Montreal Escorts

Unlimited Posting for Escorts?


Sep 19, 2005
Seriously, I don't understant why are you so upset. From what I see SPs are participating to the threads in the lounge. I did not intend to be mean when I said that I fail to see the point of this thread. That's my opinion and it does not nned to be true. Take it easy man :) I am off of my computer before making more friends tonight!


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
I did say at some point that if the ladies don't participate, this thread is pointless. Sorry HornyForEver. I think the thrust of my previous post was aimed at somebody else ;) Thanks, buddy!


Nov 12, 2007
I'm perfectly willing to let this thread die. I will just point out before I go that nobody who has accused me of being a white knight or a troll has bothered to contact me via PM. So, that's it for me, I think...

<<Why do you expect us to contact you? Who the fuck do you think you are? This is a bullshit non-issue!>>

Fuck off. :smile: How's that for a final word?

Classic example. What does any of us [aka me] PMing or not PMing you have to do with anything. Why would I PM you. I am sure glad you didn't bother to PM me, I don't need a derpy PM from anyone. I've been on forums for decades and that is just plain weird. I am thinking Troll.

Thread summary. Underlined is Gurgehs part. And people wonder why I am a little rough on him.

So lets see, Women should be allowed to post on the board. Err they are except in a few very legit ways
I mean agencies should let them post. Errr we don't know that they don't and even if they did, it is a perfectly cromulent business practice
I mean women should post more, this board has too much cock. Hmm, the hobby is dominated by cock, you will find the same thing on boards dedicated to military and roleplaying themes. They don't need your permission.
I mean Y U no PM me,

I did say at some point that if the ladies don't participate, this thread is pointless. Sorry HornyForEver. I think the thrust of my previous post was aimed at somebody else ;) Thanks, buddy!

Interesting because non-issue is a term HornyForEver used not me, at least recently. Interesting that you would use that quote from him when aiming the post at me.

As Kevin Smith would say. Clown Shoes.
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

I am thinking Troll.

So lets see, Women should be allowed to post on the board. Err they are except in a few very legit ways
I mean agencies should let them post. Errr we don't know that they don't and even if they did, it is a perfectly cromulent business practice

You're saying he's a troll because he suggested something about an exchange of PMs? His goal is to encourage ladies to post and you are against a thread with that message? This personal squabble still comes down to you crusading against a guy whose point is to treat the ladies more respectfully (some don't) so they will feel like posting more. Troll or not, you are giving a lot of resistance to what is as harmless to anyone as a welcome mat at the door, about ladies which as you point has no chance of of being any kind of threat to the male clients because of sheer numbers...AND you think this is all worth your time and how many posts so far???

This has to be one of the silliest battles ever. In simplified form:

Member 1: Hello ladies.

Member 2: Huh?

Member 1: Welcome ladies.

Member 2: What did you say?

Member 1: It's nice to have you here ladies.

Member 2: What the hell do you mean by that?

Member 1: I'm just trying to show we appreciate the ladies.

Member 2: What for? They know they are appreciated.

Member 1: I just thought they should hear it too.

Member 2: Are you trying to start something? Aha, you're a troll.

Member 1: So it's wrong to show some interest in having them around?

Member 2: You've got a real problem don't you.

Member 1: What's your issue again?

Member 2: Wow, I can see this is hopeless. Just go away.

Next week: Subject - Baby kittens are so cute. The right and wrong of saying so. ;)

OMG puuuullleeeeaaassseee,


Lily from Montreal

Thanks Merlot,I needed a laugh this morning...which is by the way the purpose of Merb...not daily source of drama,for that I just watch the news,but entertainment ,the sillier the better...


Nov 12, 2007

You're saying he's a troll because his point is to encourage ladies to post and you are against that?t

I never said that. Never implied that. That this is your takeaway message says a lot more about you than me.

But hey if you want to play the game of "lets make up shit about each other" I'm down.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

I never said that. Never implied that. That this is your takeaway message says a lot more about you than me.

But hey if you want to play the game of "lets make up shit about each other" I'm down.

