Montreal Escorts

Two explosions at Boston Marathon


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Feb 9, 2004
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It looks like the explosions happened behind the fence near the finish line where spectators were standing.

Early repor
ts say they have a suspect. 12 have been repor
ted dead. It's very sad. Boston Marathon is a great endeavor. All of the participants have qualified from another marathon.

t looks like the victims were spectators, but it's speculation at this point.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
The first explosion appears to have originated at 671 Boylston street, at a sporting goods store near the Mandarin Hotel (according to reports i've received). The 2nd explosion appears to have originated near the Lenox Hotel, further down the street. A third bomb nearby didn't detonate. We've also just heard that another bomb exploded over 30 minutes ago at the JFK Library.

Here's a home video that was made just before the 2nd blast:

So far, 28 injured including loss of limbs, and 2 dead so far. I haven't heard anything about suspects apprehended.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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The first explosion appears to have originated at 671 Boylston street, at a sporting goods store near the Mandarin Hotel (according to reports i've received). The 2nd explosion appears to have originated near the Lenox Hotel, further down the street. A third bomb nearby didn't detonate. We've also just heard that another bomb exploded over 30 minutes ago at the JFK Library.

Here's a home video that was made just before the 2nd blast:

So far, 28 injured including loss of limbs, and 2 dead so far. I haven't heard anything about suspects apprehended.

BOSTON — Two explosions shattered the euphoria of the Boston Marathon finish line on Monday, sending authorities out on the course to carry off the injured while the stragglers in the 26.2-mile trek from Hopkinton were rerouted away from the smoking site of the blasts.
A federal law-enforcement source confirmed to The Post there are at least 12 dead. Massachusetts General Hospital was treating 10 people with amputated limbs and all operating rooms were on hold, sources said.
Authorities have a identified a suspect, a Saudi national, who is currently being guarded in a Boston hospital with shrapnel wounds.

The Boston Globe reported that there were up to 100 injuries stemming from the explosion.
Law-enforcement sources said at least the first explosion occurred in the lobby of a nearby hotel.
"There were two bombs that exploded near the finish line in today's Boston Marathon," The Boston Marathon's official Facebook page read. "We are working with law enforcement to understand what exactly has happened."
According to reports, authorities in Boston found two more explosive devices that had not gone off and police were dismantling them. The airspace above the city was ordered cleared as well and designated a no-fly zone by the FAA.
Police confirmed a third explosion at JFK Library in Boston. Boston fire officials confirmed during a press conference that the third explosion was linked to the ones that occurred at the Marathon. There were no injuries reported from the third bombing.
"Fire in building is out, appears to have started in the mechanical room of new building," The JFK Library's Twitter account read. "All staff and visitors are accounted for and safe."
A law enforcement official told the Associated Press that officials have shut down cellular service throughout the Boston area to prevent remote detonation of explosives.
Also cops issued an all-points-bulletin for a yellow Penske truck or van that tried to get access to a marathon site, claiming it had medical supplies _ and then sped off or was turned away
President Obama was briefed about the incident shortly after the explosions occured.
Obama called Boston mayor Tom Menino and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick to express his concern fot those that were injured and make clear that his administration is ready to provide needed support as they respond to this incident.
Gov. Patrick released a statement this afternoon.
“This is a horrific day in Boston. My thoughts and prayers are with those who have been injured. I have been in touch with the President, Mayor Menino and our public safety leaders. Our focus is on making sure that the area around Copley Square is safe and secured. I am asking everyone to stay away from Copley Square and let the first responders do their jobs.”
The after-effects from the explosions reverberated across the nation, including in New York City.
“This changes everything [in New York],’’ one source told The Post. “Everyone’s on high alert. Our marathon was canceled in November. Who knows if that changed someone’s plans?’’

The NYPD has ramped up its anti-terror efforts at landmarks and other potential terrorist targets “to make sure there’s no nonsense going on here,’’ a law-enforcement source said.
Officers are scouring live feed from surveillance videos throughout the city to monitor possible events, the source said.
NYPD Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne said that the NYPD has deployed its Critical Response Vehicles as well until more about the explosion is learned.
The FDNY says their units have also been advised to use elevated caution due to the explosions.
Mayor Bloomberg released a statement following the explosions.
“As law enforcement authorities investigate today’s explosions in Boston, I ask all New Yorkers to keep the victims and their families in your thoughts and prayers," Bloomberg said. "I have spoken with Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, and the NYPD has stepped up security at strategic locations and critical infrastructure, including our subways."
Governor Cuomo echoed Bloomberg's sentiments and saying that state agencies have all been placed on a heightened state of alert.

