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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Now Buffet seems overjoyed at Trump getting elected. He was gushing about him when interviewed yesterday.

Buffet will toss anyones salad for a buck, he is perhaps the greediest person on the planet, never enough for him.

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Well, didn't see that coming. I give full credit, he got out the rural vote, and Hillary didn't get her core out. 47.6 percent of eligible voters didn't vote. That's unbelievable. In the end, the DNC has to take responsibility for not accounting for this dissatisfaction from the rural areas, and for not getting their core out in higher numbers.

As for the protests, it's probably a simple case of Trump's message now scaring the hell out of those mentioned - immigrants, Muslims, women (Roe vs. Wade he promised to repeal, remember). Might be a case where now that he's in, he backs out of the most fear-mongering stands (kicking out 7-11M illegal immigrants who have family who are US citizens, getting a judge in on SC who will then seek to reverse Roe vs. Wade). But the fear-mongering has its consequences, too.

I'm not surprised the voter turnout was so poor. Both candidates were not appealing to a broad portion of the electorate. I'm not condoning not voting because there were other votes on the ballot besides President. Those people who did not let their voice be heard on election day have no business saying or criticizing anything regarding government. That includes Colin Kaepernick.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
And maybe China, whose leader was praised by Trump today. He called to congratulate Trump and now Trump is praising what a nice guy he is and what a great country China is.

This is just one but a few of your posts are the same for our Liberal government and you seem to think JT is the greatest thing since sliced cheese.

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Igna, I don't think Trump will ever come close to being as good for the country as Obama was, he brought them out of one of the worst economies ever inherited by a President.
Then again I was wrong about Trump even having a chance of winning.
I don't like Trump, in fact I would have even preferred Hilary over him as bad as that would have been.
At the same time he was smart enough to win and democracy demands that people give him a chance, he earned it.
Anybody that does not like it will have their chance at the next election.
Times like this I feel lucky at being Canadian or at least luckier, because we have the selfie king, he is not exactly an ideal candidate either.
Then again I don't like any politician, I consider them on the same level as insurance salesmen, everything is great until you make a claim, same as politicians, everything is promised until they get elected.
I agree what Obama inherited was brutal. But it was easily fixable. A liquidity crisis is not structural.
What Reagan inherited from Carter in 1980 was structural. High unemployment, high inflation, high taxes and high government spending commitments
Obama took 2009 (TARP) as his baseline year for spending and continued increasing from that. At the end of his term in office he will have added more to the national debt than all other Presidents before him combined. That is treasonous as far as I'm concerned.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Obama took 2009 (TARP) as his baseline year for spending and continued increasing from that. At the end of his term in office he will have added more to the national debt than all other Presidents before him combined. That is treasonous as far as I'm concerned.

I looked this up to understand better. TARP was originally allowed to insure up to $700 billion in "troubled assets. That was cut almost in half. The program now closed was signed by G.W. Bush not Obama. Revenue was $15.7 billion above investment.

The Chart below does not support your claim Obama created more debt than all other Presidents since you inferred all others combined.
The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) is a program of the United States government to purchase toxic assets and equity from financial institutions to strengthen its financial sector that was signed into law by U.S. President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008. It was a component of the government's measures in 2008 to address the subprime mortgage crisis.

The TARP program originally authorized expenditures of $700 billion. The Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, signed into law in 2010, reduced the amount authorized to $475 billion. By October 11, 2012, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) stated that total disbursements would be $431 billion, and estimated the total cost, including grants for mortgage programs that have not yet been made, would be $24 billion.[SUP][1][/SUP] On December 19, 2014, the U.S. Treasury sold its remaining holdings of Ally Financial, essentially ending the program. TARP revenue has totaled $441.7 billion on $426.4 billion invested.[SUP][2]

Was it not "treasonous" also for the others?



New Member
May 14, 2016
That face! I'm starting to wonder that The Donald was referring to Tiffany when he made the 'face' comment & people assumed he was referring to Carly Fiorina.

Wow. Mean. She looks great here, like the classic barbie bomb. I'm sure Trumperv thinks both are hot pieces of ASS!,q_75/v1440451396/tiffany-trump-close-up.jpg

For those of you who didn't know the Presidential Electors are not legally required to vote for the guy they were chosen to represent. They can "go rogue" and some have in the past. Personally, I don't like what is being suggested below. I think it would create chaos if successful, and again, turn us into a cheap banana republic (if Trumperv doesn't do that on his own). Yeah, I despise Trumperv, but I care about national stability more. Here it is.......................

BTW: it's not just Democrats who have done this, and they are not trying to throw the vote to Clinton so skip the party bigotry.

Two presidential electors to colleagues: Dump Trump

Two Democratic members of the Electoral College have launched a campaign to keep President-elect Donald Trump from entering the White House, according to a new report.

Washington's Bret Chiafolo and Colorado's Michael Baca hope at least 37 of their GOP colleagues will abandon Trump and force the House into picking the next president instead, Politico said Monday.

Politico said the pair's so-called "Moral Electors" movement has already found one backer in Washington's Robert Satiacum.

