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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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People have very short memories. That's exactly what Obama has wanted to do for years. He even made a speech about it while standing under a bridge. But the fucking lazy idiot Republicans in that do-nothing Congress blocked him everytime!

But that was Obama who had a very cocky and condescending attitude towards the Republicans and they basically said to him, "fuck you." Trump will simply bully these same Repubicans into bowing to his will. Bullying is something he does well. Obama was kind of a fake bully. Trump is the real deal bully and I think the infrastructure push will happen otherwise some bridges will be collapsing pretty soon.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
In about 2 years when the US is doing better than now many of you Trump haters ( TARDS ) will need something else to condem. For you Canadians, we have a complete idiot trying his best to bankrupt Canada and not a peep. Self proclaimed feminist, giver of our tax dollars, wanting only to be on the UN council and become man of the year and Canada will not get in his way.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Trump Claims Hamilton Cast Harassed Pence

I don't think Dixon's speech at the end of the play was "harassment", but nor was it really appropriate to single anyone in the audience out for a message, even if it is the Vice President Elect. Let the man watch the play in peace like all other paying customers. Anyway I will let you all be the judge:

I think the impetus for this speech was fear that Pence will trample on LGBT rights. However, he has not done so yet and it's just fear and speculation talking here.

On another note- why is a black guy playing Aaron Burr in this play? Wasn't Aaron Burr a white guy?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I think the impetus for this speech was fear that Pence will trample on LGBT rights. However, he has not done so yet and it's just fear and speculation talking here.

I agree with you. A vice-president or the president should be able to view a play just like a regular citizen. That was rude and should not have happened. They should apologize.

On another note- why is a black guy playing Aaron Burr in this play? Wasn't Aaron Burr a white guy?

EB, because before being black, he is a great actor ;)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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EB, because before being black, he is a great actor ;)

I am sure that he is, but usually actors cast in historical roles look like the character they are playing. They did not hire white actors to portray Malcom X or Martin Luther King in the movies made about those men. Same with the movie Ray Charles- Jamie Foxx won the Academy Award but do you think they would have given that part to Leo DiCaprio?


New Member
May 14, 2016
People have very short memories. That's exactly what Obama has wanted to do for years. He even made a speech about it while standing under a bridge. But the fucking lazy idiot Republicans in that do-nothing Congress blocked him everytime!

The essence of this is very true. First of all the cocky and condescending attitude thing by President Obama, even if it had been true, would be a response to Republicans saying they would do everything possible to block his agenda, just as now their saying they would do everything possible to reverse whatever he did do. They said "fuck you" to Obama before he took office. Where was Republican priority to do the same things they want to do now during 8 years of Obama. The real Fuck You by Republicans was to the American People who placed their lust for political leverage head of America's infrastructure needs.

Anyone who thinks all so-called tax money for infrastructure isn't going to face the same problems of being siphoned off for special interests must have been on the other side of a worm hole in an alternate universe for their entire lives. Just to start at the top Trumperv has absolved himself of any guidelines on conflicts of interests that includes much of his family involvement in benefiting from their positions. His children have already sat in on a meeting with the Japanese Prime Minster when they are supposed to be running Trumperv businesses. #C-O-N-F-L-I-C-T- O-F -I-N-T-E-R-E-S-T#. Not to mention a hotel almost next to the White House. All just for starters.

Trump found it hard to continue to get loans from American banks after so many bankruptcies so now he often relies on Russian Banks to finance his businesses. If you think that won't factor in to any policies or decisions you need to wake up to the reality of the links to politics and business interests that have been rampant throughout history. No it doesn't make him different, but his campaign oaths do.

Everything about Trumperv has shown he doesn't give a damn about any established boundaries of propriety or regulations and laws. Do you really expect his handpicked people to handle their positions with complete honesty and not pocket anything for themselves or their friends when T-perv whom just accepted a court deal admitting to fraud, refuses to end his many conflict of interests and is very like to change laws to exploit more.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Romney is the guy of whom Trump said, "He was begging for my endorsement. I could have said, 'Mitt, drop to your knees.' He would have dropped to his knees." I like Romney 1000 times more than T-perv. But if Romney caves in to him after that statement he's a national disgrace.

