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Unlimited Posting for Escorts?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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On the other hand, when I read the MTLGFE party thread, I thought to myself that there is still some hope in this board and not everything being posted here is some marketing bullshit for a single agency. Some agency owners know much better how to survive and kill the competition than most of us hobbyists. MTLGFE has organized a stellar GT recently and is planning a new one. Mojo is driving all of us nuts and jealous with their teddy bear. As long as all agencies are allowed to compete and attract our attention, then I have no problem with that. On the contrary, healthy competition has always proved to be beneficial for customers..

Most of the comments that I read in the MTLGFE party thread came from a group of posters who have been to either some or all of the Good Girls parties. Did you even know this?

Since when were agencies not allowed to "compete"? Every single agency has been free from the beginning of time to throw their own parties. Nobody has ever been not free to throw a party. Maybe some agencies got an initiative to do it because they saw others being successful at it?

Finally we all know that all agencies throw parties to market their ladies. Some do better at it than others and that has been true for the past 12 years. I have been to I believe 5 different agency parties and all agencies do them differently and have different levels of people skills, communication skills, organizational skills etc. There are ways to do parties that are better than others as far as making women/SPs comfortable coming to repeat parties, and of that I am 100% certain.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Tes commentaires sont vieux et tellement usés.

No, they are on point. You don't know what you are talking about. Nothing you said in your last post was remotely factual. I guess you switched languages because you feel less likely to post nonsense in French. If that is the case perhaps you should stick with it.

Do I need to tick off a roll call of the posters who commented in that MTLGFE party thread who also commented in all the GG threads and attended those parties?

I am not the only one here who notices you get stuff like this wrong quite a bit. If it's because your running your posts through a translator it may not be the best posting approach.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Hum bin la dessus on peut dire que Beav a raison, je veut dire c'est quoi le but d'un GT d'agence? Faire la promotion de ces filles. Non seulement les showcaser pour des futurs bookings, mais aussi pour que les gens parlent de l'agence. Donner du spotlight.

Sinon pour le "favoritisme" d'agence, je comprend entierement que les GT soit privé et que l'agence decide d'inviter qui ils veulent. Je crois que certain aimeraient venir au GGs mais ne peuvent pas, alors sa les travaille. Le fait que d'autre agence emboite le pas a faire leur propre GT sa leur permet de participer finalement au concept. Mais faut se mettre en concept que de 1 l'espace, les invitation sont restreinte, on n'organize pas un GT ou on veut quand on veut. Ensuite si le client est barer de l'agence, sa sers a quoi qu'ils viennent au GT?

Moi je sais qu'il y a au moin une agence qui m'aime pas... si ils font un GT je serai pas invité, alors so be it... je vais pas brailler pour sa. De toute facon j'aurais pas booker la pareil...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Tes commentaires sont vieux et tellement usés.

Soyez prudent de la colère. Vraiment!!!

I don't see where you were saying competition was not allowed. Sounds defensive. People had a great time at a party that was OPEN to anyone and we are gushing over the great success it was. I totally agree that it's been great to see a healthier more democratic representation of the Montreal scene and the membership that will hopefully spur other agencies on to competition that will benefit ALL of the board membership instead of a single voice. The fact that members who went to "either some or all of the GoodGirls parties" speak so glowingly of the MTLGFE party shows very gratifyingly that fun is the only real motive and real competition is alive and well. The best thing about the MTLGFE party is no one had to be approved or denied with now proven unnecessary control. If you are good to the ladies, you're fuss...JUST WELCOME! :nod: :thumb:

BTW: here comes "you don't know what you are talking about".




