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Unjustified bad reviews


North Winds Wizard
May 26, 2003
Visit site
This is why I think this board is a vital resource for both the clients and the providers. I also think it is important for providers to pay attention to the boards and what is being said about them in reviews.

As someone who works in a service industry, I understand the implications of a "bad review" and how a disappointed customer will tell their story to far more people then a satisfied customer will. So I agree with Julia Sky 100% that the damage caused by an unwarranted negative review can be catastrophic to the providers job.

But I feel it is a part of the providers job to make it clear what they will or won't provide in an encounter, and for how much. We are not talking small dollar transactions, so some level of consistency should be expected. We are talking about human beings though, so that level will not be the same every time. So if a client is not satisfied, I do feel it their right to voice that. But it should be done thoughtfully and carefully. Without any malice or intention to harm the provider, just to inform.

I also feel it is then the providers responsibility to dispute the facts stated in the "negative review" if they feel they have been wronged. Often these things can be chalked up to misunderstandings about expectations. That is why I feel it is important for providers to check the boards and reviews personally. It seems in their best interest to make sure their reputation is not harmed on them.

If I have an unpleasant experience with a provider, I don't give bad reviews. I portray my disappointment by taking my hard earned dollars to someone else next time. Just like my customers will if I don't make them happy. That is the best way to to voice my opinion on the matter. If they are a truly poor provider, that will be reflected in their loss of business over time. On the flip side, a truly consistent provider will shine forth and gain the business that the poor provider sheds. Thus is the nature of a customer service industry.


Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
Seriously? Imagine how even more amazing seeing SPs would be if SPs encountered zero assholes. Seesh, some people were obviously raised by a pack of rabid hyenas.
Yes I'm serious and totally agree with you Carmine!

Not my type to write bullshit or "unjustified good review". What you see in my post is what happened!
Hopefully the cheap ass never posted is "unjustified bad review" and he is blacklisted form the agency.

Annie Sexy

Annie ❤️
Jan 14, 2017
Quebec city
Moi je crois que chacun est capable de faire 1+1 et 2+2 binnes ou mauvaises chacuns aiment différentes choses et faites diffé crois que le mieux c'est d'essayer...ce qui est bon pour un ne l'est pas nécessairement pour l'autre comme dit l'expression

What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
I have written a bad service from an SP, but it was my experience I had with her.
Today if I read a review and get a bad review I will not write it because I look at it as that the chemistry didn't work between us and it's normal because we are human.
But if I see a SP and there are like all kinds of restrictions there I will write the bad review.
I do respect the ladies doing this , but at the end of the day they got my money and I am out money, it hurts me, but to write and unjustified review.
I love meting the new ladies and enjoying my time and I have meet a lot.
Respect to the ladies, too bad we have a**holes out there that ruin it for the guy who just wants to have a lady to take care of him


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Not a bad thread. That being said I’m of the opinion that we shouldn’t be overly critical of all the reviewers . Not all of them are maliciously intending to harm a good SP’s reputation . Some folks rightly or wrongly really believe that their bad review was merited.
No need I think to always overreact and get riled up about every bad review . A great SP has nothing to worry about in my opinion because the truth will always shine through. The same way a repeat bad reviewer will be exposed ( as was the case with the gentlemen who tried and failed and in the end inspired this thread) . It doesn’t take a long time to figure things out on Merb.
People that take all reviews at face value are a minority ( mostly beginners) . And in my opinion we learn something from every review, be it about the SP or about the reviewer . So for those who have been reading the boards for some time now they should know better after all is WRITTEN, said and done ....Just my opinion
P.s No need to elaborate further since we got a good basketball game going on.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
No_Church I think you under estimate the power of Merb.

There are much more beginner lurkers here who do not contribute a fuck but take all the free intel we provide. They will just bypass the girl who may have had a bad review by a shitty moron dude writing his first post ever???

I now understand why so many have stop writing reviews because they do not want to expose their girl to these morons ;)



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I now understand why so many have stop writing reviews because they do not want to expose their girl to these morons ;)


I was just thinking the same damn thing.
A girl I reviewed got an inquiry from a guy who posted 10 Merb posts in the last 10 years.....most of the posts starting with the word Who or Does (411).
She asks him for references and he responds with a rant bragging about seeing over 1000 women. With that attitude I`d be surprised if he saw any self respecting woman.
Probably no more reviews by me. PM to friends and other good guys is the way and to go.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Probably no more reviews by me. PM to friends and other good guys is the way and to go.

That'd be a real loss to the community. You have some of the best TOFTT reviews out there (your Alyssa Minx review was quite good btw).

Don't let a few a-holes dissuade you. Your reviews are always appreciated and a benefit to us MERB-ers.

A girl I reviewed got an inquiry from a guy who posted 10 Merb posts in the last 10 years.....most of the posts starting with the word Who or Does (411).
She asks him for references and he responds with a rant bragging about seeing over 1000 women. With that attitude I`d be surprised if he saw any self respecting woman.