Okay sorry, if it's untrue then that's it. But it's not illogical. His goal is to have more ladies post. Your basic point is that goal is unnecessary and useless, and you added the label "troll" because of a PM suggestion? It's still all part of the same objection to everything he's said. What I said was a near miss at worst given what both are saying to each other. Really, has this been worth all the pursuit you put into it? I don't see how he has done any harm, while you imply that and you have been upset enough to go after this several times with a label or two. I read the two sides and I can understand both. But I am stunned by the resistance to something so harmless. To explain that perplexing reaction one starts to wonder what's really behind that resistance when it's so strong and frequent because being so dedicated against a harmless thread doesn't make sense to me. He's says please post more ladies, you say a lot about how the thread is just wrong-headed.

Okay, the line you object to is adjusted. But why you have such strong opposition to the subject even being posted remains inexplicable.




New Member
Jan 19, 2014
But hey if you want to play the game of "lets make up shit about each other" I'm down.

It's true that my point was changeable. I was making it up as I went along & was thinking about it. I don't see that there's anything wrong with that, especially since I got a lot of, "You don't know what the hell you're talking about!" responses. It's difficult to make some kind of point when people are just shitting on you.

And, yes, I deflected some of my criticism away from HornyForEver after his last post because I felt bad for saying that to him.


Nov 12, 2007

Okay sorry, if it's untrue then that's it. But it's not illogical. His goal is to have more ladies post. Your basic point is that goal is unnecessary and useless, and you applied the label "troll" to his efforts, and in effect his purpose. What I said was a near miss at worst given what both are saying to each other. Really, has this been worth all the pursuit you put into it? I don't see how he has done any harm, while you imply that and you have been upset enough to go after this several times with a label or two. I read the two sides and I can understand both. But I am stunned by the resistance to something so harmless. To explain that perplexing reaction one starts to wonder what's really behind that resistance when it's so strong and frequent because being so dedicated against a harmless thread doesn't make sense to me. He's says please post more ladies, you say a lot about how the thread is just wrong-headed.

Okay, the line you object to is adjusted. But why you have such strong opposition to the subject even being posted remains inexplicable.



TL:DR version. Because he is utterly wrong and is in effect trying to make us look like little shits. I don't have a strong opposition to the subject or the goal but rather to the series of arguments and the style and implications thereof.

The problem is that he is presenting as if there is some rule or grand conspericy to prevent women from posting. That is both wrong and a bit on the insulting side.
Let Boromir of Gondor explain it.

I don't have a problem with women posting. However I believe the following
1: There are no unfair rules preventing them from doing so
2: If there is agency pressure on them not to post, it is a perfectly cromulent thing. If there is that is. There are other explainations as to why they don't post as much as indies.
3: It is a male dominated board, but when you consider the demographics of the situation it is to be expected. Also add that a provider has to be extra careful not because we don't want her there but... well we can say anything and it won't influence our income stream. Would you feel safe to post freely if any post you made could impact your income stream.
4: Something I haven't said before I don't think. After years on merb and terb I have never ever seen a provider treated roughly because they were a provider. Have some been treated rough. Yes, but so have I and so have most vocal posters. It comes with being judged on the content of your character and not the nature of your junk. [Which BTW was the original MLK quote before it was translated incorrectly from the original Klingon to English]

So when someone over and over and over on a thread that went on for many pages before I even showed up basically trying to make the lot of us look like women hateing cavemen. I'll react.
Combine that with the general wrongness and the white knightish groveling nature and well. Thats three things that get on my nerves.

I will say one thing which in a way would support his view.
Although I have no problems with women posting more I do find it insulting when some of them post in a manner which is obviously more advertising than honest comunication. I find it a bit insulting and fake. Sort of like when your employer or some company trying to sell you shit insists they love and care for you.
I have never noticed that here that I remember but it does happen on terb once in a while.
No rules against it but aside from being insulting it does kinda get around the 1 ad post per day rule which is a legit anti spam rule.
I could see a deterent where a provider might hesitate to post wondering if a post might be taken as in effect shilling as opposed to an honest thing, espcially if the post is about sex or the industry.