Sep 19, 2005
So pathetic, phrancophobe et raciste par dessus le marché. I have absolutely no empathy for you EB, and you must already kbnow that. You are just a little epsilon when it comes to the Montreal Hobbying Scene. You are a wanna be, a please adopt me. But at the end of the day, you are just nothing. We are so used to this "This is all bullshit", and "This is makes no sense" arguments. I pity the juries who swallow your fallacies, day in and day out. Spare us your bullshit EB


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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So pathetic, phrancophobe et raciste par dessus le marché. I have absolutely no empathy for you EB, and you must already kbnow that. You are just a little epsilon when it comes to the Montreal Hobbying Scene. You are a wanna be, a please adopt me. But at the end of the day, you are just nothing. We are so used to this "This is all bullshit", and "This is makes no sense" arguments. I pity the juries who swallow your fallacies, day in and day out. Spare us your bullshit EB

It's against the rules to post bullshit. Can you please tell us how when a bunch of oeople post in one agency's thread it's "marketing bullshit", and then when the exact same posters post on another agency's thread it is suddenly some turning point for the board ???? It's the same posters basically saying the same things. No difference except in your interpretation that one party is stellar yet the other is marketing bullshit. And every time you are called on posting bullshit which everyone can see is bullshit, you revert to childish attacks.

And by the way maybe you should read the post of Halloween Mike who unlike you was actually at these parties.

The only wannabe here is you, you haven't been at any of these parties and yet you know it all. Give us a break.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009

People still had to be approved by Michael for the MTLGFE party and on the guest list. You where allowed in, thats great for you, you are maybe in better term with this agency than GG? Its not like his party was open to anybody. Its also important to note the room was bigger at the MTL GFE party, more space = more people, obviously.

And finally Michael organized himself the party, where the GG parties are organized mostly outside the agency. In the end yes Mike and James shows up with the girls, but the rest(correct me if im mistaken) is done by Iggy and the people working there.

Its a different setting. I have nothing against you Merlot, well exept your signature that i dislike profoundly, but you know why lol, but i think you need to accept you are not "liked and welcomed" by that particular agency, and therefore why you want to be there in the first place? Even if one agency i don't like would throw a party and invite me for "partiallity" reasons, i wouldn't go because i would not feel welcome at all.


Nov 12, 2007
Of course a smart provider will post carefully to avoid offending clients and damaging her reputation. That's just good business. But that doesn't make us liars or mean that you need to question everything we say. In my case I often follow that old rule: "if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all." Personally I have met some amazing friends through merb, and I really like this community. It would be nice to feel a little more included here. After all, we are all in this business together. :)

As to the first part, as far as I understand the initial complain and to be honest I still am not sure what buddy is on about, he seems to object that an agency might muzzle an escort. sadly not all providers are well... let us use the term business savy as opposed to smart. If I were an agency owner and a girl was to post as Kate@wasisname agency... I'd rather not take the chance.
When Indies blow up and they tend to be the "smarter" and more dedicated ones I wouldn't want a girl linked to my agency blowing up.
When you are dealing with a wide range of people, good business does mean lying. At the very least it can mean telling someone to have a nice day when you really wish they would get run over by a car. I am sure we all have stories of escorts telling us about this weirdo or that weirdo, not all of them do but some do. I am sure most of them would never say anything to that person's face. Aside from being bad business it would also be needlessly cruel. But.... Hey would you mind dressing me up as Shirly Temple and spanking me with a Hockey stick? "why sure sounds fun can mean anything from "sure sounds fun" to "at least I can get paid and not get pawed on or jackhammered"

We don't know.

Also considering this business compared to most requries deception via acting ability a wise hobbiest should be very careful regarding assuming truthfullness of many statements made... unless he wants to go broke because a certain girl loves him. Not all will take advantage but there are enough stories of woe out there. If you say that you think it is a good thing Japan is raising it's Sales Tax, I don't think anyone will disbeave you. If you say that you love to have sex with some guy who is 500 pounds and has lots of loose skin because he used to be 800.... it might be true, it would be very hurtful to say otherwise but sone would be wise to question that.

That being said your comment regarding meeting amazing friends and really likeing this community... for some reason I am inclined to believe them. They pass the so called stink test. I don't really know why because I don't know you but it seems legit. However if someone didn't believe it I could not blame them.

