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Warning !!!!! *** To all clients, agencies, and ladies ***


Jul 26, 2005
I’ve received an e-mail by a client telling me that x girl was seeing clients out side the agency and that she was also steeling money. Witch we where more then surprised. Surprise cause of the x girl, but surprise by how the client informed us about it.

Here’s how it goes …

After talking to the lady, she admitted seeing 2-3 clients outside the agency but stopped since 1 of them got greedy with time an money and he got angry when she refused to participate to an even (family event) and that without being paid. Ok, so far so good. As for the stealing money, she denied completely.

I’ve replied to the client that we where taking care of the situation. That being said, there was nothing we could do about the steeling money since we have no proof it was with the agency and even more, that we did have a complete different story from the lady. I mean, if he was such a long timer client, witch he was very clear in the e-mail he was, why using e-mail to inform us instead of calling us right away, right? In my e-mails, I have no booking for the gentlemen with this girl, so the booking was done by phone …

However, in the second mail, it was not just about him anymore, it was also now about his friend too (AH!) making the amount of steeled money now heavy. How ironic … I mean, how could both be at the same time long timer clients but none of the 2 thought that giving us a call right away, right? And who’s the first that was stole and who’s the first that pick up the girl outside the agency, right? Witch obviously left one of the 2 being steeling us, right? You tell me.

I’ve explain that to the client again and also about some client first being stealer of our agencies by seeing girls on the side and then out of the blue starting to tell us the girl sees clients on the side and then popping out a steeling money story. See what I mean?

We are thinking that this as becoming a new tendency, a malicious one lately!

Anyway, after all the replies with all explanations, I’ve received this :

‘’ Wow Jessy that answer coming from you is a shock . Let me explain to you she steal the $$$$ while she was on the call that was booked through your agency. If you do not want to do anything about it then charges will be pressed against her and your agency and trust me when I say this but I really dont care how much influence you have this will give a bad name to your agency and much more.!!!

If that is how you answer to clients of yours that have been dealing with you for more several years with honest girls then this shows me that you could not care less if one of your girls steals from the client while she was on a call booked through your agency, not very smart form a business lady like you. But dont worry if you dont want to deal with it this will be dealt in a different way!!! ‘’

To that I have answered this :

‘’ Hello,

Well go ahead, press the charges. Obviously, you didn't read a single line of what I have
wrote you about how we saw the situation, or better, how it was presented to us.

If you're shock, we where by you not telling us at that very precise moment where it happened.
We have been thru same situations before and, first time, the client did call us directly and the
problem was fix. The second time, it was just a mad client that first was steeling us by seeing
the girl outside the agency and one day it turned bad and the guy trying to extorc us money
and by the same gesture, just wanted to make that girl fired.

See, there it 2 sides of such stories, and yes, I would be very confortable to answer to those charges.

We have never let anyone threatening us, and today ain't gonna be the first day.

Our very best regards. ‘’

Since the first e-mail, the client never said when he met the x girl or any details about when he saw the lady in question, does that rings a bell to anyone? Right?

Gentlemen, agencies and ladies, be aware of that new tendencies of manipulations and threatening. Yes, they are still crazy people out there and seems everyone takes it easy like if it was that simple.

Gentlemen, stop stealing girls from agencies and you aren’t going to be expose to this.
Agencies, talk to your girls and show them this and how much problem they can end up with, and you too, perhaps…
Ladies, stop thinking we, agency owners, don’t know what we are talking about when we are warning you about the manipulation mecanisisms out there. We aren’t the so bad pimps some clients are telling you we are.

And you, Sir., it is very deceiving to see you act the same way with me then you started when you saw that you’re manipulations where not working anymore with the x lady. You may have afraid her by threatening her, but you aren’t going to scare me at all.

To all, try to have fun still with such informations today.

Still, our very best regards.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Dare him to press charges. Tell him to 'make your day' and go ahead. If this idiot goes ahead & does it, i'd love to see the cops' faces when they're processing this stuff! LOL!!!!

