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Two explosions at Boston Marathon


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I'll say it again: "The FBI always get their man."
It's amazing how much mis-information gets spread around. In this thread, for example, we have a post yesterday that a Saudi national was in custody. We now know that's not true. A little ways up this page, we have a tale of a young boy who was killed while his father was running the marathon. We now know that, while his father had run the marathon in prior years, he was not in the race this year. The New York post was running a story on their website that 20 people had been killed.

It was my thinking at first that, of course, this was an act of terrorism, but then I read this afternoon that it depends on how you define terrorism. If, by definition, terrorism has a political or ideological motive, then we really don't know if this was an act of terrorism. We do certainly know that it was a heinous criminal act.

As for the FBI always getting their man, well...two writers from the Boston Globe, Kevin Cullen and Shelley Murphy have written an excellent biography of Whitey Bulger, the Boston crime lord and it seems he operated with a substantial amount of protection from the FBI. Doc, I'm quite sure that you saw the movie "The Departed," no? The Jack Nicholson part was basically the persona of Whitey Bulger and the Matt Damon part was based on the FBI officer, John Callahan. While the movie ends differently and Damon was a state cop rather than a G-man, both Callahan and Bulger are now in jail, Bulger awaiting trial, Callahan serving 50 years. Corruption and the FBI are no strangers.

As for Oswald being found guilty, not so. He was killed by Jack Ruby days after the assassination and never stood trial. There's little doubt that Oswald was involved, but there's a lot of doubt as to whether or not he acted alone.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Man77777, rumps is the King of misinformation. Read what was written rumps. "Authorities have identified a suspect, a Saudi National". Authorities did question this individual, and they did search his apartment. And they found nothing to link him to the crime. So where was the misinformation in that post?

And the number the Post reported as dead was 12, not 20.

And you're right Man77777. Oswald was never convicted and rumps forgot the trial never happened.

BOSTON — Two explosions shattered the euphoria of the Boston Marathon finish line on Monday, sending authorities out on the course to carry off the injured while the stragglers in the 26.2-mile trek from Hopkinton were rerouted away from the smoking site of the blasts.
A federal law-enforcement source confirmed to The Post there are at least 12 dead. Massachusetts General Hospital was treating 10 people with amputated limbs and all operating rooms were on hold, sources said.
Authorities have a identified a suspect, a Saudi national, who is currently being guarded in a Boston hospital with shrapnel wounds.

It's amazing how much mis-information gets spread around. In this thread, for example, we have a post yesterday that a Saudi national was in custody. We now know that's not true. A little ways up this page, we have a tale of a young boy who was killed while his father was running the marathon. We now know that, while his father had run the marathon in prior years, he was not in the race this year. The New York post was running a story on their website that 20 people had been killed.

As for Oswald being found guilty, not so. He was killed by Jack Ruby days after the assassination and never stood trial. There's little doubt that Oswald was involved, but there's a lot of doubt as to whether or not he acted alone.

100% wrong


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
So where was the misinformation in that post?
Simple. Calling him a suspect is misinformation, since he was not.

And the number the Post reported as dead was 12, not 20.
The number on the Post's website was 20.

And you're right Man77777. Oswald was never convicted and rumps forgot the trial never happened.
Right, just as I said. "Oswald never stood trial." What part of that is beyond your comprehension?

I realize that there's nothing that gives your life meaning beyond trying to contradict me, but please remember Mod 8's admonition to stay clear of flaming, however difficult that may be for you. This was an ugly ugly event; please keep your personal agenda out of it.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
What we ask to FBI and CIA is to find these men before they kill or hurt thousand of people.

Men you say? Hmm. Do you have some insider knowledge that we don't know about? Care to share?

As we've seen in many recent bomb attacks, women have also joined the ranks of bombers.

Needless to say, the FBI is doing its best to find the assassin(s), and count on it, they will find the murderer(s). I wasn't aware that the CIA was also involved until i read your post.

I'm still convinced it's a domestic job. The whole incident doesn't have the M.O. of an international terrorist organization being behind this unfortunate crime.


