Now Buffet seems overjoyed at Trump getting elected. He was gushing about him when interviewed yesterday.
Buffet will toss anyones salad for a buck, he is perhaps the greediest person on the planet, never enough for him.
Now Buffet seems overjoyed at Trump getting elected. He was gushing about him when interviewed yesterday.
Well, didn't see that coming. I give full credit, he got out the rural vote, and Hillary didn't get her core out. 47.6 percent of eligible voters didn't vote. That's unbelievable. In the end, the DNC has to take responsibility for not accounting for this dissatisfaction from the rural areas, and for not getting their core out in higher numbers.
As for the protests, it's probably a simple case of Trump's message now scaring the hell out of those mentioned - immigrants, Muslims, women (Roe vs. Wade he promised to repeal, remember). Might be a case where now that he's in, he backs out of the most fear-mongering stands (kicking out 7-11M illegal immigrants who have family who are US citizens, getting a judge in on SC who will then seek to reverse Roe vs. Wade). But the fear-mongering has its consequences, too.
And maybe China, whose leader was praised by Trump today. He called to congratulate Trump and now Trump is praising what a nice guy he is and what a great country China is.
I agree what Obama inherited was brutal. But it was easily fixable. A liquidity crisis is not structural.Igna, I don't think Trump will ever come close to being as good for the country as Obama was, he brought them out of one of the worst economies ever inherited by a President.
Then again I was wrong about Trump even having a chance of winning.
I don't like Trump, in fact I would have even preferred Hilary over him as bad as that would have been.
At the same time he was smart enough to win and democracy demands that people give him a chance, he earned it.
Anybody that does not like it will have their chance at the next election.
Times like this I feel lucky at being Canadian or at least luckier, because we have the selfie king, he is not exactly an ideal candidate either.
Then again I don't like any politician, I consider them on the same level as insurance salesmen, everything is great until you make a claim, same as politicians, everything is promised until they get elected.
Obama took 2009 (TARP) as his baseline year for spending and continued increasing from that. At the end of his term in office he will have added more to the national debt than all other Presidents before him combined. That is treasonous as far as I'm concerned.
This is just one but a few of your posts are the same for our Liberal government and you seem to think JT is the greatest thing since sliced cheese.
Tiffany Trump comes from the Trump union with Marla Maples.
That face! I'm starting to wonder that The Donald was referring to Tiffany when he made the 'face' comment & people assumed he was referring to Carly Fiorina.
The Donald is rubbing off on you.
Is it a case of if you can't beat them join them finally?
Wow. Mean. She looks great here, like the classic barbie bomb. I'm sure Trumperv thinks both are hot pieces of ASS!
If we are talking of the prettiest first ladies in any western country over the past 50 years.....that honour goes to Maggie Trudeau.
That picture of her showing her pantiless beaver at a Rolling Stones party is priceless.
If we are talking of the prettiest first ladies in any western country over the past 50 years.....that honour goes to Maggie Trudeau.
That picture of her showing her pantiless beaver at a Rolling Stones party is priceless.
I'll admit that i exaggerated for the purpose of humour. My comment was supposed to be funny, but i realize now that it wasn't. I also tend to exaggerate at times. Tiffany Trump is obviously a babe unless someone happens to be blind. Of all the Trump women, she's the one i'd chose to bang first. Unless Don Jr's wife would be available, that is.![]()
...Canada is a great place to live in. Sure, it's a bit cold and taxes are high...
Well, we all grew up listening to American channels such as NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN, among others. I really miss the Nashville Network, by the way. It was one of my favorite channels. But listening to American news all the time on the channels we watched while growing up is responsible for us Canadians being big fans of American politics & NFL football. Same goes for the NBA....i grew up watching the likes of Darryl Dawkins, Bernard King, Kareem Abdul-Jabar, Dr J, Moses Malone and Paul Westfall, among many others.Doc, I agree, Canada is a great country and a great place to live. My point was that it would be even better if the government exercised less control over the economy.
My only other criticism of Canada is that Canadians define their identity too much as "not American." As evidenced by the popularity of this thread, many Canadians are obsessed with American politics. As I stated earlier, they have strong opinions about American politics but not much knowledge.
Are you tired? Feeling older? Slowing down? The old Doc would have thought like me. Why not all three together. Two blondes and an uber cougar. Banzai! What would Donnie care. He could sneak off and enjoy grabbing all the pussy he wants. :thumb:
Now we hear that there's a war going on among the transition team between two factions. According to inside sources, one side is led by Reince Priebus while the other is lead by Stephen Bannon. Trump's son-in-law is also very involved with the decision-making. They're fighting over the upcoming appointments and an insider has compared the discord going on to a 'knife fight'.
This isn't actually surprising considering Bannon & Priebus are totally different from one another both personality-wise and ideologically.
I honestly don't know how long Priebus will last before he has had enough and quits. Will he make it to inauguration day? Or will Bannon be forced by Trump's family and Priebus' people to step down?
p.s. There's word that the Secretary-of-State job will go to crazy Rudy Giuliani. OMG!!!!!!
All true!!! Tired, older, slowing down......fuck it's depressing!
Now we hear that there's a war going on among the transition team between two factions. According to inside sources, one side is led by Reince Priebus while the other is lead by Stephen Bannon. Trump's son-in-law is also very involved with the decision-making. They're fighting over the upcoming appointments and an insider has compared the discord going on to a 'knife fight'.
This isn't actually surprising considering Bannon & Priebus are totally different from one another both personality-wise and ideologically.