Also on a very vaguely related note. It is a real skill to post often and make it come across as you are part of a comunity as opposed to posting often and coming across as someone who is just trying to drum up business and getting around the ad posting limit. I can't name anyone on Merb who does it but there are some providers on terb whose vast posting comes across as legitimate and some who come across as fake and more like drumming up business. Even worse perception and reality can be two different things. A self shiller can have the skills to hide it and an honest partitipant can come across like she is selling.
However we live in a world were every celeb is told to set up and start posting from a twitter account. The hottest chick in the world keeps asking questions of fans on facebook except she had admitted she doesn't actualy read comments and there are signs that her site, her partner's site and their band site are all run by a third party for marketing purposes. Sadly you see fans just jump at the bait. Odd thing, I do believe she is a really sweet person but business is business.

There is a lot of bovine fecal matter in business.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
The hottest chick in the world keeps asking questions of fans on facebook except she had admitted she doesn't actualy read comments and there are signs that her site, her partner's site and their band site are all run by a third party for marketing purposes. Sadly you see fans just jump at the bait. Odd thing, I do believe she is a really sweet person but business is business.

Curious on who would that be actually..

Of course this business is deceptive, its the whole point of it. To be a good provider usually one has to be a good actress... I do think some "enjoy" it to a degree, as its a thrill to meet new persons and such, but they of course may not enjoy every meetings.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Its also important to note the room was bigger at the MTL GFE party, more space = more people, obviously.

Honestly, I'm stunned. The MTLGFE room was a very nice size and the decorations were great. But I've heard such grand and glorious hyperbole about the G4U parties one would think they were renting a palace. Seriously, they reported 90 guests and 40 ladies once, how could the room have been smaller? Exaggeration in reports maybe. :D are maybe in better term with this agency than GG?

The truth would surprise you on this. The little group believes they know. They don't. Sure I know I've annoyed the agency a lot, still there's nothing against Mike or James. But this is not all of the situation.

People still had to be approved by Michael for the MTLGFE party and on the guest list.

Ansolutely, but there wasn't any baggage considered. You're good to the ladies you're in. NO BAGGAGE.

...why you want to be there in the first place?

:lol: I don't. It's hard to believe after all this time anyone can think this. Obviously anyone would know the criticism I have written would not make me welcome. Clearly then, I have not been interested for myself, and now that I wrote you why you can see how silly the notion is. My issue has been that if you are good to the ladies you should be able to go. Nothing else. MTLGFE said let's just have fun, no board squabbles involved. That's the difference. If it was really about safety or something sensible there wouldn't be anything to it.

Fortunately, I'm sure every other agency will base parties on having fun only. No Baggage, just have fun.




Nov 12, 2007
Curious on who would that be actually..

Of course this business is deceptive, its the whole point of it. To be a good provider usually one has to be a good actress... I do think some "enjoy" it to a degree, as its a thrill to meet new persons and such, but they of course may not enjoy every meetings.

Most jobs have their good and bad elements. I am sure the doctor while he is shoving his fingers in my ass isn't exactly looking back on his 6+ years of med school and internships and thinking Oh yeah, time well spent. Bringing up doctors. From what I've read medical staff in general can be pretty brutal in how they talk about some of their patients at least behind their backs. However if their name is linked to it they would never admit it in public. One doctor wrote a book on it because he thinks it is a serious issue that can impact medical care.
I don't think it is wrong for me to expect as much from sex workers as I accept from doctors.


Nov 12, 2007
A finger in ...? Loll ,sorry ,could not resist...

Prostate infection... the bugger never even bought me dinner or whispered sweet nothing in my ear.

It wasn't that bad actually. A bit awkward but people seem to make a big deal out of it. It isn't like a colonscopy which I've never had but sounds pretty intense.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
Well, I guess the case for more female participation is still fairly open. When I split a week ago to avoid the boards for a while, I thought it was a done deal in the other direction, but it seems like some women really do want to participate.

Ladies, the only way this will change is if you participate more. That's it. You've got to participate more. It's only an old boy's network because you don't post. Post more! I would love to hear what you have to say and to learn more about life from your perspective. Thank you for sharing with us! Feel free to introduce new topics as well!