"This is a longshot," Chiafolo told Politico in a phone interview Monday. "It's a hail Mary. However, I do see situations where - when we've already had two or three [Republican] electors state publicly they didn't want to vote for Trump. How many of them have real issue with Donald Trump in private?"

Politico said neither Baca nor Chiafolo is seeking the election of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Both vowed they would encourage GOP electors to write-in either Gov. John Kasich (R-Ohio) or 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney instead.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The Donald is rubbing off on you.
Is it a case of if you can't beat them join them finally?

I'm actually pulling for him. The way i see it, it will be an all-out war between the WH & the two Houses. I'm even starting to believe that the Democrats may wind up being Trump's main allies.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Wow. Mean. She looks great here, like the classic barbie bomb. I'm sure Trumperv thinks both are hot pieces of ASS!

I'll admit that i exaggerated for the purpose of humour. My comment was supposed to be funny, but i realize now that it wasn't. I also tend to exaggerate at times. Tiffany Trump is obviously a babe unless someone happens to be blind. Of all the Trump women, she's the one i'd chose to bang first. Unless Don Jr's wife would be available, that is. ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
If we are talking of the prettiest first ladies in any western country over the past 50 years.....that honour goes to Maggie Trudeau.
That picture of her showing her pantiless beaver at a Rolling Stones party is priceless.

I whole heartedly agree!! Margaret Trudeau was a total babe! :thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:


New Member
May 14, 2016

Nice pubic hair. Looks so cuddly and warm. :clap2:

I'll admit that i exaggerated for the purpose of humour. My comment was supposed to be funny, but i realize now that it wasn't. I also tend to exaggerate at times. Tiffany Trump is obviously a babe unless someone happens to be blind. Of all the Trump women, she's the one i'd chose to bang first. Unless Don Jr's wife would be available, that is. ;)

Yeah I figured you were joking. She's too hot to be serious about her being unattractive. But I am disappointed. Are you tired? Feeling older? Slowing down? The old Doc would have thought like me. Why not all three together. Two blondes and an uber cougar. Banzai! What would Donnie care. He could sneak off and enjoy grabbing all the pussy he wants. :thumb:


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
...Canada is a great place to live in. Sure, it's a bit cold and taxes are high...

Doc, I agree, Canada is a great country and a great place to live. My point was that it would be even better if the government exercised less control over the economy.

My only other criticism of Canada is that Canadians define their identity too much as "not American." As evidenced by the popularity of this thread, many Canadians are obsessed with American politics. As I stated earlier, they have strong opinions about American politics but not much knowledge.

Admittedly, most Americans are woefully ignorant about Canadian history and politics (except for me of course :smile:) but at the same time they don't care about Canada. America thinks Canada is a safe, nearby, and friendly vacation destination with a few interesting cities, some beautiful scenery and super nice people. Americans generally could not care less about Canadian politics. Some might remember the name of the current PM because he comes from a famous family but they could not name his predecessor or any historically famous PMs of Canada. Americans would never define themselves as "not Canadian."

Canadians define themselves as "not American" and so they actually love it when something happens in America that allows them to affirm their identity as "not American."

Here's some commentary about Canadians defining themselves as "not American."

We may not be entirely sure of what we are and what our place in the world is, but we do know for certain that we aren’t American. Mike Myers, a Canadian import to the States once said of his nation that “Canada is the essence of not being. Not English, not American, it is the mathematic of not being. And a subtle flavour – we’re more like celery as a flavour.”

Attempting to find a single root cause of the sometimes intense, sometimes subtle anti-Americanism in Canada is a complicated topic which many Canadians have written about at length. Generally, the most commonly held belief is that by vilifying America, Canadians are able to create a collective identity for themselves. Especially in an era where Canadians and Americans are becoming more similar in their lifestyles, language and culture, Canadians tend to focus on what they are not rather than what they are. We are not Americans. Therefore, we are Canadians.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Now we hear that there's a war going on among the transition team between two factions. According to inside sources, one side is led by Reince Priebus while the other is lead by Stephen Bannon. Trump's son-in-law is also very involved with the decision-making. They're fighting over the upcoming appointments and an insider has compared the discord going on to a 'knife fight'.

This isn't actually surprising considering Bannon & Priebus are totally different from one another both personality-wise and ideologically.

I honestly don't know how long Priebus will last before he has had enough and quits. Will he make it to inauguration day? Or will Bannon be forced by Trump's family and Priebus' people to step down?

p.s. There's word that the Secretary-of-State job will go to crazy Rudy Giuliani. OMG!!!!!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Doc, I agree, Canada is a great country and a great place to live. My point was that it would be even better if the government exercised less control over the economy.

My only other criticism of Canada is that Canadians define their identity too much as "not American." As evidenced by the popularity of this thread, many Canadians are obsessed with American politics. As I stated earlier, they have strong opinions about American politics but not much knowledge.
Well, we all grew up listening to American channels such as NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN, among others. I really miss the Nashville Network, by the way. It was one of my favorite channels. But listening to American news all the time on the channels we watched while growing up is responsible for us Canadians being big fans of American politics & NFL football. Same goes for the NBA....i grew up watching the likes of Darryl Dawkins, Bernard King, Kareem Abdul-Jabar, Dr J, Moses Malone and Paul Westfall, among many others.

