Montreal Escorts

Unlimited Posting for Escorts?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I think a lot of girls are suppressed by their agencies & told not to post on the board.

Probably true, but what are we supposed to do about that? Agencies are private companies. Neither we as their clients, nor MERB administration should be telling them how to run their businesses. There are plenty of businesses that mandate that their employees not post on Facebook, or else watch what they post and reprimand them accordingly. How is this any different? It's like starting a thread about the weather. There is nothing we can do about it. This thread is also similar to the thread started by a black hobbyist and directed at black hobbyists, suggesting that they behave better. Most of us are white hobbyists and we are in no position to change attitudes towards black customers with our own behaviors. Even the black guys who read that thread and actually try to be on their best behavior are not going to change attitudes and get someone to change an SP's policy. Nothing posted in either of these threads is going to change a single thing, so as with blimps, they are just a waste of hot air. And if you post a thread about the weather, it isn't going to change the weather either.


Sep 4, 2006
I pay for TER and C69, and they are very different from MERB. If there is no new reviews that interest me, I will leave those sites and not come back for weeks. MERB is different. Its not just about the reviews, every time I come to Montreal I spend the preceding month coming here to also get a sense of what is going on in the city, from the perspective of the hobbyist. When I arrive in Montreal I don't feel like I am somewhere that is strange to me, and that is in large part to information I get here. Its ok to be different.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
Maybe you're right, EB. My next post, I'll be bitching about the force of gravity.

But I wish the ladies would post more. That was ultimately what I was driving at. Even agency girls! Have some balls (in the figurative sense)! We'd love to hear from you!

And I guess that's all I have to say on the subject...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I pay for TER and C69, and they are very different from MERB. If there is no new reviews that interest me, I will leave those sites and not come back for weeks. MERB is different. Its not just about the reviews, every time I come to Montreal I spend the preceding month coming here to also get a sense of what is going on in the city, from the perspective of the hobbyist. When I arrive in Montreal I don't feel like I am somewhere that is strange to me, and that is in large part to information I get here. Its ok to be different.

You are not different, rollingstone, although you are right that TER is. I use TER and MERB in exactly the same manner as you and probably so do most other hobbyists. The TER comparison was totally inappropriate, from the very start. TER is a pay site with a review database. I check new reviews every week or so, and could give a rat's ass about anything else on that site. I check new reviews on two cities, NYC and Montreal, and I am out. MERB provides info on hotels, restaurants, parking, parties, other events, border and LE issues, and other stuff PLUS reviews. I actually rely more on TER for Montreal reviews and on MERB for everything else. There are certain reviews on MERB by certain reviewers that I deem worthless and do not even read them. TER is helpful in that it has a reviewer posting history that is more user friendly. And that is because the database that you are linked to in that function is exclusively reviews.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
You are not different, rollingstone, although you are right that TER is. I use TER and MERB in exactly the same manner as you and probably so do most other hobbyists. The TER comparison was totally inappropriate, from the very start. TER is a pay site with a review database. I check new reviews every week or so, and could give a rat's ass about anything else on that site. I check new reviews on two cities, NYC and Montreal, and I am out. MERB provides info on hotels, restaurants, parking, parties, and other stuff PLUS reviews. I actually rely more on TER for Montreal reviews and on MERB for everything else. There are certain reviews on MERB by certain reviewers that I deem worthless and do not even read them. TER is helpful in that it has a reviewer posting history that is more user friendly. And that is because the database that you are linked to in that function is exclusively reviews.

All right, I'll come back into the discussion. I was perfectly willing to leave it alone, but... TER and Merb are very different. In a lot of ways, I wish that TER in NY was more like Merb. I wish that there was something more like Merb in the US -- and if there are any bright people running the boards, and I know there are (a bit of ass-kissing?), maybe you will consider this... I go to TER for the reviews like everyone else, but I'm happy that a lot of the posts are from escorts. Now, the TER board is also more dead than I would like it to be, but that's a different argument for a different place...

Lily from Montreal

Couldn't resist...some sp can even take you up literally gurghe: I saw a tranny in the Indycompanions team loll,sorry,you can get back to your argument...