However there is no cure for this. Even if nobody says anything [which usually happens unless it gets really obvious and happens way too much] a business savy provider will always have that at the back of mind.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Although I have no problems with women posting more I do find it insulting when some of them post in a manner which is obviously more advertising than honest comunication. I find it a bit insulting and fake. Sort of like when your employer or some company trying to sell you shit insists they love and care for you.

Aren't these possibly disingenuous posts by escorts that might be promotional in disguise offset by clients who sometimes make obvious exaggerations in reviews to receive some sort of advantage, and given that the numbers are so much more by men than women as you pointed out isn't going after this thread a little one-side given the heavy disproportion of the number of clients who may be using reviews for perks. Some male individuals have been specifically accused of that, yet the resistance here to this thread has been strong and more consistent by comparison. There is a recent new thread for an agency on a subject already covered and no one is complaining. Is that balance?




New Member
Jan 19, 2014

The problem is that he is presenting as if there is some rule or grand conspericy to prevent women from posting. That is both wrong and a bit on the insulting side.
Let Boromir of Gondor explain it.

First of all, I appreciate your sense of humor, Wasisname. I hadn't recognized that before. You seem like someone that would have attended the SF Worldcon in 2009. Were you there? Here's hoping Montreal gets the Worldcon again soon. It's a great venue & a great city for it.

Next, and I have said this over and over again, the Merb board is dead. Maybe I should be more open-minded and simply encourage both men and women to post, because mostly this board is filled with crickets. I think people feel intimidated and are afraid to post because of the hostility to which they'll be subjected. Maybe this is a little our fault. I'll accept some of the blame. I've been a little hostile from time to time. I think people should feel more free to post in general. And I know that I'm going to be criticized even for this, because now I'm saying that everyone should feel more free to post and not just women. Go ahead. Your human punching bag is here.

Fakeness. I've been thinking a lot about this lately. Let's face it: a lot of us are here because our "real, civilian" relationships were fake. Are we really going to complain that our client/escort relationships are also fake? Did she fake an orgasm to help get me off? Did that girl who's 25 years younger than me only pretend that she was attracted to me? Who cares if some things are fake? When I'm on the flume ride at Disney, I know that I'm not actually riding on a log in a river. When you meet a girl and she compliments you for this or that, you know that you have to take it with a grain of salt, but so what? Even though it's probably fake, it still makes you feel good. Would you prefer it that the escorts were always 100% honest. That's the real way that Canada can get rid of prostitution: make it okay as long as the ladies are completely honest about the guys they're seeing. And yes, sometimes the fakeness bothers me. I don't like it when a lady I've never met before calls me "darling", for example, but this whole thing that we're doing is fake! How can we really complain about fakeness?


Nov 12, 2007

Aren't these possibly disingenuous posts by escorts that might be promotional in disguise offset by clients who sometimes make obvious exaggerations in reviews to receive some sort of advantage, and given that the numbers are so much more by men than women as you pointed out isn't going after this thread a little one-side given the heavy disproportion of the number of clients who may be using reviews for perks. Some male individuals have been specifically accused of that, yet the resistance here to this thread has been strong and more consistent by comparison. There is a recent new thread for an agency on a subject already covered and no one is complaining. Is that balance?

It doesn't happen often that a provider gets "called out" for posting what is in effect advertising disguised as a normal post. I have expressed my observation on one thread or another of where I've seen someone reviewed multiple times postively but certain things which should have been mentioned and are relivent are not. I'll be honest I have not really noticed the practice of excess review for perks. When I do read a review my eyes tend to glaze over when it is wordy, I only care about certain things. I have noticed, and others have busted the balls of those hombres who seem more intent with reviewing themsleves than the girl they are with, that is pretty lame. Usually if someone seems a bit worshippy I just pass it off as someone who has put pussy on a pedistal as some greek god Pussilia to use a line from the 40 year old virgin.
I am a bit concerned that invitations to the various GG's might have a co-opting influence on the validity of reviews. However much like a more subtle post by a provider which is just an excuse to avoid the 1 ad per day rule, I'd need it to be pretty obvious and preferable persistant before I point the finger.
This is just speaking from my own angle here. I don't read every thread, and my memories might be distorted by being on 2 boards.

If you want to start a thread on that topic, go ahead. it seems like it is something that needs to be discussed.


