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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Trump on the Rise

Trump now leads in the latest poll, gone is the witch's post convention bump. Take note libby's, this is not a Fox poll but a Clinton News Network Poll aka CNN so no :Cry:

Trump also just got the endorsement from almost 90 retired generals today as well


holliday, you just might be out $100 before all is said and done!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I hope the Donald winds and they put the witch in Sing-Sing

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I hope the Donald winds and they put the witch in Sing-Sing

But don't be surprised if he winds up in Rikers a month or so later once he's found guilty of fraud in the Trump U case. And now we're hearing that he also bribed an attorney general. Any truth to rumours he once sexually assaulted a minor? I do know that his ex-wife once accused him of brutally raping her, but i'm now wondering if it ain't a pattern?

By the way, today would be a good day for Trump to disclose his taxes. ;)

p.s. But don't hold your breath. The lying king of all con men will never release his taxes since he likely would be incriminating himself and most importantly will be exposing himself as the fraud that he is.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Trump now leads in the latest poll, gone is the witch's post convention bump. Take note libby's, this is not a Fox poll but a CNN poll so no.

Polls change every week. Trump will find a way to fuck it up again. Yesterday he went back on his immigration policy again. He's the ultimate flip-flopper king!

Clinton still has the majority of women voting for her. The majority of hispanics are also voting for her. Most of the asians will vote for her and all of the blacks (minus Ben Carson & Crazy Omarosa) will also be voting for her. This leaves the angry white men, who will all mostly vote for the chump. I was never great in math (but pretty good), but this tells me that it's a clear victory for Secretary Clinton.

The popular vote numbers will likely be close, but she'll easily win the Electoral College. And this means VICTORY for the good guys, the United States, and especially the rest of the world! :thumb:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I can't wait for the debates, if you think The Donald's lead today is good news just wait until he mops the floor with "her" starting in a few weeks and watch those numbers keep growing.

She had quite the cough yesterday leading to more speculation that she is not in the best of health. Her missing the debates might be a good thing for her but then again, no not really.
I hope the Donald winds and they put the witch in Sing-Sing

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I can't wait for the debates, if you think The Donald's lead today is good just wait until he mops the floor with "her" starting in a few weeks and watch those numbers keep growing.

She'll destroy him in the debates and he knows it. If i'm allowed to take a guess, i think he'll wind up cancelling one of the debates. He'll take his ball and go home, like he did in one of the GOP debates because Fox News refused to drop Megan Kelly from the debate panel.

The worst thing that can happen to the free world is if he managed to avoid the debates altogether. He's afraid, very afraid. And he should be. He's nothing but a blowhard and a total fraud who's scammed his way to the top of the real estate world. But is he really successful if he owes more debt than he owns and because of those debts the Russian and Chinese banks literally own him?

She had quite the cough yesterday leading to more speculation that she is not in the best of health.

Every one coughs, including you and me. Trump is the one who's in poor health. Just take a look at this fat, bloated, balding spectacle!! And i'm nearly certain he suffers from early dementia, among many other mental ailments. That's why he won't allow a real, qualified doctor to examine him and release his medical findings. He had to bribe some quack urologist to write him a note which any 12-year old could have written.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Doc is right....almost every adult has at one time or another coughed like her.
What I didn`t like was that she didn`t cover her mouth and coughed on the mike.
Every child knows that its proper etiquette to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Oh my goodness. So now the politics of coughing. Can't wait to see how the belching, farting, the infamous runny nose vote goes. OMG!

Lincoln - considered the greatest of all presidents was kicked in the head by a horse at age 9...possible brain damage. He almost drowned in a creek. He had malaria, syphilis, smallpox. He suffered severe bouts of melancholia/depression. May have had Marfans, which can affect the heart. AND...hmmm...who was that guy bound to a wheelchair???

How did Lincoln and FDR ever get elected. :rolleyes:

NOPE! No sense in voting for anyone with a cough who isn't fast enough to cover their mouths. :doh: Go vote for the non-coughing psychotic nasty megalomaniac rage-a-holic with 6 bankruptcies who doesn't...ahem...cough. BWAH!!!


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
How did Lincoln and FDR ever get elected. :rolleyes:

:confused: good question

Let's see... they both had the backing of the most powerful elite interests of the time and they ran for office under the moral pretense of "saving" the country from disaster?

and just by happenstance, under both administrations the US was soon engulfed in horrible deadly wars that cost an ungodly amount of death while undoubtedly benefiting said interests.

