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Weapons in USA


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It's impossible to speak with you. Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin are all far left but dictators?
North Korea is a communist regime making it far-left. Educate yourself. And Russia was communist but since Putin took over I would not say it is either, it is more a Kleptocracy. Nazi Germany was far-right and was was Mussolini. Fidel Castro was far-left and so is Venezuela. You see how you always make it about left vs right when in reality it was always about authoritarianism vs libertarianism. But you have proven to support authoritarianism only when it is within the left Liberal agenda (forced masks, vaccines passports, lockdowns). My moto is on the side of freedom and liberty. I do not side with left or right.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Imagine yourself in Texas, going to church with your gun, just in case. This is insane.
The US has always had the most murders by guns in the world that is nothing new but before the majority was criminals killing each other which hasn’t stopped and that will never be stopped because they will always get access to illegal guns regardless of laws.
Unfortunately social media and all the hate propaganda associated with it plus the addition of assault rifles has made it so easy for any lunatic to go on a killing spree.
I also believe that the break down of traditional family values where parents or at least the mother spent a lot of time at home nurturing their children in the past has a lot to do with it.
In most cases now if you want a half decent lifestyle both parents have to work and the children spend their time in daycare with nannies or alone a lot and neither the daycare or nannies will provide the same care and most of them are paid minimum wage or barely over.
They don’t get the right care, some come from broken homes, are often bullied in school then shunned by women ( most mass murderers are young males) and end up turning violent and an easily available assault rifle is the method of payback. They are not interested in living anymore and go on a suicide mission but want to leave a reminder.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
The real problem is in the USA.

Why do Americans still believe in Amendment 2 of 1776? We are in 2022.
Who can affirm today what was in the minds of the Founders when they wrote this amendment ?
I heard that in 1791, there was no real Americam Army and defending the new country relied on citizens "milice".
In 2022, as far as I know, USA has an Army to do that.
Except in movies where Alliens are too strong for regular Army !


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Imagine yourself in Texas, going to church with your gun, just in case. This is insane.
It was not "insane" to the church attendees in this case:

The same weekend that Orthodox Jews in Monsey, N.Y., were fighting off another knife-wielding anti-Semite thug with chairs and coffee tables — they were fortunate that the perpetrator hadn’t brought a firearm, like the killer who targeted a yeshiva in Jersey City only a few weeks earlier — Jack Wilson, a 71-year-old congregant and security volunteer at West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Texas, took mere seconds to stop a potential mass murderer.

Earlier in the year, to the dismay of the usual suspects, Texas governor Greg Abbott had signed a bill making it explicitly legal for Texans with concealed-carry licenses to bring their weapons into places of worship. These kinds of protections allowed Wilson to achieve something that no gun laws now being pursued nationally by Democrats has ever accomplished: He stopped a mass shooter. My guess is that Wilson, a former deputy sheriff, is the kind of guy who probably wouldn’t have broken the law and carried a firearm into church had it been illegal to do so. The killer, on the other hand, I’m wholly certain, would have been undeterred by any laws.

Yet allowing people who pass ongoing criminal-background checks and take state-mandated training courses to bring their guns to a church or a school is a move that generates tremendous hostility among gun-control advocates. We must “do something” about gun violence, but we’ve learned that, in the liberal vernacular, that’s nothing more than a euphemism for “do something to inhibit law-abiding citizens from owning guns.”

Even when Abbott signed the law that clarified the right of people to enter churches with concealed firearms unless otherwise prohibited, it was framed as something nefarious by the media. “Texas loosens firearm laws hours after the state’s latest mass shooting left five dead,” one CNN piece noted after the Walmart shooting in El Paso in September, as if clarifying the constitutional right to protect oneself from bigoted killers is somehow helping the bigoted killers.

Democratic-party front-runner Joe Biden called the Texas law “irrational.” Now, if you don’t even believe that trained and licensed safety-conscious Americans should be allowed to protect themselves, their community, and their family in a place of worship, then you’re not a moderate, you just don’t believe in the Second Amendment or the right to self-defense — what John Adams, quoting Blackstone, referred to as “the primary canon in the law of nature.”