There are much more beginner lurkers here who do not contribute a fuck but take all the free intel we provide. They will just bypass the girl who may have had a bad review by a shitty moron dude writing his first post ever???

But that's for a SP to screen for. She can say in her ad (and/or website), that any requests for a rendez-vous must be accompanied by references, etc. If they don't provide it, she should just ignore the request. Why should a SP put effort into this for a potential client when he isn't willing to do the same?

And btw, I do my part in ignoring PMs received by other members that have no reviews to their name (some of them being members on this board for multiple years). Lurkers, do your part and contribute to the community, geez.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I now understand why so many have stop writing reviews because they do not want to expose their girl to these morons ;)


that, and as one really well known cute ass hottie SP told me, there just some boys who don’t wanna share and have there girls available for themselves. Shame, shame to them, All these chicas figure out their name....


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Hey Jal , maybe I did jump the gun on this one . I thought the beginners,new members where the minority here. I know that those of us who have spent some time here don’t take all the reviews seriously. I previously commented about that because I recently noticed a very cool reviewer and contributor here speak in support of a well reviewed SP that got a bad review. Typically what comes after that is a lot of bickering and arguments between the guy who gave the bad review and the gent who came to the SP’s defence. I took a look at he’s reviews and most of them where 3,4 lines but the bad one was s whole page which was kind of peculiar. My point is based on the track record of that particular SP which has been seen by a friend of mine already and was previously reviewed by solid members here that I trust, I totally overlooked the bad review as one that wasn’t in my eyes credible enough, a one time thing warranted or not . I ignored the bad review, I brushed it off because I know better.

There have been times that I’ve spoken in support of some SP’s which I already knew and thought where getting a bad rap . Someone even called me a white knight , which was a first for me lol. I’m not indifferent when girls get biased, unfair bad reviews. I will always side with the girls on this one. To all those that out of spite write bad reviews in order to harm a good SP’s reputation I say shame on them . They truly are a lost cause.

But I see what your saying,,, whereas perhaps the more experienced members won’t take those unjust bad reviews to be true in contrast the new inexperienced members are more likely to take them at face value and therefore bypass a lot of great girls and in the process harm their livelihood. Hence the reason why many feel the need to set the record straight. Perhaps I had forgotten how newbies process the information in reviews or how large their numbers where here on Merb.


Active Member
Jan 9, 2012
Lots of bad reviews have to be taken with a grain of salt because one thing you learn with time is guys review their own self here too, not just the girl, and if anything touches a man’s ego (like a soft dick or not being able to overstay or bend someone’s boundaries), they can be very childish lol
Julia as something there. I know that a member here has been blacklisted (don't ask I won't tell who) by a few girls and he wrote bad reviews about them afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I once caught a John on TER writing a fake review of Bella of GoodGirls. I know it was fake because his description was way off and he said that the booker lies about the ages of his escorts. I had just seen Bella the week before and he said something like the girl was thirty. On TER you were able to quickly click on a link and see all of the hobbyists reviews. I saw that all the previous girls he saw were from NYC and that he frequently booked gilrs for as little as 15 minutes and all were off BP. I'll bet you a month's salary he had never been to Montreal. He was just trying to get a free two weeks VIP service on TER without paying for it. I complained but nothing was done. What was mind boggling was that the guy chose to write a fake negative review. Why not at least write a fake positive review? I have seen a few other cases were it appeared that the reviewer was posting a rant in order to extort a free service. This is also not good.

Having said this I want to say the following: It is absurd to have a mediocre to bad experience and not be able to write about it for fear of retribution from white knights, agency ass-kissers, and agency owners.

Even the best girls can have off days. If a guy has a below average experience and says so...well...maybe it was a below average and he is entitled to say so. MERB is a review board! If we can no longer post neutral or negative reviews than there is no need to post reviews at all because every encounter was satisfactory. We should change the name to MEAB for Montreal Escort Advertising Board and we can use the forum to look at pictures and see who is on so we can schedule them.

I haven't written a negative or neutral review of a Montreal girl on MERB since 2014. But I reserve the right to do so if the service isn't satisfactory. We sometimes call the fee a donation but it isn't really a donation.* It is a fee for services rendered.

*Note: I once had a girl say Hungry this is crazy. I should be paying you. Even still, no one has ever paid me a cent for sex. If I am the one paying then I'm the one reviewing.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
It is absurd to have a mediocre to bad experience and not be able to write about it for fear of retribution from white knights, agency ass-kissers, and agency owners.

Even the best girls can have off days. If a guy has a below average experience and says so...well...maybe it was a below average and he is entitled to say so. MERB is a review board! If we can no longer post neutral or negative reviews than there is no need to post reviews at all because every encounter was satisfactory. We should change the name to MEAB for Montreal Escort Advertising Board ....
So true, so true ...

... ideally, agency reviews should strive for some objectivity, be balanced, and contain aspects that are critical but respectful. But loss of anonymity on the part of the reviewer is a problem.

