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Weapons in USA


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Personally I think the government's crusade against weapons is a waste of time and money. Our existing gun regulations are already pretty strict. It's no where was easy to own a gun like the US plus you can't just casually transport weapons whereever you like.

The real problem is not existing gun owners but illegal gun usage.
The real problem is the question of psychological mechanism behind the desire to kill as many innocent people as possible. Not as a political statement or out of racial hatred or similar which whereas not forgivable but at least is understandable and has historical precedents. From where the desire to kill dozens of 10 year old can come from? This kind of a crime was unherd off say 40-50 years ago with the same availability of guns as now


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Implied but not stated in many of the posts here is that an assault weapon ban will actually work and eliminate these random school shootings. In reality, all it will do is create a surmountable obstacle. These weapons will still be obtainable on the dark web. They already are. And you guys naively believe that some of these incel types, who spend most of their days on the Dark Web, will not know how to find them? All it's going to do is shift revenue away from gun shops that are legally selling such weapons to illegal dark web sales. There will be no accountability because there will be no paper trails on where there weapons came from, although likely they will come from China and Russia via the international illicit arms trade. What do you guys think these biker gangs do for a living? Ride their bikes all day, get tattoos, shoot pool and bask in the sunshine? Give me a break. You are going to make the wrong people rich, while doing zero to stop mass killings.
Okay, but biker gangs are more like organized crime and have connections, etc. We're not talking about that nor are we talking about terrorists that are organized in groups and have great sums of money to buy weapons in bulk. We're talking more about the disgruntled student that has no friends and limited funds/power that wants to hurt society by shooting up a school.

It's not like the Dark Web isn't monitored by the LE either, nor is it easy to navigate. There's risk involved, and probably weapons would be more expensive as well (especially if assault weapons were to be banned in the US).

I don't see your point at all. It's like you're saying we can't fully stop the problem 100%, so we should just give up altogether and make weapons accessible legally everywhere.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Si les Pères fondateurs avaient eu une boule de cristal ou une vision de leur pays à très très long voir le GÂCHIS qui en résulte.....pas certain qu'ils l'auraient rédigé de la même façon... ;) ...oui nous sommes en 2022 et il serait grandement temps de
dépoussiérer cet amendement...MAIS cela exige une VOLONTÉ politique de vouloir changer les choses....ce que les couillons et profiteurs/parasites du Congrès n'ont pas.


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Apr 9, 2019
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Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
And the saga continues.
Now a shooting in a Tulsa hospital three dead with multiple people injured.
Beat me to it. The updated victim count is now 4.

Sometimes, it's worth looking at the enablers of all this tragedy. Republicans (voters and representatives) are doing the requisite song and dance and crocodile tears right now, but that's about it. To them, the tragedies are just the bearable cost of being able to own a gun. Everywhere else where gun tragedies have happened, the larger society has decided or at least accepted that limiting guns or the type of guns in civilian hands is a worthy price to pay for avoiding senseless mass shootings, everywhere but America. You can tell Republicans see the mass shootings as the cost of doing business because some of them are freaking out about the gun ban proposed in Canada.

(And before anyone heads off with "if we ban guns, then only criminals will have guns" did we take rape laws, DUI laws or murder laws off the statutes because people commit those crimes anyway?)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Beat me to it. The updated victim count is now 4.

Sometimes, it's worth looking at the enablers of all this tragedy. Republicans (voters and representatives) are doing the requisite song and dance and crocodile tears right now, but that's about it. To them, the tragedies are just the bearable cost of being able to own a gun. Everywhere else where gun tragedies have happened, the larger society has decided or at least accepted that limiting guns or the type of guns in civilian hands is a worthy price to pay for avoiding senseless mass shootings, everywhere but America. You can tell Republicans see the mass shootings as the cost of doing business because some of them are freaking out about the gun ban proposed in Canada.

(And before anyone heads off with "if we ban guns, then only criminals will have guns" did we take rape laws, DUI laws or murder laws off the statutes because people commit those crimes anyway?)
And the Liberals have politically hijacked this issue to make an illusion of doing something when in reality not much will change. This law will only punish law abiding gun owners. The problem is it is too easy to obtain guns illegally. That is where they should be working on plus mental dysfunction. Instead of sending millions to foreign countries and bringing in thousands of asylum seekers daily, the money should be spent on mental health services. Btw your last statement is ridiculous. Seriously? Are you comparing rape to guns? WOW! I am speechless. Not even going to explain how out of proportion that statement is. Like I always said leftism is a disease.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
As far as I m concerned I don’t make a distinction when it comes to Democrats or Republicans.
They all had their time in power and did fuck all and allowed it to get to this stage.
All they do is squabble amongst each other and point the finger and do more to divide the country they don’t work for the people anymore.
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Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Fradi, you have to make a distinction because the devil is always in the details.

For example, even if there's a Democratic majority in the House that passes a "modest" (as in it doesn't particularly address a factor in a mass shooting) gun control bill, the nature of the Senate filibuster essentially dooms the bill unless Republicans get on board.

I point the finger at Republicans getting on board because they're the veto party objecting to legislation that is only controversial here in America. Back when the Newtown shooting happened, there was a proposal to reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban and banning high capacity magazines. But neither those proposals nor slightly tightening background checks went anywhere. Even though Democrats had a majority in the Senate, it wasn't a filibuster-proof majority so they still needed Republican support.

As it stands right now, the NRA-ILA website explicitly states that they oppose "expanding firearm background check systems, because background checks don't stop criminals from getting firearms." And as I'm sure you know, Republicans in office are beholden to the NRA. (If you research Congressional representatives that receive funding from gun rights groups, Republicans dominate the list). It was NRA lobbying that killed the previously mentioned proposals.