Nov 12, 2007
First of all, I appreciate your sense of humor, Wasisname. I hadn't recognized that before. You seem like someone that would have attended the SF Worldcon in 2009. Were you there? Here's hoping Montreal gets the Worldcon again soon. It's a great venue & a great city for it.

Next, and I have said this over and over again, the Merb board is dead. Maybe I should be more open-minded and simply encourage both men and women to post, because mostly this board is filled with crickets. I think people feel intimidated and are afraid to post because of the hostility to which they'll be subjected. Maybe this is a little our fault. I'll accept some of the blame. I've been a little hostile from time to time. I think people should feel more free to post in general. And I know that I'm going to be criticized even for this, because now I'm saying that everyone should feel more free to post and not just women. Go ahead. Your human punching bag is here.

Fakeness. I've been thinking a lot about this lately. Let's face it: a lot of us are here because our "real, civilian" relationships were fake. Are we really going to complain that our client/escort relationships are also fake? Did she fake an orgasm to help get me off? Did that girl who's 25 years younger than me only pretend that she was attracted to me? Who cares if some things are fake? When I'm on the flume ride at Disney, I know that I'm not actually riding on a log in a river. When you meet a girl and she compliments you for this or that, you know that you have to take it with a grain of salt, but so what? Even though it's probably fake, it still makes you feel good. Would you prefer it that the escorts were always 100% honest. That's the real way that Canada can get rid of prostitution: make it okay as long as the ladies are completely honest about the guys they're seeing. And yes, sometimes the fakeness bothers me. I don't like it when a lady I've never met before calls me "darling", for example, but this whole thing that we're doing is fake! How can we really complain about fakeness?

Hello Human Punching Bag. I am the System's Bitch, glad to meet you. [Drew Carey reference]

First things first. I am a nerd but not a fanboy. I've done my share of the pen and paper roleplaying but my nerdality is expressed more in being a history/public policy geek and being a general dork. [Salute the general]. I don't consider watching a blockbuster like LOTR or even reading the books to be nerdy. Why in my time yadda yadda yadda.

I have no problems with your second paragraph but I think it is not fair nor accurate. [in that I accept what you say, but I disagree with it]
1: Terb in centered in a province of 12 million. Merb ignoring the absolutely dead from a hobby perspective Atlantic region 8 million. Although de jure and de facto it is a bilingual board it is very English dominated. I am not sure but there can't be too many unilingual french here, maybe a few who insist on posting in French [as is their right] all the time but if you don't know the English this board would have to drive you nuts with being forced to use Google translate to follow most of the conversations. So terb is going to be much busier than the merb. I've been on bilingual but french dominated boards as a unilingual anglo... not very fun.
2: Go on terb for a while. Same owners but the rules are not enforced as consistantly or as strongly as here. It is a madhouse of scum and villany although it does have a good house band. However that doesn't seem to be scaring away the post count. Well OK it does, but compared to here they do very well. Thus leading to point 1 as a reason for deadness. Perhaps a perbite could chime in. Merb is actually a pretty civil board, it might not be all tea and scones but on the contium of a party of orcs and a party of hobbits we do tend toward the hobbit side. I've heard complains from both angles, that merb is too strict and drives people away and should be more like terb and terb is too loose and drives people away and should be more like merb. Oddly enough I prefer the merb level of moderation.
3: No offence but until this thread you never really registered on my radar. I doubt if you are to blame for driving down post count. Also there is an ignore function if you start getting all Blackrock13@terb ish.

Is there hostility on merb. Sure. Especially the poltical threads and sports threads which often get themselves shut down. There are also groups of people who seem to have it in for each other. I don't know how to resolve the latter but in both cases the hositlity seems to be very finely focused. I personally can't imagine that anyone but the most sensitive soul would be scared off by that level of hostility when it isn't expressed towards them and still manage to stay on the internet.

I haven't done a review but is every thread filled with venom and bile or only a few. If most thread degernate into a fussin and a fueden than that is a problem. An occational vigious difference of opinions OTOH, I can't see being a problem in a board with adults. I mean dammit if you insist on being a fiscal hermet crab every time the Nikki undergoes a correction, how can anyone not be enveloped and express a mighty rage that burns with the power of a 1000 suns.

