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Videotron versus Bell (w/bundles)


Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
Do you know what make and model do they use as teh cable telephony modem?

As well, where do you keep the modem upstaris downstairs ?

the 1000 minutes long distance they are charging me 10 dollars I read somewhere that others are paying 5$ per month , so are they raising prices?


New Member
Nov 11, 2005
Bell sucks

master_bates said:
I have also been screwed by Bell Sympatico

In 2003 I had been a customer with them since 1999 all of a sudden 1 day

my internet goes down. I call them up and they run some tests on my line &

tell me that all of a sudden im too far from their guaranteed distance and

they cant guarantee me service. I chose to go with videotron instead and

found like others have said cable is faster than dsl.

I've had issues with videotrons long distance and switched back to bell as

my phone line. No problems there.

Everyone jacks rates but it shouldnt be by too much if it does happen.
On Thursday I received a virous on my computer. I have all the bells and whistles with bell such as anti-virous, anti spyware, firewall, etc, yet I still got a virous, causing me to have to re-install all of my programs on my computer. Furthermore I have experienced very slow speed with bell as I'm on a DSL high speed hook-up. To add insult to injury, there e-mail server has malfunctioned since yesterday Friday Dec. 12th, and has still not been repaired. I called their technical support office this morning and heard a recorded message that they were experiencing a higher call volume than normal!!!! I wonder why??? Then instead of being placed on hold to wait to speak to the next available technician, the line just goes busy so I'm forced to hang up without receiving any help or word as to when they will repair the problem. I am quite furious now and considering making the switch to videotron. Only problem I would have to change my e-mail address and notify a ton of people of the change, plus I would have to buy a modem/ router as I have a wireless computer where as now bell supplies the modem router. What to do? I am going to complain big time to bell and if I don't get properly compensated for the huge inconvenience, then I'm going to cancel all of my contracts and go with videotron.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
footman said:
On Thursday I received a virous on my computer. I have all the bells and whistles with bell such as anti-virous, anti spyware, firewall, etc, yet I still got a virous, causing me to have to re-install all of my programs on my computer.
I'm going to cancel all of my contracts and go with videotron.

well footman, the virus didn't come from Bell, for one, and there is little anyone can do to stop viruses these days. For sure you want network-level virus filtering, and a desktop suite (anti-virus and anti-spam) but quite honestly, the anti-virus industry admits they are missing about 50% of the zero day exploits out there, so my advice for the best anti-virus protection is to get a Apple computer.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
On Thursday I received a virous on my computer. I have all the bells and whistles with bell such as anti-virous, anti spyware, firewall, etc, yet I still got a virous, causing me to have to re-install all of my programs on my computer. Furthermore I have experienced very slow speed with bell as I'm on a DSL high speed hook-up. To add insult to injury, there e-mail server has malfunctioned since yesterday Friday Dec. 12th, and has still not been repaired. I called their technical support office this morning and heard a recorded message that they were experiencing a higher call volume than normal!!!! I wonder why??? Then instead of being placed on hold to wait to speak to the next available technician, the line just goes busy so I'm forced to hang up without receiving any help or word as to when they will repair the problem. I am quite furious now and considering making the switch to videotron. Only problem I would have to change my e-mail address and notify a ton of people of the change, plus I would have to buy a modem/ router as I have a wireless computer where as now bell supplies the modem router. What to do? I am going to complain big time to bell and if I don't get properly compens

Hi, Footman, whether you are with Bell, Videotron, or any other company you cannot stop viruses and spyware. What I strongly suggest that you do, is use Bazooka spyware scanner (kephyr.com), Xblock (facetime.com) or McAfee/Webroot etc. You can also put Zone Alarm Firewall (if you do not use a router).

As for your e-mail, in the future use hotmail/gmail OR buy your own .com and contract with a company to host your own email server, this way you will not have to worry about their services going down or you switching.

In regards to the "renting " of the modem, Videotron will make you rent the
equipment, but they build it into their price, and if you agree to a year contract they will charge you ( modem and service) prices quite competitive against Bell (41$) versus (50$). Mind you if you have bad credit they will charge you a deposit of 135 dollars or 200 dollars for the modem (depending on which modem you choose). If you choose to move to Videotron make sure its for the right reasons. FOr example, I moved to Videotron because they are offering phone/Long distance/basic TV/7mb down internet for 99$ , Bell is 125-130 for the same. BUT THERE ARE SOME WORRIES you have to contend with 1.If power goes down there is enough batteries for 8 hours. 2. I will lock my electrical box (where I intend to put my modem) so not one tampers with it3.my house does not have ethernet jacksand because I like non wireless secure gigbit ethernet, I will have to run a wire down my house as a pre installation procedure.