Example 2: when the Parkland school shooting took place, Trump called for several gun control measures on live TV. He reversed course and failed to legislatively follow up on his proposals because he met with NRA officials one day after his TV comments. To credit him ever so slightly, Trump privately pushed for gun control measures again after two consecutive mass shootings in 2019 but acquiesced because his aides told him doing something to curb assault weapons would hand him an electoral loss.

So while gun-friendly Democrats do exist, they're not the primary roadblock to reforming our gun crisis.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Those who think there is a difference between Democrats and Republicans best wake up because there is none. It is about authoritarianism vs libertarianism. The Liberals want to ban guns, play identity politics, use wokeness to manipulate, force covid mandates and masks. But the Conservatives are no better. Then want illegal drugs, illegal abortions, illegal prostitution. They both jack up taxes and spend tax payers money and send it to foreign countries. The rich politicians have wars for their own personal gain like the Russia-Ukraine war while making the citizens pay and suffer for their need for power and greed.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
This is a perfect example of what I been saying for a long time. Someone compared rape laws to guns which is complete idiotic statement. This confirms why I say the right to bear arms should be a right. In this instance the woman was able to defend herself and saved others from what could have been a very bad situation if the Liberals had it their way with their gun ban.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I don't agree.

According to you, those who shoot and kill innocent victims had the right.
Let’s not mix the two, the right to bear arms doesn’t mean the right to kill innocent victims.
People will unfortunately always kill each other no matter what, they were doing it way before guns were invented.
The debate should be on controlling the the type of guns, for starters assault rifles should not be in the hands of any citizen and there should be laws to prevent this and a way to buy them back on top of background checks and age restrictions. Don’t make it so easy for someone to be able to kill a hundred people in a couple of minutes.
Even if all these things are implemented it will take a long time to see positive results.
The responsibility lies with both political parties as all those millions of guns out there didn’t happen just under the Republicans watch.
The other issue is Americans themselves and their values, I have never seen a country and people so enamoured of firearms and so protective of their right to own them, it doesn’t make a politicians job easy, and has never made sense to me.
Perhaps this new generation growing up will have more brains and finally get fed up of all this useless loss of innocent lives and force politicians in a direction where they will have no choice but to listen and accommodate if they want to stay in power.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Like I always said leftism is a disease.
Leftism is not a disease.

On the other hand, those who are on the far right, like Kim Jong-un, Vladimir Putin, Alexander Lukashenko, Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, Mohammed bin Salman, Bashar al-Assad, are not models, and those who are really sick in their heads.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Leftism is not a disease.

On the other hand, those who are on the far right, like Kim Jong-un, Vladimir Putin, Alexander Lukashenko, Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, Mohammed bin Salman, Bashar al-Assad, are not models, and those who are really sick in their heads.
I see the emotional reaction, see you post stuff based on emotions not on facts. To you it is always about left vs right. Leftism is definitely a disease. See how they use wokeness to manipulate the population. Btw Kin Jong-un and Vladimir Putin are all far left. Communists. Writing Trump in your list is ridiculous, Trump is nothing compared to the likes of Putin or Jong-un or Castro. Trudeau is a lover of Communism. Trudeau is banning the sale of handguns but that will do nothing. This only proves that the government is lost and they put rules just to show they are doing something to look good to the public. Prohibition really stopped heroin and fetanyl use. Heroin and fetanyl use has went up these last few years. Before legal marijuana a lot of young people were still smoking it (all bought from the blackmarket). A blackmarket will always exist where there is too much government restrictions and over taxation.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Let’s not mix the two, the right to bear arms doesn’t mean the right to kill innocent victims.
People will unfortunately always kill each other no matter what, they were doing it way before guns were invented.
The debate should be on controlling the the type of guns, for starters assault rifles should not be in the hands of any citizen and there should be laws to prevent this and a way to buy them back on top of background checks and age restrictions. Don’t make it so easy for someone to be able to kill a hundred people in a couple of minutes.
Even if all these things are implemented it will take a long time to see positive results.
The responsibility lies with both political parties as all those millions of guns out there didn’t happen just under the Republicans watch.
The other issue is Americans themselves and their values, I have never seen a country and people so enamoured of firearms and so protective of their right to own them, it doesn’t make a politicians job easy, and has never made sense to me.
Perhaps this new generation growing up will have more brains and finally get fed up of all this useless loss of innocent lives and force politicians in a direction where they will have no choice but to listen and accommodate if they want to stay in power.
I agree,

Okay, people who die in America never wanted to die that way. And all the collateral issues.

Imagine yourself in Texas, going to church with your gun, just in case. This is insane.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I see the emotional reaction, see you post stuff based on emotions not on facts. To you it is always about left vs right. Leftism is definitely a disease. See how they use wokeness to manipulate the population. Btw Kin Jong-un and Vladimir Putin are all far left. Communists. Writing Trump in your list is ridiculous, Trump is nothing compared to the likes of Putin or Jong-un or Castro. Trudeau is a lover of Communism. Trudeau is banning the sale of handguns but that will do nothing. This only proves that the government is lost and they put rules just to show they are doing something to look good to the public. Prohibition really stopped heroin and fetanyl use. Heroin and fetanyl use has went up these last few years. Before legal marijuana a lot of young people were still smoking it (all bought from the blackmarket). A blackmarket will always exist where there is too much government restrictions and over taxation.
It's impossible to speak with you. Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin are all far left but dictators?
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