Nov 18, 2011
This part , Doc : The FBI will find the murderers, i have no doubt about it. The FBI always comes through.

As rumple said , Corruption and the FBI are no strangers ...

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello again,

I have already suspended two people and others are pushing very close to the line.

To clear up a few things: the news media were doing what they always do, making fast reports to keep in front of the competition. In situations such as this it is normal for reports not to be perfectly on target until things have had a chance to calm down. No member of any government or law enforcement agency made any statement at any time regarding having a 'suspect' in custody. This was a media report from the usual 'unnamed sources'. There were also reports of other bombs being found and those reports have also been declared as false. There were reports of a third bomb at the JFK library, also since retracted.

What we do know for a fact is that two devices were detonated and that there are currently three people dead, one a 29 year old woman and another an 8 year old little boy. The identity of the third is yet to be released, and there are approximately 150 injured. There are currently no suspects, in custody or otherwise, and no individual or group has claimed responsibility.

This is where things stand at the moment and until there is further news released, all we can do is wait. Give the authorities time to conduct their investigation and release the information as they will.

Now I would appreciate it if everyone stopped arguing with each other before someone else gets some time off.

Mod 8


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
Bonjour & Hello all,

I hope this finds you all well.

In stark times such as these, it's understandable that emotions are rampant and running on high. But let's set aside personal opinions and agendas and agree to disagree. Instead, let's show solidarity and a united front against such cowardice acts of terror.

In my humble opinion, empathy is one of our greatest strengths and traits as humans. This ability to feel sympathy and show compassion for others, defines us and sets us apart. In this spirit, let's all send our prays, well wishes, and support to those lives affected by this senseless tragedy.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Now I would appreciate it if everyone stopped arguing with each other before someone else gets some time off.

So close the thread, Mod... What are we supposed to write in such a thread if we cant debate ?

Rumple : OMG it's terrible
Doc : Oh yes you're right, it's horrible
Man7 : Damn.. I'm agree..
Daydreamer : OMG... Im agree too...

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
I have no objections to valid discussions based on the known facts. It serves no purpose to get into flame wars or to begin insulting other members. Nor will I tolerate ridiculous conspiracy theories that insult everyone's intelligence and do a disservice to those directly involved in this tragic attack. There are plenty of sites on the internet for such posts. This is not one of them.

If someone has something useful to contribute and can do so without insults or disrespect for others, they are free to share their point of view. If people wish to debate whether this was a domestic terrorist attack or from outside, they may do so and present their points for discussion. If they wish to debate issues of security at such events, that can also be discussed. There are many areas open for discussion as long as members conduct themselves with respect for each other and for the victims of this attack.



Active Member
Jul 20, 2008
this thread has gone crazy and far off topic. it went from boston to the FBI....

now jumping back to the boston situation. I was watching the news and there was mention of people now being afraid of participating in large public events because of the bombing.
I think we should continue to participate because running in fear is what the terrorists want. and I think they shouldn't stop marathons in boston because of this. not sure if they were thinking about it stopping them, but in any case continuing them would be great.

fear is what the crazy people feed off of. so let's not give it to them.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
...people now being afraid of participating in large public events because of the bombing.

Hello JB,

Regarding security, there was no way to completely secure 26.2 miles of area and hundreds of thousands of people. People complain about losing their rights all of the time. Some see police and government conspiracies in their sleep and under their bed. People don't know what they want. They constantly obsess over the freedoms they might lose and fear the police state. Then when something like this terror attack happens, like one caller to WEEI last night, they wonder why all the people weren't frisked, scanned, or stripped to check for anything that might be suspicious. They are schizophrenic about security wanting all their rights and perfect protection too.

Well it doesn't work that way. Until humans can read minds or see perfectly into the future this kind of tragedy will happen. If there was any security negligence, and I've heard nothing of the kind so far, that's one thing. But if you really don't want the state to run your life, then people have to get real about law enforcements inability to know everything. That's not to imply accepting anything about what happened in Boston except we have to deal with it realistically...without living in fear.

