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Unlimited Posting for Escorts?


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
I don't think that Unlimited advertising would be beneficial. However I think that Paid Members should be allowed one Advert a day, and that Hobbyist should be allowed to comment on the Advert and rate Services, If all SP's Escort Services, and MP's paid a Monthly fee and Hobbyist paid to join. ( A nominal fee to cover the expenses of collecting ) It would become a " Members only Club " and would in that way be like any other club and interactions between club members be totally legal.


Jun 13, 2006
Given the new laws, giving a girl unlimited posting with no banner ads or advertising section may be the way to go..just thinking out of the box. So escorts are paying only membership fees, and not for advertising= legal for Merb.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
We know that not writing reviews has been used as a means to manipulate the ladies by using the promise of omission for gaining favors of various kinds. It also empowers a large backdoor exchange of information that cheats members and the purposeMerlot

What is it that you "know"? I personally think you don't know anything. What I know is that I don't often write reviews and it's because I don't feel like it and no other reason. Regarding negative reviews I was referring to those that do not have fair criticism but which have totally unfair criticism like the recent one on Chloe of Girls4u, which was later proven to be bullshit by an independent source. Total bullshit. Not fair criticism. And back channel info doesn't cheat the board because everyone is equally free to get it. Someone cares to send me a PM asking for info they get it. Just because you don't get info via PM does not mean the same situation exists for others who request it. And the thing is Merlot the people who have corresponded with me know that so they look at your post and say WTF is this dude talking about. Which is part of the bigger picture of you continuing a pattern of negative self defeating posts which virtually everyone on the board except you recognize as such.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Someone's party radar must be going off

Best Regards



Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I personally don't think that it's the ideal strategy for a party invite, but what do I know , as I'm trying to be " In the Know "

Best Regards



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It isn't the ideal strategy. And what Merlot conveniently leaves out of his analysis is that girls get creeped out by certain guys being invited to parties. And do you think he knows shit about what feedback Michael got from his girls as to what guys made the girls feel uncomfortable? Of course not. Which is why there is a certain party model to be followed if you actually want to have girls show up at the party which is common sense known to 90% of the population. And that information has not yet even been digested by MTLGFE.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
And the thing is Merlot the people who have corresponded with me know that so they look at your post and say WTF is this dude talking about.


Well, we know you don't like the truth, and people on the board see you extremely well. But I love this..."the people who". Oh boy. :rolleyes:

I have been using PMs forever, as I have explained long ago, to get enhanced information on reviews I've read. Many have been those you say are friends. I've said that's all a proper part of being a member. But hoarding is not.

"It is not so much they are intimidated as turned off by board reviews that make them feel like abject pieces of meat."
You went after all reviews wholesale. I blasted the attack on Chloe as much as anyone. You did not distinguish between lies, slander, or justified criticism just "board reviews". Review your own writing. No one, no decent person would claim what was done to Chloe was right, so inferring that incident is what you meant by saying "board reviews" is a non-starter. You are only trying to justify what YOU do.

Many, many ladies have told me face to face they don't mind reviews as long as the "gory details" are softened or left out. When I ask the ladies or the agencies about reviews the majority want them, especially the agencies. It's fairly rare when they say they don't want a new review, and almost always when they already have a fair number of them. What they care about most is avoiding being pushed into specific expectations, but they do want to be known for providing a good encounter. Failing to write reviews at all is not helpful to them.




May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I don't think reviews have that much to do with the lack of participation by sps on the boards. It is a bit of a boys' club here. Often, the topics are very specific to hobbyists, and when there are topics that concern us providers, sadly we are not always made to feel welcome to post. Members here have said things like all providers are liars, that we can't be believed because everything we say is self-promotion, etc. Of course not everyone is like this, but it's still pretty unpleasant. I know that I am less comfortable participating than I used to be.
Having said that, I am not interested in the board becoming a free for all for the advertisers. In fact there was one advertiser who used to use the lounge as a promotional space regularly, and it was pretty irritating.
Of course, this is just my opinion, I can't speak for any of the other girls.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site

It is that element of misogynist hobbyists and the reviews they write that chill the SP participation.