There is, of course, no panacea for the problem of deranged people shooting up churches and schools. The argument, however, that guns rarely stop these events is highly misleading when one considers that most high-profile mass shootings happen in gun-free zones, and concealed carriers are some of the most law-abiding citizens in the country. It is also impossible to quantify how often the presence of good guys with guns dissuades murders. Shooters prefer soft targets.

We also know that while having a gun in the hands of a citizen may not stop most murderers, it can sometimes mitigate the damage they inflict. Two incidents come to mind: the shooting at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Spring, Texas, where Stephen Willeford grabbed his AR-15 and shot the mass killer before he could do more damage, and the case of Jeanne Assam, a congregant security volunteer at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, who in 2007 dropped a murderer who had already killed four people in two churches...


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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It has been repeated here that a ban on assault weapons will only affect the honest, law abiding gun owners. Do such people need such weapons for hunting or self defence against criminals? The Second
Amendment was for militias (not individuals) to protect themselves against tyranny. The only possible threat of tyranny would be from the US government itself. No foreign entity will be able to invade the US in the foreseeable future. Should private citizens have them to defend themselves against the police, FBI and US Army? Even if they had assault weapons, while they might kill a few in authority, they have no chance against the full force of the US government. If private citizens should be equipped to take on the government, then why not allow what would be actually necessary: tanks and rockets?

Secondly, where do assault weapons come from? Virtually all such weapons found in Canada, Mexico and the US were manufactured in the USA (the foremost arms manufacturer in the world), not Russia or China. If there was a buyback of existing weapons and gun manufacturers could only sell to government authorities, there would be far fewer on the streets.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
233 mass shooting---4 deaths plus---since January 1/first......nonsense nonsense nonsense....ou cela va t-il s'arrêter ?????...indigne de la plus grande démocratie au pendant ce temps les élus avec leurs mains baignant dans le sang continuent de recevoir des millions et des ferment les yeux sur des drames inhumains...shame shame shame.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Now,...What kind of BONEHEAD law is this ???

You can't buy alcohol when you're 18
You can't buy a handgun when you're 18
You CAN buy an assault rifle when you're 18

WTF...Name that state ??? Maybe you can win an assault rifle ...


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Bidet just made a big speech that he wants to raise the age to 21 that should solve everything, increase background checks but he knows an outright ban on assault rifles won’t make it so he won’t even try.
Typical half assed measures that will do absolutely nothing.
He will be sending prayers and condolences again within a week.
Seems like it will never end until a new generation grows up with more brains and a bit of guts and the will to put an end to this madness.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Bidet just made a big speech that he wants to raise the age to 21 that should solve everything, increase background checks but he knows an outright ban on assault rifles won’t make it so he won’t even try.
Typical half assed measures that will do absolutely nothing.
He will be sending prayers and condolences again within a week.
Seems like it will never end until a new generation grows up with more brains and a bit of guts and the will to put an end to this madness.
I am almost wishing that children and grandchildren of US Senate Republican senators get shot and killed everyday.
Perhaps their brains will begin to function !
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Blogger Steve Sailer is an expert at finding and analyzing all kinds of interesting data from U.S. government sources and other freely accessible sources. He has a particular interest in data about crime in general and mass shootings and murders in particular.

Here's a link to his column from May 27 with some highlights. I think this is one of his most insightful observations: Lots of Democrats are talking right now about “common sense gun control,” but they tend not to be trusted because of their tendency to use each incremental change as a launching pad for another one, with the ultimate goal of shutting down all legal hunting and gun culture in the U.S. For example, in 2013-15, the liberal establishment moved with incredible rapidity from winning on gay marriage to encouraging your moody daughter to have herself poisoned, mutilated, and sterilized in the name of transgenderism.

Other than Michael Bloomberg, the Democrats view gun control as:

– We must block small town white men from legally buying scary-looking rifles.

– We must block cops from stopping and searching big city black men carrying illegal handguns.