On the security subject:

FBI reviewing before-and-after photos of bag at Boston Marathon blast scene

One of the things I am surprised was not done is the setting up of infrared cameras at key points like the finish to record any activity 24/7 starting about 3 days before the race. I don't think that is unreasonable.

Live well,


Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
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The blogger Kevin Drum posted a useful roundup of "facts" that were shot down:

There was not a third bomb at the JFK Library (it was a fire in the building's mechanical room).
There are no suspects in custody (the "Saudi national" that dominated the news yesterday is a witness, not a suspect).
There are not 12 people dead (the New York Post just jumped the gun).
Police did not find any unexploded devices elsewhere in the city (that's what Gov. Deval Patrick says, anyway).
Cell phone service was not shut down by the authorities after the bombs detonated (AP has walked back its original claim, and various people have reported sending texts immediately after the bombing.)

And what does it all mean? Guess what -- right now nobody knows.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

In the category of amazing events, New Yorkers, the Yankees and their fans showed support and unity for the victims and people of Boston as Bostonians once showed for New Yorkers:

United We Stand: Yankees Sing 'Sweet Caroline' to Boston


"Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and the families who were affected by the bombings and our respect and admiration go out to the police, medical personnel and first responders who acted so heroically," the Yankees said in a statement. "We stand united with the participants, volunteers, staff and spectators of the Boston Marathon and the people of Boston."

"Everybody in New York knows what they're going through," Mike Petti, 48, a Yankees fan nicknamed Yankee Mike who for 13 seasons has been a staple of the bleacher section where the most hardcore fans — those who hate Red Sox Nation the most — dwell, told Sporting News. "When it happened here, Boston was singing 'New York, New York.'"

"Sweet Caroline" was also played at Wrigley Field, Dodger Stadium, Marlins Park, Safeco Field, Coliseum, Great American Ball Park, and at Cleveland's Progressive Field, where the Red Sox beat the Indians 7-2. The Milwaukee Brewers played the theme song to Cheers, the classic TV series set at a bar in Boston.

But it was the tribute in the Bronx that really inspired. After the Yankees played the song, Neil Diamond tweeted: "Thank you NY Yankees for playing 'Sweet Caroline' for the people of Boston. You scored a home run in my heart."

More in the Baseball thread of the sports section.



Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
What they did at Yankee Stadium was indeed impressive. I tip my hat off to them.

On another note, suspicious enveloppes were sent to the Capitol & others addressed to President Obama. Senator Shelby's office is currently on lockdown. President Obama's enveloppe was intercepted at a screening facility. The other day, a letter containing the poison 'ricin' was sent to another Senator. That letter & the letters sent to the aforementionned persons looked very similar, so that's why authorities are proceeding with caution. I wonder if these incidents are related to the Boston tragedy?

p.s. Did they ever find out who sent the letters containing Anthrax back in 2001 or so?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Breaking news:

Officials believe a bomb suspect has been identified. It's believed that a department store video & a tv station's video may have helped with the identification.

CNN's John King just reported that a reliable law enforcement official told him that the person in the picture appears to be a 'dark skinned' male. It appears that he may have been recorded placing a backpack against a mail box near the sidewalk where the second explosion occurred.

In other news, the poison 'ricin' was found in one of the intercepted letters sent to Pres. Obama.

More to come....

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Breaking news:

It's just been reported that an arrest has been made in the Boston bombings.

More to come....

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
If you want to look up the site of the 2nd bombing.....

If you use Google Earth & get a street view of Boylston street, go to 755 Boylston where the Starbucks Coffee shop is located (across the street from the First Republic Bank). To the left of it, you see a green mailbox near a parked silver GMC truck (from the view i'm looking at). From what i've gathered, the bomb would have been placed next to that green mailbox.

The footage used to apprehend a suspect was taken by a nearby department store (Lord & Taylor) located on the opposite side of the street. A video supplied by a local tv station also helped in the identification of the suspect.
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