Nov 12, 2007
Ladies, the only way this will change is if you participate more. That's it. You've got to participate more. It's only an old boy's network because you don't post. Post more! I would love to hear what you have to say and to learn more about life from your perspective. Thank you for sharing with us! Feel free to introduce new topics as well!

So you have gone from complaining about some mythical rule or force that prevented them from posting to trying to push them to post more.

OK sure.

The boards will always be male dominated because there are a lot more clients than there are escorts. Otherwise there is no way they could make a living. That is why it will always be an old boys network. If you really want that to change, convince women to pay for sex.

However as you ordered them to post and let them know that in your royal view they should feel free to post I am sure we will see a flood of posting as they enjoy the new freedoms you gave them that they never had before.



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

So you have gone from complaining about some mythical rule or force that prevented them from posting to trying to push them to post more.

OK sure.

Wasisname. Whatever the situation is about "mythical rules" or "force" regarding posting by escorts or other women there's a big difference between a lack of rules against doing something and being welcome. Just look at the complaints by Black clients. No one would dare make official agency rules against seeing Black clients but we know all too well that many times they are not welcome. That's why those threads exist. On this subject the ladies who do post have said that sometimes they don't feel welcome, so regardless of the freedom to do so they have said they still feel some of the anti-women old boy attitude against them goes on regardless of the veneer of acceptance for women. Given that there is an issue.

Look at your own posts. You're taking a strong position against someone who is only trying to make the ladies that do post feel more comfortable about posting and hopefully encourage others to post. Could you explain where the harm is ain that message??? Even if what you say about this thread being unnecessary is true...WHY be so persistently against what isn't much more than a welcome notice for the women. Why so many posts against something that is essentially a reminder of equal access and rights? Your posts are in effect conversely making the case that this thread is necessary when you seem to resent the effort to encourage women to post more.

The boards will always be male dominated because there are a lot more clients than there are escorts. Otherwise there is no way they could make a living. That is why it will always be an old boys network.

True, so why fight so hard against a message that more women are welcome to post. If I was a woman reading your points I'd say they are not welcome. Do you understand that the term "old boys network" has multiple meanings. One is about supporting each other, the other is about banning those who are not part of it. Again just being persistent against the existence of this thread is confusing. It's adding more negative implications to the more simple statements of the obvious.

However as you ordered them to post and let them know that in your royal view they should feel free to post I am sure we will see a flood of posting as they enjoy the new freedoms you gave them that they never had before.


"Ordered them to post"..."royal view"..."enjoy the new freedoms you gave them that they never had before"??? Your persistence at battling gurge, your distortion of how he has approached putting out his points, and your sarcasm for what he is trying to do makes your position seem hostile to his overall point that ladies are welcome. Since as you point out clients posts will inevitably out number those by escorts what is the point of using such hostile terms if the thread is unnecessary. The tone of your efforts have made this thread seem more necessary, not less. You're legitimizing it by seeming so hostile to it.




Nov 12, 2007

I am not the only one who thinks he is trolling.
He gets on my nerves.
His story seems to change on a regular basis and his complaints, at least some of them have no actual basis in reality.
Also the White Knightism comes through loud and clear. Encourage women to post, sure but when I see someone groveling though the mud to get them to do so I lose all respect. I guess I value gender equality and self respect too much.
However if you wish to take any of that as being hostile to women posting... well that is something for you to work on not me. If anyone male or female is so fragile that they can be scared off by what I said to another bro than I suggest they should just stay off the internet and for that matter not leave the house. I for one think women are actually capible of thought and have been known to have a pair of overies. I think your taking a low tolerance for bullshit the way you have says a lot more about you than me and not in a good way.
But hey, if you want to encourage women to post by deminishing them as equal human beings and demanding extra delicate treatment of anything that might remotely involve them, be my guest.
There is at least one hot woman who would take my side on this.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
I'm perfectly willing to let this thread die. I will just point out before I go that nobody who has accused me of being a white knight or a troll has bothered to contact me via PM. So, that's it for me, I think...

<<Why do you expect us to contact you? This is a bullshit non-issue!>>
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