I would add that many agency reviews by MERB regulars are really just endorsements, functioning as advertising, often of girls that such regulars feel they have a special relationship with. I've done this myself. I believe another word for this - however well intended - is shilling.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I think it’s worse how some are not writing reviews on some of these stellar ladies who deserve all the recognition in the world. They do it simpler to be greedy cause they know anywhere else in the world they would be paying an arm and a leg to get the caliber of females who perform the service at the level they do in MTL. I believe an abbreviation to describe such individuals-these parasites-is MF’s


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I`m just looking for that sub-par encounter with a below average service that I can write my once in a decade negative review.
Its just not happening …..I keep finding ladies who are awesome in looks and service .
The flip side is that stellar reviews by me and others is making some girls un-bookable even for good customers like me.
Out of 5 girls whom I had recently reviewed and wanted to repeat with....only 2 were not fully booked and available this week when I tried to book them.
There may be some rewards to being a MF.
It appears that this summer there are more escorts than ever but the best are unavailable.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
cloud i know what you mean... it’s impossible for me too to write a bad review cus i pretty much never ever have bad services...

the thing is... we chose wisely ;)

as for the unbookable girl.. they will get unbookable no matter if you write about them or not!!! so its better to be open as we are and report all gems out there then to be a selfish cockroach ;)



Active Member
Apr 16, 2017
I`m just looking for that sub-par encounter with a below average service that I can write my once in a decade negative review.
Its just not happening …..I keep finding ladies who are awesome in looks and service .

Things and people are awesome in relation to other things and people. If everyone you see is awesome/extraordinary, then guess what, none of them are. It's a little like giving every kid on the baseball team a trophy. Doing so minimises the meaning of that trophy. The "awesome" reviews become less awesome by there ubiquitousness. What your "every girl is awesome" reviews in essence say, is that the girls are all the same. None of them distinguish themselves from each other. In saying that, you're undercutting those who are extra special ;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Things and people are awesome in relation to other things and people. If everyone you see is awesome/extraordinary, then guess what, none of them are. It's a little like giving every kid on the baseball team a trophy. Doing so minimises the meaning of that trophy.

Excellent point. Lately, I've noticed a few trends. Some guys refuse to even record services rendered or offered during a meeting because too much detail is now considered bad taste. It is passe'. Is it or is this what FuckTER on Twitter and others want us to believe so that over time, services will diminish and we won't even know it because hobbyists are afraid to put a stake in the ground and record such details? Don't you need to somehow establish a base line of services? I find such reviews (reviews without services) so vague that they could all run together. Some guys, for whatever reason, choose to sit in a room and talk with girls and never consummate the date. What good are reviews from these guys? Yes, they can speak to congeniality and look but what else? Maybe kissing etc. but they can't really can't speak to other qualities such as MPOS or receiving oral? Some guys refuse to differentiate. I know, it can be tough. You don't want to hurt someones feelings especially if they tried. So give them an "A" for effort and really rate their look. How did you feel about her compared to a body of escorts that you've seen? They can't be all the same. If we can only differentiate through back channels via PM then again let's change the name to MEAB. I'm tired of guys writing "there wasn't a connection." Why wasn't there a connection? Because she was a below average looking escort and did nothing to try to make herself appear ready for a date and you are not clever enough to find a way to politely say so in your review? Or was the lack of connection the CBJ instead of a BBBJ or was it kissing with lips pressed so tightly together that you need a crowbar to separate them and get a little tongue action? Did we lose our right to say so?

Listen to some of these SPs on Twitter. I read one today Just because you sent me deposit money it doesn't mean that we are penpals. I don't have time to write you everyday until our date. Those darn clients! FcukTER would love it if one day there are pneumatic tubes installed at the incalls like at the drive through at the bank. We could drive through and make a deposit and keep going. That way they won't even have to get up.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Oz, I don`t agree with your logic.....its not reality.
Why can`t the last 5 women that you`ve seen all be 9`s and 9.5`s when compared to some 7`s and 8`s from the past that you saw. And why can`t they all be great but in vey different ways.
They were Quebecoise, Italian, Chinese, German all beautiful and all offering ultra GFE with cim as a minimum. All sexual dynamos. All more than willing to DT and FF. All with charming personalities and great chemistry.
You just have to know how to pick them.
Unappreciative posts like yours are taking the fun out of sharing.

BTW my post #123 was tongue in cheek and sarcastic ,some of you still don`t get it.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Listen to some of these SPs on Twitter. I read one today Just because you sent me deposit money it doesn't mean that we are penpals. I don't have time to write you everyday until our date. Those darn clients! FcukTER would love it if one day there are pneumatic tubes installed at the incalls like at the drive through at the bank. We could drive through and make a deposit and keep going. That way they won't even have to get up.

Good point ;) I never never never will ever see or make recommendation a girl that express their frustration on twitter!! Those girl do not like what they do that is why they have this urge to express their frustration. Actually thinking about it I kind of like girl that do that because they flag to us that we should not see them!

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