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Two explosions at Boston Marathon


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The media is doing it again. They are giving these brothers far too much attention with their 24/7 coverage. I honestly worry that the next nut with a cause is watching this 24/7 media coverage fantasizing how they are going to go out in a blaze of glory. This is what they crave!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Octavian this is a clear cut case of a classic frame job. Poor Tamerlan had just landed a job as a door-to-door cookware salesman. The reason why he was throwing pressure cookers out of the getaway car is Tamerlan knew he was being framed and he was scared. The reason the pressure cookers blew-up is because Chechnian food is very spicy.

And Tamerlan didn't travel back to Russia to be indoctrinated. He went back to Chechnia for rest and relaxation. Where else would one go for R&R? Only Syria or Afghanastan could be more peaceful.

WTF is wrong with you Octavian? The United States give a family asylum from a brutal civil war. They give them an education, scholarships, and a decent place to live and a fresh start. it appears that they were living on some sort of gvernment assistance. This is how they repay their new country? And you believe they were framed? No, That kind of stuff happens in the middle east and third world countries that are run by the leftist dictators that people like you admire.

I hope they send a predator drone to Chechnia to get mom.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
That kind of stuff happens in the middle east and third world countries that are run by the leftist dictators that people like you admire.
Pinochet, The Shah, Trujillo, Batista, Diem, Duvalier, Marcos, Papadopoulos, Salazar, Franco, Suharto, Rios-Mont, etc. etc. were left wing?

Nice post, Hungry, and for the most part dead-on. However, calling the dictators who have been propped up by the CIA over the last 100 years "leftist" is just plain backwards.

Note to mods: Sorry to be posting this in a non-poiitical thread. Hungry's overtly political remark could not go unanswered. I'll not post again along this line; my statement is clear and stands for itself.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Did people not read my warning about keeping stupid conspiracy theories out of this thread?

Thread cleaned and any repeat will result in a suspension.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Never saw the warning... Ooooops.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Glad to see he got the death sentence, hopefully it will be carried out soon and very slowly.


New Member
Apr 11, 2015
Glad to see he got the death sentence, hopefully it will be carried out soon and very slowly.

Not disagreeing with you, but wouldn't killing him for his crime turn him into a martyr of sorts? I feel like the death sentence only would further suit his purpose.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
The death sentence is society enforcing the rules

He should have killed himself in the boat ....

Best Regards



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

...hopefully it will be carried out soon and very slowly.

It will not be soon, and it will not be slowly. Everyone gets due process in this country, no matter how heinous the offense, and we are not ISIS...though Tsarnaev is certainly not an innocent. I thought the verdict was a no-brainer. He deserves the death sentence as much as anyone ever executed under the legal system. Still, I was reading that some jurors needed convincing. It's a good thing the prosecution was very thorough because it seems some had some reservations about going through with this sentence. As for the appeal, what I have heard up until now is there is virtually no chance he won't face the needle.

Would it be justice to do what he did? How about two bombs in a concrete room.




Aug 30, 2009
What kind of country executes it's prisoners? Perhaps we can learn the answer to this question by examining the list of the world's top executioners:

The World's Top 5 Executioners - 2014

1. China 1000+
2. Iran 289+
3. Saudi Arabia 90+
4. Iraq 61+
5. USA 35

Nuff said?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Ladies and Gentlemen,

What kind of country executes it's prisoners? Perhaps we can learn the answer to this question by examining the list of the world's top executioners:

The World's Top 5 Executioners - 2014

1. China 1000+
2. Iran 289+
3. Saudi Arabia 90+
4. Iraq 61+
5. USA 35

Nuff said?

Can I ask you what you think is a fair sentence for someone who helped explode two cooking pot bombs near a crowded foot race finish line in many cases severely mangling hundreds and in some case tearing people to bits, including children??? I'm not usually a supporter of death penalties but if any case warrants it this one measures up. They didn't even pick a political target, which wouldn't have made a difference anyway. They decided on innocent civilian targets for maximum terror effect.

Interested in your answer.




Aug 30, 2009
Can I ask you what you think is a fair sentence ...
The answer to your question lies within the instructions given to the jurors by the judge in this case. In determining the sentence the jurors where given two choices: life in prison without parole or the death sentence. It is the former which is the appropriate sentence in this case. The death penalty is not justice. It is cruel and inhuman punishment. Punishment based on "an eye for an eye" philosophy is barbaric. Violence carried out by state only perpetuates further violence by cheapening the value of life.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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The answer to your question lies within the instructions given to the jurors by the judge in this case. In determining the sentence the jurors where given two choices: life in prison without parole or the death sentence. It is the former which is the appropriate sentence in this case. The death penalty is not justice. It is cruel and inhuman punishment. Punishment based on "an eye for an eye" philosophy is barbaric. Violence carried out by state only perpetuates further violence by cheapening the value of life.