As for fakeness there are two issues.
One is the whole social discourse/fantasy thing. Yeah, that guy really doesn't care how your day went and that escort is just trying to fill a fantasy.
On the other is when it passes from asking you to suspend your belief to insulting your intellegence.

Mr Perfect being perfect.
Ted Dibase really being a millionaire.
The Big Boss Man really being a corrections officer
Asking me to suspend my belief

Doink the clown
A dead guy called the undertaker.
Insulting my intellegence.

It doesn't happen often but there are times when posting goes from, ah that is a provider expressing her opinion to , ah sounds like advertising but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt because there isn't enough information or she has been around for a while posting normally etc, then you slide into the, oh come on, you gotta be shitting me.

It is something a profession in any field on any social medium has to be careful about.

However I don't really remember ever getting that WTF reaction from any provider post on the merb. At least not on the merb. On terb it happens, stage 2 for sure, sometimes I get utterly convinced.

It is a bit like product placement. Love it or List it is really bad for the ham fisted way they do product placement. It is just so in your face that it is insulting. It is counter productive.... darling ;)

On an unrelated side note. I wonder with my posting espcially recently on merb when I've become more vocal if I could ever arrange a meeting with my merb handle or if I have totally come across like some twat monkey. Which would be sad because my mom says I'm cool.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
It doesn't happen often but there are times when posting goes from, ah that is a provider expressing her opinion to , ah sounds like advertising but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt because there isn't enough information or she has been around for a while posting normally etc, then you slide into the, oh come on, you gotta be shitting me.

It is something a profession in any field on any social medium has to be careful about.

I had you all wrong, Wasisname and I want to apologize for cursing in your general direction earlier. I think the board can police itself and I'll give you an example from TER that I saw a couple of weeks ago:

ESCORT 1st POST: "Good morning New York! It's a great day!"
POST #2: "Shill!!!"

It's actually pretty funny to see something like that, but guys aren't afraid to call people out for these kinds of things. I already know that you wouldn't put up with it. So, really, how much harm can there be when so many people on the board are so cynical?


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
It would be of great help for this thread that a mod comes in and explain Merb's policy on this. My understanding is that paying advertizers may post as much as they want except in review threads where they are allowed 1 or 2 replies, unless they advertise themselves too obviously. As for non paying providers, it's basically the same thing except they are told to slow down if posting too often. Each mod, however, may have a distinct appreciation of these rules.


Nov 12, 2007
I had you all wrong, Wasisname and I want to apologize for cursing in your general direction earlier. I think the board can police itself and I'll give you an example from TER that I saw a couple of weeks ago:

ESCORT 1st POST: "Good morning New York! It's a great day!"
POST #2: "Shill!!!"

It's actually pretty funny to see something like that, but guys aren't afraid to call people out for these kinds of things. I already know that you wouldn't put up with it. So, really, how much harm can there be when so many people on the board are so cynical?

No worries about the cursing in my general direction. Just don' fart in my general direction. I might be an empty headed animal food trough wiper and my mother was a hamster and my father smelt of elderberries but that would be just too much. Also please don't taunt me a second time, I don't think I could take it. [Seriously though being sworn at, oddly enough dosen't even register as things that got my back up on this thread. If someone swears at me, either I am being a dick and deserve it, or I am innocent and it reflects badly on their judgement. I am a bit odd that way.

I am not sure what you mean by the second paragraph.
Self policing is a needed thing but it has scared away some legit revewers who just couldn't be bothered to get into it if they had something negitive to say about a popular girl. Myself, I'll take the slings if it was just plain bad, but in my past the worst I've had is would repeat although some things bother me. I usually don't post a review then because if I did want to repeat and was identified it would cause issues and I don't want to leave stuff out so I say nothing. Also wording is difficult. How do you communicate something bad without it being taken as more than it is. I mean some people like escorts that smell of elderberries.

As for being cynical. Just read up on any thread about not falling for an escort or should I date an escort etc. Not saying that one shouldn't but one needs to keep an clear head for there are many in the business who will take advantage and drain you dry and many guys who would be happy to go along until you read about it in the paper.
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