Bloomberg favored both point-of-sale and point-of-use gun control. From NPR on Bloomberg’s 2015 question-and-answer session in Aspen:

“95% of your murders and murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take the description and Xerox it and pass it out to all the cops. They are male minorities 15 to 25.”
He continues: “That’s true in New York. That’s true in virtually every city in America. And that’s where the real crime is. You’ve got to get the guns out of the hands of the people that are getting killed.”
Bloomberg’s idea of a solution? Flooding minority neighborhoods with law enforcement.
“People say, ‘Oh my God, you are arresting kids for marijuana who are all minorities.’ Yes, that’s true. Why? Because we put all the cops in the minority neighborhoods. Yes, that’s true. Why’d we do it? Because that’s where all the crime is. And the way you should get the guns out of the kids’ hands is throw them against the wall and frisk them,” Bloomberg says...

Keeping in mind Sailer’s Law of Mass Shootings, let’s try to walk through the different types of shootings in reverse order of how much space they take up in the brains of media consumers:

– Total murders: According to FBI statistics, in 2020 92% of gun murders in which the gun type is known were committed with a handgun. Also, according to FBI statistics, 56.5% of all known murder offenders (gun and non-gun) in 2020 were black. The percentage of known gun murderers was likely higher, and, judging from the lower clearance rates in black neighborhoods, the percentage of all gun murderers, known and unknown, who were was likely up around 5/8ths.

– Total mass shootings: The US is averaging about a dozen mass shootings per week in which four or more victims are killed and/or wounded. Almost certainly, a large majority of these Saturday Night in South-Central mass shootings are carried out with hand guns.

– Mediagenic mass killing shootings: Leftist Mother Jones magazine keeps a carefully curated “I Know It When I See It” list of mass shootings with only 128 over the last 40 years using criteria such as 3 dead (before 2012, 4 dead), not gang or crime related, not domestics, and the killer is identified. They cover virtually all the famous mass shootings. In their database, half of these celebrated mass shootings were carried out only with handguns. In a fraction of the other half, shooters carried handguns as well as long guns.

Long guns aren’t useful for the typical Saturday Night in South-Central mass wounding shooting, because the shooter/s intend to get away. Carrying a long gun into the scene of your crime is likely to cause passerby witnesses to notice your face — “Hey, that 6’3″ guy with the scar on his left cheek is carrying a rifle!” So a concealed handgun is preferable.

On the other hand, mass killing shooters have typically made up their mind ahead of time that they aren’t ever coming home. They intend to hang around to finish off the wounded, then be killed or arrested. They want everybody to know their names. So, a long gun isn’t a problem to them. (Fortunately, there aren’t many of them.)...

...Any conceivable type of gun control, even Australian-style mass confiscation, would likely leave tens of millions of guns and could generate a huge black market. If you’ve been planning for a long time to die or go to prison forever for your carefully plotted mass killing shooting, how much of a deterrence would it be to have to get a gun on the black market? I don’t know.

What about waiting periods for legal gun purchases? Some states have them, others don’t.

For example, the crazy man who shot Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and a lot of other people (which was blamed, wholly wrongly. on Sarah Palin) bought the guns he used on a Walmart on the way to his crime. I call this, from The Onion, a No-I-Won’t-Be-Needing-A-Bag-For-My-Gun-Purchase shooter. Are there many of them? Somebody could go through the Mother Jones list and check.

Offhand, my guess would be that more domestic murders are facilitated by a spur of the moment gun purchase. Domestic murders are bad, too, but they don’t get much publicity.

Lots of Democrats are talking right now about “common sense gun control,” but they tend not to be trusted because of their tendency to use each incremental change as a launching pad for another one, with the ultimate goal of shutting down all legal hunting and gun culture in the U.S. For example, in 2013-15, the liberal establishment moved with incredible rapidity from winning on gay marriage to encouraging your moody daughter to have herself poisoned, mutilated, and sterilized in the name of transgenderism.

