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May 14, 2016
Trump Broken Promise Betrayal #2

:lol: Still only 3 days since the election and he's broken two major promises already. If you looked at the link I offered in post 2069 you would have seen why. There are some things it would be very difficult to change, and throwing 20 million people off insurance coverage is a major practical and political problem. I have a feeling Dump is just making another offer he'll break, but certainly he can't get rid of it all.

Trump appears open to compromise on Obamacare


The comments, made in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, signal less of a policy shift for Trump than a change from the rhetoric that helped win him the presidency just three days ago and could set up a fight with conservatives.

Trump told the paper he was reconsidering his stance after Thursday's meeting with Obama, who urged him to protect parts of the law. Trump said he would like to keep the provision forbidding discrimination based on pre-existing conditions and to allow young Americans to remain on their parents' healthcare plans.

"Either Obamacare will be amended, or repealed and replaced," he said, acknowledging that it was Obama, who met with Trump in the Oval Office for 90 minutes, who encouraged him to reconsider. "I told him I will look at his suggestions, and out of respect, I will do that."

That position is not entirely new -- he did say as much at least once during the primaries. But the statement, three days after Americans elected him president, is a fresh sign that he may be willing to distance himself from some of his campaign positioning, such as calling for the immediate repeal and replace of Obamacare.

And it's a far cry from what Trump uttered during the primary to his boisterous fans at rallies.

Point is his supporters bought a pig with a lot of lipstick. Either he can't do what he promised to the degree he said he would, or the Republicans won't let him. He'll be President only as much as his party, which actually doesn't trust and hates him, lets him.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Exactly Sam, crybabies are gonna cry just for the sake of it. No Pres ever keeps all of their promises, it is simply impossible but as long as he does many good things for the country he represents than all is well, he can pretty much only go up from where he is starting after the last 8 years.

Somewhere i read he has to fill 4000 jobs under him, is this true? Holy Crap, he really must love his country to want to do this because frankly, at 70 years of age and extremely wealthy, why does he need this? Yep, he must definately love his country.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
I salute their service which they all spoke to me about in great detail and all 4 were proud to serve our country.

It is good they talked to you about it.
My parents were both in the Royal Air Force.
My mother was an aircraft mechanic. She had been a typesetter and they assigned her based on that. She eventually worked her way up to test flying repaired aircraft at Hawker and signing off on them as air worthy. People don't believe it, but every Brit who was male and could fly was in combat. Having women pilots freed up the men for combat.
My father hardly ever said anything except when he was drunk. He saw awful things and I know they haunted him. He had two brothers. One disappeared, MIA, the other was an SAS desert rat, he was crippled for life. My dad also saw Buchenwald and Dachau.
He had one story about his best friend he told over and over. The guy had ptsd and lost his mind, he went into a mess tent full of senior officers and was threatening them with his Tommy gun. Someone fetched my dad, and he talked his buddy down. Then he had to testify against him at a court martial. He said that was the worst thing he ever did in his life.
We have it so easy...the stupid things we worry about eh?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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How does this make him different than any other politician?
How many keep their promises after they get elected?
You think Hilary would have?
It is always a case of which do you distrust the most, the one that is stealing you blind but has already filled his pockets or the new one coming in that has not learnt all the details of stealing you blind yet but has empty pockets.
Two of the worst candidates ever , but Trump has earned his chance , he won according to the electoral rules in place today and now it is time to make the best of it.

Bottom line is Trump should be compromising on Obamacare. Who cares if he promised to repeal it, he should be doing what is right, not what he promised, as with all politicians who backtrack on campaign promises. And what is right is to amend and modify Obamacare. Trump will listen to a lot of smart people and if they tell him to do something different than what he promised and it is the right thing to do, he should just do it.


New Member
May 14, 2016
How does this make him different than any other politician?

It doesn't, and it confirms everything I said about him despite how his voters and #1 cheerleader SWALLOWED the idea he's so different, an outsider who would "drain the swamp". It was all BS.

Remember he had Liberal social notions before he ran. He was considered a Washington insider with all his connections. Then he repackaged himself and poorly informed people put the blinders on he sold them...with a smile and enthusiasm only to get egg on their faces with this run of the mill typical acting POLITICIAN. And that's what he is as much as very blind people foolishly bought otherwise.