Is the board a boy's club? To some extent it is, and that may be due to the divergence of male and female interests in general.

I went on record a long time ago as advocating the right of an agency SP to respond in her review thread. The Mods disagreed with me and enacted a rule forbidding it by agency escorts.

To some extent there is a natural discouragement of SP participation on the board apart from negative reviews but this is driven mostly by a segment of the hobbyist population, not all of it.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Just a word about Chloe of GoodGirls since her name was brought up in this thread. She did read the attack on her from a very rude (former?) poster a few weeks ago, and it hurt her, ALOT! She has since become one of the most popular girls not only at the agency she works with but likely one of the most popular ladies on the scene as we speak. I had not seen her "fully booked" at all before this guy ripped harshly into her reputation but since then, she has been fully booked several times. They say there is no such thing as bad publicity and this seems true in her case.

It is probably a good thing she did not respond at the time to the mean spirited review aimed at her. Sometimes less is more. Some people should try that theory more ofton :thumb:

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
However I think that Paid Members should be allowed one Advert a day, and that Hobbyist should be allowed to comment on the Advert and rate Services, If all SP's Escort Services, and MP's paid a Monthly fee and Hobbyist paid to join. ( A nominal fee to cover the expenses of collecting ) It would become a " Members only Club " and would in that way be like any other club and interactions between club members be totally legal.

I think there is a valid reason why advertising section is closed to members... It should remain that way, we have the reviews thread. As for havng members paid, not a good idea... lots of them would not pay and the advertiser would loose a big traffic. Myself included if Merb was gonna go the pay route for johns... would probably just quit. Like the community as a social place but i wouldn't pay for it... and i can always see the advertising directly on the agency website. I could live without reading reviews. I think my contribution is made when i review the girls and participate to the boards life.

Many, many ladies have told me face to face they don't mind reviews as long as the "gory details" are softened or left out. When I ask the ladies or the agencies about reviews the majority want them, especially the agencies. It's fairly rare when they say they don't want a new review

Most girls i know are like that. Girls like reviews, but they don't want to mislead guys that some service are certain to be provided or that the encounter will be exactly like the one from the previous member. But they like a general "good vibe" review if i can say. Many guys will book only girls with many reviews. But its also true some guys like fresh girls in the business... it vary.


Sep 19, 2005
Hi Tiannas,

I don't think reviews have that much to do with the lack of participation by sps on the boards. It is a bit of a boys' club here.

Yes, I hear you. That's the sensation I have been having for a few months now. I had the impression that MERB has been turning into a white boys' club recently. On the other hand, when I read the MTLGFE party thread, I thought to myself that there is still some hope in this board and not everything being posted here is some marketing bullshit for a single agency. Some agency owners know much better how to survive and kill the competition than most of us hobbyists. MTLGFE has organized a stellar GT recently and is planning a new one. Mojo is driving all of us nuts and jealous with their teddy bear. As long as all agencies are allowed to compete and attract our attention, then I have no problem with that. On the contrary, healthy competition has always proved to be beneficial for customers.
[QUOTE**Often, the topics are very specific to hobbyists, and when there are topics that concern us providers, sadly we are not always made to feel welcome to post. [/quote]

Blame BookerL on that :) He is always starting some hobbyist-centric topics. Just teasing BL :), but you see that the ladies over here are asking for topics that appeal more to them and you are the best member over here that knows what an SP wants.

Members here have said things like all providers are liars, that we can't be believed because everything we say is self-promotion, etc. Of course not everyone is like this, but it's still pretty unpleasant. I know that I am less comfortable participating than I used to be.

