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What Helps You Guys Cum LOL?


Active Member
Sep 30, 2022
I can almost only cum when the escorts makes me feel wanted and desired. The exception being some sort of milking type experience.
I feel most wanted and desired by lots of kissing, subtle displays of pleasure, and genuine signs of enjoyment.
Yeah, I think sometimes I don't get this feeling of being wanted and feel disinterested. For every 3 girls I see only 1 gives the things that you mention. Finding them is the tricky part.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
For me to cum and cum hard more than once.....

1) I am in control throughout the session where I am in a dominant leading position
2) I need to ravage where I can express controlled aggression.

That is about it. If the session gives me these two criterias I get to really bust my nut! In a few cases I can only experience 1) as a few girls do not like to experience 2) which is understandable as I give advance notice to the girl to let me know immediately if she does not like something I am doing. But majority of the time the girl wants 2) which at first kind of "scare" me but lol well in this hobby I realize women likes "monsters" given the right conditions and how you treat her.


Nov 14, 2022
Spacing out the number of times I bust a load makes a difference for me. I had seen a provider almost every night in a row and had exceptional performance. But once I took a break for two weeks and went back at it, I was done quick.
I had pretty much given up porn and no longer masturbated, so maybe I still have some remnants of death grip syndrome.
Eating well, sleeping well and exercising definitely helps


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2018
Arrêter le porno est prioritaire.
Ensuite la masturbation au minimum.
Tu dois trouver les meilleurs sensations pour
apprendre à ton corps de ressentir du plaisir en compagnie d'une partenaire.
En vieillissant c'est normal d'avoir de la difficulté d'obtenir un orgasme si tu as abusé des deux points mentionnés plus haut.
L argiinine,l citrulline,maca.ginseng,curcuma sont d'excellents suppléments pour t'aider à retrouver la rigueur de ta jeunesse.
Si tu es jeune et tu as de la difficulté à venir.
Relis les deux premiers points
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