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Weapons in USA


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113 ici au CANADA...TRUDEAU---sous très grande pression des citoyens et des villes----- légifère enfin sur les armes de poing---un gel et meilleur contrôle de ce qui rentre sur notre territoire------- et promet des sanctions plus sévères ...MAIS comme on dit le diable est dans les dé
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
113 ici au CANADA...TRUDEAU---sous très grande pression des citoyens et des villes----- légifère enfin sur les armes de poing---un gel et meilleur contrôle de ce qui rentre sur notre territoire------- et promet des sanctions plus sévères ...MAIS comme on dit le diable est dans les dé
I would bet that it will do very little to solve the problem with handguns.
Listen to retired Montreal police officers who knows what they are talking about.
As long as Canada will have USA as neighbor illegal pistols will be easy to obtain.
There will be some firearms intercepted at the border but far from all that will psss trough.
There handguns that can be imported by parts with no serisl number.
3 D printers are sold freely.
Do you think criminal first nation member will stop transporting firearm at Akwasasne ?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
113 ici au CANADA...TRUDEAU---sous très grande pression des citoyens et des villes----- légifère enfin sur les armes de poing---un gel et meilleur contrôle de ce qui rentre sur notre territoire------- et promet des sanctions plus sévères ...MAIS comme on dit le diable est dans les dé
Like you wrote, Trudeau reacted to the huge pressure from Montreal and Toronto mayors and Polytecnique se Souvient Group that believe in miracles.
Police Departments knows quite well who pssess and use hanguns without respect for innocent lives, but they can't act against them without being accused of Racial Profiling.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I think it is a good start and makes sense. Anything keeping guns of the street to me makes sense.
Will it solve all gun problems of course not, criminals will always find a way to get their hands on illegal guns but it will make it very difficult for a solitary lunatic without criminal connections to obtain one.
Luckily most often criminals tend to kill other criminals. They are after money and power, they don’t have suicidal tendencies or want to spend the rest of their lives in jail, they have no interest in shooting children at schools or people in shopping centres or innocent civilians if they can help it, it is bad for business and brings unnecessary attention by the law on them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The Liberals politically hijacked this situation. Groups are putting pressure and this is not the solution, it will fail. This is nothing but smoke and mirrors.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
The Liberals politically hijacked this situation. Groups are putting pressure and this is not the solution, it will fail. This is nothing but smoke and mirrors.
Of course he is using the situation south of the border to his benefit and it is a totally opportune time to do it.
Either he or one of his advisors were on the ball.
I look at it that every little bit that makes it harder for a lunatic to own a gun is a win.
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Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
I'm glad you posted this because it neatly delves into what I was going to say: anything short of severely limiting semiautomatic guns of all kinds (not just AR-15s) in civilian hands is us fooling ourselves that we're doing "something."

Time and time again, the gun acquisition process is so lax that it rarely stops wannabe mass shooters. The stores that sell the guns, who want to make money by moving product, rarely deny the shooters. One exception was the Pulse shooter in Orlando who was denied by the first store he went to because he gave out bad vibes. But sadly of course, he succeeded at the next store. Not that the screening process for owning a deadly weapon should come down to "bad vibes" but even that is practically nonexistent.

The current background check worked as intended. Much like many shooters who had issues, this kid was emotionally troubled; he wasn't mentally ill. The background check bars you from buying a gun if you have a criminal conviction, known issues with domestic violence or involuntarily committed. There is no psychological screening of any sort, so nothing prevented this kid from legally buying a gun. So several factors that would bar even more people (like personal temperament) are never taken into account. (If you want to see how personal temperament bars people, Google search "Road rage shooting" with any city you wish and you'll find hits again and again). Furthermore, mentally ill people aren't necessarily violent. So when conservatives say it's mental illness while dismissing the deliberate planning by pretty much 100% of shooters, it's just another dismissive Hail Mary so that the country is right back to inaction.

When there is evidence a shooter is mentally (not just emotionally) troubled like the Newtown shooter, it was easy to circumvent not being able to personally buy a gun by: having a mother who stored guns in his room. There are two things that would have stopped that shooting: maternal common sense or not being able allowed to own such guns in the first place. Any supplemental background check law trotted out by Democrats blithely obscures that failing to go through a background check wasn't the problem (ditto for this TX shooting where people are talking about the two bills passed in the House but stalled in the Senate).

Some gun control advocates like to focus on AR-15s being deadly. And while AR-15s are civilian versions of a military weapon and long guns have better accuracy than pistols, focusing on AR-15s underestimates the threat of all semiautomatics. It was so long ago that people have already forgotten, but the VA Tech shooter killed 32 people (wounded 17) with two pistols. So the bottom line is if you want to kill countless people in mere seconds, you don't need an AR-15.