[YouVant options]......so my advice for the best anti-virus protection is to get a Apple computer.

To me the main threat seems to be Spyware not Viruses, does Apple protect against spyware without thrid party anti spyware

Now to my original question, with Bell DSL (apparently 7mbps/s) using speedtest.net (New York server) I get 4285 kbps/s down what do videotron people get under the same conditions? I really want to put it to the test whether videotron is faster than Bell ?
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New Member
Aug 29, 2004
Rive-Sud de Montréal
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Videotron speed

Good evening Ocean,

I've been a Videotron customer for over 10 years for TV, 8 years for High speed Internet access (7Mbits/s) and since 2005 for phone service. Would not even consider going back to Bell.

Here is my speed test on the New York server
(I reside on Montreal South shore)

6690 kb/s download - 778 kb/s download

Here's the link to my official results;


My fastest download observed with Speedtest.com was
9361 kb/s, I got that result with Videotron Speed on demand
which gives you 10Mbits/s when required for 48hrs for $2.99.

My historical download access speed for the past year is
6831 kb/s

Case closed for me


Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
Nice justforfun, so far I ahve placed my order, as I said earlier, I bought some cabling and ran it up my place into the office ( because the phone modem has to be near the basment electrical box), and I had to make some other minor changes to be prepared for teh installation ( making a little shelf, and drilling a hole for and extention cord etc.) minor stuff less than 20 bucks, which for the most part is ok ( except for runnign the cable up my house which was really annoying , but I am excited because I for less money am getting faster internet and TV.

I wonder, if you are with videotron as an established customer after you fulfill your one year contract, do they offer you better packages to renew?


Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
Sorry I forgot to mention one thing in my prev post.

I wanted to ask Videotron users

1.Is Videotron Leinient on people who use a few extra gigs a month?
2. IS this a mis print or are they actually charging 7.95 per gig?
3. HAve people talked to them and gotten and internal plan to get a little more gigs?

Its not that I do not want to pay or be a cheap ass, but I do not like worrying
about minutes used or gigs, which is why I usually opt for unlimited plans, because unlimited=worry free.

TekSavvy's structure= (30$ 5meg/200GIG (your own modem)+48phone+LD+say30 cable tv) brings me to near videotron cost, but
I get 200Giga byte cap WTF!!!!!!!

HAs anyone else had gigabyte cap issues with Videotron?


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
ocean said:
Sorry I forgot to mention one thing in my prev post.

I wanted to ask Videotron users

1.Is Videotron Leinient on people who use a few extra gigs a month?
2. IS this a mis print or are they actually charging 7.95 per gig?
3. HAve people talked to them and gotten and internal plan to get a little more gigs?

there is a plan, one down from the top speed, that has unlimited download.


New Member
Aug 29, 2004
Rive-Sud de Montréal
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
A friend of mine had a Videotron internet connection and he didn't get any breaks when he went over the limit. He switched to another ISP with an unlimited plan when he moved. Considering that billing is automated, someone would probably have to spend a considerable amount of time on the phone to get any charges reduced.


New Member
Dec 18, 2007
Ocean, Videotron may be faster but the limit on download is less than bell. I have been with bell for 10 years so my contract is still allowing me 60GB. A new contract will only allow 30GB and i think videotron is only 20GB, something you may want to think about if you plan on downloading alot. I have used videotron highspeed and it is faster but not really anything you will notice. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
Here is what I finally settled on,

[Videotron phone+ caller iD/100min usa/basic TV/10 mbps-(100 gig cap)]=113.08+tax=127$
NOTE:to save money I am using my own digital answering machine
NOTE:my average internet usage when I am really going crazy=24 gigs/month)
NOTE:At the moment I have no TV, .

Included-Note no TV is in my current package.

TEKSAVVY While good offers and I would take this if I had cable pre installed and did nto have to bite installation fees. ( I encourage other users to look at TEKSAVVY very good plans)

Bell's all inclusive bundles are really complicated to calculate because they change the prices avter six months and you are on a one year plan commitment with phone internet and a 2 year commit with bell tv, too annoying, and too costly even with a 100 credit.
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Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
ocean said:
Personally I Wish Verizon Fios Came Here And Gave Bell/videotron A Good Punch In The Face, Both Bastards Need It.....bad.

Videotron & Bell are both experimenting with Fibre to the door.

And watch out what you wish for, I just got off the line with a friend in the U.S. who has Verizon service, and he wasn't exactly jumping up in the air and clicking his heels.
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