Just get it over with and get rid of them as quickly and as efficiently as possible. That's it, that's all.
I agree. No extra comforts, no SNL or Super Bowls, no phone calls, no conjugal visits, etc. You get a clean place comfortable enough to survive with books to read at best, strictly supervised visits maybe. And all of this appeal after appeal stuff for years goes away. One appeal, a review, that's it. Not years and years of abusing the system.
Yeah exactly. For sure the bombers deserve the death penalty. But how far do we go in issuing that punishment? If we stoop to the level of our enemies in implementing these ideas for tortuous deaths in the name of "an eye for an eye", then we become just as horrible as they are.
What I find disturbing about the heavy handed eye for and eye types is their reaction to the Patriots Act. Oh it's great with it's special provisions (some of which have been found to be illegal by certain courts) for dealing with terrorists, but when it gets applied elsewhere those who wanted it for tough treatment of the terrorists go screaming about government conspiracies to take over the country FAILING to realize they are getting the consequences of what they asked for. Such extreme measures can never be isolated legally. Once something is on the books the enforcing legal bodies will see it's broader applications and expand them. You can't ask for some civil rights to be dropped for terrorists then expect to stay free from abuse of those rights yourself. Be careful what you ask for!!!