All right, I'm going to throw this one out there...
On The Erotic Review, escorts can post as much as they want. On the NYC discussion board, they comprise about 50% of all the posts. I think that this kind of freedom for escorts adds a lot to the discussion. I'm not sure why Merb doesn't allow this, except as a competition to their ad revenue. I actually pay to be a member of TER, but Merb is free. The money has to come from somewhere. But if the ladies have to pay X number of dollars to join Merb, she's already paying for her ads & should be allowed to post freely on the boards, right? This might become a problem if every 30 minutes there was a post like "Hey, Sexy Sophie is in town! Call me!", but there's no reason why the Mods couldn't control such intrusion.
I think that the escorts should be as free as anyone else to post what they want. Sometimes, the entire post and responses will be made up entirely of SP's. Why should a newbie SP not have resources like newbie clients have? Everybody has to start somewhere. And I think that clients would benefit from these posts as well. The more information, the better. I would love to hear more of what the escorts have to say!
On The Erotic Review, escorts can post as much as they want. On the NYC discussion board, they comprise about 50% of all the posts. I think that this kind of freedom for escorts adds a lot to the discussion. I'm not sure why Merb doesn't allow this, except as a competition to their ad revenue. I actually pay to be a member of TER, but Merb is free. The money has to come from somewhere. But if the ladies have to pay X number of dollars to join Merb, she's already paying for her ads & should be allowed to post freely on the boards, right? This might become a problem if every 30 minutes there was a post like "Hey, Sexy Sophie is in town! Call me!", but there's no reason why the Mods couldn't control such intrusion.
I think that the escorts should be as free as anyone else to post what they want. Sometimes, the entire post and responses will be made up entirely of SP's. Why should a newbie SP not have resources like newbie clients have? Everybody has to start somewhere. And I think that clients would benefit from these posts as well. The more information, the better. I would love to hear more of what the escorts have to say!