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What are you grateful for today?


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
I am grateful that, at 44 years old, I do not rely on Viagra. I am also thankful for the positive changes I have made in my life, including overcoming drug and alcohol addiction, as well as distancing myself from clubbing and nightlife. Most importantly, I am grateful for removing toxic and unhealthy individuals from my life. These changes have contributed to my personal growth and development. While I acknowledge that I am not perfect, I strive to improve myself every day.


Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
I am grateful that, at 44 years old, I do not rely on Viagra. I am also thankful for the positive changes I have made in my life, including overcoming drug and alcohol addiction, as well as distancing myself from clubbing and nightlife. Most importantly, I am grateful for removing toxic and unhealthy individuals from my life. These changes have contributed to my personal growth and development. While I acknowledge that I am not perfect, I strive to improve myself every day.
good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Today I am grateful
-for my kids and how amazing they are.
-my relationship -he keeps me going and is always uplifting me.
-even though I have had a few bad expieriences, the majority of those I have met enrich my life in this line of business.
-the friends I have been making online.

There are more,but need to leave some to mention tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
I’m about to prepare my camper to receive my special guest during the day tomorrow. I suggested to have mimosas to celebrate the moment. She told me it’s her favorite drink.

So we’ll have a toast
- For my vacations being kicked off
- For her Mexican camping initiation
- For this fantastic summer we have so far
- For the fantastic sex we’re having too
- For this tremendous chemistry we have together.

I think she’s awesome and I let her know through my writings and presences
All I want is to please her, she knows it, it’s touching her and she responses to me so well.

I think it will also be fun and exciting to get away some moments from relatives and tourists who will be too busy having fun in water under the sun. I’ll resume with them with a certain smile.

Great times leaves great memories
So I’m simply grateful to life
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
This morning I am thankful for:
-a bright day ahead,
-new possibilities.
-requests from callbacks,
-having a handful of really good friends
-that I am on a healing path.
-that I get to be an indy, and pick who I want to see, and make my own schedule.
-that when the heat waves aren't so harsh, I can start to get ahead once again.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2008
Grateful for feeling rested

Grateful for band practice and recording tonight

Grateful for pay day

Grateful for steak dinner last night

Grateful I found a vape in my gym bag, while I wait for my package in the mail lol

Grateful for family, friends and you.


Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
I'm grateful that I'm still alive and things aren't as painful as they were last year, even if it still hurts.
I'm grateful for getting clients I really get along with and have chemistry with.
I panicked this morning and I thought my refrigerator was broken but it's fine, very grateful for that because a broken fridge is a really shitty problem to deal with.
I'm grateful that someone is coming to help me organize my place this weekend.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2018
Merci luna d'avoir parti ce thread
Merci à la vie d'être en santé
Je suis heureux d'être en vacance
Je me repose et fais les activités que j'aime
L'été c'est merveilleux j'en profite au maximum
Quel plaisir de pouvoir se réunir souvent avec les gens qu'on aime
Faire encore plein de sport qui me passionne
Me baigner a la plage à la piscine peut importe quel plaisir de se rafraîchir quand il fait chaud
Regarder nos charmantes demoiselles en tenue d'été jamais je serai lassé
Faire une sieste dans mon hamac quel bonheur
Se promener à vélo sans trafic ni cône orange dans nos belles pistes cyclables
M'évader en motomarine ou kayak vivement les plaisirs nautiques
Aller jammer au tam tam le dimanche quel défoulement se prendre pour un musicien
Un bon barbecue c'est toujours plaisant
Je vous souhaite un bel été et cultiver la gratitude c'est important.


Jun 4, 2024
This morning I am thankful that the pinched nerve in my neck is finally getting better. I hadn't had more than 3 hours of sleep in close to two weeks. So am very thankful I got 7 hours of sleep last night!
I am thankful that I have grown as a person. I used to let my anxiety turn into frustration and anger. I have learned to not let the things I can't control dictate how I act.
I am thankful for my upcoming vacation to the Dominican Republic. Palm trees, beach naps, and mixed drinks coming soon.
I love animals and have always had cats. I am thankful my older cat is still healthy. She is 17 and had got really sick a couple years ago. I thought she wouldn't make then but she bounced right back.
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