FUCK the legacy of Lincoln and FDR and all of the sell out historians that have told half-truths

:nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:


New Member
May 14, 2016
they ran for office under the moral pretense of "saving" the country from disaster?

See Reagan, G.W. Bush, Trump.

and just by happenstance, under both administrations the US was soon engulfed in horrible deadly wars that cost an ungodly amount of death while undoubtedly benefiting said interests.

That's right, Happemstance, as in forced upon them. If anyone is blaming either Lincoln or FDR for those wars they've been gorging on BS for a long time.

BTW: these powerful self-serving interests, how many did G.W. serve when he DECIDED to engage in the current war running since 2003. The same one started against the wrong eneny that has spread terror on an unprecedented scale and cost trillions.

FUCK the...

Narrow short-sighted. :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:

BTW: Trump is backed by one of the shadiest, morally pretentious, self serving billionaire businessmen living today. His name is Donald Trump.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
^ so you would rather the Confederacy had won, and slavery continued?

Or the Nazis had won, and Hitler allowed to rampage freely?

When your neighbour's home is on fire do you help or look the other way?
Aug 24, 2016
I can't wait for the debates, if you think The Donald's lead today is good news just wait until he mops the floor with "her" starting in a few weeks and watch those numbers keep growing.

She had quite the cough yesterday leading to more speculation that she is not in the best of health. Her missing the debates might be a good thing for her but then again, no not really.

Did you see this video lol
C'mon Adin.. I’m shooting this, I don’t care what they say. I’ll take a demotion for it. Should we shut it down? Shut it down.
Reuters says its CBS not them

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Doc is right....almost every adult has at one time or another coughed like her.
What I didn`t like was that she didn`t cover her mouth and coughed on the mike.
Every child knows that its proper etiquette to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.

You actually have to cough inside your arm, near the elbow. Myself, when i cough or sneeze, i either do this or if i'm wearing a t-shirt i pull it up near the neck and cough/sneeze inside my shirt.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I just saw Trump's Q & A session in front of a group of retired military guys. He spoke slowly. Softly. I thought he looked tired. And then it hit me: "His people are likely drugging him in order to make him look more 'presidential' (a.k.a. normal). I'm serious, they're probably giving him a cocktail of tranquilizers in order to keep him calm!

By the way, he spent his time attacking the military and criticizing every decision made about Iraq. Very few applauses in the audience. I swear, it seemed for a moment that he was addressing a bunch of zombies from the zombie apocalypse!

Trump only got excited when he started lying about islamic radicals and stuff like that. So when he got very few applauses for the nonsense he was saying, his cronie general changed the subject and asked him a different question.

I'll miss Donald Trump when this never-ending election campaign is over. Believe it or not, i'll probably be depressed for a while. He's been so goddamn entertaining, like him or not!

p.s. I'm still waiting for The Donald to release his taxes.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Woman who once sued Trump for sexually assaulting her breaks her silence

Harth stands by claims of incident described in 1997 lawsuit as ‘attempted rape’ and wants apology from Donald Trump: ‘Don’t call me a liar’

A woman at the centre of sexual assault allegations against Donald Trump has spoken for the first time in detail about her personal experience with the billionaire tycoon who this week became the Republican nominee for president.

Jill Harth, a makeup artist, has stayed quiet for almost 20 years about the way Trump pursued her, and – according to a lawsuit she instigated – cornered her and groped her in his daughter’s bedroom.

After Trump mounted his campaign for the White House, details emerged of the 1997 complaint, in which Harth accused him of “attempted ‘rape’”.

She said she was quickly inundated with interview requests from major US television networks, but resolved not to speak about the events – until Trump publicly said in May that her claims were “meritless” and his daughter Ivanka gave an interview in which she said her father was “not a groper”.

Harth, who feels she has been publicly branded a liar and believes her business has suffered because of her association with the allegations, decided to speak out about her experience with Trump because she wants an apology.

Read more:

Woman who sued Trump for sexual assault breaks her silence

Doc says: "Is this the tip of the iceberg? Is he a serial sex offender like his buddy Roger Ailes? Who else has he hurt?"


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
There is nothing "proper" about that wicked witch from the west my friend.

I thought that was kind of odd as well but she is who she is so i expect nothing less. At first i thought it was a fake cough and a staged skit but nope, she was likely pissed because of how people are questioning her health lately and here she is with a bronchitis type cough while dishing out more lies, even when ill she lies. She reminds me of a guy i used to know about ten years ago who worked for me who told more lies by noon each day than he told the truth in the whole week. I had to fire him for insubordination, something the American People need to do to "her".
Every child knows that its proper etiquette to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.
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