counter-revolution if unchecked. That counter-revolution just happened.

There is a cost to depriving people of the freedom (in both the legal and social senses) to speak their mind. The presidency just went to the guy whose main qualification, according to his supporters, is that he isn't afraid to speak his.

Political correctness became a thing for conservatives about a year ago... I guess as misogyny and racism have become less polite, conservatives decided that politeness was the problem.

I think you should roll with it... start using n88ers and k88kes in your everyday language... after all, Trump won, so it is okay...


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Great article Hungry101, merci for positng! It was a great read and oh so true.

Question of the day: Who lost more $ on the election, Doc or vladdy?

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008

NO! Wrong. There were TWO bad choices. Trump absolutely was the more odious person by far. But it was because 1. people were sold on the idea government insiders were the problem. 2. Clinton was an insider with a great deal of baggage. Clinton still won the popular vote currently at Clinton 48% 59,814,018, Trump 47% 59,611,678.

Trump didn't go just against political correctness. He went into being a sleaze mongering ghetto slob. Had the election been before Comey threw it to Trump by leaving open all kinds of speculations that were not true Trump would have been slaughtered in the electoral college and the popular vote. Sure people don't like political correctness, neither do I. But don't ever confuse that with being against decency. Trump was heading to one of the worst beatings ever because of his filthy trash mouth...and the dislike of political correctness never would have saved him for that comment.

The purveyors of this anti-political correctness silliness can be thankful the electoral college counts first or Trump wouldn't be moving his sexual predator habits anywhere.


I don't believe that either... Trump turned out his base better than Hillary. That accounts for most of it. Trump's totals were slightly up from Romney's in certain key swing states while Hillary's were down. I think that was what all the "rigged election" talk was about. It motivated the hell out of his base. (And all the voter ID stuff strategically suppressing turnout in a few key districts) The Comey stuff was all bullshit that only motivated the people who already believed.

To be politically correct, the only people who care about political correctness are the "tolerance challenged". Apparently we have to be careful about their feefees too... They don't like being called racists and misogynysts...

Let them take their victory lap today. They deserve it as much as we deserve to eat crow. We got our asses handed to us and didn't even see it coming. Let's at least try to learn the right lessons from the defeat and move on. On the bright side, Republicans own the next 4 years and they have given absolutely no indication that they are actually capable of governing so it should be quite funny

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Wow! You hit that one out of the park Captain. I actually voted for Hillary in 2008 during the Democratic primary against Obama. I got off her bandwagon when she blamed the whole Bengazi incident on a "videotape". Having been several times to U.S. Embassies and Consulates in Colombia and Mexico I know we don't have military stationed at the Embassies/Consulates. So, I didn't blame her for not calling in the troops in time to do any good. But, when she became a Muslim apologist like Obama and said some dumb amateur filmmaker in California was the whole reason for the Bengazi attack - because he offended the sensibilities of Muslims - well She lost me and many others at that point. She takes P.C. to a new level. As Savannah Guthrie said last night, Trumps victory was a big f u to the the political establishment. Drain the cesspool. After 8 years of Bush who got us into Iraq under false pretenses and 8 more years of Obama, where he basically continued with the same policies and did nothing to balance trade with China, and bring back good paying jobs, it's time for someone like Trump. His pledge to build a wall is total b.s. He would never get congressional approval nor budgetary approval from Congress for such an undertaking. However, under Article 2 of the U.S. Constitution he has broad powers through International Treaties to effect international trade. I think China is crapping in its boots and so are the members in Congress who receive donations from the Corporate elite in the U.S. while making all their products in China, e.g. Apple et al.

China is laughing at the US right now... You do realize that they are absolutely thrilled that TPP is dead no matter who won the election?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Clinton did bring PC to a whole new level, from her tweet a year ago: "Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism." climate change is more dangerous than ISIS.
Yes, I love the climate change worse than Isis argument. Tell that to the guys that are being burned alive or drowned or having their head chopped off.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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For me it was a vote against the culture of corruption of the dirty Clinton clan. It was also a vote against the big government and socialism of Obama. I want to see Illegals treated as such and not given an elevated special status just because the Democrats think that they can buy their vote down the road. Bush got us into Iraq but what Obama did - abandoning Iraq and creating a power vacuum - was reprehensible. Obama and Killary screwed-up the Middle East and they want to bring half of Syria here? No thanks. I want to see Obama care repealed and I want to see the deal with Iran dismantled (the Iran deal reminded me of Neville Chamberlain appeasing Nazi Germany) and I want to make sure that we do not get any of Killary's ideologue friends on the Supreme Court. That is why I rejected the Clinton Camp!

Thanks to Wikileaks we saw how dirty the Clinton machine really is. They made 330 Million with all their influence peddeling and the cattle futures and stock deals? They did Bernie Sanders in and Donna Brazil leaked debate questions to Killary? and then CNN asked the Clinton camp which questions should they ask her opponents? She paid for her daughters wedding with the Clinton foundation donations? Does anyone remember Mark Rich? His pardon cost 30MM$. And Oh yes, Killary blamed Bengahzi on a video made by some poor slob. A video that was never seen by anyone. Turns out that the administration, to save money, farmed out Chris Steven's security forces to a British firm for 9MM$. The group contained 4 Al-Quaeda operatives byut they weren't properly vetted.

Killary was a political hack that will say or do anything to enrich herself and hold onto power. Let Killary go back to bullying secret service agents with her foul-mouth and comments like "Come on Bill. You can't fuck her here." With Trump you don't know what you are getting with Killary you do and none if it is good.

H101....You are the man my friend!!!!!!! Perfectly summed up.

Hey Doc, is that $100 you owe Iggy in USD or CAD? :lol::lol::lol::usa2::usa2::usa2:

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
At some point you just have to deal with the fact that she was a shitty, fucking candidate.

agreed... have to face facts...
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