So any action to curb these shootings, while welcome, is piecemeal at best. But I also know there is no political will (not even by Democrats) to be bold. Trying to also recall 400 million guns already in circulation is a daunting (even impossible) logistical nightmare. So to sum up Fradi's cynicism from a few posts ago, expect more of the same ol' same ol'.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
It's not effective because you cannot control the black markets.
Yeah but in the recent case in Uvalde, it could have been prevented. The shooter was able to easily buy two AR-15 rifles legally as soon as he turned 18.

Do you really think a typical 18 year old is capable of being a master pro that's able to easily access the Black Market to buy weapons without alerting LE? Highly unlikely.

If these rifles were outlawed in the first place (or the legal age to own them were much higher at least: 30+ maybe?), most likely this particular shooting wouldn't have happened, imho.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The Liberal hypocrisy. The way to give the people a fighting chance is the right to bear arms. If teachers were armed they could have had a fighting chance instead of being sitting ducks. There are limits to a security plan in a school, obviously this school's security plan failed. Locked doors (known as access control) are strongly recommended, but not mandated. Salvador Ramos, found an open back door, ran inside, barricaded himself in a classroom, and started killing. First, the outside back door and the classroom doors were unlocked. That is how the security plan of the school failed. Furthermore armed guards should be equipped with armor penetrating rounds. The police inside the school waited for more than an hour before a Border Patrol tactical team finally arrived (a terrifyed student called 911 begging for someone to help). See the need to bear arms, had someone been armed they would have a fighting chance. A gun is a tool like any other. Liberals are most interested to politically hijack a situation to push their leftist agenda. The problem is when citizens are expect to wait for the police to rescue them and are sitting ducks. The right to bear arms is the right to defend yourself because your life is worth defending.


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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
@CLOUD 500 Dunno why you're bringing Trudeau (and Canada) into this. The way things are in the States vs. Canada is apples and oranges as far as I'm concerned.

For the rest of what you're saying, at this point I don't know what's best for schools in the US. I hate guns, but maybe certain teachers/staff in school should bear arms in case a situation like this occurs.

It makes me mad, because it really should be the police that should be handling this. But apparently they're cowards/incompetent and need to wait an hour before they can enter the building and do their job.

I don't believe in the whole "one door" thing...that's a load of BS. More excuses from politicians instead of really looking into the issue.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
@CLOUD 500 Dunno why you're bringing Trudeau (and Canada) into this. The way things are in the States vs. Canada is apples and oranges as far as I'm concerned.

For the rest of what you're saying, at this point I don't know what's best for schools in the US. I hate guns, but maybe certain teachers/staff in school should bear arms in case a situation like this occurs.

It makes me mad, because it really should be the police that should be handling this. But apparently they're cowards/incompetent and need to wait an hour before they can enter the building and do their job.

I don't believe in the whole "one door" thing...that's a load of BS. More excuses from politicians instead of really looking into the issue.
Agreed with all that you said. The reason I brought Trudeau into this is because I am seeing memes and articles by Democrats praising Trudeau for what he is doing. All smokes and mirrors if you ask me.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Implied but not stated in many of the posts here is that an assault weapon ban will actually work and eliminate these random school shootings. In reality, all it will do is create a surmountable obstacle. These weapons will still be obtainable on the dark web. They already are. And you guys naively believe that some of these incel types, who spend most of their days on the Dark Web, will not know how to find them? All it's going to do is shift revenue away from gun shops that are legally selling such weapons to illegal dark web sales. There will be no accountability because there will be no paper trails on where there weapons came from, although likely they will come from China and Russia via the international illicit arms trade. What do you guys think these biker gangs do for a living? Ride their bikes all day, get tattoos, shoot pool and bask in the sunshine? Give me a break. You are going to make the wrong people rich, while doing zero to stop mass killings.

I predict that of the school mass killings going forward after an assault weapon ban, 75% will be from illegally purchased assault weapons, and the other 25% will be from home made bombs and other explosive devices.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Implied but not stated in many of the posts here is that an assault weapon ban will actually work and eliminate these random school shootings. In reality, all it will do is create a surmountable obstacle. These weapons will still be obtainable on the dark web. They already are. And you guys naively believe that some of these incel types, who spend most of their days on the Dark Web, will not know how to find them? All it's going to do is shift revenue away from gun shops that are legally selling such weapons to illegal dark web sales. There will be no accountability because there will be no paper trails on where there weapons came from, although likely they will come from China and Russia via the international illicit arms trade. What do you guys think these biker gangs do for a living? Ride their bikes all day, get tattoos, shoot pool and bask in the sunshine? Give me a break. You are going to make the wrong people rich, while doing zero to stop mass killings.

