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Videotron versus Bell (w/bundles)


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004


Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
WTF with videotron billing!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, the bill arrives for nearly 400$, for 13 days of service. WTF!!!!!!!!

I called them oh no it can't be our fault. But I am on a year contract for where installtion should be included with fees of 115$/month pre taxand you charged me 100$ for installation (for the bum who made me wait a whole day just to say I am comming back tommorow)......... oops you are right Mr. Ocean. Ok So now we are down to 300$ for 13 days of service......

Alright then we are now down to 300$ for 13 days of service WTF!!!!!!!!

Oh Mr.Ocean we were nice enough to include virus protection for you for 6$.
Did I ask you to be my network manager,no ( 6 bucks aint money but its the
principle that you shoved in something I didnt ask for and charged me sneaky)

Alright then we are now down to 294$ for 13 days of service WTF!!!!!

I should be paying 115$/month+tax=130$/month., that does nto add up to
294$ Well we charged you two months for the first bill, WHY? It is not written on your website, and nobody told me, and I made sure to read about all the little catches in the fine print,. Oh but this has been our politique for the last 1000 years. Guess what beeeeeeyatch, so far you have been wrong about the installation fees and the bs virus fees, want to make a bet you are wrong about this. Oh well, if you dont pay it we will penalize you with interest. WTF!!!!!!!!I took all the right steps read all the fine print,asked the right questions, hell I even wrote and opinion thread on a board for advice, JUST TO GET SCREWED.

To add insult to injury the installtion is not well done the guy has to come back for it.

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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I'm not surprised about Videotron's attitude. When it comes to cable connections, either for television service or internet, they are the only game in town. Their service department is about the same quality whenever you happen to need help.

I'm not surprised at the quality of installation either. For the last year or so they have been overloaded with installations and have been hiring just about anyone who applies for an installer job. Most of these people have little to no knowledge above the basics that videotron teaches them.

Their internet security/anti-virus suite that they try to sell everyone is almost worthless. It also is more costly than just about any major security suite sold in stores, and a hell of a lot more intrusive. The same thing goes for the suite offered by Sympatico which used to be the exact same product (not sure if it's still the same Freedom Suite). But as problematic as they can be at times, they are better than haviing nothing at all or having an anti-virus program that has been expired for 2 or 3 years like many people out there.

Good luck getting things worked out!



Mar 20, 2008
Techman said:
Their internet security/anti-virus suite that they try to sell everyone is almost worthless. It also is more costly than just about any major security suite sold in stores, and a hell of a lot more intrusive. The same thing goes for the suite offered by Sympatico which used to be the exact same product (not sure if it's still the same Freedom Suite). But as problematic as they can be at times, they are better than haviing nothing at all or having an anti-virus program that has been expired for 2 or 3 years like many people out there.Techman

Hey Techman,

Hate to bug you after all the abuse I hurled at you in the other thread, but I sense you are solid ground here and I must grovel...

Can you recommend a good security anti-virus suite for a three computer network? I was just about to order the Videotron one).



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Hey Benson!

I like Kaspersky. It's the only one I recommend to clients for home use. You can get a version that has 3 user licenses at Futureshop. Not sure about the current price. Their website shows it as 19.95 with the 3 user box in the photo but doesn't specify if it is really the three user version.

It's relatively light on system resources and updates every three hours. I have found it to be the best overall security product available today. Combine it with free anti-spyware programs like SuperAntispyware and Malwarebytes AntiMalware, available from, and you will have a very secure system.

I really would stay away from the Videotron offering. It's not very effective and is a general pain in the ass. I've had a few clients install Norton on a small network and end up with all kinds of problems from internet access to internal network sharing problems. McAfee also isn't recommended.

I think you will find that Kaspersky is very user friendly and very effective.

Hope this helps!



Mar 20, 2008
Techman said:
I really would stay away from the Videotron offering. It's not very effective and is a general pain in the ass. I've had a few clients install Norton on a small network and end up with all kinds of problems from internet access to internal network sharing problems. McAfee also isn't recommended.I think you will find that Kaspersky is very user friendly and very effective. Hope this helps! Techman

TM. Actually that helps quite a bit. I'll check those options out. Right now I've got about six different programs installed on the three PCs that were recommended by various people, and I sometimes wonder if they are all fighting each other. Many tks. BN.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
wtf is going on? said:
First new year wishes to Techman now this, you guys will soon be sharing an apartment.


Just because I disagree with a few posts someone makes doesn't mean I won't give them a hand when I can help out with their computer questions. So Benson and I take shots at each other sometimes. No big deal. We're both big boys and I think we're mature enough to know that everyone is entitled to their opinion and that others are entitled to disagree.

Oh yeah...couple of things I forgot to mention: if anyone wants to try Kaspersky out before buying it, just visit their website and download the 30 day trial version. And even if you purchase it from a retailer, I would recommend downloading the most recent version from the website and installing it with the key from the copy you have bought. One other advantage I didn't think of mentioning is that if a new version of the software is released before your current license has expired, you can download the new version and update your existing version at no extra charge. There are very few programs that allow you to do that and it is a great way to stay up to date.



Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
Hi guys,

the virus cleaner issue is totally different from what I am discussing (I can start
another thread about it later). All I can say right now is , I have one and I NEVER ASKED FOR ONE, therefore should NOT BE CHARGED.

As for the parrot idiot on the phone who even after shoving it twice in
her face proving that I am right still insisted that I pay two months in
advance which I will not, I need to know who to talk to in Videotron
for that.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
more nasty surprises today.

Hi guys friday the 13 th means nasty surprises from Videotron.
To recap here is what happened since I changed over in DEC 2008.

1. VIdeotron sent me a bill for 400$ 15 days after I signed up .
2. I had it knocked down to 280$ after much fighting.
(videotron kindly charged me for installation and virus scan when they should have not).
3. Still not that pleased that I had to pay near300$ for the first bill I bit it.

Today I got a letter stating that Videotron is raising prices. I was very
curious how are they raising prices since I am contract for one whole
year? At least Bell waited till after I was finished with contract to f*ck
me. I called the 1800 number to find that even though I am obliged to buy
three services under a contract deal, only my phone and modem are under contract, and that they are even in this one year period allowed to raise my cable rates. FUCK, after my contract is over I think its time to move over to TEK Savvy.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
I spoke to the OPC, they said they have been gettign a lot of complaints about that, but its not illegal.

I fucking swear to god, the women on this board are just people who exachange
moola for service , BELL and VIDEOTRON ARE THE REAL HOOKERS!!!!!!!


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Videotron, Bell, Rogers and other telecom providers are regulated under federal laws so, even if they do something that would be deemed illegal in a Quebec civil court, they still can do it because the federal law is more permissive to them.
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