Hi Tiannas,
I don't think reviews have that much to do with the lack of participation by sps on the boards. It is a bit of a boys' club here.
Yes, I hear you. That's the sensation I have been having for a few months now. I had the impression that MERB has been turning into a white boys' club recently. On the other hand, when I read the MTLGFE party thread, I thought to myself that there is still some hope in this board and not everything being posted here is some marketing bullshit for a single agency. Some agency owners know much better how to survive and kill the competition than most of us hobbyists. MTLGFE has organized a stellar GT recently and is planning a new one. Mojo is driving all of us nuts and jealous with their teddy bear. As long as all agencies are allowed to compete and attract our attention, then I have no problem with that. On the contrary, healthy competition has always proved to be beneficial for customers.
[QUOTE**Often, the topics are very specific to hobbyists, and when there are topics that concern us providers, sadly we are not always made to feel welcome to post. [/quote]
Blame BookerL on that

He is always starting some hobbyist-centric topics. Just teasing BL

, but you see that the ladies over here are asking for topics that appeal more to them and you are the best member over here that knows what an SP wants.
Members here have said things like all providers are liars, that we can't be believed because everything we say is self-promotion, etc. Of course not everyone is like this, but it's still pretty unpleasant. I know that I am less comfortable participating than I used to be.
The guys who tagged all providers as liers were trolls and the Mods have appropriately taken care of them. There was disguised self-promotion on MERB some years ago with SPs replying in their own review threads with such platitudes like "Thank you sweetie", "You made me so wet", just to keep their "positive" review on top. Some rules have been set, mainly by Mod4, in order to avoid abuses, and that was a positive move, IMHO.
Having said that, I am not interested in the board becoming a free for all for the advertisers. In fact there was one advertiser who used to use the lounge as a promotional space regularly, and it was pretty irritating.
Of course, this is just my opinion, I can't speak for any of the other girls.
Some providers, as HM pointed out, are allowed to post here. Personally, I have no problem with that as long as the posts are honest and not disguised promotion.
To sum all this up, I like reading outspoken providers. As a matter of fact, I have a lot of respect for SPs who just speak up their mind and make some valid arguments. I think you are one of those Tianna, even though you are not as agressive. I also respect LilyLove, even if I do not agree with 99.99% of her posts as well as Laila and Mulatta. Some others have retired and cut all links, unfortunately. I have always thought, that the advantage that MERB offers, compared to other classified ads is that it gives us a sense of the personality of the SP through her writings. I like smart SPs.