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What do you hate the most?


Nov 15, 2005
Voyager said:
Hey, whatever their speed. if they are in front of me it would best for them to move into the right lane!.........
Not only would it be best for them, but this is what the law requires. A lot of people are not aware of that. Of late I have noticed this a lot. I was once behind an idiot on the 417 West who, when I flashed my lights at him, kept pace with the vehicle on the right so I could not pass; the idiot driving the vehicle on the right was busy playing with her cat and was unaware of what was happening. So I switched to the right lane. Finally another car came up behind the moron, so he switched lanes. When I switched lanes to pass him, he swerved to make it look like he was going to cut back in front of me - a really dangerous move.

While on the subject of driving, I was flabbergasted when a co-worker (a car enthusiast) told me that he was unaware that when a vehicle is merging onto the freeway it is the responsibility of both the driver of the vehicle merging and those already on the freeway to ensure that it happens in a safe way. He thought that it was the responsibility only of the merging vehicle, until his daughter, who was taking driving lessons, told him otherwise.

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
hate is great

I hate it when rich urbanities flock to scenic, clean, wholesome countryside destinations, build up sprawling estates and condo developments, big box stores etc.... Then, complain that "things ain't how they used to be around here..."

I hate it when you honk your horn to warn someone that they are about to crash into you and they thank you by giving you the finger, swearing at you and by then trying to (intentionally) run you off the road.

I hate it when a car that's dented on two or more sides is anywhere near me or my car.

I hate it when people in Quebec say "i don't speak english" (in perfect in English) with a stress on the word "DON'T" (not "can't")

I hate when dumb Americans (I am not refering to all Americans, only the dumbass ones) say something like "It's $20 US dollars --- that's like $5million Canadian dollars - EH!!".... yes moron, it's $5million dollars. You're really funny. It's more like $21.50 you retard...

I hate it when the same city of Montreal that can't fix a pothole or build a bridge (that doesn't collapse), or balance a budget, or eliminate corruption, or revitalize the corporate sector, or basically do anything right --- this same bunch of asses has the balls to give me a ticket for having a garbage bag (one bag) in front of my house, on my own lawn, when it's not garbage day!

I hate people that try to be cool. People that are cool don't try to be.

I hate that hate is such a strong word, but yet sometimes it's just not strong enough.

I hate that I have such a long list of things I hate. This is only scratching the surface...


PS: I really hate cats....


Nov 15, 2005
Elizabeth said:
Well... Eventhough I don't understand it, I accept that some people don't like animals... As long as they do not hurt them...
I don't like cats or dogs, but would not hurt them. They are fine as long as they stay away from me. What I hate are pet owners who think it's okay for thier damn pets to jump up and sit on me when I am sitting down. I do not like to have a dog licking my face or a cat scratching me. Why should I have to put up with that ? And why should I be expected to pet their pets?


Mar 28, 2007
I hate it when people let their dogs run loose near busy streets.

As for cats, love 'em. Got two. I'm a big pussy fan.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Daringly said:
I am a big animal lover, have had pets all my life. I cannot stand cruility to animals. If you were walking down St catherines street in montreal and gave a dog or a cat a kick for no reason, you had better hope that i did not just happen to walk out of a sporting goods store where i purchased a baseball bat because i am going to try it out and see if it works:)

My feelings exactly. I love all animals and find that you can learn a great deal about someone by the way they treat animals. I don't mean that I expect everyone to love pets but I do expect them not to injure or treat them poorly. Those who mistreat animals also tend to mistreat people.

And on the pet note...I hate people who do not pick up after their dog. How would they like it if I came over to their home and left a little 'gift' in the middle of their pathway the way many owners leave their dogs mess on the sidewalk?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Roland, I have a client who raises racing Whippets. There's always 4 or 5 of them at the office when I go there. The legs on these animals are incredible! They look like four legged Ben Johnsons.:D They are also the biggest sucks for affection I've ever seen. Often when I'm working on one of their PCs I'll look down to find two or three heads on my lap staring at me until I scratch them behind the ears. Beautiful animals.

The only time a dog made me worry was when a neighbor's Irish Wolfhound came running up to me one morning years ago when I was leaving for work. I wasn't afraid of the dog but he loved attention and always wanted to play. The dog was over 7 feet tall when standing on it's hind legs and loved to put it's front paws on your shoulders to say hello. The thing that made me run to my car and hurry to get in was that it was a spring day and the pooch was covered in mud! I just made it and closed the door of the car but I still opened the window and gave him a scratch before leaving. Now that was a big dog!

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
Techman said:
The dog was over 7 feet tall when standing on it's hind legs and loved to put it's front paws on your shoulders to say hello. The thing that made me run to my car and hurry to get in was that.......

I thought you were going to write that the dog was horny.:D Now there's a scary thought.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
When I had one covered in mud running after me, I almost needed the pooper-scooper for myself! :D Actually they are very gentle dogs and extremely playfull but they have a rough coat like a terrier. Like most large breeds they have a very short lifespan, 6-8 years. The things are really huge, they stand 32-35 inches at the shoulder. Must cost a fortune to feed!

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006

I said I hate cats, but that is not entirely true...

I like how they taste.


PS: I love dogs!


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Ay lek degs but I would hate dogs if, instead of barking, they were to say things like "synthesize vertical bandwidth" or "reintermediate ubiquitous functionalities"...


Nov 15, 2005
Ben Dover said:
I said I hate cats, but that is not entirely true...

I like how they taste.


PS: I love dogs!
I have a problem with humans - too many bones ! :)

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
johnmbot said:
too chewy.

Actually, they are not chewy. They have the texture of beef and the strong taste of venison. Good dog meat is best enjoyed with friends in the winter months and should be accompanied with a strong five-snake wine.


New Member
Dec 12, 2005
Politicians. I hate em all.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Take my money but don't waste my time!

I got a call from a patronizing parasite from the Quebec revenue dept chastising me for not having filed on time. I wondered: "Why do you even exist?"

The Quebec govt could abolish the Quebec income tax form and simply request that the Feds collect for them, as is done in most other provinces. Not only could they redirect the $100 million+++ now spent maintaining an income tax collection agency to health care, education, road repair etc., but the time spent by Quebecers collecting a second set of receipts, filling the forms etc. constitutes, without exaggeration, a $billion loss of productivity.

Aside from pride, can anyone offer a raison d'être for Revenu Quebec?

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
Roland said:
Think your immune to !

Hate dog eating Green Bastards..:mad: ..


Note: This post is only directed at one poster and is not to construed to insult other green people.

What did you expect a Green Bastard to eat? Dried noodles?

Your post makes me think that you are channeling another well-known four-eyed bastard. I bet you hate samsqanches too, don't ya?:D
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