Nov 12, 2007
I don't know, wasisname. From the standpoint of pure logic, I will point out that you spent 75% of your time in this post defending the suppression of women's opinions & 25% saying that that suppression didn't exist. I'm not suggesting a difference from the agency and the board. They're one and the same to me. I think what you're saying is that suppression exists, but it exists through the individual agencies, no?

I don't even see this as controversial. I don't understand why so many people are having a hard time with it. I'm not afraid of what a woman would say about me on the board. I don't exactly have a thin skin.

I did no such thing. I said the board itself isn't supressing anything which is true. It is simply a fact.
I did admit that agencies might be supressing and think it is not a bad thing. How you went from that to supression of women's opinions I haven't a clue because I pointed out it is perfectly cromulent for any employer to be concerned with what their employees are saying especially in an industry forum. That holds true even if it is a gay agency or company with 5 male engeneers on an eng board.

Case in point. There was an indy who recently had a meltdown because she confused disagreement with attacks. She also started getting personal with expressing exactly what she thought about the less socially adept clients on merbland in a manner which would be completely unacceptable if applied to say the physically crippled. Then she took her toys and stormed off saying she would never want to see any of us again. If she has an agency boss to either stop her from blowing up like that or sitting her down and explaining to her certain things, things would have turned out different. There isn't a single employer in the world who would be happy in any industry being linked to such a person on an industry forum. There are escorts who have made utter fools of themselves on terb, others who show themselves to be drunken lushes and personal messes and wouldn't shut up about it. I am sure they would have been better off either someone saying no board for you or at least someone who could restrain them. Sadly they were all indies. Some handle it well, others don't. When you speak with someone elses name then what you say must be restrained. BTW on terb there is Kathleen who works for a massage parlour and seems to be free to conduct herself on the board. She does it quite well from what I've seen and seems to be universally liked. So again it isn't the board and it isn't every agency. There have been others also.

The board and the agency are not one in the same. You may think they are but they are different entitites run by different people. I can insist that my dead mother is a tractor but that does not make it so.

As for your last point. People have a problem with it because you are just plain wrong or you are taking issue with something that is perfectly reasonable and completely beyond the control of us clients and the board admin. As for your last line. If you expect any escort with half a sence of business self preservation to say anything bad about a client you are not living on the same planet as the rest of us. It doesn't work that way in any business. There is no way in hell the guy who sold me my Honda will go on record saying anything bad about me. That is just the way the world works. If that is your test for freedom of speech it isn't a very valid one.

You seem to have an extreme need for white knighting and abolutely no self respect if you expect people you do business with to bad mouth you on a public fourm unless you happen to be truely evil.

I think I'm done! Ugh...

No you arn't.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
No you arn't.

You're right. I'm not.

You're suggesting that any woman who comments on the board will only comment negatively on their recent clients. Why would you instantly assume this? Maybe we can assume that the women who work in Montreal as escorts are normal human beings with normal concerns. Did that ever enter your mind? I don't think treating human beings as human beings is white knighting. Which leads me to...

"You seem to have an extreme need for white knighting and abolutely no self respect if you expect people you do business with to bad mouth you on a public fourm unless you happen to be truely evil."

Huh? What are you talking about?


Jul 28, 2011
Alright guys, I feel like an idiot for it taking me 5 pages to realize this, but this now obviously a troll... well done sir, well done...


Nov 12, 2007
You're right. I'm not.

You're suggesting that any woman who comments on the board will only comment negatively on their recent clients. Why would you instantly assume this? Maybe we can assume that the women who work in Montreal as escorts are normal human beings with normal concerns. Did that ever enter your mind? I don't think treating human beings as human beings is white knighting. Which leads me to...

"You seem to have an extreme need for white knighting and abolutely no self respect if you expect people you do business with to bad mouth you on a public fourm unless you happen to be truely evil."

Huh? What are you talking about?

I never said the part I underlined. I never even implied it. In fact I pointed out a counter example.

As for your other part.
I don't even see this as controversial. I don't understand why so many people are having a hard time with it. I'm not afraid of what a woman would say about me on the board. I don't exactly have a thin skin."

