Montreal Escorts

What do you hate the most?


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Following reasons apply in no particular order:

(1) Takes me half the time to write in French.
(2) To stimulate women's participation most of them here being francophones.
(3) I am aware that EE, FHB, Agrippa, JC, yourself, etc understand French.
(4) Troglodytes don't understand French.
(5) Do you mind? :p


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Ziggy Montana said:
Following reasons apply in no particular order:

(1) Takes me half the time to write in French.
(2) To stimulate women's participation most of them here being francophones.
(3) I am aware that EE, FHB, Agrippa, JC, yourself, etc understand French.
(4) Troglodytes don't understand French.
(5) Do you mind? :p


Very interesting.

EagerBeaver, a respected senior poster who does not understand French by your reasoning or definition is a troglodyte.Thank you for confirming that I am not a troglodyte. So effectively you preclude EagerBeaver's imput amongst many others and reduce the chances that those who do not understand French can dispute your posts. Conversely shouldn't your wisdom enlighten as many posters as possible? After all you are not only posting for the benefit of those described in (3) above but for the whole board. Carried to an extreme this may drive readers away from this board and to the other board which based on my understanding of your views about the other board you would not want to happen.

I have a simple view of things. The truth is entitled to the largest audience.

No I don't mind. In a democracy everyone is entitled to make choices that
weaken their position.

Note to EB. Trust you do not mind me using your handle to make a point.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Anyone who feels insulted by what I write can always address his grievances directly to me. I will explain.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Elizabeth said:
EE, Ziggy was joking. :)

And I like it when people post in French. Of course, it's too bad many people here understand only english. But still, it is a nice touch for us, French speaking Québécois(es).

Then he should be able to take a joke as well.

Didn't know cheerleaders were permitted. Trust you get the joke. Bwa ha ha.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007

eastender said:
Carried to an extreme this may drive readers away from this board and to the other board which based on my understanding of your views about the other board you would not want to happen.
Coming from someone who suddenly felt compelled to start threads on the other board because the threads he started here got no or little attention, I think you're being a little cocky here. :D


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
eastender said:
No I don't mind. In a democracy everyone is entitled to make choices that weaken their position.
Commentaire qui implique qu'il y aurait plus de membres et visiteurs unilingues anglophones que de membres et visiteurs allophones et unilingues francophones. Aurait-on l'obligeance de démontrer cette thèse avec documents à l'appui? Montrez-moi s-v-p le relevé statistique sur lequel cette thèse est fondée.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Ziggy Montana said:
Coming from someone who suddenly felt compelled to start threads on the other board because the threads he started here got no or little attention, I think you're being a little cocky here. :D

I start threads where they are relevent. The beauty of democracy is that ideas are free to be accepted or rejected and I am very comfortable with that.Someone who favours the less time/work principle should understand this since with the seminal post I make my point or satisfy my curiosity if few answer. A thread like the Cleopatra thread would require too much work for the return. If the gist of the position cannot be established quickly then it will never be established.

I do not discourage members from posting nor do I try to prevent them from asking or answering questions.No one should fear the truth.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Comment Misinterpreted

Ziggy Montana said:
Commentaire qui implique qu'il y aurait plus de membres et visiteurs unilingues anglophones que de membres et visiteurs allophones et unilingues francophones. Aurait-on l'obligeance de démontrer cette thèse avec documents à l'appui? Montrez-moi s-v-p le relevé statistique sur lequel cette thèse est fondée.

Never made the claim you are attributing to me.

Simply stated that "In a democracy everyone is entitled to make choices that weaken their position."

If someone does not wish to work as hard as another that is their choice.If they weaken their economic position as a result no one has an obligation to help them. In a democratic debate if my opponent comes in unprepared I do not have any obligation to give him extra time, reduce my arguments, make his points for him or help him in any way.If he wishes to be rude and insulting then it is his choice.I have no obligation to provide statistics that would show him that rude and insulting does not work.


Oct 16, 2004
6' under
what was the original ?'n, oh, right... "What do you hate the most?"

not sure. but i'm really starting to hate this fucking thread. :D


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Ziggy Montana said:
Not rationalizing at all, just stating that your threads don't get much attention. :p

Some businesses make many little sales, others make one big sale. All that matters is the profits at the end of the year. Some get many posts others get few. All that matters is how much the cause of truth is advance at the end of the exercise.

Before your time on the boards.Certain posters started making claims about helping youth. I started a thread offering to direct them to youth organizations
looking for volunteers. No one answered. One of my best threads. Why?

