Classy Angel
Montreal Escorts

What do you hate the most?

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
anon_vlad said:
I got a call from a patronizing parasite from the Quebec revenue dept chastising me for not having filed on time. I wondered: "Why do you even exist?"

The Quebec govt could abolish the Quebec income tax form and simply request that the Feds collect for them, as is done in most other provinces. Not only could they redirect the $100 million+++ now spent maintaining an income tax collection agency to health care, education, road repair etc., but the time spent by Quebecers collecting a second set of receipts, filling the forms etc. constitutes, without exaggeration, a $billion loss of productivity.

Aside from pride, can anyone offer a raison d'être for Revenu Quebec?

A friend was explaining to me that the same logic was applied when the other provinces joined together to standardize blood-donation work under the Canadian Blood Services. Quebec decided to set up its separate system.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Another Reason

anon_vlad said:
Aside from pride, can anyone offer a raison d'être for Revenu Quebec?

Another reason. Makes it twice as hard to cheat on taxes. Two sets of auditors,nuances in the rules - provincial tax credits in Quebec are different,with no federal equivalents.

Likewise with the GST at both levels. The more tax reports that an individual or an enterprise has to file the harder it is to cheat successfully. Business GST is cross referenced against business income tax.

Whether there is a net gain or a net loss is another issue.
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Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
right -- and more chances for the auditors to make mistakes and think you are cheating when you aren't....

It drives me nuts to know that we are wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on this crap... Some guy called me last year and told me that they reviewed my 2003 taxes and I owe $71. How much did it cost the QC gov't to figure out that I owe them $71? A lot more than $71....




New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Challenge Them

Ben Dover said:
right -- and more chances for the auditors to make mistakes and think you are cheating when you aren't....

It drives me nuts to know that we are wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on this crap... Some guy called me last year and told me that they reviewed my 2003 taxes and I owe $71. How much did it cost the QC gov't to figure out that I owe them $71? A lot more than $71....



Had a similar experience in 1991. Province claimed $132.00 plus interest and penalties.Challenged the assessment,went to court with them, did my own filings and acted as my own attorney.Pulled all the legal lawyer BS that I could get away - they ask for supporting documents, submit them in disjointed order,etc.About 10 months in they gave up and agreed that my original tax filings were in order.

Would not recommend doing this if you have to hire lawyers,accountants and tax experts unless the claim justifies it. Also I am now on their shit list so every three to four years they audit.
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