This is just bizare.
First you rush to the defense of poor defenceless women who probably don't have much of a problem over an issue that would apply to either gender in either issue. Then you seem to think that if only they would be released they would say bad things about you. Do you think anyone who is in the business of dealing with the public would ever do that unless they are nuts or part of a public sector union?
Unless you go about beating and robbing them or the girl is very mentally unstable it just won't happen. Your doctor won't do it, your lawyer won't do it, the person who made your sub or prepared your coffee won't do it....
Indies who don't have an boss to worry about it why would you think agency girls are just dreaming of the day some strapping young lad comes to their defense and gets the agencies off their back so they can insult you. What is wrong with you.

But hey keep lanuching yourself at those windmills over problems that don't exist because I guess in your mind a woman could never expect to be able to speak for herself.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
I never said the part I underlined. I never even implied it. In fact I pointed out a counter example.

As for your other part.
I don't even see this as controversial. I don't understand why so many people are having a hard time with it. I'm not afraid of what a woman would say about me on the board. I don't exactly have a thin skin."

This is just bizare.
First you rush to the defense of poor defenceless women who probably don't have much of a problem over an issue that would apply to either gender in either issue. Then you seem to think that if only they would be released they would say bad things about you. Do you think anyone who is in the business of dealing with the public would ever do that unless they are nuts or part of a public sector union?
Unless you go about beating and robbing them or the girl is very mentally unstable it just won't happen. Your doctor won't do it, your lawyer won't do it, the person who made your sub or prepared your coffee won't do it....
Indies who don't have an boss to worry about it why would you think agency girls are just dreaming of the day some strapping young lad comes to their defense and gets the agencies off their back so they can insult you. What is wrong with you.

But hey keep lanuching yourself at those windmills over problems that don't exist because I guess in your mind a woman could never expect to be able to speak for herself.

Your posts don't make any sense. If you're a native French speaker, please just post in French & I will have your posts translated. If you're a native English speaker, I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
First you rush to the defense of poor defenceless women who probably don't have much of a problem over an issue that would apply to either gender in either issue. Then you seem to think that if only they would be released they would say bad things about you.

?? What? Have I entered cloud cuckoo land? What are you talking about?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I want to share an experience i had with a provider years ago. Take it as it is. She was my ... hum 7th ot 8th provider total... not sure, but it was during my second year and it was a WOP girl.

She arrived on time, booking with Val was great, she was even a plan B because plan A cancelled. At the time i was at a small hotel on st-hubert and the reason was she was not confortable with the location. It was my last meeting in that place because of that. But anyway the girl arrive, she is GND type, as in "cute" but not "hot" , anyway not the point. I am happy to not loose the hotel but i was expecting her to be "hotter" but i rolled with it. Overall she gave me a good service, but she didn't do CIM. She was handjobbing me and i wanted her to put it back in her mouth but she looked at me waiving nono and stroke me faster, i eventually came without really wanting to.

Actually this remind me now that Carmen was actually the second girl handjobbing me to completion, i didn't tough back about that meeting when i did my review, lol, just want to say it so you guys don't think im telling bullshit lol. Difference is with Carmen it was intended and years later.

So that girl back 4 years ago or so, Lindsay was her name, but not the famous one that was also at MTL Sex City, another one. She handjob me and i kind of cum in a mood of being like "wtf... i wanted to cim" because i had always girls with WOP that did CIM and never had any problem with that. Just saying in the blowjob "i want to cum in your mouth" and it was never a problem. So basically this gave me a little sour taste. We actually tried full sex after that since there was plenty of time left and i couldn't even get hard again.

When i did my review, i mentioned that little side problem, but did an overall positve review. But then eventually i received a message from the girl directly, not the agency. She was extremely mean, critisizing me on my look, and so on. To be in context on top of that back then i was training and in the best shape i ever was. So i took it hard and we almost had a "word war" in PM. She didn't say it publically at least, but it still hurted me when she did and i was also mean to her because i felt attacked.

Anyway that was a long time ago and since that i saw many many more girls, did CIM with many more, lol, but this is to show that if escorts where allowed to reply in the review threads, this could lead to situation like those and lets face it, most of us hobbyist have reasons to do what we do. Some of us are not confortable with our looks, our age, our social skills, there can be a lot of factors why we see escorts. And despite seeing a couple handsome dudes at parties, the majority crowd i can understand why they see escorts(including myself in this). Despite what some of us like to think, when girls compliment us and so on, well the veterans among us knows lots of the time its an act, there goal is to fidelize the client and have him want to see her again. They are paid to make us feel special. But we don't want to hear what they really think about us... cause no matter how gentlemen we may try to be, how easy we can try to make there job, in the end, we are still dudes paying for sex for various reasons.