A death sentence to someone who undoubtedly without question caused so much harm, death and destruction to so many people, is not barbaric. These 2 brothers don't have enough eyes to make this an eye for an eye. There was no question that they perpetrated this horrific act. The Boston Marathon is an annual event, where hundreds of people congregate to watch the best marathoners run. Four people lost their lives, one a 9 year old boy. Another was a college student from China. You're dead wrong. This young man deserves the death penalty and the citizens deserve not to support his horrible soul until he dies a natural death 60 years from now. Good question, Merlot.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I am pretty sure there was a discussion earlier about capital punishment, I am all for it and this one is needed.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

The death penalty is not justice. It is cruel and inhuman punishment. Punishment based on "an eye for an eye" philosophy is barbaric. Violence carried out by state only perpetuates further violence by cheapening the value of life.

Okay, then following your logic you must agree that for whatever reason, whatever grievance these two brothers used to justify their actions the DEATH PENALTY they imposed out of their poisoned minds without even the pretense of jurisprudence was not justice for anything. It was cruel and inhuman punishment, barbaric mass murder and mayhem, violence perpetuating further violence by cheapening the value of life. Of course you wouldn't approve these acts by random individuals any more than the state so what they did was impose their sickness to slaughter.

I'm sure it won't change you mind that the other countries you mentioned, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq don't go through nearly the process of trial, proof, review and appeal after appeal after appeal at great time and monetary expense, but in this case the accused sure got a million fold in efforts to insure they got rights to due process despite the outright slaughter and murder their innocent victims the 8-year-old whose shredded clothes he was wearing were produced in court. Did the accused get satisfaction from that piece of horrific evidence while he was getting the due process none of the victims had a chance for???


Last edited:


Active Member
Mar 26, 2009
Did you see that poor little boys clothes? They are monsters...putting down monsters is a good thing. At least a person knows they will die if they do this not. Maybe it will make others less inclined and save lives


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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It's natural to want revenge against a killer. I admit that I would like to see this killer tortured in the cruelest way imaginable and finally killed.

However, statistics show that capital punishment simply doesn't work as a deterrent. The classic example was that pickpockets practised their trade at public executions at a time when such trivial theft was a capital crime. Nor does the murder rate decrease in states when it is instituted.

In particular, for the law and order guys: I speculate that it can even put both civilians and police in danger! Suppose I am a pyschopath who has already killed and am in a state which practises executions. What is my motivation to refrain from killing in the future? Why should I surrender if police attempt to catch me? I might as well fight to the death and take a few officers with me as I know I will be fried/hung/injected/beheaded/shot by a firing squad anyway.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
However, statistics show that capital punishment simply doesn't work as a deterrent.

Being a deterrent makes no difference to me, it just saves the tax payers a lot of money to have this POS in jail for 50 years.
Throw the turd in general population during recreation time is all that would be needed.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

It's natural to want revenge against a killer. I admit that I would like to see this killer tortured in the cruelest way imaginable and finally killed.

You may not have meant "revenge" precisely but I reject this characterization of those who think the death penalty in this case is fair and just. Some sick misguided revenge is what the killers here were after.

In this case the bombers selected targets that had no relation to the events in their own country that motivated this tragedy. When anyone selects targets that are entirely innocent of any connection to the cause of the killers motivation it's a twisted sickness for revenge. Keep in mind that the two killers had never lived in or experienced the war and it's consequences in Chechnya that has been understood to be at the heart of their so-called pursuit of justice for the wars in Chechnya. They certainly never had the guts to go and put their lives on the line in Chechnya and fight those who were the cause of their crusade, so to speak. Instead of facing those who caused those terrible hardships and standing up for themselves in the war that burdened their consciences in that country where they had never lived, they selected what was at best innocent targets with no connection to Chechnya and chose slaughter with the intent of cowardly hiding from responsibility for mass murders.

One could rightly say they slaughtered innocent people to cover their failure to go and face the war that created their hatred. People lost their lives in the most brutal way because these terrorists chose to act as cowards. For that I don't see the long legal process this murderer is getting as any manner of revenge.

Exclusive: Mother Of Boston Marathon Bomber Says US Will Burn

It's not revenge to sentence the death penalty against people who would do this.


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