Relatives of the victims of December’s school massacre in Newtown, Conn. were among those attending the race finish at a VIP area. It was not known of any of the relatives were among the casualties.
A White House official said President Obama was getting updates on the apparent bombing.
Competitors and race organizers were crying as they fled the chaos. Bloody spectators were being carried to the medical tent that had been set up to care for fatigued runners.


Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Latest news....

107 injured sent to hospitals, plus 2 deceased, which include an 8-year old.

I repeat....NO suspects have been apprehended. I don't know where my little buddy gets his information, but the police chief himself just stated they have no suspects.

The previous claims about another bombing having occurred at the JFK Library have been pulled. It appears that it simply was a basement fire in that building & there were no injuries.

The attacks could very well be of domestic nature. Pointing the finger at various international groups would be premature at this time.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

While we are all waiting for further details on this terrible event, I will ask everyone to keep their comments respectful and free of political commentary. If anyone wishes to post links to articles on various news sites, please ensure that they are reputable, recognized news agencies.

If I see any disrespectful or smartass posts in this thread the reaction will be swift and the suspension very long.

Thank you,
Mod 8

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I wonder what were the motives behind this

Obviously to create as much damage, fear & chaos as get the world's attention and likely publicity for a personal cause.

My gut-feeling tells me that the origins of this terrorist attack are domestic in nature.

The FBI will find the murderers, i have no doubt about it. The FBI always comes through.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Reports on WEEI with Dennis and Callanhan this morning referred to the 8 year-old who was killed. As I understood the story...the boys father had just finished the race. The boy ran to his father as he was getting some water and a towel to celebrate. They had an extremely warm greeting. Then the boy ran back to where his mother and younger sister were on the other side of the street and the bomb went off. The boy was killed, one leg of the little girl was blown off, and the mother is now in the hospital undergoing brain surgery. The extent of the mothers injuries were not detailed, but obviously it couldn't be much more serious than what we know.

A family has been devastated, somewhere between 15-30 people are reported to be in critical condition, the death toll is at 3 and likely to rise while about 140 have been injured to various degrees, and somewhere some terrorist(s) are enjoying the attention this tragedy has brought them.

I'd also like to note the response of police, emergency medical teams, bystanders who ran toward the center of the
attack despite multiple explosions and the possibility of more. By all accounts so far civic leaders have been doing a tremendous job handling the matter and Boston is well known for having some of the best medical facilities in the world, as I personally experienced when very, very young.


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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Pushing a political agenda or flame posts directed at other members will not get you very far in this thread. I posted one warning and it will not be ignored in this thread.

Both saltydog and THEHITMAN have earned themselves a 2 week suspension and should consider themselves lucky it was not considerably longer.

This thread is to deal with the facts only. ANY off topic post not dealing with the events of yesterday will be removed. Deal with the known facts and reputable news reports.



Active Member
Jul 20, 2008
i have a feeling the little girl is going to be traumatized for life. hopefully the mother will pull through.

this makes me sick to my gut. such violent acts are useless, but some sick people don't see that.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Obviously to create as much damage, fear & chaos as get the world's attention and likely publicity for a personal cause.

My gut-feeling tells me that the origins of this terrorist attack are domestic in nature.

The FBI will find the murderers, i have no doubt about it. The FBI always comes through.

There is no credible evidence that the terrorists are domestic. Let LE follow the leads and solve this. When they make an arrest, we can all talk about the suspect.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
The FBI will find the murderers, i have no doubt about it. The FBI always comes through.

Oh! Ya??? What about JFK murdered or Jimmy Hoffa??? As all humans, FBI has it's limit.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Oh! Ya??? What about JFK murdered or Jimmy Hoffa??? As all humans, FBI has it's limit.

I've got news for you. Lee Harvey Oswald was found guilty of murdering JFK. It never was a cold case. As for Hoffa, everyone knows it was an inside job by the mob. A simple mob hit. I don't think the FBI needed to do a lot of investigating to figure that one out.

I'll say it again: "The FBI always get their man."


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
I'll say it again: "The FBI always get their man."

What we ask to FBI and CIA is to find these men before they kill or hurt thousand of people.

They are clearly incapable of doing it.

They are great to find them after, and to take revenge (typical american thing : "wanted" Hihaaa Kill this man Sheriff !:cheer2:).
Maybe should they declare the war to Irak to find them... :confused:
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