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Trumped 202

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New Member
May 14, 2016
The beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding
A rhythm to the brain
La de da de de, la de da de da

Reince Preibus chosen for Chief of Staff...another pledge betrayal and I knew Trump fans would swallow that too.

The Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund warned against a "Washington insider" to run Trump's White House, specifically naming Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, who is said to be one of Trump's top two choices.

Jenny Beth Martin, the co-founder of TPPCF, told CNN in a statement that the group wants Trump to "drain the swamp."

"No Washington insider, regardless of who it is, should serve as President Trump's chief of staff," Martin said. "Appointing Reince Priebus (or any other DC establishment insider) would make it more difficult, not less, for President Trump to achieve the change the people voted for. It's time to drain the swamp -- not promote insiders beholden to the Washington establishment who helped create it."

Well Trumperv has dived into the swamp he guaranteed to drain once again, choosing the insider of insiders the Republican National Committee Chairman and you know the main stream Republicans led by President Pence were behind it.

Michael Moore predicted Trump would be impeached. Who knows. But with Reince Preibus right next to Pence the Republicans Party boys, who do not see Trump as one of them, are in perfect position to take over if impeachment happens. And why would they fight it much if it happened. They get rid of a guy they didn't want in the first place for one who they see as perfect for them. Pence.

History has (not) turned the page, uh huh



nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
The US Defense industry could use a shakeup but it will be difficult.
As a veteran I was always envious of much US kit. Even their food was awesome.
But Canadian Forces and the US often got stuck with stuff that was absolute shit.
(long detailed rant deleted)
The US military has so many suppliers that are chosen because they are in the right Congressional constituency. I saw a very unofficial chart of parts for an airplane once, it had a map showing how there was at least one supplier in every state. That can't be a coincidence.

If this was cleaned up it could save as much money as everything else Trump does put together.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Michael Moore predicted Trump would be impeached. Who knows. But with Reince Preibus right next to Pence the Republicans Party boys, who do not see Trump as one of them, are in perfect position to take over if impeachment happens. And why would they fight it much if it happened. They get rid of a guy they didn't want in the first place for one who they see as perfect for them. Pence.

During the campaign many establishment Republicans also predicted Trump would wind up getting impeached if he'd ever get elected. Trump would actually be extremely easy to impeach if the GOP establishment decides to do it. It's already starting to be a mess. Appointing Stephen Bannon as his Chief Strategist is proof that a storm's coming. Plus the fact his family is now involved with the transition team and will continue to run his companies, which is a huge conflict of interest, especially considering how much they cried about Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Foundation stuff is peanuts compared to the huge conflict of interest about to happen with the Trump family and their businesses.

And by the way......

Today would be a great day for Donald Trump to finally release his taxes.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I agree with drain the swamp but believe it or not Priebus might actually be a good guy to help drain out the swamp. To drain the swamp you need a guy who knows the swamp.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Oh c'mon Doc, now you are just being silly, you know as well as I do with 4700 people to appoint in new postitions under PRESIDENT Trump, that many will be from the Republican "insiders", they have to be unless you think PRESIDENT Trump is going to appoint you or me or any board memebr. I would love for him to give former member 'merlow' a job so he could tell him the inevitable (and likely within 24 hours)

Indeed. It was the safe pick. But so much for Trump and his claims of being a 'Washington outsider'. Reince Priebus is the classic Washington insider having long worked with the establishment. Many of the cabinet posts will be held by DC insiders also.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I agree with drain the swamp but believe it or not Priebus might actually be a good guy to help drain out the swamp. To drain the swamp you need a guy who knows the swamp.

You can't 'drain the swamp' when you surround yourself with lobbyists & long-time DC establishment politicians. It's also going to be impossible to 'drain' considering the GOP owns both Houses, where the majority of its representatives are a symbol of the same Washington 'swamp'. In other words, the GOP are not going to slash their own throats just to please Donald Trump and Stephen Bannon.

If the voters really wanted the 'swamp' to be 'drained', they would have started by voting out every single incompetent GOP congressman. They have had the lowest approval ratings in the history of the country for the past few years, yet they keep getting re-elected. So go figure.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
As a holder of a bachelor's degree specialized in Canadian history, i would like to simply point out that the large majority of Canadians would be considered 'liberals' or 'leftists' from an American perspective.

My sister in law's late mother was a high level Republican.
She once told me the USA would never annex Canada because us Canadians would be a bad influence on other right-thinking Americans.


New Member
May 14, 2016
You can't 'drain the swamp' when you surround yourself with lobbyists & long-time DC establishment politicians.