I don't think Trump will ever come close to being as good for the country as Obama was, he brought them out of one of the worst economies ever inherited by a President.


It was Bush who dumped trillions of dollars into unwinnable wars. It was Bush who added nearly $6 trillion to the debt. It was Bush that signed the first bank bailout.

People forgot and are able to forget 2008 when people lost 30% to 50% of their 401K, and similar losses in many other investments because of how Obama and the team under his direction handled the crisis to create a good recovery. Another thing about President Obama is he always behaved like the very model of decency. Not a hint of any personal scandal ever or distasteful remark, anything. The new guy comes with a train load of it, to go along with all his personal sleaze.

...demands that people give him a chance, he earned it.

There are a lot of ways to get the electorate fired up to support you on either side. Certainly the heavy political and legal baggage Clinton carried was more than enough on it's own. Then add in the views against Obama's policies. All fair game. Candidates can even get into crazy conspiracy theory nonsense and sell that. But to dig into racism, xenophobia, misogyny, and more, the ugliest impulses of humanity including retweeting KKK and neo-Nazi ideology...with the result that people go around openly chanting for White Power and dividing the nation based on that atrociousness. It's INEXCUSABLE under any circumstances...more so because it was not a mistake, it was all calculated like it's completely acceptable. And some of his boyzzzzz here have indicated so. Do they believe in that trash??? Using it was unforgivable...and I don't care what the reasons were.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Bottom line is Trump should be compromising on Obamacare. Who cares if he promised to repeal it, he should be doing what is right, not what he promised, as with all politicians who backtrack on campaign promises. And what is right is to amend and modify Obamacare. Trump will listen to a lot of smart people and if they tell him to do something different than what he promised and it is the right thing to do, he should just do it.

I agree to this statement, that at the very least he should compromise on the Affordable Care Act. My preference as an outside observer would be that he keep it as is but improve on it into making it a single-payer system. All Americans should have free access to health care like we do in Canada and the rest of the civilized world. The only reason your health care system is the way it is is because of Washington's lobbyists.

I agree that Trump will listen to a lot of smart people, but he'll also be listening to a lot of bad ones. Right now, different factions of the GOP are after Trump's soul. He's extremely vulnerable right now since he realizes he's way over his head and he's currently surrounded by a lot of bad people who want him to pursue their own agenda. He's also surrounded by a a tremendous amount of Washington lobbyists, the same people he threatened to drive out of town when he was running for president.

I'm certain many of the current establishment want the best for their country or believe so. Among them i'm including the likes of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, although it's easy to disagree with them. But they'll have to do battle with the extreme right which has been present among Trump's campaign and who were in large part responsible for his election win. These radicals have been at odds with the GOP establishment for years and they'll be battling them for control of the president's ideology.

Trump is in a bad position. Part of me wishes he succeeds as a president, but for me it would mean he fucks a lot of folks who voted for him with all the false and impossible promises he made. He was an anti-establishment candidate and now he's surrounded by DC lobbyists and many long-time Washington insiders are on his short list for key cabinet positions.

Donald Trump will feel like a prisoner in this job. So will his family. They're the last family i'd expect to be comfortable living in the White House and having the secret service follow you everywhere and dictating your schedule. Trump will also lose many privileges he's grown accustomed to, like the use of his personal cellphone, for example. This is why i wouldn't be surprised to see him give up the job within two years or at the very least he won't see re-election. Will he want to go through another grueling campaign four years from now when he'll be 74 years old?? And the fact he's currently involved with 72 different lawsuits (and counting) won't exactly help his focus. The next few years should be very interesting in Washington and believe it or not, part of me is actually pulling for Trump. I'm wishing he's able to stand up to the alt-right's ideology and to the Washington establishment. If he manages to get the lobbyists out of Washington, shorten congressmen's terms and get the money out of politics, i'm all for that. He was absolutely right on those issues, although i find it'll be nearly impossible to do since the odds are greatly stacked against him by his own party. And if he's able to pull off building the wall? Kudos to him, although it looks impossible and we'll all be dead by the time it's completed.