I suspected that they were four flushers, bluffing and my point was proved.
Learned the truth about certain posters. Often it is not what people say or do but what they do not say or do not do.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
eastender said:
All that matters is how much the cause of truth is advance at the end of the exercise.
Sorry but, judging from your board performance, I think you're overestimating your contribution to "the truth". A little bit of humility wouldn't be a bad idea.
eastender said:
Before your time on the boards.Certain posters started making claims about helping youth. I started a thread offering to direct them to youth organizations looking for volunteers. No one answered. One of my best threads. Why?
Not judging from the thread you're referring to but your BS detector has shown critical signs of malfunction lately.
eastender said:
I suspected that they were four flushers, bluffing and my point was proved. Learned the truth about certain posters. Often it is not what people say or do but what they do not say or do not do.
Signs of malfunction include, but are not limited to, aporia, subterfuge, apodioxis, accusing your opponent on the basis of his supposed intentions, asking irrelevant questions, distorting statements and taking them out of context, obliquity, the list goes on. None of this contributes to the truth.

If you must have the last word, go ahead. I'm done for tonight...
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C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
Ziggy Montana said:
Signs of malfunction include, but are not limited to, aporia, subterfuge, apodioxis, accusing your opponent on the basis of his supposed intentions, asking irrelevant questions, distorting statements and taking them out of context, obliquity, the list goes on. None of this contributes[.]
I wouldn't have been able to state this so concisely. Thanks Ziggy.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Read Very Carefully

traveller_76 said:

1- as far as I know there is no board rule that threads started in English must contain only English posts;
2- nor that all posts on Merb must pass the 'can EB understand it' test;
3- what makes you think the largest audience is Anglophone? Perhaps that's an oversimplification... Just because most Francophones here can read English doesn't make them English ;)



Your 3 main points were clearly refuted in my posts #326 in this thread but I will add comments as pertaining to your post quoted above.

1.) nor should there be such a rule.
2.) no but then do not expect the posters that cannot understand to contribute,help or support your position.
3.) I don't think the largest audience is Anglophone. Never posted to this effect.


Nov 15, 2005
Ziggy Montana said:
Following reasons apply in no particular order:

(2) To stimulate women's participation most of them here being francophones.

(4) Troglodytes don't understand French.
By the time you have inserted your French post into a long English thread, it is likely that unilingual French speakers have already abandoned the thread, and your post provides them with nothing as it is a French response to an English post which they do not understand.

Your statement that Troglodytes don't understand French does not automatically mean that all non-French speakers are Troglodytes (basic set theory), so I disagree with Eastender's assertion to the contrary.

I hear what Spidey and traveller are saying about bilingualism, and Montreal being a bilingual city. But, we can hardly state that merb is read by Montrealers only. In any case, this thread is not about Montreal.

But, 'nuff said.
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Mod 7

Retired Moderator
Jan 12, 2007
What do I hate the most:

1) Threads like this, totally side-tracked from their initial subject, be it because of IQ, French posts, troglodytes, the other board, the Mods, whatever.
2) Members who are constantly arguing, just for the sake of arguing, not adding anything positive to the discussion. Do I need to name anyone here?

I strongly suggest everyone to stop arguing and get back on the initial subject of the thread. Other high profile threads have suffered from the same problems/posters lately and my suggestion applies to all. A few suspensions may be in order soon.



New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Mod7 - Connecting the dots...

John_Cage said:
I turned around and said "You better fucking stop." and I stopped the damn ball with my hand. To my surprise, the kid said some crap in french and started AGAIN after I turned around. Luckily for him, the bus came to their stop and they got off.
What do I hate the most?
People with inferior minds.
John_Cage said:
Here's suggestion, limit the population by making people take IQ tests to move into our country. Better yet, make the CURRENT population take it, and sent the idiots to the US; they would probably be welcomed.

Based on you description of events, that kid was far from being an idiot: he had you where he wanted (in a position of vulnerability both physically and legally), triggered the expected reaction (your anger) and correctly predicted the outcome (getting away with murder). Street smarts, a form of intelligence that might not score high on IQ tests but works fine in public transportation.
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New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
Roland said:
Why can't they just display a message code or codes , which can be cross referenced in the owners manual ?

Because most people won't RTFM (Read The F'n Manual)!

Now with OnStar, those 99.9% lazy people will push the button and ask, "what's wrong with my car?" and like in the commercial, they'll be told they put the gas cap on wrong!

How many people carry a tool kit with them, just in case...


What do I hate the most?

The idiot in front of me, in the left lane, driving at exactly the speed limit.:mad:



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Voyager said:
What do I hate the most?

The idiot in front of me, in the left lane, driving at exactly the speed limit.:mad:
Which, in Massachusetts, would be 10 MPH below the posted speed limit.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
rumpleforeskiin said:
Which, in Massachusetts, would be 10 MPH below the posted speed limit.

Hey, whatever their speed. if they are in front of me it would best for them to move into the right lane!

On the trip to Montreal it seemed like an awful lot of Vermont drivers like the left lane! It was quite easy, and quite a shock to them, when I blazed past them in the right lane!:D I don't think they were surprised to see the Mass. tags on my car as I went by.

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