The guys who tagged all providers as liers were trolls and the Mods have appropriately taken care of them. There was disguised self-promotion on MERB some years ago with SPs replying in their own review threads with such platitudes like "Thank you sweetie", "You made me so wet", just to keep their "positive" review on top. Some rules have been set, mainly by Mod4, in order to avoid abuses, and that was a positive move, IMHO.

Having said that, I am not interested in the board becoming a free for all for the advertisers. In fact there was one advertiser who used to use the lounge as a promotional space regularly, and it was pretty irritating.
Of course, this is just my opinion, I can't speak for any of the other girls.

Some providers, as HM pointed out, are allowed to post here. Personally, I have no problem with that as long as the posts are honest and not disguised promotion.

To sum all this up, I like reading outspoken providers. As a matter of fact, I have a lot of respect for SPs who just speak up their mind and make some valid arguments. I think you are one of those Tianna, even though you are not as agressive. I also respect LilyLove, even if I do not agree with 99.99% of her posts as well as Laila and Mulatta. Some others have retired and cut all links, unfortunately. I have always thought, that the advantage that MERB offers, compared to other classified ads is that it gives us a sense of the personality of the SP through her writings. I like smart SPs.


Nov 12, 2007
Many, many ladies have told me face to face they don't mind reviews as long as the "gory details" are softened or left out.

I prefer to leave details out not so much out of conern for the ladies [not that I am opposed to conern] but that I write reviews of the sort I want to read. I have no intrest in reading page after page of self shilling [OMG I gave her 10 organisms and then begged me to marry her... yeah right] or page after page or erotica which If I wanted I could find. I don't care if you put your left leg there or she placed her right arm there. I care about if she was decent to get along with, at the ads correct, did she try to kill you and in merbland and for more ethnic providers how was the english. Did anything go wrong, was there anything exceptional. I see too many reviews where I just give up on wanting the most basic of information. I might not have a life but even I have better stuff to do.

Members here have said things like all providers are liars, that we can't be believed because everything we say is self-promotion, etc. Of course not everyone is like this, but it's still pretty unpleasant. I know that I am less comfortable participating than I used to be.

I am going to be a genitalia here but do you expect anything else. Do you think any provider would ever say she she found having some 300 pound 45 year old regardless of hygene on top of her to be at all pleasant. Sure odds are some like it, some don't mind it but if one was to read the posting you would think there has never been a one who didn't like it and that is just pushing crediability.
It isn't anything about the character of the providers. Same thing in any customer service industry or politics or whatever. Some lie, some avoid lying by staying silent, a few very flexable souls have no problem with anything but double plus so on a forum there is no way to find out. On terb a former fighter pilot/commerical airline pilot slips up and showed himself to be a fraud. There is the whole fictional wife character/member that Loki created. It is a bit rich to think that in a world where pathetic dudes make up stories to impress a bunch of other strangers they will never meet that someone wouldn't spin to gather or preserve clients. Waitresses pretend you are funny and cool for tips. Polititions spin for votes. For someone to not take everything a provider says on this forum with a serious grain of salt would just be foolish.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to notice that strippers think I am the most awesome wonderful dude and they miss me something terrible... until I am not getting a dance from them or I am done getting a dance from them in which case they couldn't be bothered with me for the rest of the night. Tis the game. Although I think it is normally a dbag phrase in this case I think hate the game not the player is the perfectly cromulent attitude to take here.

It is probably a good thing she did not respond at the time to the mean spirited review aimed at her. Sometimes less is more. Some people should try that theory more ofton :thumb:

I've seen a few threads on terb where I just facepalmed and thought to myself... for your own sake just stop posting. Thing is, if you are at all good at what you do and if you have been doing it for a while some dude will jump up and say WTF are you on about and the other side will come out.