My impression from this is that handguns are somewhat substitutable for long guns in the sick minds of mass killing shooters.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I am almost wishing that children and grandchildren of US Senate Republican senators get shot and killed everyday.
Perhaps their brains will begin to function !
This is not just Republicans,, Democrats have had their fair share of being in power to me they are all the same scumbags the lot of them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Why Republicans Won’t Budge on Guns.

Polls show that the overwhelming majority of Americans support some restrictions on firearms, but G.O.P. lawmakers fear they would pay a steep political price for embracing them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Since the Uvalde massacre, there have been 20 mass shootings in the USA.
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Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Sene5hos, I just read that there was a church shooting in Iowa. Shooter killed two before killing himself. The mass casualty incidents always get sufficient coverage but incidents like these smaller ones (nonetheless horrible) get less coverage despite being even more common than the likes of the Buffalo and Uvalde shootings. We'll do it all over again this weekend.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Yes there are bad apples in all parties, but much more among the Republicans.
No all of these apples are rotten to the core.
They all had their chance to do something meaningful when they were in power, all they do is squabble amongst each other and try to figure out what it will take to remain in power and how to get rich off the backs of the voters.
Politicians are the lowest form of scum.

Perfect recent examples Trump, Pence, Cruz, Bidet, Hilary, Clinton, Pelosi, a more disgusting bunch of human beings would be hard to find.
Name one of these that give a shit about the ordinary citizen and not about their thirst for power money and fame.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
No all of these apples are rotten to the core.
They all had their chance to do something meaningful when they were in power, all they do is squabble amongst each other and try to figure out what it will take to remain in power and how to get rich off the backs of the voters.
Politicians are the lowest form of scum.

Perfect recent examples Trump, Pence, Cruz, Bidet, Hilary, Clinton, Pelosi, a more disgusting bunch of human beings would be hard to find.
Name one of these that give a shit about the ordinary citizen and not about their thirst for power money and fame.
It is not necessary for politicians to have good intentions. Often good intentions lead straight to hell. Capitalism is mostly based on greed, and still works. I do not care what politicians proclaim and believe in as soon as their policy works for the country economy and stability
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It is not necessary for politicians to have good intentions. Often good intentions lead straight to hell. Capitalism is mostly based on greed, and still works. I do not care what politicians proclaim and believe in as soon as their policy works for the country economy and stability
Okay is it working?
It would be hard to convince any parent of those dead children wouldn’t it.
The US has never been so divided, prices are skyrocketing, inflation hasn’t been so bad in a long time, crime and the murder rate is increasing there are multiple mass shootings every week, there is chaos at the borders. The US still has this ridiculous 24 hr antigen test requirement for air passengers, again they are way behind every country, they have one of the worst Covid records and yet they are the ones putting this ridiculous requirement, if it would be to leave the country maybe I would understand.
This is all because politicians don’t work for the people anything Democrats want is an automatic no for Republicans and the reverse when Republicans are in power, the people be damned they don’t count.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Okay is it working?
It would be hard to convince any parent of those dead children wouldn’t it.
The US has never been so divided, prices are skyrocketing, inflation hasn’t been so bad in a long time, crime and the murder rate is increasing there are multiple mass shootings every week, there is chaos at the borders. The US still has this ridiculous 24 hr antigen test requirement for air passengers, again they are way behind every country, they have one of the worst Covid records and yet they are the ones putting this ridiculous requirement, if it would be to leave the country maybe I would understand.
This is all because politicians don’t work for the people anything Democrats want is an automatic no for Republicans and the reverse when Republicans are in power, the people be damned they don’t count.
I agree that the current democratic administration does not demonstrate efficient economic policy. But not because they don’t want to “help ordinary people”, as they may claim they do. They simply have the wrong understanding how to do it
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Perfect recent examples Trump, Pence, Cruz, Bidet, Hilary, Clinton, Pelosi,
You're really biased, you say you don't like all politicians and you compare Republicans to Democrats.

I would add that a few Republicans: De Santis, Abbott, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Josh Hawley, Rand Paul, etc...

I'm not biased, I don't like Republicans.
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