Like President Obama said the other day, if President-elect Trump succeeds as a president, it means that America will succeed. But beware: succeeding as a president doesn't mean he'll have succeeded in implenting his country-dividing radical promises he promised during the campaign. For Donald Trump to succeed as a president, it'll mean that he will have broken many pre-election promises he made to the people who believed in him and voted for him. I'm sure many of those same voters believed every word when he said he'd blow-up Washington. Well, considering he's already surrounded by dozens of lobbyists and dozens of long-time Washington insiders & neo-cons will hold key cabinet positions, i'd say he's off to a bad start. Or is it?

p.s. I'm not so sure kicking out Chris Christie of his circle is a good idea. Christie is a very smart man & understands Washington politics. Plus the fact Christie was the first one to go and support him.


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Jul 16, 2004
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Mais il y a une chose qui me fascine...Il a été ÉLU...Donc vous...citoyens avez ÉLUE TRUMP....je dis pas tous!!!..Mais il a été ÉLUE...Ces plate mais ces la réalité...Alors oui manifesté et être même enragé face a cela es permis...Mais MA question...AVEZ VOUS été voté!!!..Car ce qui me pue au nez des Québécois du moins de nos jours...ces...ça chiale..ça chiale...mais ça vote pas...Ça ce dit...boff il sont toutes pareil etc....Si on veut du changement...Il faut aller voté...Donc ce déplacé et allé faire son devoir de citoyens...Apres permettez vous la liberté d'expression..Clinton es loin d’être un ange en passant et elle es de la génération présidentielle...Surtout avec le passé de son mari aussi en tant que président et j'imagine si elle aurait été élue,son marie l'aurait pas lâché dans ces conseils de stupidité,mais la aussi faut pas l'oublié qu'il aurait du temps pour se retrouver une nouvelle Monica,car ça femme aura été plus occupé loll ...Je suis juste anxieux pour les négociations qu'il y aura avec le Canada en 2017,gang d'épais nos ministre en insultant Trump etc pendant sa campagne,wow bravo Couillard etc ça va nous aidé grrr ...Mais nous verrons ce qui arrivera....MAIS au moins vous les américains vous vouliez que ça change et vous avez risqué et CA je l'applaudi a comparé du résultat qu'on a eu avec Parizeau,qu'elle tristesse cette événement,j'aurai aimé voir le résultat aujourd’hui car il y aurais surement pas de ***** de commandites etc en étant un PAYS seule....Peace.
P.S.Je suis loin...même très loin de supporté toutes les idées de Trump....Mais le changement dois ce faire et faut voir....

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Tea Party against Priebus as chief-of-staff

The Tea Party has made it known it's totally against RNC chairman Reince Priebus as the president's chief-of-staff. They feel is too 'Washington establishment' and naming him as the chief-of-staff would be totally against Trump's promise to 'drain the swamp'. Priebus would be a very popular choice among the current GOP establishment who feel he'd make it easier for them to deal with Trump.

Trump is rumoured to favor former campaign CEO & Breitbart News co-chairman Steven Bannon, who also has had his share of issues in regards to women and minorities. He has also been at odds with the Republican party establishment. Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner & daughter Ivanka Trump favor Priebus over the polarizing Bannon and we all know they have a lot of influence on his decisions.

Personally, i think Kellyann Conway would be someone i'd consider. Without her, he likely never would have won the electoral college election.

I'm curious how many blacks, latinos and women will be named to key cabinet positions, if any.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The marches and the protests continue throughout America

I kind of feel for Donald Trump. During the campaign, he used to brag all the time about the number of people attending his rallies. He thought he was beloved by all, which was ridiculous. Now he's probably realizing how wrong he was & is probably shocked at how many people hate his guts and why their marching throughout America. His rallies used to attract tens of thousands. The protests are attracting hundreds of thousands across the US of A.

Trump posted the night of the election in 2012 that he was outraged Obama had beat Romney and had suggested people hit the streets and march towards Washington DC. Karma's a bitch, Donald! :lol:

I don't blame the protesters. They didn't vote for this asshole and the other candidate had more people voting for her. Trump won on a technicality called the electoral college, which is a faulty system. Trump was right: it's a rigged system.

I also don't blame the protestors for being upset that the Russian government is greatly responsible for the election's outcome. The only true winner in all of this is Vladimir Putin and this is totally wrong.