That's what's so wrong with T-perv. He insults as harshly as possible then thinks everyone should just take it up the pooper and kiss his perv ass. In Romney's case I go face to face and tell T-perv to get on his knees.

One analyst also mentioned how the Secretary of State position had become less effective, marginalized on making policy. He suggested choosing Romney might be closer to a token post with the real policy decision being made among T-perv and the closest confidants, not the Secretary.


New Member
May 14, 2016
0 the most racist republicain in history to become president...


The first result of T-perv's win has been racists committing violence against minorities and protesters against racism committing violence. No matter which side you are on T-perv is 100% responsible for this. His campaign used racism as a calculated tactic and never backed away from it. Now racists take his cue as defacto permission to do so, and opponents react severely in fear. For his part Trumperv has criticized the protesters while saying nothing to stop racists from backing off. It the same message. Racism is permissible, objection to it should stop.

I would be a bit surprised if Romney got the Secretary of State position. Though I did not back him for President I never had a problem with his general capabilities and stability, only his policies. But T-perv is a single-minded emotionally unstable jackass. Make no mistake. He'll never try to be a President for ALL THE PEOPLE ...though he'll lie his way about that endlessly no matter how much he shows how one-sided he is.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Absolute logic right there :thumb:

I imagine the casting director of that play is a libby, it would explain everything :pound:
I am sure that he is, but usually actors cast in historical roles look like the character they are playing. They did not hire white actors to portray Malcom X or Martin Luther King in the movies made about those men. Same with the movie Ray Charles- Jamie Foxx won the Academy Award but do you think they would have given that part to Leo DiCaprio?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Hey check out the video of this warm, cordial greeting between Trump, Pence and Romney. Last time Trump and Romney exchanged words, Trump called Romney a "choke artist" and Romney called Trump a proponent of "trickle down racism and bigotry" and "a phony, a fraud ... He's playing members of the American public for suckers"....looks to me like they buried the hatchet and are now playing nice in the sandbox:


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015

So after praising the election of Trump as a big Fuck you to regular politician, pretty much endorsing Trump just before the election, Micheal Moore now say that we must oppose his presidency! And especially since it is now known that last week Trump refused to meet him... am I the only one to think that Micheal Moore is the ultimate opportunistic looser? As much as I hate Trump, I hate even more looser like him trying to suck up people.

Sorry I had to say that out loud, back to watching the Habs beating Toronto, again.. ;)


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
As much as I hate Trump, I hate even more looser like him trying to suck up people.

Just like all those " Famous " people that threatened to move to Canada, loud mouthed pussies..... Ooops, did not really mean that. ( Not me, the loud mouthed pussies )


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Hey check out the video of this warm, cordial greeting between Trump, Pence and Romney. Last time Trump and Romney exchanged words, Trump called Romney a "choke artist" and Romney called Trump a proponent of "trickle down racism and bigotry" and "a phony, a fraud ... He's playing members of the American public for suckers"....looks to me like they buried the hatchet and are now playing nice in the sandbox:

I don’t remember who said it but calling politicians prostitutes would be tremendous insult to hookers


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
I imagine the casting director of that play is a libby, it would explain everything :pound:

If the entire crew were libby's it would explain the attention-whoring grandstanding.

I am reading the Hamilton bio by Chernow and wondering how realistic the play is.
From the antics above, it looks like a fanciful flight into current political correctness.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
If the entire crew were libby's it would explain the attention-whoring grandstanding.

I am reading the Hamilton bio by Chernow and wondering how realistic the play is.
From the antics above, it looks like a fanciful flight into current political correctness.

And that is why the left lost the election. I, for one, am sick and tired of having someone more enlightened then I shaking their finger in my face trying to shame me for every micro-aggression that they can imagine.
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