I agree. Where's the incentive? Preibus would have to screw many of his pals who he needs to help keep Trump in line and get things done the way the real Party bosses want it done. If he drained the swamp he'd be cutting much of his political leverage by getting rid of those who help him maintain his and the Republicans position of leverage. After draining it Preibus would be surrounded by Trumpervs beholden to him not the Republican Party. How long would it be then for bye bye Preibus.

....right-thinking Americans.

A funny but dangerous term alluding to the idea there's only one RIGHT line of

And BTW: The Republicans would be wise to keep perspective about this past election. The number of votes Trumperv got were between that of McCain and Romney, two who lost. In other words they didn't gain anything, especially a mandate. It was Clinton who lost 6 million votes, and that basicially decided the election.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Even without all this knowledge we are able to realize that the US came up with probably the worst two presidential candidates in their history..
If with all this history and knowledge the best they can come up with is Trump and Hillary then it is maybe time to change history.
All these precautions are maybe not working so well after all.

The founding fathers also foresaw that the best men would not always be elected president. So they severely limited the powers of the president and wrote a series of checks and balances into the Constitution. Try reading it sometime and you will see.

Thanks to the limits on the powers of the president, Obama was stopped by Congress from implementing many of his policies. He was arrogant and aloof towards his political opponents and he lacked the ability to reach a consensus with his opponents, so he accomplished very little in domestic affairs during his last six years in office. He issued lots of executive orders but many of these will be overturned by Trump.

Even though Trump will have the advantage of a Republican House and Senate, he also needs to remember that the president's real power lies in his ability to compromise and build consensus (with both Republicans and Democrats). Good presidents such as Reagan and Clinton were successful because of their ability to find agreement with their opponents and pass legislation that had broad support. I am hopeful that Trump's experience as a deal maker will lead him in the direction of getting things done by making good policy deals with Congress and its leaders.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
..I feel absolutely comfortable being referred to as a 'liberal' or a 'leftist' since i'm part of the large majority of Canadians.

And that's the biggest problem with Canada. :D


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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A lot of people are forgetting Trump's history which is that he has been far more liberal and moderate than what's been suggested by his various statements during the campaign and he has in the past donated heavily to Democrats including the Clintons! So it would not at all surprise me if he is more effective at obtaining compromises than Obama was. Obama was a tad arrogant but that is what a Harvard education does to you and we see this also with Cruz. Who wouldn't be able to compromise on anything either.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Trying to stay off this thread but when I see stuff like this....

Anything from full out riots to university students needing quiet time and comfort dogs to help them make it.
Pitiful group of young adults we have about to take over, better start with the kumbyia ( spelled wrong ) chants and give more trophies for coming in last.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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They were all very smart men especially Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson and if you noticed their faces are on the nickel and the $100 bill. There is a reason why.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Just caught the last few minutes of the 60 minutes interview with the new First Family and boy oh boy do the ladies look incredible. Royalty definately agrees with them :thumb:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I think before Trump leaves office you will (as well as millions more) see he was a good leader if not better. He is exactly what the USA needed at this time. I mean he can't be any worse than oBama lol.

BTW, only half the country was laughing, the other half delivered the biggest BITCH SLAP (literally) heard round the world ;)

Even without all this knowledge we are able to realize that the US came up with probably the worst two presidential candidates in their history, who both ran the dirtiest campaigns ever.
This whole campaign was an ongoing reality show


New Member
May 14, 2016
The the idea Trumpervert is doing anything different in planning to deport millions of illegal immigrants is a condition of gross ignorance and political rhetoric. G.W. Bush deported about 2 million in his 8 years. President Obama has deported about 2 1/2 million in 7 years, and the official count for 2016 is not included. Estimates are deportations will reach 3.2 million total by the end of his term.

Even without all this knowledge we are able to realize that the US came up with probably the worst two presidential candidates in their history, who both ran the dirtiest campaigns ever.

You're right. A habitual molesting sociopath versus madame dirty baggage train. In Clinton's case I guess she was the heir apparent so to speak, when she should not have been. That's awful enough. But for Republicans there were 16 other candidates and they still picked that fosse de merde (shit pit) from so many others. Talk about diving for the bottom.

It's funny in a mind-numbing way really. Romney only mentioned writing off 47% of voters making him look like an out of touch rich guy. Trumpervert was caught almost daily insulting people personally, claimed he could get away with molesting women, and using every kind of bigoted label there is except the "N-word". It's like our standards fell of the charts further than the stock market crash in 1929, and it makes what Romney said look like a tiny annoying tickle at most.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
As far as First Lady's go, is there anyone even close to Melania as far as hottest first lady of all time? Anyone remotely close? Who would look as good as her in a bikini at the time they spent in the white house?

Doc if you say Barbara Bush I swear I will :puke:

I saw it too, now there is something we can definitely agree on, they rock, absolutely gorgeous.
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