I predict that of the school mass killings going forward after an assault weapon ban, 75% will be from illegally purchased assault weapons, and the other 25% will be from home made bombs and other explosive devices.
Did you ever ask yourself the question why is this happening only in the US.
Yes there are rare cases in other countries but nothing like the US.
It is precisely because nobody wants to do anything to stop the sale of assault rifles put laws in place to make it difficult or impossible to legally own any, instead they come up with all these useless arguments about dark web, motorcycle gangs and god knows what else.
What is worse is you have all these chicken shit politicians that can’t agree on anything and don’t want their $$$ contributions to stop on top of that you have this ingrained love of firearms by the people themselves that I will never understand.
You really should stop watching movies, Rambo, motorcycle gangs, dark web lol. they have chapters of the Hells angels all over the world and the dark web is available from anywhere in the world yet the killings and mass shootings are overwhelmingly in the US.
The real answer is that 50% of all fire arms in the hands of private citizens in the world is in the US and no laws to prevent it. it is not that the US has more lunatics per capita.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I can’t believe some of the recommendations
Arming teachers, really.
Your 25 year old elementary teacher will be hiding an assault rifle under her desk and a handgun in her purse, what a fucking wonderful situation and a great way to ease parents into letting their kids attend school, that should be so comforting to them and make them feel their children are safe.
How about school bus drivers perhaps they should have a machine gun side attachment on the bus it can deter all lunatics and drivers that don’t stop while kids are getting on and off.
Yes that is what the US needs every citizen walking around armed to the teeth that should put a stop to all gun violence, and we can of course escalate this if assault rifles are not enough deterrent then everyone can be issued heavier artillery and an armoured vehicle to ride around in.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
MONTRÉAL.....encore ce matin des coups de feu/RIV. DES PRIARIES.....le problème majeur/préoccupation ici est celui des GANGS DE RUES et la facilité déconcertante qu'ils ont d'obtenir leurs armes illégales/pièces via nos frontières qui sont des avec la prolifération des armes chez nos voisins....c'est un jeu d' n'en verrons hélas pas la fin..... et internet qui leur montre comment les le fun que d'être au collè les bonnes intentions/législation du gouv. n'y changeront absolument rien.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
That logic should work with national security right? Just ban all guns and the president will have unarmed secret service agents. Hmm? And also unarmed LE officer? Just ban all guns. That will work. Real smart!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
That logic should work with national security right? Just ban all guns and the president will have unarmed secret service agents. Hmm? And also unarmed LE officer? Just ban all guns. That will work. Real smart!
I was never saying law in forcement and the secret service shouldn’t be armed, they should be, they should be given every possible tool to protect the population and that includes the President even when he is an incompetent senile old fool.
Assault rifles in the hands of private citizens, law abiding, lunatic or Rambo types no.
For now even armed trained law enforcement officers at schools, malls, sports events wherever it is necessary unfortunately the cost of this will be unbearable. This is necessary until they can eliminate the sale of assault rifles and firearms and somehow be able to buy back the ones that are already out there.
This will probably not work in the short term or for decades but you need to start somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I agree partially and not exactly for the reasons you stated. I believe every citizen should have the right to defend themselves and not be at the mercy of police. Having said that having an automatic rifle goes far beyond self-defense, this is a weapon to kill many quickly. A citizen just needs a handgun or a shotgun for self-defense. So for that it seems silly to make automatic rifles or any other type of automatic firearm available to the public but a handgun yes should be available and a person should have the right to carry one. Of course yearly psychological tests got to be mandatory and so are criminal background checks. Oh yess I am sure the criminals will surrender their firearms. Got to get to the root of the problem. Unfortunately the security is necessary in the US. In Israel every citizen must do military service and everyone has indirect access to a gun. Guns are part of their life. Unfortunately due to the constant threat of terrorist attacks this is necessary just as armed guards are in the US and also the right to bear arms in the US.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Personally I think the government's crusade against weapons is a waste of time and money. Our existing gun regulations are already pretty strict. It's no where as easy to own a gun like the US plus you can't just casually transport weapons whereever you like.

The real problem is not existing gun owners but illegal gun usage.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Personally I think the government's crusade against weapons is a waste of time and money. Our existing gun regulations are already pretty strict. It's no where was easy to own a gun like the US plus you can't just casually transport weapons whereever you like.

The real problem is not existing gun owners but illegal gun usage.
You nailed it right on. But the Liberals politically hijacked this issue to push their leftist agenda. Very insulting to law abiding gun owners. In Canada they must go through many tests, and it is very restrictive to own a handgun in Canada. Instead the LIberals got softer on sentences on criminals.
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