It is hard to remain calm and civil when someone is saying bad things about you and double plus so when those bad things are not true and triple plus so when it can impact your income. This is one reason the big boys have PR hacks to do their thinking for them, why it is said that a lawyer who has himself for a client is a fool or something to that effect.
Many, many ladies have told me face to face they don't mind reviews as long as the "gory details" are softened or left out. When I ask the ladies or the agencies about reviews the majority want them, especially the agencies. It's fairly rare when they say they don't want a new review

Most girls i know are like that. Girls like reviews, but they don't want to mislead guys that some service are certain to be provided or that the encounter will be exactly like the one from the previous member. But they like a general "good vibe" review if i can say. Many guys will book only girls with many reviews. But its also true some guys like fresh girls in the business... it vary.

Speaking for myself only, although I understand the benefits of receiving reviews, for several reasons, I am not a fan of them, at all. I prefer to advertise and "fly under the radar". Again, only speaking for myself, discretion is priceless and to be honest, the best thank you or compliment I can receive from my patrons are repeat visits, not reviews.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I am going to be a genitalia here but do you expect anything else... Do you think any provider would ever say she she found having some 300 pound 45 year old regardless of hygene on top of her to be at all pleasant. Sure odds are some like it, some don't mind it but if one was to read the posting you would think there has never been a one who didn't like it and that is just pushing crediability.
It isn't anything about the character of the providers. no way to find out. For someone to not take everything a provider says on this forum with a serious grain of salt would just be foolish.

Of course a smart provider will post carefully to avoid offending clients and damaging her reputation. That's just good business. But that doesn't make us liars or mean that you need to question everything we say. In my case I often follow that old rule: "if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all." Personally I have met some amazing friends through merb, and I really like this community. It would be nice to feel a little more included here. After all, we are all in this business together. :)


Sep 19, 2005
It's a mix of many reasons in my case.

Of course, I would like to participate more but I feel like;

1- I unfortunately do not have a long time reputation/credibility (like Lily, Tianna etc.) in here and since other providers (new or not) do not participate much... why would I?
2- (As Tianna said) Pretty much everything discussed here is customer's side related

After almost a year reading here and there MERB stuff, yes, I definitely think this forum is mostly a boy's club. I don't mean it in a bad way at all, I just think that explains why female members do not participate much.
Hopefully with time, more providers will start being part of the discussion and this will change.

I think that participation from SPs should be sontaneous and not calculated. Ideally, every girl who feels like reacting to a thread should do so, abiding by the rules, us males, need to respect. Just be yourself, regardless whether you are new or a senior member. It really does not matter, IMHO. When an SP posts here showing the good, the bad and the ugly of herself, then she will very probably pick up my interest and I will love to book her.

The fact that you are the second lady here to feel that MERB is a boy's club is a bad indication. MERB used to be a white knights club like 5 years ago. Many members of the white knights band converted to the boys' club. As far as I know, Tina and Tianna, SPs are allowed to start their own threads here in the lounge. Just go ahead and start your own threads expressing all the concerns you have in mind. Hearing the point of view of smart SPs is always refreshing.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Some guys talk about respect for the ladies and cite all they have done toward that but sometimes it still comes out short of what I would call respect that keeps equality in mind. It's unfortunate that critical concepts are commended while falling short of the ability to apply them. Funny that the other guys who just don't want equality can be more in touch with what they do.

It's a mix of many reasons in my case.

Of course, I would like to participate more but I feel like;

1- I unfortunately do not have a long time reputation/credibility (like Lily, Tianna etc.) in here and since other providers (new or not) do not participate much... why would I?
2- (As Tianna said) Pretty much everything discussed here is customer's side related
3- I might get into some argument (in controversial threads or trolls fights etc.) and I don't think it is worth my time and trouble sometimes because some members really don't know how to discuss/debate in an appropriate way on this online forum (I prefer face to face real discussions than reading anonymus-behind-keyboard-opinions or bullshit)
4- I shouldn't be too much participative/"all over the place" (as I do not want to look like I am over-promoting myself).