So this being said, i feel it would be wrong for the providers to answer personally in the review threads and give personal opinions on member, it would literally cut even more the % of reviewer, nobody would like to point out the negative anymore. That the agency can answer a personal attack or such, yes, i understand, but more would really hurt the board. On the other hand, participating in the lounge can be just benefict for all of us.

But as some pointed out, some agency girls have participated before and some still do. But the reality is most girls, and i say most, there is exeptions, working in agency are more the type of "i am in the agency to do my job, not more" They don't want to be bothered outsde the job, they arrive, go where the booker tell them, do the best they can, leave out from home, they don't answer phone/text/mails, they want nothing to do with a board like this. The agency is her publicity window.

On the other hand an indy got a much much more personal touch with the client, they interact with her, and from very reliable sources i can confirm some clients are EXTREMELY picky when choosing to see an indy. They ask so many questions, so many details, they keep in touch numerous days before the appointement. Its a lot of work actually for the indies... but its part of there ways of working. They are alone, they must market themselves, there is not an agency working for them and pushing her to clients or anything. So that is why some decide to interact in the forums more than others.

Not saying some like Lily don't do it just for the fun of dong it either, but some of the girls knows its a good way to stay in attention to the merb community, wich consist of a good % of the clients.


Sep 19, 2005
Too much ado for nothing. This thread would very probably qualify as the most absurd thread of 2014. Bringing up a situation that does not even exist. Alas, many senior members jumped into this dance without even giving it a second thought. You are so unbelievable gents and ladies over here.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
Too much ado for nothing. This thread would very probably qualify as the most absurd thread of 2014. Bringing up a situation that does not even exist. Alas, many senior members jumped into this dance without even giving it a second thought. You are so unbelievable gents and ladies over here.

You might find this ironic, but I agree that this thread is absurd. If none of the girls participate, it won't mean anything. I can't force them to be more active. Yes, the situation doesn't exist and that's the problem that I was pointing out. A lot of people have mentioned (on the board or through PM) that girls posting would probably descend into chaos. I don't know about that. Maybe SOMETIMES it will descend into chaos & then the Mods will have to take action, but most of the time it will be just regular people shooting the shit. Where's the harm? I'm not afraid of you ladies!! I don't know why so many other people seem to be.

Now, here's what I think my thread will accomplish: nothing. C'est la vie!


Sep 19, 2005
You might find this ironic, but I agree that this thread is absurd. If none of the girls participate, it won't mean anything. I can't force them to be more active. Yes, the situation doesn't exist and that's the problem that I was pointing out. A lot of people have mentioned (on the board or through PM) that girls posting would probably descend into chaos. I don't know about that. Maybe SOMETIMES it will descend into chaos & then the Mods will have to take action, but most of the time it will be just regular people shooting the shit. Where's the harm? I'm not afraid of you ladies!! I don't know why so many other people seem to be.

Now, here's what I think my thread will accomplish: nothing. C'est la vie!

Hello Dante,

I don't want to descend into this chaos with you. However, I think that the ladies are not so much inspired by our discussions. Others have tasted the venom of the board police in the past and abstained from contributing. Half of the SPs I know think that merbites are assholes, the other half thinks that they are "des caves". That's the feedback I have been getting on this "community" so far. The sad truth.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello Dante,
Others have tasted the venom of the board police in the past and abstained from contributing. Half of the SPs I know think that merbites are assholes, the other half thinks that they are "des caves". That's the feedback I have been getting on this "community" so far. The sad truth.
Salut Horny
J'aime ton franc parler .
Pas plus tard que l'année passer j'avais 6 filles a bord d'une Van a les déposer et reprendre le call terminer ,des confessions d;escortes j'en ai eue !EuH je sais plus combien .
Des fois il y a de l'excitation il s'agit que tu en vois suffisamment ,en 20 ans j'en ai vus et entendu .

Salutations Distinguée


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Half of the SPs I know think that merbites are assholes, the other half thinks that they are "des caves". That's the feedback I have been getting on this "community" so far. The sad truth.