Trump and Putin won the fight. But the battle is far from being over. I believe in America, the land of the free and the brave.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Now Clinton is blaming Comey for her loss.
That`s like blaming the cops for arresting you after you had robbed a bank.
She should look in the mirror and blame herself for losing a gimme election.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Now Clinton is blaming Comey for her loss.
That`s like blaming the cops for arresting you after you had robbed a bank.
She should look in the mirror and blame herself for losing a gimme election.

You have to admit that Comey breaking all rules and coming out with that stupid letter less than two weeks prior to the election did harm her campaign. Were it not for that letter, she possibly would be President today if you look at how slim Trump won several of the swing states, plus the fact she did win the popular vote. He made a serious error by calling a press conference back in July, which led him to releasing this letter two weeks prior to the election. But he's not the only reason for her loss. There are many other reasons. Comey was just one of them, among many. She should have campaigned in Wisconsin, she should have done this, she shouldn't have said this or that, etc. No one has the luxury of having 20/20 hindsight.

Personally, the Russians did most of the damage by hacking into their emails and using Wikileaks as a vehicle to expose them. It wouldn't surprise me if they leak the GOP's emails in a few years if things don't go Putin's way. Presently, Vladimir Putin firmly believes he has Donald Trump in his back pocket and he'll be easy to manipulate. It's possible he's right. But the GOP establishment has their eye on their sworn ennemy and it won't be that easy for Russia to control Trump as much as they believe.

I keep hearing that the DNC will have to blow it all up and start over, blah-blah-blah. If i was advising them, i'd tell them "Look, things can't be that bad since you actually had more people voting for you than for Trump. Sure, you made mistakes. But use this knowledge to prevent further mistakes in the future and use this as a learning curve. It was already difficult to win an election when your party is the same one representing the incumbent President. People usually vote for change once an incumbent leaves office. And although your opponent lied 71% of the time and exaggerated everything he said about your candidate and lied about it, many of his voters believed what he said. He would have done the same thing to anyone else running against him. And again, do not forget that more people voted for your party and the end-result was that you did not win on a technicality, the second time it has happened in the past five elections. The DNC simply has to re-tune a few things."

The DNC also has to realize that if (as i expect he'll do) Trump winds up screwing the people who believed in him and voted for him, they'll turn on him and they'll be extremely hostile towards him for stabbing them in the back. During the campaign, i heard many rednecks swear on tv that they'd go after Trump themselves if he backstabbed them about things (such as the Wall and the deportation stuff) he promised he'd do during the campaign. And they weren't kidding when they said this.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Trump's "Drain The Swamp" Speech

It's not discussed much, but the "drain the swamp" speech is a big reason why Trump got elected:


One reason why term limits makes sense is that congressmen and women do not get re-elected unless they bring federal money back to their district......which is the principle reason for out of control federal spending and the budget deficit.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Now Clinton is blaming Comey for her loss.
That`s like blaming the cops for arresting you after you had robbed a bank.
She should look in the mirror and blame herself for losing a gimme election.

A funny analogy for sure ,a Bank robbery versus election process ?;)

But I guess everyone is entitle to call it ,the way they see it ,isn't democracy at is best ?:thumb:



Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
It's not discussed much, but the "drain the swamp" speech is a big reason why Trump got elected

True, it was one of the big reasons. But i can't see it happening if he's already surrounded himself with dozens of Washington lobbyists and that many Washington insiders and long-time establishment politicians are on his short-list of key cabinet positions. It seems more likely that it'll be more of the same and that there will be no swamp being drained by anyone.

reason why term limits makes sense is that congressmen and women do not get re-elected unless they bring federal money back to their district......which is the principle reason for out of control federal spending and the budget deficit.

I agree and i'm all for it. But i doubt Republicans will want to have term limits when they've owned Congress for years and likely will for some time. Why would they want to shoot themselves?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
That is exactly what a beautiful SP friend of mine texted me as it was announced at 2:38am wednesday morning when Trump's VICTORY was signed, sealed and delivered thanks to the great Patriots of Pennsylvania and she could not have been more right, got my $100 Holliday? :lol:
Karma's a bitch
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