"Reputation, credibility"? I mean, how does that mean anyone should back down from using their right to have an opinion? I have seen some senior guys actually tell newbies they should keep quiet and and not challenge those senior members. When I see that I marvel at how some think they are better just because they joined earlier or have more posts. We're all adults here. If it's a matter of hobby experience and being better informed that's one thing. but telling guys or ladies to keep quiet in general...where does one get the balls to tell another adult they can't have their opinion. As I told one newbie recently, everyone has an equal right to express themselves. Don't let anyone get away with saying otherwise. There's a lot of decent people here, but bullies too. They are no better than you or anyone.


1. Ladies and newbies are equal from the day they join.

2. A lot of us are dying to know more about the lady's side. If anyone thinks otherwise...tough shooskums. I welcome anyone's point of view, and I love to know more about what the ladies are thinking. My long connection to an escort began getting to know her this way and making many more private exchanges. But basically I find any well-spoken opinion interesting and I enjoy a challenge to think and broaden my understanding. Women's views are most welcome.

3. Yes we all get carried away emotionally at times, and some only want to enforce their views and knock down those who don't agree with them. A lot of times it may not be worth going on with posting and it can get self-defeating. But don't let anyone intimidate you or make you feel like you are not equal to them.

4. Well, if you have something legitimate to say or just feel you need to give an opinion it's not over-promoting. If it was a lot of guys would be guilty, so why shy from they who are no better.

I definitely think this forum is mostly a boy's club.

Yes, but go ahead and just be who you are. You are an equal here in my view. The ones who don't respect that are the ones losing.



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Speaking for myself only, although I understand the benefits of receiving reviews, for several reasons, I am not a fan of them, at all. I prefer to advertise and "fly under the radar". Again, only speaking for myself, discretion is priceless and to be honest, the best thank you or compliment I can receive from my patrons are repeat visits, not reviews.

I understand this, but the facts are repeated customer will come back because they have been with you. Maybe your pics attracked them, maybe they liked the way your add was written. Maybe they met you at a GT(altough you mention privacy so i guess you don't partook those). Bottom line lots of reasons can bring a new customer, sure, and thats nice if he was so satisfied that he felt to come back. Its no secret repeat customers are the braid and butter of the escort business.

BUT, and this is the big but, usually unless a SP does this as a part time job and is fine having only a few selected customer, she will always try to reach out new clients, reviews do bring new clients often. I can say i met some girls because the reviews just really did it for me. Of course that was pre=party era, and i am not the most prolific hobbyist, but still even my small self found review usefull. The only thing i think that could endanger your privacy in a review is the reveal of some personal tatoos... The rest is mostly about chemistry, sexual performance and the general look(to the client eyes) of the SP.

Personally I have met some amazing friends through merb, and I really like this community. It would be nice to feel a little more included here. After all, we are all in this business together.

When it comes to you Tianna, i really think you are one of the most genuine and real person/sp i had the pleasure to met. You really seem to have a good time at parties, participating with us in different stuff. I really feel you are being yourself and thats great.

I have seen some senior guys actually tell newbies they should keep quiet and and not challenge those senior members.

Well its not about to "to tell them to keep quiet" but to me a veteran has more prestige value than a newbie in term of the hobby. He know more, his reviews have a background of credibility, and just as in any domain, you build yourself a reputation, a credibility with time. I was different when i joined, i learned lots of things during my years here. Think about it like hockey, a rookie can be a great player, but experience and play reading comes with time :)


Jun 13, 2006
Just a word about Chloe of GoodGirls since her name was brought up in this thread. She did read the attack on her from a very rude (former?) poster a few weeks ago, and it hurt her, ALOT! She has since become one of the most popular girls not only at the agency she works with but likely one of the most popular ladies on the scene as we speak. I had not seen her "fully booked" at all before this guy ripped harshly into her reputation but since then, she has been fully booked several times. They say there is no such thing as bad publicity and this seems true in her case.

It is probably a good thing she did not respond at the time to the mean spirited review aimed at her. Sometimes less is more. Some people should try that theory more ofton :thumb:

Great to hear that.. Its usually the popular girls that go Indy, and hopefully she will follow through.
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