Ces sur que le feeling de discuter de ces choses ouvertement et de rater nos experience comme si nous rations un produit, ces normal que sa peut ofenser certaine SP. Des hommes adultes, pour la plupart dans la 40taine ou plus, qui parle de leur "conquetes" ou comment une etait plus hot que l'autre, oui effectivement sa semble silly et ridicule par bout. Moi le premier, je repond souvent a des threads puis apres je me rend compte que je dois avoir l'air epais a dire sa...

Mais faut pas oublier une chose. Merb est une excellente source de publicité pour les SPs. Premierement sans MERB, on verrais beaucoup moin de bookings. Suffit de voir les views dans les threads des advertisers, on parle de plus de 1000 par jours pour certaine agences.

Ensuite les reviews, bien que nous soyons pas tant que sa a reviewer et a etre actif, combien de lurker lisent nos reviews et sont inspirer a voir une fille par la review que j'ai faite, que Delta a faite, que Reverdy a faite etc...

Je sais encore une fois de source sur que certaine agences, que se sois la SP elle meme ou le boss, sont plus soucieux d'offrir un bon service quand le gars est un merb actif de merb.

Donc bref de "chier" sur merb est peut-etre un peu hypocrite quand on y pense... sachant a quel point merb peut amener du business, grace a ses membres "assholes ou caves". Je pense que les membres (actifs) de merb en general sont quand meme de bon clients et traite bien les filles... contrairement a d'autres. Et les reviews negatives on en vois pus des masse depuis des années... Les membres essaye souvent de sortir le plus de positif en general de leur encounter.

Bon ces sur apres que certain gars comme un recament bannis(ou suspendu) qui sorte une review degeulasse, ces pas pour nous aider, mais ces un parmis tant...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

And I do by not posting negative reviews which are part of the reason why they might I be "intimidated" from posting. Not sure what else you are suggesting as I have consistently championed SP rights on this board for a long time. I have directly heard from agency SPs their feelings on the subject. It is not so much they are intimidated as turned off by board reviews that make them feel like abject pieces of meat. The agency SPs tend to be younger women. The indies who post regularly are more mature and self confident, and generally have thicker skins because of their experience.

The same people who champion negative reviews can be looked to as the reason for low or non participation. Having their cake and eating it too ain't going to happen.

So we shouldn't criticize to spare their feelings. Theoretically that would give them a guaranteed pass to get away with anything.

“Abject pieces of meat”. A lot of people, 10s of millions, have the opinion that hobbyists are treating women like abject pieces of meat by paying for sex. The great majority of those would be women. Are you going to stop because of their feelings?

Your view, would have the effect of removing all justified criticism for poor service, making SPs and agencies completely unaccountable. In effect, flaws would be covered up, quality of service would drop because there wouldn't be any means of correction, and clients would have no means of determining which SP was worth paying for. All reviews would be de facto vanilla episodes of admiration, with the risk of empowering poor and bad SPs as well as shills. Lack of accountability would also encourage rates to rise since every agency and lady could say, hey, we're all more.

This label of the “negative review” is also a misnomer. A review that cites under performance or failure to perform should never be branded as negative, which only means “Bad”. These reviews provide facts that inform. That information is not bad when it's truthful and exposes lapses of service and deceptive promises. Justified criticisms protect clients from wasting their money and their time and opportunities.

As for reviews, underhanded people have used reviews for devious purposes, but holding back reviews can be used exactly for the same devious purposes. The difference is the shady ones who write often get caught, the shady ones who use hidden coercion by holding back reviews for leverage are very hard to identify and catch. We know that not writing reviews has been used as a means to manipulate the ladies by using the promise of omission for gaining favors of various kinds. It also empowers a large backdoor exchange of information that cheats members and the purpose of the board.

Leaving out fair criticisms is against the interests of WE the clients.

This is exactly why TBD went down the toilet. It became a board of SP self posting and guess what, the hobbyists all gave up and went elswhere. TBD was all that there was in Montreal before MERB. MERB has not followed them down the toilet in part due to regulating the SP posting in a reasonable fashion.

You care about their feelings, you just don't want them "self-posting". I wonder ho they FEEL about that. :rolleyes:


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