But another reason for our interest in US politics is that our economy parallels the US econony in many aspects. When the US economy is going good, ours usually follows suit. And when the US economy crashes, so does Canada. We are two countries that are linked very closely and Canada is like America's little brother.

p.s. By the way, i'm quite aware that you're a very intelligent person and i was in no way offended by your previous statements. I sometimes exaggerate simply to make my point.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Are you tired? Feeling older? Slowing down? The old Doc would have thought like me. Why not all three together. Two blondes and an uber cougar. Banzai! What would Donnie care. He could sneak off and enjoy grabbing all the pussy he wants. :thumb:

All true!!! Tired, older, slowing down......fuck it's depressing! Aging sucks!!!! I can't believe how much i've changed negatively since the day i turned 50! I also can't believe how much a difference there is when you're in your 40's and then in your 50's!!!! I figure maybe i could use someone like Donald Trump as an inspiration for certain things. I still can't believe how much stamina the guy had during the past two years and especially over the past 3-4 months!! I mean, he's 70 fucking years old!!!! I'm in my 50's and there are days where i can barely get out of bed and put one foot ahead of the other!! And this guy was always on the go during the campaign!! Wow!!! I must admit that at times i was impressed by The Donald!!! Okay, but he'll suck as President. I have no doubt. But it doesn't mean i don't wish him well. Could i wish him to be smart & does good decision-making during his term? Can i wish him to take good advice from the right people and not the wrong ones from a white supramacist who hates jews, women and blacks and pretty much everyone else who isn't white?? I sure hope so.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Didn't you hear Killary lost? Do yourself a favor my friend and turn off the Clinton News Network, it will do you good ;)

On another note Rudy is the perfect choice for Secretary of State :thumb:
Now we hear that there's a war going on among the transition team between two factions. According to inside sources, one side is led by Reince Priebus while the other is lead by Stephen Bannon. Trump's son-in-law is also very involved with the decision-making. They're fighting over the upcoming appointments and an insider has compared the discord going on to a 'knife fight'.

This isn't actually surprising considering Bannon & Priebus are totally different from one another both personality-wise and ideologically.

I honestly don't know how long Priebus will last before he has had enough and quits. Will he make it to inauguration day? Or will Bannon be forced by Trump's family and Priebus' people to step down?

p.s. There's word that the Secretary-of-State job will go to crazy Rudy Giuliani. OMG!!!!!!


New Member
May 14, 2016
All true!!! Tired, older, slowing down......fuck it's depressing!

I was only kidding Doc, but yeah, I know the feeling.

TRUMPERV: Now that he has what he wanted you would think he'd settle down and try to represent himself and the office with more thoughtfulness and rational consideration. The scariest part of him during the campaign was that he's emotionally unstable. Many said the behavior was a an act for the voters. They said now since he will occupy the highest office he would change. He would be "presidential", and why worry about changes to the electoral college. With the Republicans in control of both Houses of Congress that herculean task is dead from the start. Why risk bothering with the issue at all.

So how has Trumperv reacted. he's on twitter again. Nothing inherently wrong with using twitter, but when it displays your instability (again), and you don't recognize the problems with that, you become something very worrying. He's now tweeting, contradicting himself and being delusional. He says how "GENIUS" the Electoral College is after he called it a "DISASTER FOR DEMOCRACY". He also said he would have crushed Clinton in the popular vote if he wanted to. Okay so why did you take the risk of not doing so?

Scary, he's not in office yet and he's still acting like a kooky hypocrite who can't stick to anything. He has the emotional stability of an irrational petulant child and the North Koreans just challenged him yesterday threatening to increase their nuclear arsenal. How will two unstable leaders handle each other and impact the world? It's very scary.

MICHELLE OBAMA: Even if you hate her politics she has been a truly classy First Lady. Regardless, the Obamas are leaving and opponents can relax. Why do or say anything gross now? A Trump supporter from West Virginia and her friend the mayor of a small town just called her an "APE". WTF is in her head to make such an extremely racist comment against such a gracious First Lady, especially since she'll no longer be in the White House soon. This irrational racism is what Trumperv courted during the election. To the opposition this is a symptom of the danger he represents to society.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Now we hear that there's a war going on among the transition team between two factions. According to inside sources, one side is led by Reince Priebus while the other is lead by Stephen Bannon. Trump's son-in-law is also very involved with the decision-making. They're fighting over the upcoming appointments and an insider has compared the discord going on to a 'knife fight'.

This isn't actually surprising considering Bannon & Priebus are totally different from one another both personality-wise and ideologically.

It was inevitable. Men with diametrically opposed purposes working on the same issues with the fate of national political direction in the balance. One representing the voters Trumperv courted to win, and the other representing the establishment he needs to function, and the devoted kids in between. D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R.
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