I don't know if he's realized it, but he threatened you & you could do something about it if you wanted to. You just can't threaten & blackmail people in order to get what you want!

p.s. You should also ban him from your agency for seeing the girl(s) on the side. That's just like stealing money from you.
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Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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You should not take this guy seriously. Let's get this straight. He is accusing your employee (the girl) of stealing and threatening to press charges against both you and her? Does he have evidence of your conspiracy with her to steal from him, or you ordering her to steal from him? That's what he is accusing you of. This guy is coming up with a fraudulent story to rattle her because he is angry the girl would not go along with his way - like free time, etc.

I agree with SK. He is an extortionist. Ignore him.



Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
I've seen this lady several times... about 10 minutes after the last time she was with me, I noticed my Boeing 747 was missing. :D

I wonder if the guy was truly trying to extort money or was just trying to play with Jessie's head and cause her a lot of needless concern... I mean if the guy didn't even say who he was.. or did Jessie know who he was from the girl's description of the events?

There's no doubt Jessie will handle the situation correctly. (I sometimes regret not accepting her offer to marry and support me.)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
He is an extortionist. Ignore him.

I've noticed over the years that these tactics are on the increase. There could be many reasons for this, among them the fact there are too many hobbyists who simply can't afford to be hobbyists & try to dig up different ways in getting freebies & discounts. Hobbying isn't for everyone & should be avoided altogether if you don't earn a good living. It can get quite addictive & eventually out of control.

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Of course we ain't gonna care for this guy, it makes just no sense.

Actually, I'm starting to think it could be that driver that I fired for discovering he was trying to take over our agencies.

Hum ...


Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
And the saga continues !

Anyone having a good solution for this ...

''Meet and talk sure why not. Do you have a problem with that or are you going to post stupid comments again about threats and extortion. Maybe its because short ladies like you can t think straight . Sure let s meet and bring Peter along to we will have supper and better still you get to pick the restaurant Pick the most expensive one or do you define that as extortion.
Maybe since your short you feel threatened when people talk to you like that. For one thing you cant even spell the word threaten or extortion and why don t you get the police involved and see if you have a case for threats or extortion.
As for Salma well you lost honest girls who had class like
Donna Mae and Tamika so eventhough she fucked you well you decided to keep her since you don t have any other black girl. Wrong move !
If you are gong to have girls like Salma well you might as well go back to been an escort instead of running the place. You know what I mean!
Sure you and your potheads can make any comments you want but one thing can tell you is you Jessy Peter and Salma sit back and enjoy the show you will like the final episode.

Its sad Jessy a lady of your class has turned into this!''

Anyone ? :)

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Sounds like a Psycho for sure.... ignore ignore IGNORE!

Ignoring is always a solution. But this is completely ... I won't use words since I don't write things correctly in english !



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello Jessy,

Truthfully, I think giving this guy any print space on the boards is giving him exactly what he wants. It's a great credit to you, and a show to us that there is nothing behind his threats when you are so willing to be totally open about this episode by letting everyone see what he writes. But, he is obviously just a sad schemer hoping to get a payoff. Your reputation has been extremely solid since you started your agency by all accounts, and it will take far far more than a kook to damage that. Still, why give the jerk any posting space??? This is quite enough already.

Ignoring is always a solution. But this is completely ... I won't use words since I don't write things correctly in english !


So what's wrong with some French? Je sais que vous parlez Français.


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New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
Anyone having a good solution for this ...


IMHO Don't have dinner with the guy, even if Peter comes along. There is no benefit, no upside, to a face-to-face meeting with him. It won't resolve any issues for you because they were all created from him going around the agency to see one of your ladies. If he wasn't interested in dealing with you to arrange dates, then why should you bother dealing with him AFTER the dates? Meeting with him may, in his eyes, be an admission that you were part of the alleged rip-off and plays into his story/fantasy.

Also, his tone, and disrespect, in his message shows his frame of mind. His veiled, and not so veiled, threats show a premeditated plan and I wouldn't go anywhere near him!

Regards, and I'm sure it will all work out.


Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Yeah, we know there is nothing to do, nothing else then ignore.
But we still think it's interesting to share so that people know
and maybe prevent some others to fall in that stinky trick.

Thanks :)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Sounds like a Psycho for sure.... ignore ignore IGNORE!

Actually, i think he's just an A-S-S-H-O-L-E.

Possibly with a god complex.

God complex: a psychological state of mind in which a person believes that they have supernatural powers or god-like abilities. The person generally believes they are above the rules of society and should be given special consideration.
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