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Trump's Tariffs and Trade War


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I thought I start a new thread. Trump has been threatening tariffs for a while and now it is reality. What his true motives are are unknown but I suspect it might be personal. Having said that, see why I hate the government because a lot of the problems in the world are caused by the government. I want to discuss Canada's response which is stupid. At the end it is the working class that will pay the biggest price. Canada plans to put tariffs on all goods from the US. They want to fight a war with a country that is ten times the size economically. The US is much less reliant on Canada, American exporters will be affected much less, their dollar also has more value. Remember tariffs are a tax and is no good for anyone but the government. The US government and the Canadian government will raise lots of revenue via tariffs but it is the working class that will be impoverished especially due to the cost of living crisis. Not only that Canada will go into a recession. Businesses rely heavily on exports to the US, expect huge job losses. Americans will also pay the price as they will experience a big sticker shock. Many things that Americans buy from Canada.

Another dangerous thing that Canada plans to do to adding tariffs, Canada plans to spend and dish out social benefits to businesses affected, the spending will be similar to pandemic level spending. This is the stupidest thing to do. Initially it will help, but the long term impacts will be disastrous especially for the working class. See even after two years and we still got so much inflation due to covid spending. Anyone that really understands economics, you cannot tax yourself to prosperity. All this money printing will cause inflation like we never seen before.

What Canada should do instead, secure the border, stop the flow of drugs, deport all illegal immigrants, shut down immigration for several years. Continue to negotiate with the US and end dairy supply management. Canada must diversify, they need to be less dependent on the US. Start exporting to other countries and begin to import products from other countries instead, in a nutshell find alternative markets. To make the country more productive, reduce taxes, reduce capital gains taxes, reduce regulations to make investment more attractive, remove climate change nonsense policies that make it hard to use our natural resources, Canada has so much oil think of how much of a boost to the Canadian economy it will be, scrap the carbon tax and do not replace it with something else.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
To make the country more productive, reduce taxes, reduce capital gains taxes, reduce regulations to make investment more attractive, remove climate change nonsense policies that make it hard to use our natural resources, Canada has so much oil think of how much of a boost to the Canadian economy it will be, scrap the carbon tax and do not replace it with something else.
To sum up your thought, you think we should be MAGA Americans. No thanks.
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Lhuna 38D

Supporting Member
Jan 20, 2025
Plus aucun achats de produit américain ! pu de Netflix ! pu d'amazon !
pu de Walmart ! pu de Facebook! pu de Mc DO ! ma prochaine voiture sera une Toyota! Et supportons nos bannière Canadienne ! Pour moi j'achète tout sauf américain maintenant!! Le gouvernement devrais imposer a son tour, un sur taxe de 100% sur tous les produits américain. De façon a les éliminer complètement de notre paysage commercial, pour les 4 prochaines années. Le monde existais avant les USA de Ronald Mc Trump( un criminel en plus) , et il existera encore après ! Disons leurs au revoir pour le prochain 4 ans.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
200% agreed scrap the carbon tax. It's just money in the pocket for the government, and we ,hard workers, have pay for it. They said they will return it to us, where? I dont see it. Gas is going up and up, prices grocery is up, its just BS. They just plant a few trees with our tax money, and told us, its good for environnement, and ppl still believe them! I dont get it!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Plus aucun achats de produit américain ! pu de Netflix ! pu d'amazon !
pu de Walmart ! pu de Facebook! pu de Mc DO ! ma prochaine voiture sera une Toyota! Et supportons nos bannière Canadienne ! Pour moi j'achète tout sauf américain maintenant!! Le gouvernement devrais imposer a son tour, un sur taxe de 100% sur tous les produits américain. De façon a les éliminer complètement de notre paysage commercial, pour les 4 prochaines années. Le monde existais avant les USA de Ronald Mc Trump( un criminel en plus) , et il existera encore après ! Disons leurs au revoir pour le prochain 4 ans.
Agreed, but try to convince ppl no Netflix? no Facebook? Good luck !
No Superbowl? Good luck too! We are too dependent on them!

Lhuna 38D

Supporting Member
Jan 20, 2025
Agreed, but try to convince ppl no Netflix? no Facebook? Good luck !
tu as raison dans ce que tu dis. Mais une guerre ne peut être facile.
Celle-ci sera différente de ce que nous connaissons du mot guerre. Car elle se passera ici chez nous. elle nous touchera dans nos habitude de vie aux quotidien, et dans nos poches. Ce sera a nous de faire nos choix. De supporter ou pas nos Élus et concitoyens Canadiens. Je déteste tellement ce grossier personnage ( Mc Trump le bandit ) que je suis sur que j'aurai un vrai plaisir a changé mes habitudes de consommation. Ce sera mon effort de guerre a moi ! Ma façon a moi de le gifler et de lui cracher aux visage, est de ne plus acheter américain pour les prochaines 4 années !


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
tu as raison dans ce que tu dis. Mais une guerre ne peut être facile.
Celle-ci sera différente de ce que nous connaissons du mot guerre. Car elle se passera ici chez nous. elle nous touchera dans nos habitude de vie aux quotidien, et dans nos poches. Ce sera a nous de faire nos choix. De supporter ou pas nos Élus et concitoyens Canadiens. Je déteste tellement ce grossier personnage ( Mc Trump le bandit ) que je suis sur que j'aurai un vrai plaisir a changé mes habitudes de consommation. Ce sera mon effort de guerre a moi ! Ma façon a moi de le gifler et de lui cracher aux visage, est de ne plus acheter américain pour les prochaines 4 années !
Suis d'accord avec toi, mais je serai curieux de savoir combien de Canadiens vont fermer leur compte d'Amazon? Ou Facebook? Ou débarrasser de leur Tesla? :)
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