The beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding
A rhythm to the brain
La de da de de, la de da de da
Reince Preibus chosen for Chief of Staff...another pledge betrayal and I knew Trump fans would swallow that too.Drums keep pounding
A rhythm to the brain
La de da de de, la de da de da
The Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund warned against a "Washington insider" to run Trump's White House, specifically naming Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, who is said to be one of Trump's top two choices.
Jenny Beth Martin, the co-founder of TPPCF, told CNN in a statement that the group wants Trump to "drain the swamp."
"No Washington insider, regardless of who it is, should serve as President Trump's chief of staff," Martin said. "Appointing Reince Priebus (or any other DC establishment insider) would make it more difficult, not less, for President Trump to achieve the change the people voted for. It's time to drain the swamp -- not promote insiders beholden to the Washington establishment who helped create it."
Well Trumperv has dived into the swamp he guaranteed to drain once again, choosing the insider of insiders the Republican National Committee Chairman and you know the main stream Republicans led by President Pence were behind it.
Michael Moore predicted Trump would be impeached. Who knows. But with Reince Preibus right next to Pence the Republicans Party boys, who do not see Trump as one of them, are in perfect position to take over if impeachment happens. And why would they fight it much if it happened. They get rid of a guy they didn't want in the first place for one who they see as perfect for them. Pence.
History has (not) turned the page, uh huh